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American Women: Resources from the Prints & Photographs Collections

Selected Holdings - Organizing Principle for this Guide

The remainder of this guide highlights selected collections and types of images in Prints & Photographs Division that are strong in their representation of works by and about women. Understanding the context in which someone originally created or collected an image and the purpose for which it was intended is fundamental to evaluating its content and significance. Therefore, the selected holdings are grouped according to that principle, while recognizing that there are overlaps among the categories and that a single image may often be put to multiple uses.

Plant of North American Aviation, Incorporated. ...young woman pictured traces complicated drawings of the thousands of parts that go into a modern fighting plane. ... 1942. Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Collection. Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division.

The following sections of this guide focus on topics and materials types reflecting the division's collection strengths and the wide variety of uses to which pictorial materials traditionally have been put:

Each collection description summarizes the contents, images relevant to American women's history, and information on searching and viewing materials. A "Further Information" section at the end of the page provides links to searchable content and related research guides and resources, followed by sample images from the body of material being described.