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African, Jewish, and Middle Eastern Studies: Digital Resources at the Library of Congress

Jewish Studies

Image 42 of The Washington Haggadah. 1478. Library of Congress African and Middle Eastern Division.
Known as the Washington Haggadah because of its presence in the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., this manuscript is the Library's most important illuminated Hebrew manuscript. The illustration here depicts the Messiah—or Elijah, the harbinger of the Messiah—approaching Jerusalem astride a donkey.

The Hebraic Section of the Library of Congress has long been recognized as one of the world's foremost centers for the study of Hebrew and Yiddish materials. Established in 1914 as part of the Division of Semitica and Oriental Literature, its beginnings can be traced to Jacob H. Schiff's gift in 1912 of nearly 10,000 books and pamphlets from the private collection of Ephraim Deinard, a well-known bibliographer and bookseller.

In the years that followed this initial gift, the Library has developed and expanded its Hebraic holdings to include all materials of research value in Hebrew and related languages. Today, the section houses works in Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino, Judeo-Persian, Judeo-Arabic, Aramaic, Syriac, Coptic, and Amharic. The section's holdings are especially strong in the areas of the Bible and rabbinics, liturgy, Hebrew language and literature, responsa, and Jewish history. Extensive collections of printed editions of Passover Haggadot have been assembled, as well as a comprehensive collection of Holocaust memorial volumes.

The Hebraic Section received a second major boost as a result of the enactment of Public Law 480 in 1958, through which 25 American research libraries (including the Library of Congress) were supplied with a copy of virtually every book and journal of research value published in Israel. The PL-480 program for Israeli imprints, coordinated by the Library of Congress, lasted nine years, from 1964 to 1973, and provided each of the participating institutions with an average of 65,000 items over the course of the program.

Since 1973, substantial efforts and resources have been expended to maintain this high level of acquisitions from Israel--efforts reflected in the overall comprehensiveness of the Library's current collection of Hebrew language materials. Almost 150,000 items are housed in a stack area adjacent to the section and are available for examination by researchers and scholars. The collection includes an extensive range of monographs; a broad selection of Hebrew periodicals, current and retrospective, popular as well as scholarly; and a variety of Yiddish and Hebrew newspapers reflecting all shades of opinion, from the religious to the secular and from the far right to the extreme left. Of particular interest to genealogists is the Library's comprehensive collection of Holocaust memorial volumes documenting Jewish life in Eastern Europe before the Second World War, as well as a large collection of rabbinic bio-bibliographical works in Hebrew. The section's treasures include examples from among the first books printed in Portugal, Turkey, and on the African continent. With 24 Hebrew incunables housed in the section—including works from the major 15th-century Hebrew presses—and an additional 15 in the Rare Book and Special Collections Division, the Library of Congress ranks as one of the world's most important public collections of Hebrew incunables—books printed before the year 1501. Unique to its collections are more than 1,000 original Yiddish plays, in manuscript or typescript form written between the end of the 19th and the middle of the 20th centuries, that were submitted for copyright registration to the Library of Congress, and intended for the American Yiddish theater.

Source: Hebraic Collections: An Illustrated Guide.

Hebraic and Jewish Studies: Countries and Area Specialists

Reference assistance is available from the Library of Congress for Hebraic and Jewish studies. Each area specialist has reference and acquisitions responsibilities for a particular linguistic or geographic region and has developed expert knowledge of the collections for his or her area. In conjunction with other Library units these area specialists develop the collections and compile bibliographic guides to bring Hebraic materials to the attention of librarians and scholars.

Each reference specialist below is listed with their contact information and the countries and languages they specialize in. You can also use our Ask a Librarian service to contact a reference librarian.

Ms. Sharon S. Horowitz, Reference Librarian, Hebraic Section, African & Middle Eastern Division
Contact information: [email protected] | Tel: (202) 707-3780 | Fax: (202) 252-3180

Ms. Rachel T. Becker, Library Technician, Hebraic Section, African & Middle Eastern Division
Contact information: [email protected] | Tel: (202) 707-9150 | Fax: (202) 252-3180

Country: Israel
Languages: Materials written in these languages are in the custody of the Hebraic Section and may be requested in the AMED Reading Room.

  • Hebrew
  • Judeo-Arabic
  • Judeo-Persian
  • Ladino
  • Yiddish