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Also Rans: Losing Presidential Candidates of the United States

This guide provides portraits of each unsuccessful American presidential candidate from the Prints & Photographs Division collections at the Library of Congress.


President Gerald Ford, on right, and Jimmy Carter, on left, on television during 1st presidential debate
President Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter on television during 1st presidential debate in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. By Thomas J. O'Halloran. 1976. U.S. News & World Report Magazine Photograph Collection. Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division.

This guide offers a selection of portraits of "also rans" held in the Prints & Photographs Division collections. Lists of presidential hopefuls in alphabetical and chronological order are also included. After each candidate's image(s), a link will help you find more images of that political figure at the Library of Congress.

Who is included in this guide?

This guide includes portraits of every presidential candidate who secured a major party nomination, and select third-party candidates, particularly those who earned electoral votes, received 10% of the popular vote or more, or whose presence on the ballot influenced the outcome of the general election.

Companion reference aids are available for Presidents, First Spouses, and Vice Presidents.

A note on image rights

We are unaware of any restrictions on the use of the images published in this guide. However, if you plan to publish or otherwise distribute any of the images, please be aware that determination regarding the appropriate use of an image ultimately rests with you. The Library generally does not own rights to material in its collections. Therefore, it does not charge permission fees for use of such material and cannot give or deny permission for use of the images. For further information, see "Copyright and Other Restrictions ... Assessing the Risk of Using a P&P Image."