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American Folklife Center: Research Awards, Fellowships and Funded Internships

Information about the Parsons Award and application instructions.

The Gerald E. and Corinne L. Parsons Fund Award

Two men in small skiff boat, one standing with pole, the other seated in front bending over a recording device.
Paula Johnson, photographer. AFC folklorist Gerald E. Parsons, Jr. (1940-1995), who endowed the Parsons Fund Award, poles skiff on Maryland's Patuxent River, while fellow AFC staffer Carl Fleischhauer records the conversation of nearby hunters. 1984.

The purpose of this fund is to increase awareness of the ethnographic collections at the Library of Congress and to make the collections of primary ethnographic materials housed anywhere at the Library available to the needs and uses of those in the private sector. Awards may be made either to individuals or to organizations in support of specific projects.

The next deadline for submitting applications is March 3, 2025. The annual funding available for Parsons awards is up to $5,000, but this amount may be divided between multiple applicants.

Proposals are reviewed by a selection committee composed of the professional staff of the American Folklife Center. Follow this link for a list of Previous Parson Fund Awardees and their research projects.

Award Scope and Eligibility

Projects may lead to publications in media of all types, both commercial and non-commercial; underwrite new works of art, music, or fiction; involve academic research; contribute to the theoretical development of archival science; explore practical possibilities for processing ethnographic collections in the American Folklife Center archive or elsewhere in the Library of Congress; develop new means of providing reference services; support student work; experiment with conservation techniques; and support ethnographic field research leading to new Library acquisitions.

Applicants may be U.S. citizens or foreign nationals. Upon selection, and in accordance with relevant visa regulations, foreign nationals will have access to support for obtaining a J-visa.

How to Apply

Applicants are encouraged to consult with American Folklife Center staff members prior to submitting their Parsons application. Applications must include:

  • A narrative, 750-1500 words long, describing the proposed project and its potential products and audiences.
  • A budget and proposed time-frame in which to undertake research at the Library--(typically for periods of one to three weeks). Flexibility built into a budget can be helpful to the committee in determining appropriate funding. Awardees have a year from receiving an award to complete their projects.
  • A resume or statement of previous experience.
  • Names, addresses, phone numbers and/or email addresses of three (3) referees who can attest to the applicant's professional work and qualifications to undertake the project.

Submitting Your Proposal

All proposals must be submitted online by email--do not send via the U.S. Postal Service. Do not submit photographs, videotapes, CDs or any physical material.

Attach your application to an email with the subject line "[your last name] Parsons application." Email to [email protected]. If you have any questions, contact the Chair, Parsons Fund Committee at [email protected]. or call (202) 707-5510.