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African Children's Literature: An Introduction to the CODE Collection at the Library of Congress


The titles listed on this page are written in the Portuguese language and are all published in Maputo, the capital and most populous city of Mozambique. The publications are organized by language and item number and are available to researchers in the African and Middle Eastern Division Reading Room at the Library of Congress. Please submit requests for individual items using both the language and item number from the inventory below.

Number Title Author Place of Publication Publisher/Printer Date Pages
20 As férias da Luípa Xavier Munazi Maputo Editora Escolar 1995 16
21 Cada um e como e: O mebro e a Coruja / A Salamandra Valentim Cleto and Felisberto Nipepe Maputo CEGRAF 1995 24
22 Crescer mais Alberto Da Barca Maputo Editora Escolar 1990 37
23 Manual De Obstetrícia Prática George Povey, Teresa Araújo and Pascoal Mocumbi Maputo Ministério da Saúde 1987 194
24 O coelho Apaixonando Felisberto Nipepe Maputo CEGRAF 1995 24
25 O concurso da Princesa Felisberto Nipepe Maputo CEGRAF 1995 24
26 As crianças, o céu a Terra
(Not available)
27 Samihana e Outros Contos   Maputo CEGRAF 1995 24
28 Um Mosquito No Tribunal Mambo Djongwe Maputo Editora Escolar 1995 23