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American Folklife Center: Research Awards, Fellowships and Funded Internships

Information and application instructions for American Folklife Center funding opportunities.


American Folklife Center Reading Room at the Library of Congress.

The American Folklife Center's competitive awards provide support for researchers working with ethnographic collections materials at the Library of Congress and for fieldworkers documenting folklife and related topics outside the Library. The American Folklife Center offer the following awards described in this guide:

  • Archie Green Fellowships: to support new field research documenting Occupational Folklife in contemporary American contexts. Application deadline to be announced for Spring 2025.
  • American Folklife Center Internships: paid summer opportunities to work alongside staff at the Center. Application deadline to be announced for Spring 2025. 
  • Parsons Funds Awards: to increase awareness of and research with ethnographic collections at the Library of Congress. Application deadline to be announced for Spring 2025.
  • Blanton Owen Awards: to support ethnographic field work in the United States, especially by young scholars and documentarians. Application deadline to be announced for Spring 2025.
  • Henry Reed Awards: to support activities directly involving folk artists. Next award cycle will open in 2026.
  • Artist in Resonance Fellowshipto support creation of new musical works that draw on archival holdings at the Center. Application deadline to be announced for 2025

Support AFC Awards, Fellowships, and Internships

Funding for most of the opportunities described in this guide comes from generous gifts and donations. To support any of these , or the work of the Center in general, please navigate to our giving page