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Karta Bakinskoi Gubernii. (St. Petersburg: Kartograf. zav. P. F. Petsh, [1907?]). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1:1,470,000. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan -- Baku Government -- [1907] -- 1:1,470,000 -- P. F. Petsh
Russian map of Baku Gubernia (northeastern Azerbaijan) from the early twentieth century. Shows towns and villages; place names; roads and railroads; and distances between locations.
Karta Zakatal'skogo Okruga. (St. Petersburg: Kartograf. zav. P. F. Petsh, [1907?]). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1:840,000. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- Zakataly Okrug -- [1907] -- 1:840,000 -- P. F. Petsh
Early twentieth century Russia map of Zakatal Okrug (Zaqatala in northern Azerbaijan). Shows a few villages and place names, and roads with distances between locations.
Karta Elisavetpol'skoi Gubernii. (St. Petersburg: Kartograf. zav. P. F. Petsh, [1907?]). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1:1,470,000. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- Elisavetpol Government -- [1907] -- 1:1,470,000 -- P. F. Petsh
Russian map of Elisavetpol' Gubernia (western Azerbaijan) in the early twentieth century. Shows towns and villages; place names; rivers; roads and railroads; and distance between locations.
Carte de la République de la AzerbaÏdjan, Dressée d'aprés les Documents Officiels par J. Forest, Géographique. (Paris: J. Forest, [1919]). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1:1,680,000. Filed under Azerbaijan -- 1919 -- Forest -- 1:1,680,000
French map of Azerbaijan showing towns and villages; place names; roads and trails; railroads; rivers; territorial and administrative boundaries; and relief by spot heights. Also depicts the actual territorial possessions and limits of Azerbaijan ca. 1919, as well as the limits of its territorial claims. Includes a legend listing the ancient administrative divisions of the Transcaucasus, keyed by number to the map.
Azerbaidzhanskaia SSR Uchebnaia Karta. (Moscow: GUGK, 1949). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- 1949 -- 1:600,000 -- GUGK
Soviet-era school wall map of Azerbaijan from the late 1940s. Depicts cities and towns; place names; state boundaries and administrative subdivisions; roads; railroads; Caspian sea routes; rivers and lakes; elevation and bathymetry in meters; swamps and salt marshes; useful minerals ; and relief by contours, hypsometric tinting, and spot heights. Includes legend. 1955 edition described below.
Azerbaidzhanskaia SSR Uchebnaia Karta. (Moscow: GUGK, 1955). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- 1955 -- 1:600,000 -- GUGK
Soviet-era school wall map of Azerbaijan from the mid-1950s. Depicts cities and towns; place names; state boundaries and administrative subdivisions; roads; railroads; Caspian sea routes; rivers and lakes; elevation and bathymetry in meters; swamps and salt marshes; useful minerals ; and relief by contours, hypsometric tinting, and spot heights. Includes legend. 1949 edition described above.
SSSR, Azerbaĭdzhanskaia SSR / Generalʹnyi shtab. [Moscow] : Generalʹnyi shtab, [1978?-1991]. Scale 1:100,000. Filed under LC call number G7140 s100 .S6
Set of modern topographic military quadrangle maps of Azerbaijan. Issued by the Soviet Military General Staff in the 1970s-90s. Maps show cities, towns, and villages; place names; boundaries; highways and roads; railroads; rivers, lakes, and irrigation canals; relief by contours and spot heights; relief by rock drawings on some sheets; and depths shown by contours and soundings on some sheets.
-- Variant titles appear on sheets covering border areas, for example: SSSR. Azerb. SSR Nakhich. ASSR, Arm. SSR, Iran ostan Zap. Azerbaidzhan
-- Date-of-publication statement in upper margin at right
-- Sheets numbered (1st letter roman) in black print at upper right, for example: J-38-6 -- J-38-46 -- J-39-1
-- LC had 19 sheets as of September 2017.
Erewanean nahangi Sharur-Gharalageazi ew Nakhijewani gawaṛner / kazmetsʻ, E. Lalayean. Ervand Lalayan. ([Erewan] : Hrat. Azg.-hrat. ěnk., [1918?]). Map, colored. Scale [ca. 1:200,000]. Filed under LC call number G7144.N3A1 1918 .L3
Topographic map, in Armenian, of the Naxçivan city region covering an area roughly comparable to the later Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (Azerbaijan). Shows towns and villages; place names; roads; churches and/or monasteries and mosques; rivers; and relief by shading and spot heights. LC copy damaged; missing cover and/or attached textual publication. Prime meridian may be Pulkovo (St. Petersburg).
Nakhichevanskaia ASSR. (Moscow: GUGK, 1967). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan -- Nakhichevan (ASSR) -- 1967 -- 1:600,000 -- GUGK, and by unverified call number G7143 .N3 1967 .R8
Soviet administrative map of Nakhchivan ASSR from 1967. Shows towns and villages; place names; international. republic, and raion boundaries; roads; railroad; perennial and non-perennial rivers; and relief by shading and spot heights. Includes legend.
Nakhichevanskaia ASSR, fizicheskaia uchebnaia karta. Nauchnyĭ redaktor: Sh. Dzh. Aliev. Redaktor: S. D. Shteĭnberg. Tekhnicheskiĭ redaktor: M. A. Razmadze. Soviet Union. Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii. (Moscow: 1972). Map, colored. Scale 1:400,000. Filed under LC call number G7143.N3C2 1972 .R8
Map of Nakhchivan ASSR depicting its geology, soils, and phytogeography. Relief shown by contours, gradient tints, shading, and spot heights. Includes text and four insets of maps of the republic's geology (Karta geologicheskogo stroeniiz), climate (Klimaticheskaiz karta), soils (Pochvennaiz karta), and vegetation (Karta rastitelʹnosti).
Azerbadzhanskaia SSR. (Moscow: GUGK, 1953). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- 1953 -- 1:600,000 -- GUGK
Soviet map of Azerbaijan from the early 1950s. Shows cities, towns, and villages; state boundaries and administrative subdivisions; railroads; roads, trails, and passes; rivers, lakes, and canals; cultivated, uncultivated, and submerged lands; and relief by shaded tinting. Includes a list of seventy-two raions and raion centers.
Azerbaichan SSR. (Moscow: Keodezia ve Kartografia Bashidaresi, 1955). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under Azerbaijan -- Administrative -- 1955 -- 1:600,000 -- GUGK
Soviet school map, in the Azeri language, emphasizing the country's administrative and political division in the mid 1950s. Depict cities, towns, and villages; place names; state boundaries and administrative subdivisions; roads and passes; railroads; ships' courses and ports; rivers, lakes, and canals; resorts; and relief by shading and spot heights. Raions distinguished by color. Includes list of seventy raions and raoin centers, including those in Nakhichevan and Nagorno-Karabkh.
Azerbaidjhanskaia SSR. (Moscow: GUGK, 1966). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- Administrative -- 1966 -- 1:600,000 -- GUGK
Soviet school map illustrating Azerbaijan's administrative divisions in the mid-1960s. Shows cities, towns, and villages; place names; state boundaries and administrative subdivisions; railroads; roads and passes; ports; rivers, canals, and lakes; swamps and salt marshes; sands; ports; and relief by shading and spot heights. Includes a list of fifty administrative divisions and centers of the Azerbaijan SSR, as well as those of the Nakhichivan Autonomous Republic and Nagorno-Karabkh Autonomous Oblast. Includes a legend.
[Three Maps of Bibi-Eibat]. D. V. Golybiatnikov' (St. Petersburg: Geologicheskogo Komiteta, [193-]. Photostats of originals. Scales vary. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- Geology -- Bibi-Eybat region -- [193-] -- 1:4,200 -- Geol. Committee.
Black-and-white photostats of original maps, sources not cited, of Bibi-Eibat and its environs, presumably from the 1930s. First map, titled in Russian and German Plastovaia Karta Bibi-Eibata / Flötzkarte des Bibi-Eibat, depicts unidentified information. Second map, titled Detal'naia Geologicheskaia Karta Apsheronskago Poluostrova / Bibi-Eibat, depicts the city and its port facilities, showing unnamed streets, railroads, buildings, petroleum storage tanks, wharves, and contoured relief. The third map, titled Detal'naia Geologicheskaia Karta Apsheronskago Poluostrova, depicts the geology of Bibi-Eibat's environs, including two legends of geological and geographic features. Set of four maps, but only three are complete.
Plan' Goroda Baku i Ego Raionv'. 1913g. Sostavlen' po dannum' Inventarnoe Biuro Bakinskoi Gorodskoi Upravy. (Tiflis: izadnie Kantseliarie Namestnika Ego Imperatorskogo Velichistva na Kavkaze, 1913). Map in color, on four sheets. Scale ca. 1:50,000. Filed under LC call number G7144 .B2 1913 .I5
Detailed city plan of Baku showing street names, suburbs, public squares, railroad yard, and port facilities. Three-part legend identifies, via color and symbol, various cultural features, i.e. cemeteries, gardens, etc. throughout the city; roads and bridges in Balaxani; and the oil-bearing lands of Bibi-Eibat. Includes a list of streets, alleys, dead-ends, and parks keyed to the map. Also includes a list of public and private institutions, as well as descriptive text. Further includes an inset of the Absheron Peninsula and an inset with a schematic (road) plan of the town of Balaxani with the names of the various land/concession owners.
Baku. (Leipzig: Wagner & Debes Geographical Estab., [192-]). Photostat. Scale 1:22,500. Filed under LC call number G7144 .B2 192- .W3
Photostat of German map, in English, of Baku. Indexed for points of interest. Also includes insets of the old city and Baku and its environs.
Stadtplanskizze von Baku mit Mil.-Geo.-Objekten / Generalstab des Heeres, Abteilung für Kriegskarten und Vermessungswesen (IV. Mil.-Geo.). ([Berlin] : Abt. für Kriegskarten und Vermessungswesen, 1942). Map, color. Scale 1:15,000. Filed under LC call number G7144 .B2 1942 .G41
German Army street plan of Baku apparently prepared for use in invading and occupying the city, as it emphasizes its industrial and military facilities. Shows streets and street names. Extensive legend identifies industries and military objectives. Various industries, i.e. oil production facilities, metal works, chemical factories, textile plants, etc. identified by symbol. Directory of seventy-five objectives includes military facilities, hospitals, public buildings, train stations, steel industries, and chemical and textile factories. Verso contains a name index keyed to map.
Ölgebiet Baku / ausgemessen aus Luftbildern durch Sonderluftbildabteilung des RLM. ([Berlin]: Reichminister der Luftfahrt Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe, 1942). Photostat of one map on fifteen sheets; lacking sheets 2, 4, 12, and 15. Scale 1:10,000. Filed under LC call number G7144 .B2H8 1942 .G4 MLC
Photostat of original map, source not cited, prepared from German aerial reconnaissance of the Baku oil region. No legend accompanying map. Shows roads, railroads, buildings, and what likely are oil producing and oil bearing facilities in and around the city, and offshore. Map incomplete; lacks four of the fifteen sheets.
Baku, Panoramnyi Plan 1970g. A. M. Mikadryov. (Baku: Upravlenie Gorodskogo Transporta Bakgorispolkoma, 1970). Offset lithograph, color. Scale not given. Filed under LC call number G7144 .B2 1970 .M5
Pictorial tourist map of Baku from 1970. Shows streets and street names; major buildings pictorially; parks; and the harbor. Insets show a schematic view of Baku's environs and the old city. Includes text summarizing the plan, with a legend identifying historical-revolutionary monuments, museums, movie theaters, sport fields, and subway stations.
Tourist map of Baku : [Baku, panoramnyĭ plan 1970g.]. [Washington : Central Intelligence Agency, 1972]. Scale not given. Filed at G7144.B2E635 1970 .U5 1972
1972 CIA facsimile of Soviet tourist map of Baku dated 1970. Depicts streets, parks, and selected places of interest pictorially. Place names in Romanized Russian or Cyrillic Russia. Includes two insets, one of the city's subway system, the other the vicinity of the city's old town.
Map available as digital image via the Library's website.
Stadtplan von Kirowabad (Gandscha). (Berlin]: Germany. Heeresgruppe A Ia Mess durch Kartenbatterie / 613, [194-]). Map, black-and-white. Scale 1:15,000. Filed under LC call number G7144 .G3 194- .G4
Germany Army street plan of Ganja (Kirovobad) from the 1940s. Shows streets, railroad lines, buildings, densely populated areas, and relief by contours. Index identifies points of military interest, i.e. airport, factories, schools, hospitals, telegraph posts, etc., and streets.
Umgebungskarte Baku.(Berlin: Gen. S. d H., Abt. f. Kr. Kart. u Verm. Wes. (II), 1942). Maps, colored. Scale 1:50,000. Filed under LC call number G7144 .B2A1 s50 .G4
Set of ten topographic maps of Baku and its environs by the German Army in 1942. Maps show cities, towns, and villages; place names; railroads; roads and bridges; possibly oil pipelines; rivers and lakes; and relief by contours and spot heights. Transportation, communication, and industrial features designated by unidentified symbols, as sheets do not have legends. Set accompanied by graphic index.
Sheets have sheet number in upper right corner, i.e. city of Baku on sheet "K-39-124-Sud"; tip of Apsheron Peninsula on sheet "K-39-125-Sud"; etc.
Sheets have index to adjacent sheets, as well as directions and scale bars for reading the maps.
Azerbaidzhanskaia SSR Ekonomichiekaia Karta. (Mocow: GUGK, 1967). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan -- Economic -- 1967 -- 1:600,000 -- GUGK, and unverified call number G7141 .G1 1967 .R8
Soviet school economic map from the mid 1960s emphasizing Azerbaijan's industrial and agricultural potential. Depict cities, towns, and villages; roads and passes; railroads; rivers; ports; and relief by shading and spot heights.& Twenty-two agricultural and forest zones illustrated by color, keyed to legend by color and number. Identifies the largest state collective farms, the distribution of agricultural goods by raion, and productive fisheries in the Caspian. Identifies the sources of thirty agricultural and industrial products by symbol and color. Sources of petroleum and useful minerals identified by symbol. Shows the locations of thermal and hydroelectric plants, as well as those under construction; and further depicts petroleum, gas, and electricity lines. Various graphs and pie charts indicate the structure of land funds, gross agricultural production, percentage of lands under cultivation for five commodities, periodic growth in national economic investments, and the growth rate of gross industrial output for the period 1940-65.
Geologicheskaia Karta Chasti Erivanskoi Gubernii 1868g. (S.l.: s.n., 1868). Chromolithograph. Scale 1" = 5 versts. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- Erivanskaia Gubernia -- Geology -- 1868
Nineteenth century Russian geological map of part of the former Yerevan Gubernia (much of present-day Nackchivan, Azerbaijan). Identifies fourteen lithological types by color, as well as faults and strikes, and mine locations. Also shows towns and villages, place names, a road, and rivers. Includes geological profile of cross-section from Tazy-uchanny to Kusur' Dag'. Includes legend.
Geologicheskaia Karta Chasti Erivanskoi Gubernii 1869g. (S.l.: s.n., 1869). Chromolithograph. Scale 1 inch = 5 versts. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- Erivanskaia Gubernia -- Geology -- 1869 -- no scale
Nineteenth century Russian geological map of part of the former Yerevan Gubernia (now southern part of Syunik Province, Armenia). Shows twelve lithological types by color, as well as strikes and faults. Also includes towns and villages, place names, rivers, and relief by shading. Includes legend.
Geologicheskaia Karta Chasti Elisavetpol'skoi Gubernii 1869g. (S.l.: s.n, 1869). Chromolithograph. Scale 1 inch = 5 versts. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- Elisavetpol'skaia Gubernia -- Geology -- 1869 -- no scale
Nineteenth century Russian geological map of the Zangezurski Uyezd, Elisavetpol' Gubernia, (now divided between Azerbaijan and Armenia). Depicts six lithological types by color, as well as rock formations and faults and dips. Includes legend.
Geolgicheskaia Karta Chasti Bakunskago Uyezda 1870g. (S.l.: s.n., 1870). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1 inch = 5 versts. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- Apsheronskii Polustrov -- Baku -- Geology -- 1870 -- no scale
Russian geological map of the Baku Uyezda on the Absheron Peninsual in 1870. Shows five lithological types by color; salt marsh and mud flats with petroleum gases; oil wells; strikes and faults. Also shows roads, towns and villages, place names, rivers and lakes, and relief by hachuring.
Plastovnaia Karta Binagadinskago Neftenosnago Raiona Apsherankago Poluostrova. Izdanie Upravlenie Gornoio Chastiio Kavkaskavo Krai, 1890. (Tiflis: UGChKK, 1890). Chromolithograph. Scale 1:8,400. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- Geology -- 1890 -- 1:8,400 -- Nbarbot de Marne S. Simonovich
Imperial Russian geological map of Binagadin petroleum district in the Absheron Peninsula in the late nineteenth century. Shows lithology by color and geological nomenclature; oil and oil bearing formations; strikes and faults; natural oil outlets and oil wells; damns; developed areas; roads; railroads; elevation by contours and spot heights. Includes legend, which keys petroleum deposits by letter and lithology by color and nomenclature.
Skhematicheskaia geologicheskaia karta Azerbaĭdzhanskoĭ SSR. Sostavili: R. N. Abdullaev et al. (Moskva: Vsesoiuznyĭ aėrogeologicheskiĭ trest, 1972). Map, colored. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under LC call number G7141.C5 1972 .A2
Relatively recent geological map of Azerbaijan. Lithology shown by color and standard geological nomenclature. Also shows facies and genetic types of quartenary continental deposits, as well as relief by spot heights and some place names. Includes legend.
Azerbaijan: River Gauging and Meteorological Stations. ([Baku]: Hydrographic Service of the Irrigation Board, 1955). Photostat of manuscript tracing. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Reclamation -- 1955 -- 1:1,000,000 -- Hydo. Serv. of Irrigation Board
Photostat of original map, possibly American or British, but source not cited, showing the locations of river gauging and meteorological stations in Azerbaijan in the mid-1950s to assist in irrigation and flood control. Shows main and secondary water divides; perennial and non-perennial rivers; proposed, recommended, and existing gauging stations; proposed and existing meteorological stations for irrigation and agriculture. Also shows rivers, place names, and boundaries.
Mideast tussle goes back to Azerbaijan. (Washington, D.C. : Washington Post Company, 1958). Newspaper map. Scale not given. Filed under LC call number G7421.S1 1958 .W3
1958 Washington Post map accompanying article by Chalmers M. Roberts concerning several foreign policy decisions taken by the USA officials, during the Cold War era to face the Soviet Union's diplomatic and economic support to Arab countries in the Near East. Map shows boundaries, principal western air fields, oil fields, oil pipelines, and oil tanker routes in the region.
Karta Apsheronskago poluostrova s oboznachenīem neftianykh istochnikov, fotogenovykh zavodov, nefteprovodov i pr. = Map of the Apsheron Peninsula showing petroleum wells, oil refineries, pipe lines, etc. / sostavil inzhener-tekhnolog St. I. Gulishambarov. Gulishambarov, Stepan Iosifovich. (Tiflis : s.n., 1886). Map colored. Scale 1:84,000; 2 versts to an in. Filed under LC call number G7142.A6H8 1886 .G8
Map of the Apsheron Peninsula showing the locations of oil fields, petroleum wells, oil refineries, pipe lines, and petroleum geology. Includes a bibliography, as well as table of statistical data and stratigraphic column of "Nobel's oil well no. 31." Relief shown by hachures.
Karta Apsheronskago poluostrova Bakinskoi gubernii i uiezda : s oboznachenīem granits po sudebnomy mezhevaniiu, a takzhe i drugikh sviedienii. Dmitrīev and Ilʹina. ([Baku] : Bakinsk[oe] upravleni[e] gosudarstvenny[kh] imushchestv, 1899). Colored lithograph. Scale 1:42,000. Filed at G7142.A6G46 1899 .D5
Late nineteenth century map of the Apsheron Peninsula depicting oil and gas leases, real property, and land use. Also includes towns and villages, roads, railroads, various categories of oil lands, cultivated and uncultivated lands, rivers, boundaries, and some relief.
Map is available as a digital image via the Library's website.
Map of Balahanay, Sabunchi, Zabraty and Digia. ([Baku]: S.n., [19--]). Blueprint map. Scale 1:16,800. Filed under Azerbaijan -- Balahany (city) -- Oil & Gas -- (19--) -- 1:16,800 -- blueprint
Blueprint map, possibly from the early 1900s, showing oil and gas concessions in the vicinity of Balaxani, Sabunchu, and Digah. Lease-holders identified include the Baku Petroleum Company, Russian Naptha Company, S. I. Rilsky, Ter-Akopof, and Benkendorf. Legend keys concessions by color.
Sheet of Surahany, Romany, Zyhk. ([Baku]: S.n., [19--]). Blueprint map. Scale 1:16,800. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- Surahany -- [19--] -- 1:16,800 -- blueprint
Blueprint map, possibly from early 1900s, showing oil and gas concession in the vicinity of Surakhani, Zigh, and Bulbula. Lease holders identified as Baku Petroleum Company, Russian Naptha Company, S. I. Rilsky, Ter-Akopov, and Benkendorf. Legend keys concessions by color.
Obzornaia Karta vykhodov gaza Bakinskogo raiona. C. A. Kovaleskomu and V. V. Vebera. (Leningrad: s.n., 1932). Map. Scale 1:420,000. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan -- Oil & Gas -- Bakinsk region -- 1933 -- 1:420,000 -- Kovaleskomu and Vebera
Survey map of the gas outlets of the Bakinsk region, including the Apsheron Peninsula and off the shore of the Caspian. Shows the locations of six different types of gas outlets, as well as railroads, rivers, and place names. Includes an index of names and descriptions of each outlet, keyed by number to map. Accompanied Vebera's "Bakinskii Raion."
Apscheron-Halbinsel. (S.l. Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Wirtschaft und Rüstungs Amt, 1942). Photo lithograph, color. Scale 1:100,000. Filed under Caucasus -- Oil & Gas -- Baku -- 1942 -- 1:100,000 -- OKW
Nazi map, prepared by the Wehrmachts Office of Economics and Armaments, depicting the oil and gas fields of the Absheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan, in 1942. Map apparently produced in preparation for an invasion of Azerbaijan and the seizure of the Baku oil fields. Depicts oil fields in exploitation; oil fields under exploration; pipe lines in operation; unconfirmed pipe lines; and crude oil production under 500,000 tons, between 500,000 and 1 million tons, over 1 million tons, and unknown amounts. Also shows roads; wide and narrow gauge railroads; canals and rivers; salt marshes, sand dunes, and asphalt pools; power stations; factories; airfields; and elevation by contours and shaded tinting. Inset depicts "Stadtausschnitt v. Baku" indicating the location of refineries and cracking facilities in Baku. Two legends identify, via symbols, oil field capacity, and geographic and cultural features.
Detalʹnaia geologicheskaia karta Apsheronskago poluostrova : Bibi-Ėĭbat : masshtab 1:4200 / D.V. Golubiatnikov = Geologische Detailkarte der Halbinsel Apscheron : Bibi-Eibat : Massstab 1:4200 / D.W. Golubjatnikow. D. V. Golubiatnikov. (S-Peterburg [St. Petersburg] : Izdanīe Geologicheskago komiteta, 1914 / V S. Peterburgie [St. Petersburg] : Kartograficheskoe). 5 maps and 4 sheets of diagrams, color. Scale 1:4,200. 50 sagenes to the inch. 50 sagenes in 1 English inch. Filed at G7142.A6C5 s4 .G6
A set of five maps and four sheets of diagrams depicting geological features relating to petroleum extraction in the Bibi-Eibat district of southern Baku city on the Apsheron Peninsula. Included are geological maps of the Bibi-Eibat oil fields, cross sections of well bores with operational horizons, cross sections of oil wells and their shafts, and geological cross sections of the Apsheron Peninsula and the Baku metropolitan area. Also shows relief by contours, spot heights, and rock drawings, as well as depths by contours. Some maps include color-coded geological legend.
Also available as an atlas under LC call number G2156 .C5G63 1914 folio
Detalʹnaia geologicheskaia karta Apsheronskago poluostrova : Atashkinskii Raion : masshtab 1:21,000 / D.V. Golubiatnikov = Detailed Geological Map of the Apsheron Peninsula: Atashka Oil Region: D. V. Golubiatnikov. (Leningrad: Izdanīe Soveta Neftanoi Promyshlennosti Geologicheskogo Komiteta, 1926). 3 maps and 3 sheets of diagrams, color. Scale 1:21,000. 250 sagenes to the inch. 250 sagenes in 1 English inch. Filed at G7142.A6C5 s4 .G6
Set of maps and diagrams illustrating geological features relating to petroleum extraction in the Atashka Oil Region west of the city of Bibi-Eibat on the Apsheron Peninsula. Included are a hypsometric map of the Atashka Oil Region; geological and topographic maps of the Region; two sheets with series of geological cross-sections along various lines across the Region; and a sheet of detailed sections of bore wells. Topographic map includes legend, and geological sheet includes color and symbol coded legends.
Detalʹnaia geologicheskaia karta Apsheronskago poluostrova : Kirmaky-Binagadinskii Raion : masshtab 1:8,400 / P. Volarovilsch i N. Lenev = Detailed Geological Map of the Apsheron Peninsula: Kirmaku-Binagady Oil Region. (Leningrad: Izdanīe Geologicheskogo Komiteta, 1929). 5 maps and 1 diagram sheet, color. Scale 1:8,400. 100 sagenes to the inch. 100 sagenes in 1 English inch. Filed at G7142.A6C5 s4 .G6
Set of 5 maps and 1 diagram sheet illustrating geological features relating to petroleum extraction in the Kirmaku-Binagady Oil Region north of the city of Bibi-Eibat on the Apsheron Peninsula. Included are a hypsometric map of the Kirmaku-Binagady Region; two topographic maps of the Region; two geological maps; and a sheet with geological cross-sections. Topographic maps includes legends, and geological sheets include color and symbol coded legends.
Detalʹnaia geologicheskaia karta Apsheronskago poluostrova : Khyrdalany-Binagady : masshtab 1:21,000 / D. W. Golubiatnikov et al. = Detailed Geological Map of the Apsheron Peninsula: Khurdalany-Binagady / D. W. Golubiatnikov et al. (Moskva: Geologicheskoe Izdatel'stvo, Glavnogo Geologo-Razvedochnogo Upravleniia, 1931). 3 maps and 3 diagram sheets, color. Scale 1:21,000. 250 sagenes to the inch. 250 sagenes in 1 English inch. Filed at G7142.A6C5 s4 .G6
Set of 3 maps and 3 diagram sheets illustrating geological features relating to petroleum extraction in the Khyrdalany-Binagady Oil Region northwest of the city of Bibi-Eibat on the Apsheron Peninsula. Included are a hypsometric map of the Khyrdalany-Binagady Oil Region; topographic and geologic maps of the Region; two sheets of geological cross-sections; and a sheet with detailed sections of bore wells. Topographic map includes legend, and geological sheets include color and symbol coded legends.
Detalʹnaia geologicheskaia karta Apsheronskago poluostrova : List Otman-Bozy-Dag : masshtab 1:21,000 / B. V. Weber = Detailed Geological Map of the Apsheron Peninsula: Otman-Bozy-Dag Folio / B. V. Weber. (Moskva: Geologicheskoe Izdatel'stvo, Glavnogo Geologo-Razvedochnogo Upravleniia, 1931). 1 map and 2 diagram sheets, color. Scale 1:21,000. 250 sagenes in one English inch. 250 sagenes in an inch. Filed under LC call number G 7142 .A6C5 svar .R8
Set of one map and two diagram sheets illustrating the geology related to petroleum extraction in the Otman-Bozy-Dag Oil Region southwest of the city of Baku on the Apsheron Peninsula. Included are a geological map of the Otman-Bozy-Dag Region; a sheet of geological cross-sections across various lines; and sections of well bores of the Apsheronian stage and along the slopes to the southwest of Mount Otman-Bozy-Dag. Geological sheets include color and symbol coded legends.
Detalʹnaia geologicheskaia karta Apsheronskago poluostrova : Kalinskii Heftenosnyi Raion : masshtab 1:21,000 / B. V. Weber = Detailed Geological Map of the Apsheron Peninsula : Kala Oil Region : scale 1:21,000 / B. V. Weber. [(Moskva: Glavnoe Geologo-Razvedochnogo Upravleniia, 1931). 1 map and 1 diagram sheet, color. Scale 1:21,000. 250 sagenes to the the inch. 250 sagenes in 1 English inch. Filed under LC call number G7142.A6C5 s4 .G6
A set of one map and one diagram sheet depicting geological features relating to petroleum extraction in the Kala Oil Region on the Apsheron Peninsula. Includes a geological map of the Kala Oil Region, geological cross sections of the Region, and detailed sections of bore wells. Also show relief by contours. Sheets include color and symbol coded geological legends.
Azerbaidzhanskaia SSR Fizicheskaia Karta. (Moscow: GUGK, 1939). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:500,000. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- Physical -- 1939 -- 1:500,000 -- GUGK
Late 1930s Soviet physical map of Azerbaijan and part of Armenia. Depicts cities, towns, and villages; boundaries; roads and passes; ships' courses; railroads; rivers; hydroelectric plants; swamp lands and salt marshes; petroleum and useful minerals; and bathymetry by shaded tinting and relief by contours, hypsometric tinting, and spot heights. Includes legend.
Kaspsches Meer-Süd. (Bern: [German Army], [194-]). Photolithograph. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaizan SSR (and northern Iran) -- Physical -- [1941] -- 1:1,000,000 -- German Army General Staff
German military map ca. 1940s emphasizing Azerbaijan's and northern Iran's topography. Depicts towns and villages; place names; roads; railroads; rivers; inundated lands; mountain ranges and peaks; and relief by shading and spot heights. Does not include legend.
Azerbaidjhanskaia SSR Fizicheskaia Karta. (Moscow: GUGK, 1958). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- Physical -- 1958 -- 1:600,000 GUGK, and by unverified call number G7141 .C1 1958 .R8
Soviet-era school physical map from the late 1950s. Shows cities, towns, and villages; state boundaries and administrative subdivisions; roads and passes; railroads; rivers, lakes, and canals; salt marshes and sands; petroleum and other minerals; subsurface distances by bathymetric lines, shading, and depths; and relief by contours, hypsometric tinting, and spot heights. Includes inset "Skhema Fisiki-Geograficheskikh Oblastii i Raoinov Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR," with legend, identifying the four major geographical regions, i.e. Great Caucasus, Little Caucasus, Lankaran Lowland, and Kura-Aras Lowlands, and their subordinate raions. Includes legend.
Azerbaidjhanskaia SSR Fizicheskaia Karta. (Moscow: GUGK, 1962). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- Physical -- 1962 -- 1:600,000 GUGK, and by unverified call number G7141 .C1 1962 .R8
Soviet-era school physical map from the early 1960s. Illustrates cities, towns, and villages; state boundaries and administrative subdivisions; roads and passes; railroads; rivers, lakes, and canals; salt marshes and sands; petroleum and other minerals; subsurface distances by bathymetric lines, shading, and depths; and relief by contours, hypsometric tinting, and spot heights. Includes inset "Skhema Fisiki-Geograficheskikh Oblastii i Raoinov Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR," with legend, identifying the four major geographical regions, i.e. Great Caucasus, Little Caucasus, Lankaran Lowland, and Kura-Aras Lowlands, and their subordinate raions. Includes legend.
Azerbaidzhanskaia SSR Fizicheskaia Uchebnaia Karta. (Moscow: GUGK, 1966) Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under Azerbaijan -- Physical -- 1966 -- GUGK
Soviet school physical map of Azerbaijan from the mid 1960s. Shows cities, towns, and villages; state boundaries and administrative subdivisions; roads and passes; railroads; rivers, lakes, and canals; salt marshes and sands; petroleum and economically useful minerals; culturally significant features, such as museums, revolutionary and historical monuments, resorts, place inhabited by outstanding people, etc.; subsurface distances by bathymetric lines, shading, and depths; and relief by contours, hypsometric tinting, and spot heights. Legend keyed by color and symbol. Includes text describing significant sights and memorials.
Azerbaidjhanskaia Turistskaia Skhema. ([Moscow]: GUGK, 1962). Offset lithograph, color. Scale not given. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- 1962 -- no scale -- GUGK, and with unverified call number G7140 1962 .R82
Soviet pictorial tourist map of Azerbaijan from the early 1960s. Depicts cities, towns, and villages; place names; roads; railroads; cultivated and uncultivated lands pictorially; sites of industry and agriculture; tourist and expedition bases for adults and children; mineral springs; ruins; and pictorial relief by shaded tinting and spot heights. Includes illustrations and descriptions of twenty-five significant natural features and cultural sites.
Azerbaidjhanskaia Turistskaia Skhema. ([Moscow]: GUGK, 1966). Offset lithograph, color. Scale not given. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- 1966 -- no scale -- GUGK
Soviet pictorial tourist map of Azerbaijan from the mid 1960s. Depicts cities, towns, and villages; place names; roads; railroads; cultivated and uncultivated lands pictorially; sites of industry and agriculture; tourist and expedition bases for adults and children; mineral springs; ruins; and pictorial relief by shaded tinting and spot heights. Includes illustrations and descriptions of twenty-five significant natural features and cultural sites. 1962 edition described above.
Azerbaidzhanian zoogeographical map / compiled by L. I. Prilipko, M. E. Salaev, and D. G. Tuaev ; redrawn by R. L. Carrodus and R. A. Dirks. (Coconut Grove, Miami, Fla. : H. Field, 1969. Map. Scale 1:600,000; 1 cm. = 6 km. Filed under LC call number G7141.D4 1963 .P7
Map depicting faunal distribution throughout Azerbaijan. Redrawn from the "Atlas of Azerbaidzhan Soviet Socialist Republic, Baku and Moscow, 1963."