Searchable online databases provide full-text access to both current and historical content. Some databases are freely available and others require a subscription. The subscription resources marked with a padlock are available to researchers on-site at the Library of Congress. If you are unable to visit the Library, you may be able to access these resources through your local public or academic library.
Currently none listed.
Currently none listed.
Online resources for Eastern and Central Africa include DRC: News and analysis on conflict, mining and armed groups LAPSSET: The Lamu Port - South Sudan - Ethiopia Transport Corridor Project Cycling in East and Central Africa and the Sudan Open Archive (SOA), which offers free digital access to information about all regions of Sudan and South Sudan. The SOA is an expanding, word-searchable, full-text database of books, documents, scholarly resources and grey literature. The current version, SOA 3.0, includes two new special collections: the first thirty-two volumes of Sudan Notes and Records, Sudans flagship scholarly journal, and the collected papers of the late Sudan scholar, Richard Gray.
SAHO's website along with its innovative education and internship and partnership programme with universities, museums and archives is aimed at strengthening research, and the teaching and learning of history and popularising history.
It has also changed the way people and institutions can access, contribute to and use history and archives. The success of the SAHO website can be gauged from the fact that in 2013 close to 4.5 million visitors of which 3 million were unique or first time visitors used our website.
The database is comprised of five interactive data sets: the manuscript records, their authors, the authors?? nisbas, subjects, and the collections themselves. It has a search engine designed to identify manuscripts and authors when only fragmentary information is available, in Arabic or Latin characters. Experimental linkage of digital images of manuscript texts to the records is currently underway.
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Currently none listed.
As of March 2016, the IAB ist being continued as a database, with electronic access to approximately 140,000 entries from 1971 to 2015. The IAB is updated four times a year with approximately 4,000 new entries annually, including non-English language publications. It is fully searchable by authors, editors, titles, publication years, ISSN/ISBN, keywords, full text and categories like regions and countries or the African Diaspora.
Currently none listed.
Currently none listed.
This database contains:
Currently none listed.
Currently none listed.