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Karta Chernomorskoi Gubernii. (St. Petersburg: P. F. Petsh, [1907]). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1:840,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodar Krai (part of Black Sea Govt.) -- [1907] -- 1:840,000 -- P. F. Petsh
Early twentieth century map of the Imperial Russian Black Sea Province (now in Krasnodar Krai). Shows populated places along the coast; place names; a road; possibly a railroad; distances between settlements; and gubernia boundary.
Krasnokarskii Krai. (Moscow: GUGK, 1953). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under Russia -- RSFSR -- Krasnodar Kray / Krasnodarsk -- 1953 -- 1:600,000 -- GUGK, and at unverified call number G7063 .K6 1953 .R8
Soviet map of Krasnodar Krai from early 1950s. Shows cities, towns, and villages; republic, oblast, and raion boundaries; railroads; roads and passes; rivers and canals; swamps and salt marshes; forests, orchards, and strips of afforestation; and relief by shading and a few spot heights. Includes legend. Includes an indexed table of seventy-two raions and raion centers in Krasnodar Krai, and of seven in Adyghe Autonomous Oblast.
Karta mestorozhdeniĭ poleznykh iskopaemykh Rostovskoĭ oblasti / NKTP-SSSR GGU Glavnaia redaktsiia "Geologii SSSR. Soviet Union. Narodnyi komissariat tiazheloi promyshiennosti. (Leningrad : Kartograficheskoĭ masterskaia pri TSNIGRI, 1938). 1 map of a set, colored. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under LC call number G7063.R6C5 s10 .S6
Soviet-era map showing mineral areas in Rostov Oblast (Krasnodar Krai) in 1938. Relief shown by contours and spot heights.
Wehrgeologische Bodenkarte des Kuban Brückenkopfes. ([Berlin?]: Wehrgeologenstelle, AOK 17/ A Pi. Fu., [1943]. Map, colored. Scale 1:100,000. Filed under LC call number 7122 .K8J3 s100 .G4
Set of three defense geological soil maps of the Kuban bridgehead in modern-day Krasnodar Krai. Soil information overprinted in colors on 1:100,000 scale composite sheets. Depicts soil type by color; towns and villages; place names; roads; hydrography; submerged lands; and relief by contours and spot heights. Descriptive legend identifies soil type, and categorizes each according to condition, distribution, potential uses, geological structure, etc.
Krasnodarskii Krai. Administrativnaia Karta. / Izdanie 2oe Ispravlennoe. (Moscow: GUGK, 1939). Photostat, black-and-white. Scale 1:500,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodar Krai -- Administrative -- 1939 -- 1:500,000 -- GUGK
Photostat of late 1930s Soviet map showing administrative and political divisions in Krasnodar Krai. Depicts cities, towns, and villages; place names; republic, oblast, and raion boundaries; single and double-tracked railroads; highways, roads, and tracks; mountain peaks, elevations, and passes; machine tractor stations, factories, and industrial state farms; swamps, salt marshes, glaciers, and reed beds; and relief by spot heights. Includes legend. Includes indexed table of seventy-eight raions and raion centers in Krasnodar Krai and Adyghe Autonomous Oblast. Map has restricted usage due to water damage.
Krasnodarskii Krai. (Moscow: GUGK, 1956). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:780,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodarskii Krai -- 1956 -- 1:780,000 -- GUGK
Soviet map depicting political and administrative divisions in Krasnodar Krai in the mid 1950s. Shows cities, towns, and villages; place names; republic, oblast, and raion boundaries; reserves; railroads; resorts; rivers, lakes, and canals; and relief by shading and a few spot heights. Includes legend. Includes indexed table of forty-eight raions and raion centers in Krasnodar Krai, and of seven in Adyghe Autonomous Republic.
Krasnodarskii Krai. (Moscow: GUGK, 1958). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodarsky Kray -- 1:600,000 -- Russia GUGK, and with unverified call number G7063 .K6 1958 .R8
Soviet map of Krasnodar Krai showing political and administrative divisions in 1958. Depicts cities, towns, and villages; republic, oblast, and raion boundaries; reserves; roads; railroads; ships' courses and ports; rivers, lakes, and canals; forests; resorts; and relief by shading and some spot heights. Includes legend. Includes indexed table of forty-seven raions and raion centers in Krasnodar Krai, and of seven in Adyghe Autonomous Oblast. Indicates administrative boundary changes as of 1958.
Krasnodarskii Krai. N. G. Mgebrishvili. (Moscow: GUGK, 1974). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under call number G7063 .K6 1974 .R8
Soviet map of Krasnodar Krai from the mid 1970s depicting is administrative and political divisions. Shows cities and towns; place names; republic, oblast, and raion boundaries; nature reserves; single and double track railroads; highways, roads, trails, and passes; ship's routes and distances; rivers, lakes, and submerged lands; and relief by shading and spot heights. Includes legend. Includes indexed table of thirty-three raions and raion centers in Krasnodar, and of six in Adyghe Autonomous Oblast.
Stadtplan Krassnodar. Germany. Heer. Armeekartenstelle. ([Germany]: Heergestellt im Auftrage AO. K. 17 Ia. Mess., [194-]). Map, black-and-white. Scale 1:20,000. Filed under LC call number G7063 .K73 194- .G4 MLC
German Army map of Krasnodar from the Second World War. Depicts streets, street names, and block numbers; railroads; and various places of interest, i.e. railroad station, cemetery, sports field, neighborhoods, and several unidentified buildings. Map printed on verso of pre-existing surplus map stock.
Krasnodar. ([Berlin]: Germany. Heeresgruppe A 1a Mess durch Kartenbatterie / 613, [194-]). Photostat, black-and-white. Scale 1:25,000. Filed under LC call number G7964 .K73 194- .G42
German Army map of Krasnodar from World War II. Depicts streets; railroad lines; various military objectives, i.e. airport, railroad station, industrial sites, factories, barracks, hospital, steam and oil mills, electric station, and warehouse and storage facility; and other unidentified buildings.
Krasnodar. ([Berlin]: Germany. Heeresgruppe A 1a Mess durch Kartenbatterie / 613, [194-]). Photostat, black-and-white. Scale 1:25,000. Filed under LC call number G7964 .K73 194- .G43
Another edition of a German Army map of Krasnodar from the Second World War. This map includes an index to points of military interest in English. Shows streets; railroads; and numerous potential military objectives, among them an oil refinery, railroad bridge, dam, power and tool plants, hospitals, castor oil plant, grain storehouses, plague vaccine factory, tannery, aerodrome, and colleges.
Krasnodar and Vicinity. ([Wash.]: s.n., [194-]). Photostat, black-and-white. Scale 1:50,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .K73 1948 .U5
Basic street plan of Krasnodar from after the Second World War. Shows streets and street names, railroads, cemeteries, and a riding academy. Map likely American in origin.
Krasnodar Skhema Marshrutov Gorodskogo Transporta. I. P. Lotyshev. (Krasnodar: Krasnodarskoe Knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 1967). Map, colored. Scale not given. Filed under LC call number G7064 .K73P1 1967 .L6
Late 1960s Soviet transportation map of Krasnodar. Depicts trolleybus, tram, and auto bus lines and stops; railroad line and station; one way streets; and sites of cultural interest. Includes an inset of Krasnodar's auto bus commuter service lines.
Plan g. Novorossiska. (S.l.: s.n., 1930). Photostat, black and white. Scale 1:10,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .N7 1930 .P4
Soviet city plan of Novorossisk copied and enlarged by Germany Army. Shows basic layout of the city and port, and several features, such as oil storage tanks, train station, cemeteries, parks, wharves, and breakwaters.
Stadtplan von Noworossisjk. ([Germany]: Heeresgruppe A 1a Mess durch Kartenbatterie / 613, [194-]). Photostat, black and white. Scale 1:15,000. Filed at LC call number G7064 .N7 194- .G4
Germany city plan of Novorossisk from World War II. Depicts streets but no street names; railroads and railroad yard; densely populated areas; and sites of potential military interest, i.e. fuel storage area, petroleum refinery, armaments and cement factories, barracks, dockyards, wharves, oil pier, coal pier, and U-Boat port; and various unidentified buildings.
Novorossysk and Vicinity, R.S.F.S.R. ([Wash.]: s.n., [194-]. Photocopy, black and white. Scale 1:20,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .N7 1948 .U5
Basic city plan of Novorossisk from after the Second World War. Shows streets, railroads, the harbor, and a few cultural features, i.e. cemeteries, railroad station, oil tanks, and [factory?] chimneys. Likely American in origin.
Ssotschi. (S.l.: Bearbeitung u. Druck im Auftrage Heeresgruppe A la Mess durch Kartenbatterie / 613, [194-]). Photostat, black-and-white. Scale 1:10,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .S66 194- .G4
Germany army map of Sochi from the Second World War. Depicts streets, buildings, harbor, railroads, streams, and vegetation.
Krasnodarskii Krai. Ekonomicheskaia Uchebnaia Karta. L. V. Los'. (Moscow: GUGK, 1967). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodarskii Krai -- Economics -- 1967 -- 1:600,000 -- GUGK
Soviet school map of Krasnodar Krai illustrating its economic, industrial, and agricultural resources in the mid 1960s. Depicts cities and towns; place names; roads; railroads; rivers and irrigation canals; nuclear and hydroelectric power plants; oil and gas lines; locations of fourteen types of industries; oil and gas deposits; agricultural regions; significant distributions of crops and livestock; and vegetation pictorially.
Krasnodarskii Krai. Fizichesakaia Uchebnaia Karta. (Moscow: GUGK, 1963). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodarskii Krai -- 1963 -- 1:600,000 -- GUGK
Soviet school map of Krasnodar Krai emphasizing its physical and economic features. Depicts cities and towns; place names; oblast boundaries; nature reserves; railroads; roads; ships' courses and distances; rivers and figures for average annual runoff and discharge; submerged lands; resorts and parks; sites of cultural and historical significance; locations of economic resources; and relief by shading, gradient tinting, and spot heights.
Marshrutnaia Turistskaia Skhema. Novorossiisk - Gelendzhik - Tuapse. (Moscow: GUGK, 1958). Offset lithograph, colored. Scale 1:200,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodar Kray -- [1958] -- 1:200,000 -- Russia GUGK, and at unverified call number G7063 .K6 1958 .R81
Soviet tourist map of the route from Novorossiisk to Tuapse. Shows highway, roads and passes, and tracks; railroad; tourist routes, camps, and accommodations; sites of cultural interest; towns and villages; rivers; vegetation; and relief by shaded tinting and spot heights. Includes legend. Includes text of tourist objects. Verso has illustrations and text.
Marshrutnaia Turistskaia Skhema. Tuapse - Sochi - Khosta - Adler. (Moscow: GUGK, 1958). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:200,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodar Kray -- 1958 -- 1:200,000 -- Russia GUGK, an at unverified call number G7063 .K6 1958 .R82
Soviet tourist map of the coastal route from Tuapse to Adler. Shows highway, roads and passes, and tracks; railroad; tourist routes, camps, and accommodations; sites of cultural interest; towns and villages; place names; rivers; waterfalls; forests; orchards; and relief by shaded tinting and spot heights. Includes legend. Includes text of tourist objects. Verso has illustration and text.
Krasnodarskii Krai. (Krasnodar: Krasnodarskaoi Knizhno Izdatel'stvo, 1961). Offset lithograph, colored. No scale given. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodarskiy Krai -- 1961 -- no scale -- Krasnodar. Publ., and at unverified call number G7063 .K6 1961 .K7
Soviet pictorial tourist map of Krasnodar Krai from the early 1960s. Shows a few settlements; a few place names; roads; rivers; and pictorial representation of industrial, agricultural, and tourist resources. Identifies the locations of campsites and road accommodations. Verso includes illustrations and text.
Krasnodarskii Krai. Turistskaia Skhema. I. E. Valueva. (Moscow: GUGK, 1974). Offset lithograph, color. Scale not given. Filed under LC call number G7063 .K6E635 1974 .R8
Travel and road map of Krasnodar Krai from the mid 1970s. Depicts towns and villages; roads; railroads; rivers and lakes; campsites and accommodations; petrol stations; sites of cultural and historical interest; vegetation; and relief by shading, gradient tinting, and spot heights. Includes booklet. Ancillary map depicts coastal route between Republic of Georgia and Tuapse (continued on verso). Includes inset of Krasnodar and its environs. Illustrations on recto and verso. Verso includes map of Krasnodar indexed to points of interest, and some text.
Sochi. Turistskaia Skhema. (Moscow: GUGK, 1974). Offset lithograph, color. Scale not given. Filed under LC call number G7064 .S66E635 1974 .R8
Soviet tourist map of Sochi and its environs. Shows travel routes by automobile, road, and river; tourist and camping accommodations; cultural sites, i.e. monuments, museums, architectural and archeological monuments, parks, etc.; towns and villages; place names; vegetation; and coastline and harbors. Includes descriptive text and illustrations. Includes legend. Verso includes an inset of the central part of Sochi, with index to points of interest; as well as text describing hiking, canoeing, automobile excursions.