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American Women: Resources from the General Collections

Books in Series

Many publishers group new works under a single series title, and therefore identifying a useful series may lead to other volumes on related topics. The subject index in Books in Series (see below) directs researchers to both scholarly monographs on women and to published primary sources. Examples of series include

  • Women & Children First, which has thirty-seven titles, mostly reprints of association and government reports and statistics
  • Women in America: From Colonial Times to the 20th Century, with more than fifty reprinted titles, often pamphlets
  • Women in American History, thirty-four monographs and growing, with biographies and works on social and labor movements

Relevant series that do not specifically focus on women include the Black Heritage Library Collection (more than four hundred reprints, many literary) and American Trails (two series with accounts of overland journeys).

When searching in the Library of Congress Online Catalog, look for a “series” name when examining the full record of a book on your topic. The Library's online catalog can be searched easily by series title using Advanced Search.