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Bosnian Newspapers in the Library of Congress

Bosnian Newspaper Bibliographies

Below are sources that were used to verify bibliographic information for newspapers from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first source consulted is the Library of Congress Online Catalog, but printed bibliographies also are useful. The most comprehensive print title on this topic is the 1961 edition of Bibliografija štampe Bosne i Hercegovine 1850-1941 by Đorđe Pejanović, described below. For titles published after 1941, the other bibliographies below can be used to piece together some information, but no one bibliography suffices to cover the entire history of B&H newspaper publishing. Bibliographies of Serbian and Croatian periodicals often contain information about newspapers issued on the territory of B&H, so they may be consulted as well. See also the bibliographies listed on the webpages devoted to Croatian and Serbian newspapers at the Library of Congress.

Online catalogs usually are the best sources for the most current information. For Bosnia and Herzegovina, the most comprehensive source is the Virtual Library of Bosnia and Hercegovina External in Sarajevo, which is a combined online catalog of many libraries in Bosnia.