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Uma Payne, Intern, European Division
Timothy St. George, Intern, European Division
Angela Cannon, Reference Specialist, European Division
Created: June 28, 2018
Last Updated: December 4, 2020
This collection of 54 miscellaneous items consists of booklets, flyers, calendars, posters, cards, leaflets, newspapers, and stickers from the 2008 Russian Presidential campaign. The election itself took place on March 2, 2008. Dmitrii Anatol'evich Medvedev won the election and subsequently served as president of the Russian Federation from 2008 through 2012.
Some materials offer biographical narratives of a given party’s candidate, enumerate political platforms, or declaim opponents. Others, issued by smaller parties' candidates, entreat citizens to support their nominations in order to collect the required 2,000,000 signatures to get on the ballot. The collection also includes items from various voter mobilization efforts, as well as from an opposition group contesting the election’s legitimacy.
The materials fill one archival box and must be requested in the European Reading Room (LJ-249). Researchers must follow all directions of the reference staff regarding the handling of ephemeral material. For questions regarding this collection, please contact the European Reading Room Reference Desk at (202)-707-4515.
In addition to the 2008 Presidential Election Ephemera Collection, the Library of Congress also holds a growing collection of pamphlets from various Russian political parties and other Russian election ephemera collections, such as the collection for the 2011-2012 elections which is described in detail in its own research guide. All of these collections are available in the European Reading Room. For descriptions of the collections and a Congressional Research Service report on the 2008 Russian presidential election, see the section below on Related Resources.
Below are related resources from other Library of Congress online content or for books in the collection. The links for books lead to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog.