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Karta Stavropolskoi Gubernia. (St. Petersburg: P. F. Petsh, [1907]). Map, colored. Scale 1" = 35 versts, or 1:1,470,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Stavropol Krai -- [1907] -- 1:1,470,000 -- P. F. Petsh
Map of the imperial Russian Stavropol Gubernia from the early twentieth century. Shows populated places, place names, roads, railroads, distances between locations, rivers, and gubernia boundaries.
Stavropol'skii Kraii. (Moscow: GUGK, 1952). Photostat, black-and-white. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Stavropol'skiy Kray -- 1952 -- 1:600,000 -- GUGK
Photostat of Soviet political and administrative map of Stavropol Krai from the early 1950s. Depicts cities, towns, and villages; place names; republic, oblast, and raion boundaries; railroads; roads and passes; rivers,lakes, and irrigation-watering canals; submerged lands; forests; orchards; government reserves; and relief by spot heights. Includes legend. Includes indexed table of forty-three raions and raion centers in Stavropol Krai, and of five in Circassian Autonomous Oblast.
Stavropol'skii Krai. (Moscow: GUGK, 1955). Photostat, black-and-white. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Stavropol Kray -- 1955 -- 1:600,000 -- GUGK
Soviet map of Stavropol Krai from the mid 1950s showing political and administrative divisions. Depicts cities, towns, and villages: place names; republic, oblast, and raion boundaries; railroads; roads and passes; rivers, lakes, and irrigation-watering canals; and relief by spot heights. Includes legend. Includes indexed table of thirty-three raions and raion centers in Stavropol Krai, and of three in Circassian Autonomous Oblast.
Stavropol'skii Krai. (Moscow: GUGK, 1958). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:730,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Stavropol'skiy Kray -- 1958 -- 1:730,000 -- Russia GUGK, and at unverified call number G7063 .S7 1958 .R8
Late 1950s Soviet map depicting political and administrative divisions in Stavropol' Krai. Shows cities, towns, and villages; village council centers; republic, oblast, and raion boundaries; reserves; railroads; roads and passes; rivers, lakes, and canals; swamps and salt marshes; glaciers; and relief by shaded tinting and spot heights. Includes legend. Includes indexed table of twenty-six raions and raion centers in Stavropol' Krai, of ten raions and raion centers in Kalmyk Autonomous Oblast, and of seven in Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Oblast.
Stavropol'skii Krai. (Moscow: GUGK, 1959). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:750,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Stavropol'skii Kray -- 1959 -- 1:750,000 -- GUGK
1959 Soviet map depicting political and administrative divisions in Stavropol' Krai. Shows cities, towns, and villages; village council centers; republic, oblast, and raion boundaries; reserves; railroads; resorts; roads and passes; rivers, lakes, and canals; swamps and salt marshes; sands; glaciers; and relief by shaded tinting and spot heights. Includes legend. Includes indexed table of twenty-two raions and raion centers in Stavropol' Krai, and of eight in Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Oblast. Indicates administrative boundary changes as of late October 1959.
Stavrapol'skii Krai. S. D. Steynberg. (Moscow: GUGK, 1969). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under LC call number G7063 .S7 1969 .R8
Soviet map of Stavrapol' Krais' political and administrative divisions from the late 1960s. Depicts cities, towns, and villages; place names; republic, oblast, and raion boundaries; railroads; highways, roads, trails, and passes; rivers, lakes, and irrigation canals; swamp lands, sands, and glaciers; and relief by shading and spot heights. Includes indexed table of eighteen raions and raion centers in Stavropol' Krai, and of seven in Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Oblast.
Stadtplan Pjatigorsk. (Pyatigorsk: Kr. Kart.- u. Verm. Amt. Pjatigorsk, 1942). Photocopy, black and white. Scale 1:12,500. Filed under LC call number G7064 .P545 1942 .G4
Germany military map of Pyatigorsk from the Second World War. Depicts streets; railway lines; city blocks and block numbers; various cultural features, such as a hospital, post office, factory, cemeteries, and sources of mineral waters; and relief by contours and spot heights. Includes a list of abbreviations for Russian words for streets.
Pyatigorsk & Vicinity. ([Wash.]: s.n., [194-]) Photocopy, black and white. Scale 1:47,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .P545 1949 .U5
Basic city plan of Pyatigorsk from after World War II. Depicts streets, railway line, railroad station, cemeteries, churches, and revolutionary square. Map likely American in origin.
Voroshilovsk & Vicinity. ([Wash.]: U.S. Army Map Service, [194-]. Photocopy, black and white. Scale 1:25,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .S75 1948 .U5
Simple city plan of Voroshilovsk (Stavropol) from after the Second World War. Shows streets but no street names; railway lines in operation and under construction; and a few cultural features, i.e cemeteries and churches. Map ascribed to U.S. Army Map Service.
Stavropol'skii Kraii. Fizicheskaia Uchebnaia Karta. L. A. Ersamanova. (Moscow: GUGK, 1974). Offset lithograph, colored. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under LC call number G7063 .S7C2 1974 .R8.
Mid 1970s school map of Stavropol Krai emphasizing its physical and economic features. Depicts cities and towns; place names; reserves and sanctuaries; railroads; roads; locations of economic resources; sites of significant cultural and historical value; parks and tourist bases; pictorial representation of various fauna, i.e bison, sheep, wild boar, pheasants, etc.; and relief by shading, gradient tints, and spot heights. Includes legend. Includes four insets, each with its own legend, illustrating Stavropol' Krai's average air temperatures, annual precipitation and moisture zones, soils, and vegetation. Includes an inset of the Caucasian mineral waters region, i.e. Piatigorsk and its environs. Includes text describing major local attractions. Also includes a table of wind directions, and three local schematic profiles.
Stavrapol'skii Krai. Turistskaia Skhema. (Moscow: GUGK, 1966). Offset lithograph, color. No scale given. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Stavrapolskii Krai -- Turistskaiia Skhema -- 1966 -- GUGK, and at unverified call number G7063 .S7 1966 .R8
Pictorial tourist map of Stavrapol' Krai from the mid 1960s. Shows urban and rural settlements pictorially; place names; railroads; roads and trails; tourist bases and climbing camps; caves and waterfalls; sources of mineral waters; rivers and lakes, vegetation; and shaded relief. Recto and verso includes illustrations of sites of cultural interest. Includes a list of popular tourist routes. Verso includes text describing various routes and sites.