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The Caucasus: Cartographic Resources in the Library of Congress


Caucasus Single Maps

[Map of Colhi, Iberia, Albania, and Armenia Maior]. Claudius Ptolemy. ([Vienne] : [Gaspard Trechsel], [1541]). Woodcut print, uncolored. Scale ca. 1:4,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1541 -- 1:4,000,000 -- Ptolemy

Early printed map of the Caucasus from 1541 edition of Ptolemy's Geographia. The cartographer likely is Lorenz Fries, while the printer is Gaspard Trechsel. Depicts towns and villages, Ptolemaic place names, lakes and rivers, and relief pictorially. Includes an illustration, as well as geographic notes adjacent to the latitudinal grid.

Colchis, Iberia, Albania Quaeq; Caucasiae Gentes, Istmum quod Pontum Euxinum Caspium q; Mare Interjacet Incolunt. Guilaume Sanson ([Paris]: apud Petrum Mariette, 1667). Copperplate engraving, hand-colored. Scale ca. 1:2,800,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus (Ancient) -- 1667 -- Sanson

Seventeenth century French map by Sanson fils illustrating the Caucasus in an ancient, albeit precisely undated, era. Shows towns and villages, some pictorially, place names, rivers, boundaries, and pictorial representation of relief. The carcass atop the rustic frame encompassing the cartouche may illustrate a large goat commonly known as the Dagestan (Eastern) Tur.

Carte de la Colchide de l'Iberie de l'Albanie et des Pays circonvoisins pour servir a l'intelligence de l'Histoire Romaine. Henri Liebaux. ([Paris]: 1729). Copperplate engraving, uncolored. Scale 1:1,500,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1729 -- 1:5,500,000 -- Liebaux

Map attempting to depict the Caucasus as they appeared during Roman times. Depicts towns and villages pictorially, place names, rivers and lakes, boundaries, and pictorial representation of relief.

Territorium Pontum Euxinum et Mare Caspium Interiacens Cubania et Georginae . . . In Russischer Atlas, welcher in einer general-Charte und neunzehen special-Charten das gesamte russische Reich und dessen angräntzende Länder, nach den Regeln der Erd-Beschreibung und den neuesten Observationen vorstellig macht. (St. Petersburg : Kayserl. Academie der Wissenschaften, 1745). Map, copperplate engraving, is plate 11 in atlas. Scale not given. Filed under LC call number G2110 .A352 1745 vault

Map of the Northern Caucasus and the Kuban in 1745 atlas by the Russian Academy of Sciences. Shows towns and villages, roads, rivers, place names, and relief pictorially. Cartouche in the northeast corner illustrates Russian army about to cross the Volga. Atlas text in German; but map titles in Latin and place names in Russian in the Latin alphabet. Atlas prepared under the direction of Ivan Kirilov and, from 1726, Joseph Nicolas Delisle.

Digital images of the plate and atlas are available via the LC website.

Carte de l'Arménie, Géorgie et pays voisins. J. N. Bellin (Paris] : [publisher not identified], [1764]). From his Le Petit Atlas Maritime, t. 3, no.11. Copperplate engraving. Scale ca. 1:3,500,000. Filed at G7120 1764 .B4 Vault

Eighteenth century French map of the Caucasus depicting towns and villages, place names, hydrography, and relief pictorially. Sheet removed from Belliin's atlas Le petit atlas maritime, 1764.

A digital image of this map is available via the Library's website.

Charte der Leander am Caucasus nach den besten vorhandenen Charten, Reissen, und astronomischen Ortsbestimungen gezeichnet von I. C. M. Reinecke. (Weimar: Im Verlage des Industrie Comptoins, 1802). Copperplate engraving, hand-colored. Scale 1:2,050,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1802 -- 1:2,050,000 -- I. C. M. Reinecke

Early eighteenth century German map of the Caucasus. Shows towns and villages, some pictorially; numerous place names; Russian fortifications; rivers and lakes; boundaries; and relief by hachures. In Georgia identifies two sources (Quellen) of salt (Salz) and oil (Naptha). Text in upper-right corner.

[Turkey and Asia Minor]. Map plate no. 19 within the atlas Cedid atlas tercümesi. Tab'hane-yi Hümayun and Mahmud Raif Efendi. ([Istanbul] : Bu evan-i yumn-i ikbalde mahruse-yi Üsküdar'da müceddeden bina ve inşa buyurlan Tab'hane-yi Hümayun'da tab' ve tekmili müyesser olmuşdur ve bi-Allah'l-tevfik, sene 1218 [1803 or 1804]). Copperplate engraving, hand-colored. Scale not determined. Filed at G1019 .T2 1803 vault

Rare early nineteenth century Ottoman Turkish atlas of the world with a map (map plate no. 19) of Turkey and Asia Minor, including Turkish possessions in eastern Anatolia, modern-day Armenia and Georgia, and the northwest Caucasus. Depicts the boundary separating the Ottoman Turkish Caucasus and Georgia about two to three years after Russia's incorporation of the Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti into the Russian Empire. Atlas text and maps In Ottoman Turkish. Also includes administrative boundaries, place names, hydrography, and relief pictorially.

Digital images of the map and atlas are available via the Library's website.

Charte der Laender am Caucasus: nach den besten vorhandenen Charten, Reisen, und astronomischen Ortsbestimungen / gezeichnet von I.C.M. Reinecke. (Weimar: Im Verlage des Geograph. Instituts, 1804). Map, hand-colored. Scale 1:2,100,000. Filed under LC call number G7121.F7 1804 .R4 Vault : HL 1-55b/a55 (Hauslaub-Lichtenstein Collection) vault

Early nineteenth century map indicating administrative and political divisions in the Caucasus. Coverage includes the area south of Russia, sest of the Caspian Sea, north of Turkey and east of the Black Sea. Relief shown by hachures.

General'naia Karta zemel mezhdu Cher'niim' i Kaspiinskim' moriami lezhashchikh' s oznageniem' novoii granitsi Roccii s' Percieiu. ([St. Petersburg]: S.n., 1819). Copperplate engraving, hand-colored. Scale 1:2,300,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1819 -- 1:2,300,000 -- in Russian

Detailed Imperial Russian map of the Caucasus from 1819 emphasizing the newly established border between Russian and Persia, possibly from the Treaty of Gulistan (1814). Shows towns and villages; Russian fortifications; roads; numerous place names; towns with either predominantly Christian populations or churches; possibly mosques; rivers and lakes; boundaries; and relief by hachures.

General'naya Karta Kavkaskoii Oblasti i zemel gorskikh' narodov' / Carte Generale de la Province Caucause et des pays de Peuples Montagnards. Plate 44 in the Geograficheskoi atlas Rossiĭskoi Imperii, TSarstva Polʹskago i Velikago kniazhestva Finliandskago. Vasilii Petrovich Piadyshev, creator (Saint Petersburg, Russia : Military Topographical Depot, n.d.). Engraving, hand-colored. Scale Original map at the National Library of Russia.

1825 map of the north Caucasus and southern Russia showing roads, post roads, fortresses, towns and villages, frontier boundaries, place names, and relief by hachure.

Although the original map is held by the National Library of Russia, a digital imageExternal is available via the World Digital Library on the Library's website.

Karta Kavkazkago Kraia Sostavleni i litographirovana General'nom' Shtab' Otdel'nago Kavkazkago Korpuca b' 1847 gody. (Tiflis: Russian General Staff, Caucasus Corps, 1847). Photostat reproduction on nine sheet of original lithographed map. Scale 1:420,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1:420,000 -- Russian Genl. Staff

Photostat reproduction on nine sheets of large detailed map of the Caucasus compiled and printed by the Department of the Caucasus Corps in 1847. Shows cities and towns; large villages and small villages; monasteries, churches, and mosques; Russian fortification; roads; rivers; boundaries; numerous place names; and shaded relief.

Geography and Map Division holds additional photostat (positive and negative) copies of the same map in eighteen parts.

Karta Zakavkazkago Kraia s' Pogranichniim zemlani sostavlenniia iz' materialov' General'nago Shtaba Kavkavkazkago Korpusa b' 1854 gody. ([Tiflis]: General Staff, Transcaucasus Corps, 1854). Map, uncolored. Scale 1:850,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1854 -- 1:850,000 -- Genl. Staff, Caucasus Corps

Mid-eighteenth century Russian map of the Transcaucasus (southern Caucasus) and frontier lands with Persia and Ottoman Turkey. Shows cities, towns, and villages; numerous place names; rivers; roads; Russian fortifications; boundaries; and relief by hachure.

Karte der Kaukasus-Lãnder und der Angränzenden Türkischen und Persischen Provinzen Armenien, Kurdistan und Azerbeidjan. Bearbeitet und gezeichnet von Dr. H. Kiepert. (Berlin: bei Dietrich Reimer, 1854). Engraving, hand-colored. Scale 1:1,500,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1854 -- 1:1,500,000 -- Reimer

Mid-nineteenth century German map of the Caucasus emphasizing Russian, Turkish, and Persian boundaries, as well as territories of the independent hill tribes. Depict towns and villages, place names, roads, rivers and lakes, ruins, monasteries, and hachured and shaded relief.

Karte von Kaukasus nach der Russischen General-Stabs-Karte in 4 Bl. und anderen guten Materialien von F. Handtke. (Glogau: Lithographie, Druck, und Verlag von C. Flemming, 1855). Lithograph, hand-colored. Scale 1:2,050,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1855 -- 1:2,050,000 -- Handtke

Mid-nineteenth century German map of the Caucasus emphasizing Russian, Turkish, and Persian borders, as well as land belonging to various independent ethnic groups. Shows towns and villages, place names, roads, rivers, and relief by hachure. Index in upper right corner lists administrative subdivisions of lands under Russian authority and autonomous ethnic lands.

The Adai Khokh Group in the Central Caucasus from the new Russian Surveys and Signor V. Sella's and Mr. H. W. Holder's photographs and notes. D. W. Freshfield and W. Shawe. (London: Royal Geographical Society, 1892). Colored lithograph. Scale 1:126,700. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1892 -- 1"=2 miles -- Royal Geog. Soc.

Map published for the Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, 1892, depicting the Adai Khokh group, including adjacent ridges and glaciers, in the central Caucasus of North Ossetia. Illustrates topography of the mountain group, glaciers, rivers, feature names, spot heights, and relief by shading, hachure, and color. Map based in part upon the late-nineteenth century explorations of its compiler, British mountaineer Douglas Freshfield.

Dych-Tau & the Northern Glaciers of the Central Group of the Caucasus. from Surveys of M. M. Jukoff & Bodganoff with additions by Mr. H. Woolley & Mr. D. W. Freshfield. (London: Royal Geog. Soc., 1890). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1:126,700. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1892 -- 1"=2 miles -- Royal Geog. Soc.

Map published in the Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society in May, 1890, depicting Dych-Tau peak, as well as surrounding ridges and glaciers, in Kabardino-Balkaria. Map Illustrates topography of the local mountain groups, glaciers, rivers, feature names, spot heights, and relief by shading, hachure, and color. Survey routes marked in red.

The Caucasus: Turkish Claims in Transcaucasia. ([Great Britain?]: S.n., [1918]). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1:3,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1918 -- 1:3,000,000 -- no author

Possible British map depicting Turkish claims (in yellow) in the Caucasus, by and large the Ottoman provinces of Kars and Batumi. Lines indicate the boundary of the province ceded from Turkey to Russia in 1878; the Russian boundary of 1918; the rectification of the frontier following the Treaty of June 1918; and another interpretation of the rectification. Also shows railroad lines, place names, administrative sub-divisions (in red), and relief by hachures. Note on the map indicates that it was based on "British Daily Reports," August 15, 1918, p. 406 and the "Moscow Dispatch" (M. Phillips Price) in the "Manchester Guardian" July 3, 1918.

Caucasia. (S.l.: 8th Field Survey Co., Royal Engineers, 1918). Map, colored. Scale 1:2,027,520. Filed at USSR -- Caucasus -- 1918 -- 1:2,027,520 -- 8th Field Survey Co.

Likely British military map of the Caucasus from February 1918. Depicts cities, towns, and villages; place names; roads; railways; telegraph lines; forts; provincial and international boundaries; rivers; and relief by spot heights. Includes legend.

Caucasus: Map showing the New Political Boundaries to illustrate the paper by W. E. D. Allen. (London: Royal Geographical Society, 1927). Photostat map. Scale 1:5,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1927 -- 1:5,000,000 -- Allen

Reproduction of map from R.G.S. "Geographical Journal" depicting the political boundaries between the three Transcaucasian S. F. S. Rs. and the Russian S. F. S. R., and the the boundaries of the autonomous areas and republics as of 1927, as well as international boundaries.

Karta Kavkaza. V. V. Ermakov. (Moscow: Gosydarstvennogo Kartograficheskogo Instituta N.T.U., V.S.N.Kh., S.S.S.R., 1928). Lithograph, colored, on two sheets. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1928 -- 1:1,000,000 -- no author

Map of the Caucasus emphasizing its topography and natural resources. Depicts towns and cities; roads; railroads; rivers; boundaries; oil wells, mines, and other industrial resources; and relief by shading and hypsometric tinting. Includes two inset maps depicting the region's climate and vegetation.

Karta ZSFSR. Sostavlena Zakavkaskim Geodezicheskim Upravleniem. 1931g. (Leningrad: ZGU, 1931). Photostats, black and white. Scale 1:2,500,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Zakavkaskaya SFSR -- 1931 -- 1:2,500,000 -- Zakavkazskoe Geodezicheskoe Upravlennie / photostats

Photostats of original Soviet map of the Caucasus from 1931. Map depicts cities, towns, villages, and settlements; place names; state, republic, oblast, and raion boundaries; railroads; highways and roads; mines; factories; bathymetry by contours and depths; and relief by contours. Includes legend. Includes cartogram of adjoining sheets and textual legend.

Map of the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic. (S.l.: S.n., [194-]). Map, colored. Scale 1:2,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- [194-] -- 1:2,000,000 -- no author

Late 1940s map of the Transcaucasian republics in English (either British or American). Shows towns and cities; paved and unpaved roads, as well as foot paths; railroads; rivers; mountain passes, summits,and ranges; and boundaries.

Caucasia and Neighboring Territories. (Wash., D.C.: U.S. A.M.S., 1942). Map, colored. Scale 1:3,000,000. Filed under Russia -- Caucasus -- 1942 -- 1:3,000,000 -- Gt. Brit., G.S.G.S. no. 4327

U.S. Army Map Service reprint of British G.S.G.S. general map of the Caucasus depicting cities and towns; roads; railroads; oil pipelines; rivers and canals; marshlands; boundaries; and relief by hachure.

Caucase, Irak, Iran, Afghanistan. Politique et Physique au 5,000,000.. Girard et Barrere. (Paris: Girard et Barrere, 1946). Photolithograph, colored. Scale 1:5,000,000. Filed at LC call number G7120 1946 .G5 Copy 2

Mid 1940s map of Southwest Asia, including the Caucasus, during the Soviet era. Shows cities, towns, and villages; place names; roads; railroads; pipe lines; petroleum drilling sites; international borders, as well as republic and oblast boundaries; rivers; navigation routes; and relief by shading.

Kavkaz. Uchebnaia Karta. (Moscow: GUGK, 1953). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1953 -- 1:1,000,000 -- GUGK

Soviet school map of the Caucasus from the early 1950s. Depicts cities, towns and villages; place names; republic, oblast, and okrug boundaries; roads and trails; railroads; rivers, lakes, and canals; deposits of oil, coal, and useful minerals; and relief by contours, hypsometric tinting, and spot heights. Includes legend. Also includes a profile along the meridian across Mt. Elbrus between the Murad (Tukey) and the Sal (Russia) rivers, with intermittent geographic features named, and with horizontal and vertical distances noted.

Kavkaz. Uchebnaia Karta. (Moscow: GUGK, 1958). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1958 -- 1:1,000,000 -- GUGK, and at unverified LC call number G7120 1958 .R8

Late 1950s Soviet school map of the Caucasus. Shows cities, towns, and villages: borders, as well as republic and oblast boundaries; reserves; railroads; main roads and passes; rivers, lakes, and irrigation canals; depths by bathymetric contours and shading; glaciers; swamp lands; sands; frozen sea limits in the Caspian; locations of petroleum, gas, and other natural resources; and relief by shaded tinting, contours, and spot heights. Includes legend.

Caucasus Set Maps

5ti verstnaia karta Kavkaza, s prilezhashchemi chastiami Turtsīi i Persīi. (Tiflis : Litogr. V.T.O. pri. Shtabie Kavk. voen. okruga, [1880?-1917?]). Maps, non-colored. Scale [ca. 1:210,000. 5 versts = 1 in.]. Filed under LC call number G7120 s210 .K3 MLC.

A set of 5 verst (ca. 1:210,000 scale) maps of the Caucuses, as well as parts of eastern Turkey and northern Iran, by Russia's Caucasian Military District, Military-topographic Directorate from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Library holds complete coverage in eighty-two sheets. Sheet indexes kept with the collection.

Compilation and printing dates in lower margin.

Name of province shown by map quadrangle appears in upper margin at right, e.g.: Kubanskoĭ Oblasti -- Stavropolʹsk. gub. Terskoĭ i Kubansk. oblasteĭ -- Tiflisskoĭ gubernīi -- Persīia (Tegeran). Some maps have no province name.

Various eds. of some maps. Title and publication data from British Museum catalogue of printed maps, v. 3, 1967.

Map quadrangles discontinuously numbered in upper margin in old-orthography Russian, e.g.: A. 2. -- B. 8. -- G. 8. -- D. 9. -- E. 2. -- Zh. 12. -- I. 13. -- Ī. 12. -- K. 12.

Accompanied by sheet index map: Sbornyĭ list 5ti verstnoĭ karty Kavkaza s prilegai︠u︡shchimi chasti︠a︡mi Turt︠s︡īi i Persīi. 1 sheet : photocopy ; 27 x 30 cm.

[Topograficheskaia karta Zakavkazʹia masshtaba 1:42 000]. [Russia : s.n., 1881?-1930?]. Maps, some in color, some photocopies. Scale 1:42,000. [1 in. = 1 verst]. Filed under LC call number G7120 s42 .R8 MLC

Set of 1 verst (1:42,000 scale) maps of the South Caucasus issued initially by the Russian Army's Military Cartography Corps in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Coverage is incomplete, and set does not have a graphic index.

Date of information in upper margin at left, e.g.: 1881 g. -- 1911 i 1928 g.g. -- 1929 g.

Title devised by cataloger.

Name of responsible agency differs: Upravlenie voennykh topografov -- Upravlenie voennykh topografov RKKA -- Voenno-topograficheskoe upravlenie -- Generalʹnyĭ shtab Krasnoĭ Armii. Prerevolutionary sheets have no agency name.

Some maps are prerevolutionary sheets produced by Korpus voennykh topografov; some are Soviet reprints of prerevolutionary sheets; some are newly produced by Soviet agencies.

Various eds. of some sheets. Sheets numbered in upper margin, e.g.: I. -- XXII-34 (Kazbek) -- XXVII-25 (Obshch. Gordzhomi).

[Topograficheskaia Karta Zakavkazia, Severnago Kavkaza, i Prilegaiushchikh Chastei Turtsii i Persii]. ([St Petersburg?: s.n., 1887?-1917?]. Maps, colored. Scale 1:84,000, or 2 versts = 1 inch. Filed under LC call number G7120 .s84 .R8 MLC

A set of pre-Revolutionary Russian topographic maps of Transcaucasia, North Caucasus, and adjacent parts of Turkey and Persia at 1:84,000 scale. The set is incomplete, but is accompanied by a graphic index indicating contents. LC has 52 sheets as of July 1992.

Relief shown by contours and spot heights.

Date of information and administrative area name in upper margin, e.g.: 1910g Kubanskaia obl., Tamanskii otdiel -- 1887, 88, 89, 90, i 1912 i 13 g.g.. Kuban i Tersk. obl. i Kut. gub., Batalp. otd. Nal'chik. okr. i Lechkhum uiezda -- 1913-1914g. Persiia, Azerbaijan, Turtsiia, Ushnu, Sulduz. i Liadzhan.

Some maps lack date. Place names in old orthography Russian. Quadrangle numbers in upper margin, e.g.: IV-2 -- XV-16 -- XXV-20. Title supplied by cataloger.

[Topograficheskaia Karta Zakavkazia, Severnago Kavkaza, i Prilegaiushchikh Chastei Turtsii i Persii]. ([St Petersburg?: s.n., 188-? -194-?]. Maps, colored. Scale 1:84,000, or 2 versts = 1 inch. Filed under LC call number G7120 .s84 .S6

A set of pre-Revolutionary Russian topographic maps of Transcaucasia, North Caucasus, and adjacent parts of Turkey and Persia at 1:84,000 scale, with various sheets revised and issued through the Second World War. Contents of the set are unknown, but it appears to be comprehensive. No graphic index or list accompanies the set. Sheets initially issued by the Russian Military Topographic Directorate, and continued by the General Staff of the Red Army. Maps variously show cities, towns, and villages; place names; highways and roads; railroads; rivers and lakes; vegetation; and relief by contours, shading, and spot heights.

Date of information and administrative area name in upper margin, e.g. 1905 g. - 2-e izdanie - Karzakh - Gruzinskaia SSR i Turtsiia -- 1898 i 1908 g.g. - Gomareti - Gruzinskaia i Armianskaia S.S.R.

Some maps lack date. Various eds. of some sheets. Place names in old orthography Russian. Some sheet overprinted in red, with place names and legends in French. Quadrangle numbers in upper margin, e.g.: XIV-14 -- XV-11 -- XVI-12. Title supplied by cataloger.

Zweiwerstkarte von Transkaukasien / Nachdruck durch die Kartographische Abteilung des Stellv. Generalstabes der Armee. [Berlin?] : Die Abteilung, 1917- Maps. Scale 1:84,000. Filed under LC call number G7120 s84 .G4 MLC

Set of pre-Revolutionary Imperial Russian topographic maps of the South Caucasus issued near the end of the First World War by Germany's Kartographische Abteilung des Stellv. Generalstabes des Armee ca. 1917. Maps are German overprints of original Russian maps produced at at 2 versts (1:84,000 scale). Set appears to be complete, and is accompanied by a graphic index.

Relief shown by contours and spot heights.

Place names on sheets in Cyrillic, but series title and place name in upper-right corner both Romanized, i.e. German, and in Cyrillic.

All sheets have series title, "Zweiwerstkarte von Trankaukasien," as well as sheet number and name, e.g.: A 2a - Poti Kutaisk Gub. -- E 5c - Kars Karsskoi obl. -- E 6C - Alexandropol Karsskoi obl. Erivan Gub. Some sheets laminated, torn, and damaged.

Caucasus. G.S.G.S. 3708. (London: Ordnance Survey, 1885 / 1919). Photozincographs, in color. Scale 1:210,000 (5 versts = 1 inch). Filed under LC call number G7120 s210 .G7

Set of eighteen maps of the Caucasus at 1:210,000 scale compiled and published by the British Ordnance Survey in 1885 for the Intelligence Branch of the War Office, and reprinted in 1919. Sheets depict towns and villages, including Cossack villages; place names; posting stations; telegraph stations; railroads; rural highways, post and caravan roads, cart roads, and paths; four classes of railway stations; forts and military posts; churches and monasteries; naptha wells; frontier boundaries; vegetation by color; and relief by spot heights and landform drawings.

Sheets include name pronunciation guide.

Military topographic quadrangle maps of the three Soviet union republics in the Southern Caucasus--Azerbaijan, Armenia (Republic), and Georgia (Republic). Set incomplete; LC has only 9 sheets as of May 2016.

Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Original date of information printed in upper margin at left, for example: 1869-71 g.g. --1871-1872 g.g. -- 1932 g. -- 1935 g. -- 1937 g.

Name of the union republic covered by the individual sheet appears in upper margin at right, for example: Azerbaĭdzhanskaia S.S.R. -- Armianskaia SSR i Azerbaĭdzhanslaia SSR -- Azerbaĭdzhanskaia SSR i Iran -- ZSFSR, Nakhichevansk. ASSR i Armiansk. SSR.

Sheets individually numbered alphamerically (using roman-alphabet capital lettering for the initial letter) and titled in upper margin, for example: J38-32-G (Paraga) -- J-38-33-G (Shikhauz) -- J-39-25-G (Liakin).

Sheet J-38-33-B (Artsyvanik) is a positive photocopy of an original sheet rubber-stamped. Sheets variously include text, legend, source-materials notes, several diagrams, statistical table, and slope graph in margins.

Caucase 80.000e. [France? : s.n., 194-]. Maps, in color. Scale 1:80,000. Filed under LC call number G7120 s80 .R8.

Set of French reprints of pre-Revolutionary Russian topographic maps of the Caucasus and the Kars Region (Turkey). The set may have been compiled and issued by the Red Army General Staff during the Second World War. With place names and notes in old-orthography Russian. Some have French legends, notes, and place names in red overprint. No graphic index is available.

Relief shown by contours and spot heights.

Also covers western part of North Caucasus and Kars region (Turkey).

Date of info. and admin. area name in Russian in upper margin, e.g.: 1897-1900-1901. [Kutaissk. gub., Kutaissk. i Ozurgeysk. uiezdov] -- 1916 [g. Turtsiia, Ėrzerumskīĭ vilaet, Ėrzerumskīĭ sandzhak]. Some sheets have no date of info.

Place-names and notes in old-orthography Russian. Some sheets have French sheet title printed in red in upper margin, e.g.: Otchemtchiri -- Laïlachi -- Poti. Some sheets have no title.

French reprints of prerevolutionary Russian topographic sheets [1887?-1917?]. Some sheets also have French legend, notes, and place-names in red overprint.

Some sheets have: Tirage de Mars 1940. Sheets numbered in upper margin, e.g.: XI-11 -- XVII-18.

Caucasia. G.S.G.S. 4213. (London: Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section, [1941-]). Photolithographs, colored. Scale 1:210,000. Filed under LC call number G7120 .s210 .G71

Set of topographic maps of the Caucasus issued by Britain's General Staff, Geographical Section, during World War II. Sheets depict cities, towns, and villages; place names; three classes of railroads; four classes of roads; international boundaries, as well as republic, krai, and oblast boundaries; oil pipelines; rivers, lakes, and canals; airfield facilities; marshes and swamps; and relief by spot heights, contours, and approximate form lines. Sheets include index to adjoining sheets, index to boundaries, and a military grid reference system. Graphic index accompanies set.

Prime meridian: Ferro. Caucasus grid.

Caucasia. G.S.G.S. 4213. (London: Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section, [1941-]). Maps, colored. Scale 1:253,440 (1 inch = 4 miles). Filed under LC call number G7120 .s253 .G7

Set of provisional topographic maps of the Caucasus issued by Britain's General Staff, Geographical Section, during World War II. Sheets depict cities, towns, and villages; place names; three classes of railroads; four classes of roads; international boundaries, as well as republic, krai, and oblast boundaries; oil pipelines; rivers, lakes, and canals; airfield facilities; marshes and swamps; and relief by spot heights and approximate form lines. Sheets include a glossary of local geographic feature terms, as well as index to adjoining sheets and military grid system. Graphic index accompanies set.

Various issues of some sheets, some editions issued by U.S. Army Map Service.

Individual sheets include Caucasus zone grid information. Each sheet contains title and sheet number, i.e. "Baku" "Sheet I.8 & K.8"; "Erevan" "Sheet F8".

[Russland (Caucasus)]. ([Berlin]: Germany. Gen. St. d H. Abt. f Kr. Kart. u Verm. Wes. (II), 1941-). Maps, in color. Scale 1:200,000. Filed under LC call number G7120 s200 .G4

Complete set of German topographic maps at 1:200,000 scale of the North Caucasus, Transcaucasus, and parts of Turkey and Iran from the Second World War. Sheets show cities, towns, and villages; place names in both German and Russian: six categories of railroads; highways, streets, trails, and snow paths; oil pipelines; telegraph lines; rivers and various categories of bridges; irrigation canals and flood channels; landscape descriptions, i.e. forests, brush, sand dunes, orchards, submerged lands, etc.; cultural features, i.e. factories, post offices, petrol stations, cemeteries, churches and mosques, quarries, etc.; fountains and water sources; and relief by contours and spot heights. Each sheet has extensive legend. Set accompanied by graphic index.

Depths shown by contours on some maps.

Various eds. of some maps, e.g.: Vorläufige Ausgabe -- Ausgabe Nr. 1 -- Ausgabe Nr. 2.

Printing date in right margin at bottom, e.g.: 1/1943 (D 37). Sheets includes abbreviations, diagrams, and index to adjacent sheets. Title supplied by cataloger.

Caucasus. G.S.G.S. 4196 (London: Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section, [1941-]). Maps, colored. Scale 1:500,000. Filed under LC call number G1720 s500 .G7

Set of small-scale topographic maps of the Transcaucasus and a portion of northern Iran by the British General Staff, Geographical Section, during the Second World War. Shows cities, towns, and villages; place names; four classes of railways; highways and roads; boundaries; locations of industries, mines, and oil pipelines; rivers and canals; marshes and swamps; vegetation by tinting; and relief by contours and spot heights. Coverage complete in seven sheets. Graphic index accompanies set.

Each sheet includes sheet name and number, i.e. "Batumi" "Sheet 1". Sheets includes indexes, grid data, and authorities. Sheets overlaid in red with military grid reference system.

Die Hochgebirgspasse im Zentralkaukasus (in 11 Skizzen A-L). ([Berlin?]: Germany. Heer. Abteilung fur Kriegskarten und Vermessungswesen (IV. Mil.-Geo), 1942). Maps, colored. Scale 1:100,000. Filed under LC call number G7121 .R1 s100 .G4

Set of German Army maps that show mountain passes and approach trails of military interest in the central portion of the Great Caucasus Range. Relief shown by landform drawings, tinting, and spot heights. Military-geographical information shown in red and purple overprint on topographic base. Each map may show roads, cart paths, mule tracks, rises, and alpine climbing passes. Maps may also show bridges, steep curves, and passes. Each map includes text and descriptive index of mountain passes.

Sheets identified in upper margin: Skizze A [thru] Skizze L. There is no Skizze I.

Imperfect: Sheets variously rubber-stamped, annotated in pencil, wrinkled at edges, torn at edges; Skizze A missing as of Oct. 2002.

Accompanied by supplementary 1:100,000-scale map sheet: Skizze A/1. Die Hochgebirgspasse im Westkaukasus zwischen Maruchskoj- und Nachar-Pass : Karte des Haupt-Kaukasus-Kammes zw. d. Pässen Maruchskoj u. Nachar. [1] sheet : 2 col. maps, text, index ; 45 x 70 cm.

Large sheet-index map titled "Übersichtskarte" (scale 1:500,000) on verso of each sheet.

Deutsche Heereskarte. Russland (Kaukasus) 1:200 000 : Zusammendruck / Gen. St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr. Krt. u. Verm. Wes. [Berlin?] : Oberkommando des Heeres, 1942-[1944?]. Maps, in color. Scale 1:200,000. 1 cm. = 2 km. Filed under LC call number G7120 s200 .G3

Incomplete set of German maps of the Caucasus Library has seven sheets: Batum -- Ssuchum -- Grosnyi -- Tiflis -- Tuapsse -- Erewan -- Piatigorsk. Sheets show cities, towns, and villages; place names; sovkoz, kovkoz, and machine tractor stations; railroads; roads; boundaries; rivers; pipelines; cultural features; industrial features; landscape types; and relief by contours and spot heights. Depths shown by contours on some maps.

Covers Transcaucasus and North Caucasus. Common title differs on some maps: Heereskarte. Various eds. of some maps, e.g.: Vorläufige Ausgabe -- Ausgabe Nr. 1 -- Ausgabe Nr. 2. Printing date in right margin at bottom, e.g.: 1/1943 (D 37). Grid: Deutsches Heeresgitter.

Durchgängigkeit des Kaukasus. ([Berlin?]: Gen. St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr. Kart. u. Verm. Wes. (IV. Mil.-Geo.), [1942-1945?]). 11 maps, in color. Scale 1:500,000. 2 mm. = 1 km. Filed under LC call number G7121.R1 s500 .G4 MLC

A set of eleven military topographic maps of the Caucasus produced by Germany's Heer Abteilung fur Kriegskarten- und Vermessungswesen during the Second World War. Sheets may depict a variety of features, including: highways, roads, cart paths, and alpine trails; railroads; bridges, tunnels, and passes; rivers and associated features, i.e. waterfalls, footbridges, etc.; landscape characteristics; telegraph lines; oil pipelines; industries; transportation and communication facilities; cultural features; vegetation; and relief by contours and landform drawings. Each map includes a detailed description of routes, an index to military objectives and points of interest, diagrams, and a legend.

Date of military information in upper margin at left on some sheets, e.g.: Stand 27. VI. 42.

Military-geographical information shown in purple overprint on topographic base. Base maps titled: Deutsche Weltkarte 1:500 000 : Sonderausgabe.

Sheets numbered in purple: Blatt 1 [thru] Blatt 11. Base-map sheet subtitle and no. in upper margin, e.g.: J-38-NO -- K-39-SW. Ed. statement in upper margin on some sheets, e.g.: Ausgabe Nr. 3. Various eds. of some sheets. Sheet-index map on verso.

Durchgängigkeit des Kaukasus. ([Berlin?]: Gen. St. d. H., Abt. f. Kr. Kart. u. Verm. Wes. (IV. Mil.-Geo.), [1942-1945?]). 11 maps, in color. Scale 1:500,000. 2 mm. = 1 km. Filed under LC call number G7121 .P19 s500 .G4 MLC

Another set of eleven military topographic maps of the Caucasus produced by Germany's Heer Abteilung fur Kriegskarten- und Vermessungswesen during the Second World War. Sheets may depict a variety of features, including: highways, roads, cart paths, alpine trails, and winter roads; six classes of railroads; bridges, tunnels, and passes; rivers and associated features, i.e. waterfalls, footbridges, etc.; landscape characteristics; telegraph lines; oil pipelines; industries; transportation and communication facilities; cultural features; vegetation; and relief by contours, landform drawings, and spot heights. Each map includes a detailed description of routes, an index to military objectives and points of interest, diagrams, and a legend. Set accompanied by graphic index.

Slightly different edition of eleven-sheet set titled Durchgängigkeit des Kaukasus filed under LC call number G7121 .R1 s500 .G4

Date of military information in upper margin at left on some sheets, e.g.: Stand 27. VI. 42.

Military-geographical information shown in purple overprint on topographic base. Base maps titled: Deutsche Weltkarte 1:500 000 : Sonderausgabe.

Sheets numbered in purple: Blatt 1 [thru] Blatt 11. Base-map sheet subtitle and no. in upper margin, e.g.: J-38-NO -- K-39-SW.

Ed. statement in upper margin on some sheets, e.g.: Ausgabe Nr. 3.Various . of some sheets.Versos of some sheets have index map, while other have city plans, i.e. "Stadtplan von Batum," "Stadtplanskizze von Poti," etc. with notes, legends, and list of military objectives indexed to map.


Karta Kavkaskago Kraia sostavlena i litografirovana b' Voenno-Topograficheskom' Otdel' Kavkakago Voennogo Okruga b' 1903 gody. ([Tiflis?]: Military-Topographical Division, Caucasus Military District, 1903). Colored lithograph. Scale 1:1,680,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Administrative -- 1903 -- 1:1,680,000 -- Military Topographical Div., Caucasus Military Dist.

Early twentieth century Imperial Russian military map depicting administrative divisions in the Caucasus. Depicts cities, towns, and villages; roads; railroads; rivers; place names; and sundry cultural features. In lower left corner a complete list of major administrative divisions and sub-subdivisions, keyed by number to map location.

Administrativnaia Karta Severo-Kavkazkago Kraia po Dannym raionirovanaia na 25 Aprelia 1931g. V. G. Aksenova. (S.l.: izdanie goskontory "Transiformatsiia" NKPS, 1931). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under LC call number G7063 .S7 1931 .A4

Soviet administrative map of the Northern Caucasus Territory as of April 1931. Depicts boundaries at the Soviet republic, gubernia, autonomous oblast, raion, and okrug levels; administrative centers; cities, towns, and villages; place names; highways and roads; railroads; railroad stations; rivers; and glaciers. Includes legend. Includes an indexed list of regions and autonomous oblasts of the Northern Caucasus and their 114 combined districts, as well as a list of cities within the region.

Administrative Areas of Caucasia. ([Wash., D.C.: O.S.S., 1942). Map, black-and-white. Scale 1:4,500,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Administrative -- 1942 -- 1:4,500,000 -- OSS Geography Division

Office of Strategic Services map of administrative areas of the Caucasus from the Second World War. Administrative areas included are union republics, autonomous republics, autonomous oblasts, non-national krais or oblasts, and districts, with the the administrative center of each noted. Also identified a few place names and includes a legend.

Kavkaz: Politiko-Administrativnaia Uchebnaia Karta. (Moscow: GUGK, 1970). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under LC call number G7121 .F7 1970 .R8

Soviet school administrative map of the Caucasus from 1970. Shows cities, towns, and villages; place names; borders, as well as republic and oblast boundaries; reserves and sanctuaries; roads and passes; railroads; rivers, lakes, and irrigation canals; reservoirs; limits of frozen seas; swamps and salt marshes; and relief by shading and spot heights. Map sealed and folded in mylar.


Karta Perspektivnogo Plana Irrigatsionykh Rabot v E.S.F.S.R. (S.l.:  s.n., [1932]). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1" = 20 versts. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Agriculture (irrigation) -- 1928-29/1932-33 -- no scale -- no author

Map illustrating areas in the Caucasus to be affected by agricultural irrigation projects during and beyond the first five year plan, 1928-32. Irrigated areas, in addition to projected standard and optimal success rates, are indicated by color and hatching, which also indicates those areas under research and development. Includes a list of twenty-four (24) irrigation projects by name, keyed by number to the map. Also shows railroads; rivers; place names; and state, republic, oblast, and county boundaries.

Black Sea Coast

[Portolan Chart of the Black Sea]. In Battista Agnese's [Portolan atlas of 9 charts and a world map, etc. Dedicated to Hieronymus Ruffault, Abbot of St. Vaast]. ([Venice]: ca. 1544). Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor, on vellum. Scale not given. Filed at G1001 .A4 1544 Vellum chart no. 1 vault

Plate 13 within a mid-sixteenth century portolan atlas. Depicts the Black Sea, and includes place names along the eastern coast. Also identifies the northwest Caucasus plains as "Mengrelia." Illustrated with a compass windrose and an elaborate set of eight cherubs signifying the major winds.

Plate available as a digital image on the Library's website.

Charte des Schwarzen-Meeres : nach Murdochischer projection entworfen und nach den neuesten astronomischen Ortsbestimmungen berichtiget auf der Sternwarte Seeberg by Gotha / gezeichnet von Ferd: Götze. (Weimar: Im Verlage des Geograph. Instituts, 1804). Map, hand-colored. Scale 1:2,300,000. Filed under LC call number G5692.B5 1804 .G6 Vault : HL 1-56b/a56

Map of the Black Sea Region. Along the eastern coast depicts towns and villages, place names, streams and rivers, anchorages, pictorial representation of tribal settlements, and relief by hachure.

Map available as a digital image on the Library's website.

[Map of Black Sea and environs] / Pontos, Kara Deniz, Sew Tsov. (Venice: [s.n.], 1820). Copperplate engraving. Scale [ca. 1:3,500,000]. Filed at G5692.B5 1820 .M3 Vault : HL 1-113b/a113

Map of the Black Sea and environs includes numerous place names, in Armenian and Ottoman Turkish, along the eastern coast, as well as anchorages and some pictorial relief. Text in the cartouche reads "Gtsagreal i Pontos, pʻoragreal i Vēnētik, 1269 [Drawn in Pontus, engraved in Venice, in 1820]."

Map available as a digital image via the Library's website.


Die politischen Grenzen in Kaukasien von 1856 bis 1918. (Berlin: Kartog. Abteilung Kongl. Preuss. Landesaufnahme, 1918). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1:1500,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Boundaries -- 1918 -- 1:1,500,000 -- K. Preuss. Landesaufnahme

1918 map of the Caucasus depicts boundaries associated with six different periods and/or events: 1) Russia's boundary in the Caucasus before the First World War; 2) the boundaries of April 1918 between the three Transcaucasian republics of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan; 3) the approximate course of the boundary between Turkey and the Transcaucasian republics before the agreement of June 4, 1918; 4) the Russian-Turkish border following the Treaty of Adrianople of 1829; 5) the approximate course of the Russian-Turkish borders after the Treaty of San Stefano in March 1878; and 6) the approximate course of the Turkish-Persian border before the World War. Also a few place names and railroads.

Cities and Towns

Verschiedene propspecte der vornemsten stadten in Persien. J. B. Homann. (Nurenberg: Johann Baptist Homann, [1762]). 14 views on a single sheet, hand-colored. Scales not given. Filed under LC call number G7421.A1 1762 .H6

Fourteen aerial views of towns and cities in Persia, including those in the Caucasus nominally under Persian authority. In the Caucasus those depicted include Derbent, Teflis (Tbilisi), Baccu (Baku), Erivan (Yerevan), and Schamachia (Shirvan).

Map available as a digital image via the LC website.


Gruzinskaia SSR, Azerbaidjhanskaia SSR, i Armianskaia SSR. Ekonomicheskaia Uchebnaia Karta dlia srednei shkoli. (Moscow: GUGK, 1957). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Economic -- 1957 -- 1:1,000,000 -- GUGK

Late 1950s Soviet-era economic school map of the Caucasus. Depicts cities and towns; place names; roads; railroads; rivers and canals, and pictorial representation of cultivated lands. Map focuses on economic activity of the region, illustrating by way of symbols and/or colors industrial centers, sources of electrical power, minerals, agricultural areas, and crops, as well as indicating by way of arrows the directions of major cargo flows.

Severnyi Kavkaz i Nizhnii Don. Ekonomicheskaia Uchnaia Karta. (Moscow: GUGK, 1970). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under LC call number G7063 .C3G1 1970 .R8

Soviet school economic map of the northern Caucasus and the lower Don Region. Shows cities and towns; republic borders and oblast boundaries; oil and gas pipelines; railroads; highways; rivers and irrigation canals; flow directions of cargo traffic; major areas and raions of agricultural production; forests and forest belts; production industries; economically valuable resources; and thermal and hydroelectric power stations. Includes four graphs showing growth rate of gross industrial production and share in all-soviet production in gas, canned foods, and vegetable oils in 1969. Includes extensive legend.


Ethnographical Map of the Eastern Caucasus. (London: Edward Stanford, 19--). Photostat map, 14 x 24 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,600,000. Filed at Caucasus -- Ethnology -- [19--] -- 1:1,600,000 -- Stanford.

Map depicts ethnography of the eastern Caucasus.

Uebersichte Karte des Gebietes der Chewsuren, Tuschen,und Pshawen, nebst Vertheilung und relativer Grössen Angabe der Bevölkerung nach Feuerstellen nach der 5 werst: Generalstabs Karte gezeichnet von G. Radde. (Cassel: Verlag vo Theodor Fischer, [19--]). Photostat map. Scale 1:207,500. Filed at USSR -- Caucasus --Ethnology -- (19--) -- 1:207,500 -- G. Radde.

Map of central Caucasus depicting the homelands of the Western Japhetic (Georgian) Khevsur, Pshav, and Tush.

Carte Ethnographique et Politique de la République de l'Union des Peuples Circassiens et du Daghestan. (Berne: Institut Geograph de Kummerly & Frey, [1912]). Colored map. Scale 1:1,800,000. Filed at USSR -- Caucasus -- Ethnology -- 1:1,800,000 -- I.G.K.F.

Map depicts lands inhabited by Circassians and Dagestanians, as well as Slavs, Greeks, Georgians, Tatars, and Armenians. Also show roads, railroads, and international boundaries. Accompanied by booklet.

The Caucasus. (New York: American Geographical Society, [1918?]). Set of six maps, colored. Scale 1:3,000,000. Filed at USSR -- Caucasus -- Ethnology -- 1918 -- 1:3,000,000 -- no author.

A set of xix maps depicting various aspects of ethnography in the Caucasus. Map one depicts topography and place names. The second map depicts Armenia in Transcausasia, and indicates the location of Armenian, Tartar, Turkish Kurd, and probable Armenian majorities, as well as Armenia's historical boundaries. Map three depicts the location of Russian and Ukrainian populations in the Caucasus. The fourth map indicates the republics of the Caucasus by way of the Turko-Caucasian treaties of 1918, including the North Caucasian Republic, the Georgian Republic, the Azerbaijan or South Caucasian (Tartar) Republic, the Armenian Republic, and the provinces ceded to and/or seized by Turkey. Map five depicts the apparent claims of the South Caucasian Republic in June 1918. The sixth map depicts the Mohammedan majority and minority populations of Transcaucasia and Ciscaucasia by districts, including those inhabited by Tartars (Shiah), Turks, and Mountaineers.

Carte Ethnographique du Caucase. (Berne: Institut Geographe Kummerly & Frey, [192-]). Colored map, 44 x 46 cm. Scale 1:2,600,000. Filed at USSR -- Caucasus -- Ethnology -- [192-] -- 1:2,500,000 -- Kummerly & Frey.

Map depicting ethnicity of the Caucasus, among them Circassians and Dagestanians, Turks, Georgians, Kurds, Armenians, Russians, Ukainians, and mixed groups. Also shows railroads and boundaries.

Karte der deutschen Siedlungen in Transkaukasien. (S.l: S.n., [193-],). Map. Scale ca. 1:3,600,000. Filed at USSR -- Caucasus -- Ethnology -- [1936] -- 1:3,600,000 -- Th. Hummel.

Undated map shows the location of German settlements in the Caucasus, probably during the 1930s.

Tribal Map. Transcaucasia. (S.l., R.A.M., 1935). Map, 18 x 116 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,000,000. Filed at USSR -- Caucasus -- Ethnology -- 1935 -- 1:1,000,000 -- R.A.M.

Map identifies by name the tribal and clan regions of the Caucasus.

Karte der Deutsche Siedlungen im Nord- u. Südkaukasus. Bearbeitet von Dr. K. Stumpp. (Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, [197-]). Map, black and white. Scale 1:1,750,000. Filed under LC call number G7063 .C3E1 1940 .S8

1970s reprint of Karl Stumpp's map of German settlements in the north and south Caucasus prior to World War II. Shows towns and cities with German inhabitants, German settlements, including those founded in the Soviet era; Evangelical, Catholic, and Mennonite settlements; and mother colonies and extinct colonies. Also shows borders, rivers, and railroads. Includes inset showing German settlements along part of the Terek River in Dagestan. "Reprinted with the permission of K. Stumpp and the Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, Stuttgart, Germany" by the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia.

Der Deutschen Siedlungen in der Sowjetunion. (Berlin: Sammlung Georg Leibbrandt, 1941). Colored maps and photocopy, sizes and scales vary. Call number G2111 .E3D4 1941.

Five Nazi-era topographic maps identifying the locations and population sizes of German settlements and communities in Russia. The fourth sheet covers the Caucasus and Trans-Caucasus (Kaukasus und Transkaukasus). Coverage on the remaining five sheets is indicated by their titles: 1) Umgegend von Petersburg; 2) Wolhynien und die unmittelbar angrenzenden Gebiete (SSR Ukraine); 3) Ukraine mit Krim (SSSR Ukraine und ASSR Krim); and 5) Deutsche Wolgarepublik. Maps are accompanied by a gazetteer identifying each community by its place name, administrative affiliation, population, and its location on the map. Gazetteer also identifies cities with German inhabitants, their administrative affiliations, numbers of total and German inhabitants, and their map locations.

Völkerkarte des Kaukasus und Seiner Vorländer bearbeitet von der Statistischen- und Kartenabteilung des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts. Stuttgart 1941 under beratender Mitwirkung von Dr. Findeisen, Prof. Dr. Louis, Dr. Plaetschke, Dr. Winz. (Stuttgart: Deutschen Ausland-Institut, 1941). Colored map. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed at USSR -- Caucasus -- Ethnology -- 1941 -- 1:1,000,000 -- Deut. Aus. Inst.

National Socialist map of the Caucasus and adjacent areas depicting ethnicity. Categorizes population according to five major ethnic groups, including Indo-Germanic, Caucasian, Turkish, Finno-Ugric, and Semitic, and identifies forty-six ethnicities thereunder. Ethnology indicated by color and pattern, while percentages of population by ethnicity in certain areas are noted by stripes and checkers. Percentage ratios of ethnicity of twenty-five locales whose names are framed on the map are included. Map also identifies borders, railroads, roads, streams and rivers, and various cultural features.

Schematische Völkerkarte des Kaukasus. (Berlin and Stuttgart: Deutsches Ausland-Institut, 1941). In Die Völker des Kaukasus und Seiner Vorländer. Map. Scale not given. Filed at USSR -- Caucasus -- Ethnography -- 1941 -- no scale -- Deut. Aus. Inst.

National Socialist map, within booklet, identifies major ethnic groups in the Caucasus.

[Set of three maps showing density of rural population, ethnology, and religions in the Caucasus]. (S.l.: Geographic Division C.O.I., 1941). Photostats. Scale ca. 1:2,217,600. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus region -- (population density, ethnog. + religion) -- 1941 -- 1 inch=35 miles -- COI

Set of three photostat maps. First map shows density of rural population by shaded tinting and numerical ranges, and includes an inset indicating chief population centers. Second map shows five major ethnolinguistic categories, and identifies twenty-eight types of peoples by hatching and abbreviated nomenclature. Third map shows fiver major religions of Caucasus by shading and abbreviated nomenclature.

U.S.S.R.: Caucasus Area. Ethnic Groups. (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1948). Colored map. Scale 1:3,000,000 Filed at USSR -- Caucasus -- Ethnography -- 1948 -- 1:3,000,000 -- no author.

U.S. map of the Caucasus categorizes inhabitants by five major groups, including Indigenous Caucasians (Western Japhetic Georgian, Eastern Japhetic, and Western Japhetic other), Indo-Iranians, Indo-Europeans, Semitics, and Turkics, and then by various ethnicities thereunder. Ethnicity noted by color.

Folklore and Mythology

The Gates of the Myth-Lands. Map 7: The Deluged Civilization of the Caucasus Isthmus. del., N. Nazar. (New York: R. A. Fessenden, 1929). Photostat. No scale. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Literature -- 1929 -- Fessenden

Photostat of original map of the Kerch Strait between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, and adjacent areas, drawn to accompany R. A. Fessenden's The deluged civilization of the Caucasus isthmus (1933), to support his ideas regarding the location of the ancient city of Atlantis in the Caucasus, and his designation of the region as the birthplace of human civilization. Map includes a mishmash of names in classical Greek and spurious languages throughout the region; and includes a list of sources from which the author claims to have drawn his information. Inset depicts the so-called "Northern Gate" just below the lower course of the Don River.

Mythlands of Mesopotamia, Israel, Egypt, and Greece. Map 8: the Deluged Civilization of the Caucasus Isthmus. del., N. Nazar. (New York: R. A. Fessenden, 1929). Photostat. No scale. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Literature -- 1929 -- Fessenden

Photostat of original map of the Caucasus drawn to accompany R. A. Fessenden's The deluged civilization of the Caucasus isthmus (1933), to support his ideas regarding the location of the ancient city of Atlantis in the Caucasus, and his designation of the region as the birthplace of human civilization. Map includes ancient Greek names, both accurate and spurious, as well as names in other languages, throughout the region; and indicates the routes of mythical Greek explorers. Inset depicts the Garden of the Hisperides in modern-day Georgia.


A Geological Map of the Caucasus from the the latest sources by Felix Oswald. (London: Dulau & Co., 1914). Chromolithograph. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Geology -- 1914 -- 1:1,000,000 -- Felix Oswald

Vibrantly colored and detailed geological map of the Caucasus from near the beginning of the First World War. Illustrates lithology by color, and identifies igneous rocks by color and pattern. Includes a "Geological Explanation" legend. Also shows towns and villages; place names; rivers; railroads; height in English feet; and marshes. Accompanied by text of explanatory notes.

USSR. Geological and Prospecting Service. Geological Survey. Geological Map of the Caucasus January 1929 g. / SSSR. Glavnoe Geologo-Razvedochnoe Upravlenie. Institut Geologicheskoi Karti. Geologicheskaia Karta Kavkaza Ianvar 1929 g. (Leningrad: USSR Geological Survey, 1929). Chromolithograph. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1929 -- 1:1,000,000 -- Russia. Geological Survey

Soviet-era geological map of the Caucasus from the late 1920s. Lithology illustrated by color and standard geological nomenclature. Also shows towns and villages; place names; rivers; railroads; and relief by spot heights in meters. Title and text in Russian and English.

Geologische Karte des Kaukasus. [Geologicheskai︠a︡ karta Kavkaza] Hrsg. vom Geologischen Komitee beim Rate der Volkskommissare der UdSSR. unter Leitung von A. P. Gerassimoff und unter Mitwirkung von W. W. Weber [et al.] Hergestellt im Auftrage GenStdH, Abt. f. Kr. Kart. u. Verm. Wes (II) u. RLM/V 9. II F (Geol). A. P. Gerasimov / USSR Geological Committee / Germany. Heer. Generalstab. ([Berlin?]: 1941). Colored map, on four sheets. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under LC call number G7121.C5 1941 .R8

World War II German re-issue of a Soviet geological map of the Caucasus. Lithology illustrated by color, and relief shown by spot heights.

Geologische Karte des Kaukasus. ([Moscow/Berlin]: Geologischen Komitee beim Rate der Volkskommissare der UdSSR, 1941). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Geology -- 1941 -- 1:1,000,000 -- Gerassimoff et al.

German re-issue of a geological map of the Caucasus originally published by the Geological Committee of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. Illustrates lithology by color and standard geological nomenclature; place names (in Russian); towns and villages; roads; railroads; rivers and canals; and relief by spot heights. Extensive legend identifies lithology, with German and Russian text.


Voenno-istoricheskaia karta sievero-vostochnago Kavkaza : s oboznachīem kriepostei, ykrieplenii, gorodkov, redutov, felʹdmantsov, oboronitelʹnykh i storozhevykh baten, postov i kordonnykh liniii, ustroennykh russkimi voiskami s 1569 goda do okonchaniia Kavkazskoii voiiny i s ukazaniiami vremeni ikh postroiki i uprazdeniia. E. D. Felitsynym. ([Nazranʹ, Russia?] : Izgotovlena po zakazu Pravitelʹstva Respubliki Ingushetiia, [2004] (Nalʹchik : PK, 2004). Map, colored. Scale [1:840,000]. 20 versts = 1 in. Filed under LC call number G7062.C3R2 187- .F3 2004

Facsimile of original Russian military historical map from the 1870s of the northeastern Caucasus. Map depicts Russian fortresses, fortifications, posts, redoubts, field offices, defensive and sentry battalions, and cordon lines maintained by Russian troops from 1569 until the end of the Caucasus War, at the time of their construction and use. Shows in red overprint Cossack territories and areas of Caucasian mountain ethnic groups. Shows numerous settlements, especially along the River; place names; rivers; and relief by shading, hachures, and spot heights. Prime meridian is Ferro.

Voenno-istoricheskaia karta sievero-zapadnago Kavkaza : s oboznachiem miestonakhozhdeniia ne sushchestvuiushchikh nynie kriepostei, ykrieplenii, postov i glavnieishikh kordonnykh linii, ustroennykh russkimi voĭskami s 1774 goda do okonchaniia Kavkazskoi voiny. E. D. Felitsynym. ([Nazranʹ, Russia?]: Izgotovlena po zakazu Pravitelʹstva Respubliki Ingushetiia, [2004] (Nalʹchik : PK, 2004). Map, colored. Scale [1:840,000]. 20 versts = 1 in. Filed under LC call number G7062.C3R2 187- .F4 2004

Facsimile of Russian military historical map from the 1870s of the northwest Caucasus from the late eighteenth century. Shows fortresses, forts, posts, main cordon lines no long existing, and maintained by Russian troops from 1774 until the end of the Caucasian War. Also shows numerous settlements, especially along the Kuban River, Circassian auls, place names, rivers, and relief by shading, hachures,and spot heights. Overprinted in red are Cossack territories and areas of Caucasian mountain ethnic groups. Prime meridian is Ferro.


Der Kaukasus und Seiner Vorländer. Siedlungsdichtekarte mit Wirtschafts- und Deutschtumsangaben. (Berlin: Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme, 1941). One original and one photostat, each on two sheets. 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus Region (N. Iran + E. Turkey) -- (Pipe lines, transportation, communication) -- 1941 -- 1:1,000,000 -- Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme

Two maps in a folder, one original and the other a photostat reproduction.

Original map is titled Kaukasien Schema der Eisenbahnen und Schiffartslinien mit Angabe der Banhöfe und Haltestellan. It depicts Caucasian railways and shipping lines, as well as train stations and stops. Accompanied by an index of stations and stops.

The other item is a photostat map of the Caucasus and adjacent areas depicting economic, ethnic, and population information, emphasizing transportation and industrial infrastructure. Shows cities, towns, and villages; place names; roads; railroads; oil and gas lines; factories; mines; various industrial facilities; airports; rivers; sundry cultural features; and boundaries. Inset map depicts an overview of the distribution of the religions in the region. Includes a legend identifying various kinds of industrial sites. Original map listed in the subsequent entry.

Der Kaukasus und Seiner Vorländer. Siedlungsdichtekarte mit Wirtschafts- und Deutschtumsangaben. (Berlin: Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme, 1941). Offset lithograph, two parts. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus (E. Turkey + N. Iran) -- 1941 -- 1:1,000,000 -- Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme

Original map of the Caucasus and adjacent areas depicting economic, ethnic, and population information, emphasizing transportation and industrial infrastructure. Shows cities, towns, and villages; place names; roads; railroads; oil and gas lines; factories; mines; various industrial facilities; airports; rivers; sundry cultural features; and boundaries. Inset map depicts an overview of the distribution of the religions in the region. Includes a legend identifying various kinds of industrial sites.

Kaukasien (mit Gebiet Rostow und ASSR Kalmükien) Ubersichtskarte. ([Berlin]: General Stadt des Heeres. Abteilung fur Kaukasus, [1941]). Map, colored. Scale 1:1,500,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1:1,500,000 -- [1941] -- Gen. St. d. H. Abt. f. Kauk. Verm W.

German military map of the Caucasus from World War II showing cities and towns, roads, railroads, place names, rivers, and boundaries.

Ubersichtskarte: Die Hochgebirgspässe Mil.- Geo.- Bearbeitung, Stand: 1.V.42. (S.l.: Gen. St. des Heeres, Abt. f Kr Kau u. Verm Wes, 1942). Map, colored. Scale 1:500,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus mountains -- 1942 -- 1:500,000 -- Germany. General Stab des Heeres

German physical map of the Central Caucasus indicating its highest peaks. Shows relief by shading and colors, with the eleven highest peaks in violet, as well as towns and villages, mountain passes, place names, rivers, paths and administrative boundaries. Verso includes an inset with a large-scale map of Mount Elbrus and its environs, and depicts relief, roads and paths, and also includes text on the local mountain passes.

Caucasus. Special Strategic Map. (Wash., D.C.: U.S. Army Map Service, 1943). Map, colored. Scale 1:2,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Transportation -- "Special Strategic Map" -- 1943 -- 1:2,000,000 -- A.M.S.

American military map of the Caucasus, eastern Turkey, and northern Iran from the Second World War. Shows cities, towns, and villages; place names; international boundaries; primary and secondary roads; railroads (multiple tracks and gauges); and relief by hachuring and spot heights.

Mines and Minerals

Map of the Mineral Resources of Georgia & Caucasia. (Wash., D.C.:  U.S. Congress, 1926). Photostat. No scale. Filed under Caucasus -- Mines & Minerals -- 1926 -- Committee on Foreign Affairs

Photostat of original map of the Caucasus showing the location of its mineral resources. Includes a legend of references to twenty mineral sources. Also shows Georgia's boundaries. Original map included in "Hearings before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, Sixty-ninth Congress, 1st Session," on H. J. Res. 195, April 1 and 2, 1926, Washington, D.C.


Orograficheskaia Karta Kavkazkago Krai Sostavlena b' Voenno-Topgraficheskom' Otdel' Kavkaz. Voen. Okruga. 1875 goda. ([Tbilisi: Kavkazkago Voennoe Okruga, 1875). Chromolithograph. Scale 1:1,680,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Physical -- 1875 -- Russia. Military Topo. Section

Physical map of the Caucasus depicts topography and elevation (in feet) by shaded tinting. Also shows towns and villages; place names; roads; postal routes; railroads and telegraph stations; strongholds and fortified posts; churches and mosques; post and telegraph stations; and rivers and lakes. Includes a hypsometric scale indicating, via grades of shading, elevation in feet above the Black Sea. 1885 edition described below.

Orograficheskaia Karta Kavkazkago Krai Sostavlena b' Voenno-Topgraficheskom' Otdel' Kavkaz. Voen. Okruga. 1878 goda. ([Tbilisi: Kavkazkago Voennoe Okruga, 1885). Chromolithograph. Scale 1:1,680,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Physical -- 1885 -- Russia. Military Topographic Section

Physical map of the Caucasus depicts topography and elevation (in feet) by shaded tinting. Also shows towns and villages; place names; roads; postal routes; railroads and telegraph stations; strongholds and fortified posts; churches and mosques; post and telegraph stations; and rivers and lakes. Includes a hypsometric scale indicating, via grades of shading, elevation in feet above the Black Sea. 1875 edition described above.

[Set of Twenty-Nine Maps Depicting the Transcaucasus' Landscape, Geology, Weather, Climate, Economy, and Vegetation]. From the Handbook of Water Resources of the USSR / Spravochniku po Vodnim Resursam SSR. (Leningrad: S.n., [193-]). Lithographs, colored. Scales vary. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- (Physical, climatic, economic) -- 1930s -- in Russian / no author

Set of 29 maps depicting the landscape, geology, weather, climate, economy, and vegetation of the Transcaucasus during the Soviet era, possibly the 1930s. Removed from the Handbook of Water Resources of the USSR. Sample plates illustrate the region's geobotanical zones, annual precipitation, onset of the cold season, average monthly temperature, duration of frost, mountain ranges, geology, and geomorphology.

Uchebnaia Karta Severo-Kavkazkago Kraia. Sostavil V. V. Ermakov. (Moscow: Nauchno-Pedagogicheskoi Sektsiei Gosydarstvennovo Uchenogo Soveta, 1930). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- North Caucasus Region -- 1930 -- 1:1,000,000 -- in Russian

Physical and economic school map of the Northern Caucasus Region from the 1930s. Depicts cities, towns, and villages; place names; roads; railroads; canals; oil and gas fields; coal fields; mines and mineral resources; quarries ; mountain passes; rivers and lakes; submerged lands and sand dunes; administrative divisions; and relief by shading and hypsometric tinting. Map includes four insets: a climatic map of the north Caucasus; a schematic map of vegetation; a soil map of the north Caucasus; and an occupational/industrial map of the north Caucasus. Map includes a list of nineteen krais and autonomous oblasts, and a list of 126 raions thereunder, in the north Caucasus. The legend identifies significant cultural and physical features, and also includes a hypsometric diagram, as well as a list of the main ridges, peaks, passes and their heights (in meters).

Kavkaza Uchebnaia Karta. (Moscow: GUGK, 1939). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Physical -- 1939 -- 1:1,000,000 -- Russia GUGK

Soviet-era physical map of the Caucasus from 1939. Map depicts cities, towns, and villages; boundaries and administrative subdivisions; roads; railroads; rives, lakes, and canals; hydroelectric stations; mountain summits, paths, and glaciers; coal and oil fields; mineral resources; depths by shaded tinting; and relief by contour, hypsometric tinting, and spot heights. Map includes cross-sectional profile along longitude 42 degrees 26 minutes across Mt. Elbrus. Legend of keyed symbols along bottom of map.

Kaukasien (mit Gebiet Rostow und ASSR Kalmükien) Gelälande- u. Gewasserkarte. (S.l.: Abt. f. Kr. Ku. u Verm. W., 1941). Offset lithograph. Scale 1:1,500,000. Filed under USSR Caucasus -- Physical -- 1941 -- 1:1,500,000 -- Germany Generalstab

German General Staff map of the Caucasus from 1941 emphasizing topography and hydrology. Depicts cities and towns; place names; roads; railroads; rivers, some with mean values in width and depth; moors and swamps; boundaries; and relief by contours, shaded tinting, and spot heights.

Kavkaz. Fizicheskaia Uchebnaia Karta. (Moscow: GUGK, 1966). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Physical -- 1966 -- 1:1,000,000, and with unverified call number G7121 .C1 1966 .R8

Soviet-era school map illustrating the region's topography. Shows cities, towns, and villages; boundaries and administrative subdivisions; roads; railroads; rivers, lakes, and canals; glaciers; useful minerals; and relief by contours, hypsometric tinting, and spot heights. Includes legend.


Kaukasien Schema der Eisenbahnen und Shiffartslinien mit Angabe der Bahnhõfen und Haltestellen. ([Berlin]: Abteilung fur Kriegskarten und Vermessungwesen, 1941). Map. Scale 1:1,500,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Railroads -- 1941 -- 1:1,500,000 -- Generalstab des Heeres

German Army General Staff map from 1941 of railroad and shipping lines with indications of stations and stops in the Caucasus and southern Russia. Depicts multi-track, single track, and narrow gauge railway lines; shipping lines in the Black and Caspian seas; railroad administrative boundaries; intermediate stations, nodes or end stations, and railway administration termini; and national borders. Indicates place names of railroad stations and ports. Verso includes a list of stations and stops, keyed to location on map. 1942 edition described below.

Kaukasien Schema der Eisenbahnen und Shiffartslinien mit Angabe der Bahnhõfen und Haltestellen. ([Berlin]: Abteilung fur Kriegskarten und Vermessungwesen, 1942). Map. Scale 1:1,500,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Transportation -- 1942 -- 1:1,500,000 -- German Army General Staff

1942 edition of the German Army General Staff map from 1941 of railroad and shipping lines with indications of stations and stops in the Caucasus and southern Russia. Depicts multi-track, single track, and narrow gauge railway lines; shipping lines in the Black and Caspian seas; railroad administrative boundaries; intermediate stations, nodes or end stations, and railway administration termini; and national borders. Indicates place names of railroad stations and ports. Verso includes a list of stations and stops, keyed to location on map. 1941 edition described above.

Roads, Transportation, and Telecommunications

Kavkaz'' Prodol'nii Profil' Voenno-Gruzenskoi Dorogi ot' Gorodo Vladikavkaza Cherez' Krestovii Perebal' do Goroda Tiflisa. // Plan' Mestnosti Voenno-Gruzenskoi Dorogi. I. N. Kushnerev' (Moscow: Moscow Co., [19--]). Chromolithograph. Vertical scale 1 verst = 2 English inches; horizontal scale 5 versts = 1 English inch (1:210,000). Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Military -- [19--] -- ca. 1:210,000 -- Kushnerov & Moskova Co.

Visually striking and well-drawn set of two maps on a single sheet featuring the Georgian Military Highway between Vladikavkaz, Russia, and Tbilisi, Georgia. Although undated, the maps appear to have been produced in the late nineteenth or early twentieth centuries. Along the top there is a longitudinal profile of the highway across the Great Caucasus from Vladikavkaz over the Krestovy Pass to Tbilisi. The profile includes vertical indicators of prominent peaks and passes, some noted in versts; a legend of distances between post stations; iron, stone, and wooden bridges; distance markers; barriers; parapets; and a panoramic view of the mountain range. Along the bottom there is a topographic plan of the highway and its immediate environs on either side. The plan depicts the highway; paths; towns and villages; place names; rivers; bridges; snow obstructions; pictorial representation of vegetation; relief by shaded tinting and hachures; and a list of eight snow obstructions keyed by number.

Dorozhnaia Karta Kavkaskago Kraia / Sostavlena i Lithografirovana v Voenno-Toporaficheskom Otdielie Kavkaskago Voennogo Okruga. (Tbilisi: Kavkaskii voennoyi okrug, 1903). Chromolithograph, map on six sheets. Scale 1:840,000. Filed under LC call number G7121 .P2 1903 .K3 MLC

Detailed road map on six sheets of the Caucasus Region, including eastern Anatolia, compiled and printed by the Military Topographical Division of the Caucasian Military District in 1903. Depicts towns and villages; place names; roads and trails; railroads; monasteries; Cossack villages and settlements; custom houses; strongholds and fortified towns; post and telegraph stations; rivers and lakes; boundaries; and relief by shaded tinting and spot heights. Hand-colored to show boundaries of Georgia. Two copies of map; one incomplete, both brittle, torn, and missing sections. Printed Georgian legend on title sheet of one copy annotated in ink to identify in German the boundary according to the Peace of Paris, 1919, and the historical boundary between Imperial Russia and the Kingdom of Georgia in 1783. Title enclosed within an ornate cartouche illustrating various standards, the coronation crown of the Russian tsars, the imperial Russian double-headed eagle, railroad bridge and tunnel, a stagecoach, and a factory on a river against a city on a bluff.

Kaukasian (mit Gebiet Rostow und ASSR Kalmükien) Strassenkarte. (S.l.: Abt. f. Kr. Ku. u Verm. W., 1941). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1:1,400,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Roads -- 1941 -- 1:1,400,000 -- Germany Generalstab

Germany Army General Staff road map of the Caucasus from 1941. Shows highways; roads; multi-track and single track railroads, as well as those under construction; national borders and limits of the depicted area; place names; and rivers and lakes.

Karta Sukhoputnykh, Vodnykh, i Telegraficheskikh Sooboschchenii Evropeiskoii Rossii i Kavkaskago Kraia sostavlenna i gravirovana pri Voenno-Topograficheskom Depo, 1862. Nepravlena v' 1865 gody. ([Tbilisi]: Military Topographical Dept., 1865). Engraving, colored. Scale 1 inch=8 versts. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Transportation and Telegraphic Communications -- 1865 -- 1 inch=8 versts -- Mil. Topo. Dept.

Map of European Russia and the Caucasus showing transportation and telegraphic communications throughout the regions. Depicts roads and trails; railroads; existing and planned telegraph lines; telegraph stations; towns and villages; rivers and streams; canals; courses for vessels; and national and gubernia boundaries. Contains an inset showing telecommunication lines in the St. Petersburg region. Also includes a table of distances by road and rail between major towns and cities.

Diagram. Telegraph Communications in Transcaucasia 1916/17. (S.l.: S.n., 1917). Photostat. Scale 1:80,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Telecommunications (telegraph systems) -- 1917 -- 1:80,000 -- no author

Photostat of original, source not cited, of English-language (possibly British) map showing telegraph lines in Transcaucasia during World War I. Identifies "Indo-European" lines; wire numbers; four kinds of telegraph systems, i.e, Morse, Hughes, Whitston, and Baudot; telephones; telegraph cables; railways; and meteorological stations. Includes insets of ten urban telegraph centers and their connecting telegraph lines.

Travel and Tourism

Ekskursioannia Karta Chernomorskogo poberezh'ia i tsentralnoi chasti Kavkaza Okrestnostoi Ararata, Alageza i ozera Gokcha. Prilozhennie i Putovoditeliu po Kavkazy "Kavkazckii Krai." S. S. Anicimovym and S. V. Miliukov. ([Moscow]: s.n., [193-]. Typo-lithograph, colored. Scale 1:980,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Travel & Tourist map -- [19--] -- 1:980,000 -- S. V. Miliukov

Soviet-era excursion and road map, possibly from the 1930s, of the Black Sea Coast, the central Caucasus, and part of Armenia. Inset depicts Armenia in the vicinity of Mount Ararat, Mount Alagez, and Lake Van. Apparently accompanied the guide to the Caucasus known as "Kavkazskii Krai." Shows cities, towns, and villages; place names; roads and passes; railroads; lakes and rivers; post offices; barracks and guard houses; glaciers; mountain peaks; and relief by spot heights and some hachuring. Includes legend. Includes list of the highest peaks in the Caucasus and Svan mountain ranges, with their elevations in meters and feet. Includes a list of thirty-seven passes and fifteen glaciers, with their elevations in meters and feet.

El'brus Turistskaia Karta / Elbruz Tourists Map / Elbrus Touristenkarte. N. Polova. (Rostov: Association of Proletarian Tourists USSR., 1933). Chromolithograph, color. Scale 1:50,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Travel -- 1933 -- 1:50,000 -- Assoc. of Proletarian Tourists

Large-scale and finely-drawn topographic map of Mount Elbrus and its environs prepared for mountaineers. Depicts the route up the mountain from the south; base camps and shelters; pack roads; paths; glacier fields; vegetation; and relief by contours, shaded tinting, and spot heights. Place names are in Russian, but title and publication information are in Russian, English, and German. Map compiled and edited by members of the Association of Proletarian Tourists of the USSR, North Caucasian Department.

Cherez Roskii Pereval. Turistskaia Marshrutnaia Karta. Zachetnaia chast' Marshruta: Alagir - Tsei - Zaramag - Roskii Pereval - Dzhava - Gori. (Moscow: GUGK, 1956). Photolithograph, colored. Scal 1:250,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1956 -- 1:250,000 -- GUGK, and at unverified LC call number G7121 .E68 1956 .R8

Soviet tourist map of the route through the Russian Pass across the Great Caucasus from Gori, Georgia, to Alagir, North Ossetia. Depicts cities, towns, and villages; place names; highway, roads, trails, and the tourist route; tourist bases and alpine camps; vegetation and cultivated areas; rivers; glaciers; relief by shading, landform drawings, and spot heights. Includes legend and indexed list of tourist sites along the route. Verso includes map of various tourist routes across the central Caucasus, with an indexed list of routes. Verso also includes illustrations, text, and legend.

Turistskoi Karty "Kavkaz." (Moscow: GUGK, 1958). Photolithograph, colored. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1958 -- 1:1,000,000 -- GUGKl, and at unverified LC call number G7120 1958 .R81

Soviet travel map of the Caucasus from the late 1950s. Shows cities, towns, and villages; borders and administrative boundaries; railroads; highways and roads; rivers and lakes; tourist routes, camps, bases, museums, historical-archeological sites, ruins, botanical gardens, etc.; submerged lands; vegetation; and relief by shading. Includes legend. Includes an indexed table of tourist routes, bases and shelters, excursion bases for adults and children, and nature reserves. Includes booklet.

Turistskaia Skhema Raiona Kavkazskik Mineral'nikh Vod. (Moscow: GUGK, 1960). Offset lithograph. No scale. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Hydrography -- 1960 -- no scale -- GUGK

Soviet-era bird's-eye pictorial view of the mineral water resorts in and around Piatigorsk. Shows local lakes and rivers; towns and villages pictorially; place names; and relief by shaded tinting. Upper half of map dominated by the northern face of the central range of the Great Caucasus, with many prominent peaks named. Includes illustrations and text of twenty-seven natural and cultural features of the region. Map is oriented towards southeast.

Chernomorskoe Poberzh'e Kavkaza Turistskaia Skhema. ([Moscow]: GUGK, 1966). Offset lithograph. No scale. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- 1966 -- no scale -- GUGK

Bird's-eye view pictorial tourist map of the eastern coast of the Black Sea from the Tamansk Peninsula to Batumi, and including the western end of the Great Caucasus Range. Illustrates towns and villages; coastline and coastal features; roads and paths; railroads; tourist camps; various economic activities; vegetation pictorially; mountain passes; and pictorial relief by shaded tinting and spot heights. Various peaks and ranges identified by name and elevation. Along bottom of map are thirty significant cultural and natural features identified by illustrations and text.

Chernomorskoe Poberzh'e Kavkaza Turistskaia Skhema. Vtoroe Izdanie.. ([Moscow]: GUGK, 1969). Offset lithograph. No scale. Filed under USSR -- Georgia -- 1969 -- no scale -- GUGK and with unverified call number G7121 .E63 1969 .R81

Second edition of bird's-eye view pictorial tourist map of the eastern coast of the Black Sea from the Tamansk Peninsula to Batumi, and including the western end of the Great Caucasus Range. Illustrates towns and villages; coastline and coastal features; roads and paths; railroads; tourist camps; various economic activities; vegetation pictorially; mountain passes; and pictorial relief by shaded tinting and spot heights. Various peaks and ranges identified by name and elevation. Verso includes thirty-five significant cultural and natural features identified by illustrations and text.

Raion Kavkazskikh Mineral'nikh Vod. Vtoroe Izdanie. Turistskaia Skhema. (Moscow: GUGK, 1969). Offset lithograph. No scale. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Hydrography -- 1969 -- no scale -- GUGK

Late 1960s edition of a bird's-eye pictorial view of the mineral water resorts in and around Piatigorsk. Shows local lakes and rivers; towns and villages pictorially; place names; locations of guest houses and camp grounds; and relief by shaded tinting. Upper half of map dominated by the northern face of the central range of the Great Caucasus, with many prominent peaks named. Map is oriented towards southeast. Extensive historical and geographical notes on recto and verso. Cover includes an illustration of an eagle perched on a ledge overlooking a village and distant mountains. Library may hold earlier and later editions.


Treaty map shewing the boundaries of Russia & the Eastern European states : & the proposed boundary between Russia & Turkey. James Wyld. (London : Published by James Wyld, Geographer to the Queen & H.R.H. Prince Albert, February 25th 1856). 3 maps on on sheet, colored. Scales differ. Filed under LC call number G7001.F2 1856 .W9 Fil 94

Of the three maps on a single sheet, the largest, titled The Russian & Ottoman Empires, Sweden, Denmark, Prussia & Austria, shewing the Russian Territorial Enlargements of Various Treaties, includes the Caucasus and shows in dark red lines the boundaries of territories acquired by Russia from Turkey and Persia. The treaties and arrangements involving territory in the Caucasus between Russia and Turkey are those negotiated at Belgrade (1739), Kutchuk-Kainardji (1774), Jassy (1792), Adrianapole (1829), as well as those dictated by Imperial Ukase (1800-02). Treaties and arrangements involving the Caucasus between Russian and Persia are those negotiated at Gulistan (1814) and Turco-man-chai (1828). Map is hand colored to show existing and proposed boundaries, with Russian boundaries in red. Also includes settlements, place names, hydrography, and relief (mountain ranges) shown by land form drawings. Other maps depict the proposed boundary between Russia and Moldavia, and the extent of the Russian Empire as of 1856.  Map from the Millard Fillmore collection.


Karta Rastel'nogo Pokrova Zakfederatsii Azerbaidjhana, Armenii i Gruzii. Sostavil A. A. Grossheim, 1930. Map of the Vegetation of the Transcaucasian Republics Azerbaidjan, Armenia, and Georgia. By A. A. Grossheim, 1930. (Tbilisi: Experimental-Research Institute of Water Economy of Transcaucasia, 1930). Chromolithograph, map on eight sheets. Scale 1:420,000.  Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Vegetation -- 1930 -- 1:420,000 -- A. A. Grossheim

Soviet-era, Russian-English vegetation map of Transcaucasus on eight sheets from 1930.  Extensive legend identifies nine major categories of vegetation, and thirty-nine types thereunder, by color and/or symbol, as well as permanent snow cover. Map depicts vegetation; roads; railroads; rivers; and a few place names (in English). Map accompanied text "Sketch of the Vegetation of Transcaucasia," which is also included.


Karte zur Erklärung der Zug-Richtungen im Kaukasus-Gebiete undüber die Verbreitung der Gallinaceen, entworfen von Dr. G. Radde. (Cassel: Artist. Anst. v. Th. Fischer, [19--[). Lithograph, color. Scale 1:6750,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Animals (distribution of birds) -- [19--] -- 1: 6,750,000 -- Dr. G. Radde

Early twentieth century German map illustrating the movement and distribution of the order Galliformes(domestic fowl, turkeys, and pheasants) in the Caucasus. Locations of seven species are coded by color.