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Higher Education Resources Available in the American Folklife Center

Print Resources

Jefferson Miller, photographer. Salsa workshop band in rehearsal, Johnny Colon School of Music, New York, New York. 1982. Ethnic Heritage and Language Schools in America Project Collection. Library of Congress American Folklife Center.

The American Folklife Center's Reading Room in Washington, DC holds a robust collection of over 3,000 monographs and over 550 serials. As such, the AFC reference collection is a useful place to start for both general research and more focused studies. Educators may be particularly interested in the Center's reference collection, as the Reading Room contains helpful encyclopedias and publications related to AFC archival collections. Our print reference collection can also be a useful starting point for finding further resources through searching related subject headings.

Searching the AFC Reference Collection

The catalog search filter below will allow you to explore what is physically held in the American Folklife Reading Room. If you are interested in finding these same titles in your local library, check by title, author, or ISBN in the Online World Catalog ( External). 

Selected Resources

Below is a selection of encyclopedias to help researchers acquaint themselves with folklore studies and allied fields. To find them in your local library or request via Interlibrary Loan, please use the title, author, or ISBN to search in the Online World Catalog, External

The following titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to additional online content are included when available.

The Library's Serial and Government Publications Division maintains one of the most extensive collections of newspapers, current periodicals, comic books, and government publications. With over 25,000 non-US titles, it is the largest collection of international newspapers in the world. These materials are served in the Library's Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room.

Below are example searches and a selection of serials the American Folklife Center currently receives in its archives, which does not include titles attained electronically. The materials linked below provide fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog, including holdings for each title. Links to digitized versions are provided when available.

Below are sample searches within the Library's online catalog, with limiters for subject headings related to studies on folklore and folk music, as well as by location in the Library.

The following selection of titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to additional online content are included when available.