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African American Women Authors of the Civil War Era: A Resource Guide

Digital Resources

This page provides access to a variety of online items from the Library's website pertinent to the authors and published works of Civil War era African American women.

Blog posts are personal voices from the Library of Congress that tell compelling stories contain fascinating facts. This page contains blog posts that relate to the authors and works published by Civil War era African American women.

Hallie Q. Brown, 1845?-1949

Mary Ann Shadd Cary, 1823-1893

Ellen Craft, 1826-1897

Abby Fisher, 1832-?

Elizabeth Hobbs Keckley, 1824-1907

H. Cordelia Ray (Henrietta), 1852?-1916

Rosetta Douglass Sprague, 1839-1906

Maria W. Stewart, 1803-1879

Susie King Taylor, 1848-1912

Sojourner Truth, 1797?-1883

Harriet Ross Tubman, 1822-1913

Fannie Barrier Williams, 1855-1944

Josephine Silone Yates, 1852?-1912

The Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress has the largest and most comprehensive cartographic collection in the world. This page contains maps that relate to the authors and works published by Civil War era African American women.

This page contains a sampling of articles from the historic newspaper database Chronicling America. Included are book reviews, obituaries, death notices, news items, association activities, reviews of speeches and more that relate to the authors and published works of Civil War era African American women.

Octavia V. Rogers Albert, 1853-1890

Hallie Q. Brown, 1845?-1949

Virginia W. Broughton, 1856-1934

Anna J. Cooper, 1858-1964 (Julia)

Fanny Jackson Coppin, 1837-1913

Carrie Williams Clifford, 1862-1934

Ellen Craft, 1826-1897

Benjamin Drew

Sarah E. Farro, 1859-after 1937

Mary Weston Fordham, 1845?-1905

Charlotte Bridges Forten Grimke, 1837-1914

Elizabeth T. Greenfield, 1819-1876

Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, 1825-1911

Josephine Delphine Henderson Heard, 1861-1921?

Pauline E. Hopkins, 1859-1930

Elizabeth Hobbs Keckley, 1824-1907

Lucy Craft Laney, 1854-1933

Victoria Earle Matthews, 1861-1907

Adah Isaacs Menken, 1835-1868

Millie-Christine McKoy, 1851-1912

Mrs. N.F. Mossell, 1855-1948 (Nathaniel Francis Mossell) (aka Gertrude Emily Hicks Bustill)

Lucy Eldine Gonzalez Parsons, 1853-1942

Leila Amos Pendleton, 1860-?

H. Cordelia Ray, 1852?-1916 (Henrietta)

Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin, 1842-1924

Amanda Smith, 1837-1915

Rosetta Douglass Sprague, 1839-1906

Sojourner Truth, 1797?-1883

Josephine Silone Yates, 1852?-1912

Fannie Barrier Williams, 1855-1944

Research guides covering Library of Congress collections are prepared by Library of Congress reference librarians. This page contains research guides that pertain to the life and works of Civil War era African American women.

Lucy Eldine Gonzalez Parsons, 1853-1942

Sojourner Truth, 1797?-1883

Harriet Tubman, 18??-1913

Story Maps at the Library of Congress are immersive web applications that tell the incredible stories of the Library collections through narrative, multimedia, and interactive maps. This page contains story maps that relate to the authors and published works of Civil War era African American women.

Susie King Taylor, 1848-1912

Today in History is a Library of Congress presentation of historic events illuminated by items from the Library Digital Collections. The following dates feature significant events related to the authors and published works of Civil war era African American women.

Hallie Q. Brown, 1845?-1949

Abby Fisher, 1832-?

Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, 1825-1911

Elizabeth Keckley, ca. 1818-1907

Lucy Eldine Gonzalez Parsons, 1853-1942

Rosetta Douglass Sprague, 1839-1906

Susie King Taylor, 1848-1912

Sojourner Truth, 1797?-1883