This section annotates the most important Bulgarian statistical sources that cover Bulgaria as a country, and which also present data on many possible subjects. In this section are annotations for the various iterations of the main statistical yearbook, the legal gazette, and several statistical periodicals, which were channels of the state statistical office to release the latest data. Sources are presented in chronological order, from the oldest dates of coverage to the most recent.
Select any title described below to view full bibliographic information for that item in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to full electronic versions are provided when available.
This section includes general statistical works on Bulgaria as a country, with data covering many possible subjects, but which are abbreviated in size or focus. For example, over the past decades the National Statistical Institute has produced a number of pocket-sized works in Bulgarian and English that provide data, but not quite as much as appears in Statisticheski godishnik [Statistical Yearbook] or in the censuses. Pagination is provided for many of the sources as an indication of how substantial, or not, the titles may be.
Some of the titles listed below have a political focus, but a few of these works have been annotated to alert the researcher to the propaganda value of statistical titles. This section is not meant to be comprehensive, because much of the data reproduced in these volumes is available in the major sources described elsewhere in this guide. Nevertheless, for researchers whose local libraries may hold only some of abbreviated sources, it is helpful to be able to identify them as such, and recognize that often more information is available in other sources. In fact, the sheer quantity of the abbreviated sources with repackaged information demonstrates the popularity and practical use of statistical information. Sources are presented in chronological order, from the oldest dates of coverage to the most recent.
Select any title described below to view full bibliographic information for that item in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to full electronic versions are provided when available.