In this section, researchers will find a list of current and past associations related to African American Business and Entrepreneurship. The links for present associations will bring researchers to the association's official website. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but it provides a good starting point for researchers and any individuals interested in learning more about these associations. It is also important to note that many African American associations that are still currently in existence today were created because white associations would not allow Black people to join as members.
For past associations, researchers and individuals can click on the link to find more information in the Library of Congress; database or catalog. They can also find pictures and photographs by searching for the associations name in the Prints & Photographs Online Catalog. It may also be useful to search using the founders' names. For instance, a search for Booker T. Washington in the Library's catalog will retrieve resources related to the National Negro Business League, while a search for Marcus Garvey will lead to materials related to the Universal Negro Improvement Association. Chronicling America would also be a great resource to find articles on past associations. The Library of Congress has published a number of research guides, resources, exhibits, and collections related to these associations and individuals, including but not limited to National Urban League records, 1900-1988 and NAACP: A Century in the Fight for Freedom. You can find them in the Library of Congress Collections tab below.
This is a list of present associations related to African-American business and entrepreneurship with links to the association's official website.
For past associations, the following links will provide information on resources available in the Library of Congress.
Following are links to digitized resources on past African American Associations.
The following list of books about African American Associations or the individuals who founded them link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to additional online content are included when available.
The following Library of Congress special collections and guides provide information on African American associations as well as individuals who founded associations.