Telephone directories are used by genealogists and historians to identify people and businesses from a particular place and era. This guide lists the directories from Belarus in the Library of Congress collections.
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Matthew Young, Reference Librarian, Latin American, Caribbean & European Division
Regina Frackowiak, Reference Specialist, Latin American, Caribbean & European Division
Note: This guide is adapted from an earlier version, which first appeared on the European Reading Room website.
Created: February 28, 2020
Last Updated: May 4, 2020
Minskii raion: telefonnyi spravochnik. 2004. Library of Congress General Collections.
Most of the foreign telephone directories held by the Library of Congress are uncataloged. We have therefore compiled this list of directories from the country of Belarus as a finding aid for our staff and researchers. This finding aid covers directories from Belarus between the years 1953-2014. In addition to the uncataloged directories listed in this guide, the Library also holds a number that are cataloged. To locate these directories, search the Library of Congress Online Catalog using subject keywords such as "Belarus" and "directories," or "Belarus" and "telephone directories," or the name of a city plus "directories." In addition to telephone directories, this kind of search also yields business/address directories from Belarus. These directories can be requested in the online catalog using Reader Identification Card for use in any reading room located in the Jefferson or Adams buildings of the Library.
When looking for listings of smaller towns in Belarus, keep in mind that most telephone directories feature a main city, but also include listings for other towns in the telephone district. Therefore, a researcher should consult a map to locate a large city nearest to the desired town, and then use the directories for the larger city.
Besides using printed telephone directories, you may find it helpful when looking for more recent information to use online directories available for free on the Internet. The site Belarus City External allows you to search for residential numbers in major cities by name and address and Belarus Online External offers information about businesses and services as well as area codes for cities in Belarus.