When looking for listings of smaller towns in the countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, keep in mind that most telephone directories from these countries feature a main city, but also include listings for other towns in the telephone district. Therefore, a researcher should consult a map to locate a large city nearest to the desired town, and then use the directories for the larger city.
Russian-language telephone directories for the Caucasus are located on Deck 5S of the closed stacks in the Adams Building, in the section for uncataloged international telephone directories. Researchers must request the items in the Main Reading Room by completing a call slip or asking in person in the European Reading Room. The finding aid designates the location as MRR/GC. All volumes held on Deck 5S for Armenia and Azerbaijan are filed under Former Soviet Union, but directories from the country of Georgia are filed under Georgia.
City (or Region) | Year | Title | Type | Notes | Location |
Erevan | 1974 | Spisok abonentov Erevanskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | The Library's volume is a bound photocopy. | MRR/GC |
Erevan | 1987 | Spisok abonentov Erevanskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti: kvartirnye telefony. | Res. | The Library has 2 copies. Both are bound photocopies. | MRR/GC |
City (or Region) | Year | Title | Type | Notes | Location |
2001/02 | Business Yellow Pages of Azerbaijan. | Org. | In both English and Russian. 3rd edition. | MRR/GC | |
2003/04 | Yellow Pages of Azerbaijan. | Org. | In both English and Russian. 5th edition. | MRR/GC | |
2004/05 | Yellow Pages of Azerbaijan. | Org. | In both English and Russian. 6th edition. | MRR/GC | |
Baku | 1952 | Spisok abonentov Bakinskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | The Library's copy is a bound set of photographs. | MRR/GC |
Baku | 1954 | Spisok abonentov Bakinskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | MRR/GC | |
Baku | 1963 | Baku: kratkaia adresno-spravochnaia kniga. | Org. | The Library's copy is a bound photocopy. | MRR/GC |
Baku | 1973 | Spravochnik Bakinskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti: kvartirnye telefony. | Res. | The Library has 3 copies. | MRR/GC |
Baku | 1978 | Spravochnik Bakinskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti: chast' 2. | Org. | Complete organizational listings. Residential listings appear in another volume that the Library of Congress does not hold. | MRR/GC |
Baku | 1988 | Spravochnik po kooperativam i predpriiatiiam, organizatsiiam, okazyvaiiushchim platnye uslugi naseleniiu. | Org. | The Library's volume is a photocopy. | MRR/GC |
Baku | 1998 | Zhiteli stolitsy: telefonnyi spravochnik. | Res. | This is a 3-volume set. Volume 1 contains surnames A- G, volume 2 contains D-M, volume 3 contains N-IA. | MRR/GC |
City (or Region) | Year | Title | Type | Notes | Location |
1989 | Spravochnik = C‘nobani. | Org. | Membership directory for the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR. In both Georgian and Russian. | MRR/GC | |
Gagra | 1958 | Telefonnyi spravochnik goroda Gagra. | Both | The Library's copy is a photostat. | MRR/GC |
P‘ot‘i | 1956 | Abonentskii spisok uchrezhdenii, predpriiatii, organizatsii i kvartir Potiiskoi GTS. | Both | The Library's volume is a photocopy. | MRR/GC |
Rust‘avi | 1970 | Spisok abonentov telefonnoi seti goroda Rustavi. | Both | The Library of Congress has 2 copies. | MRR/GC |
Sukhumi | 1963 | Spravochnik Sukhumskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | The Library's volume is a photocopy. | MRR/GC |
Tbilisi | 1935/36 | Spisok abonentov Tiflisskoi avtomaticheskoi telefonnoi seti na ... | Both | MRR/GC | |
Tbilisi | 1947 | Spisok abonentov Tbilisskoi avtomaticheskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | The Library of Congress holds 2 copies. One is an original and the other is a photostat. | MRR/GC |
Tbilisi | 1951 | SIA. Tbilisis avt‘omat‘uri t‘elep‘onis k‘selis abonent‘ebisa. | In Georgian. | MRR/GC | |
Tbilisi | 1957 | Tbilisskaia gorodskaia telefonnaia set': spisok abonentov. | Both | MRR/GC | |
Tbilisi | 1959 | Tbilisskaia gorodskaia telefonnaia set': dopolnitel'nyi spisok abonentov GTS k telefonnomu spravochniku izdaniia ... g. | Both | This is a supplement to the 1957 directory. The Library's copy is a photostat | MRR/GC |
Tbilisi | 1965 | Upravlenie telefonnoi seti g. Tbilisi: spisok nomerov telefonov abonentov telefonnoi seti g. Tbilisi, izdannyi v sviazi s izmeneniem sistemy avtomaticheskoi telefonnoi stantsii ATS-3 v raione im. Kalinina. | Both | This directory does not include any names. It includes only the old numbers alongside the new numbers. | MRR/GC |
Tbilisi | 1972 | Spisok abonentov Tbilisskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | MRR/GC | |
Tbilisi | 1980 | Telefony uchrezhdenii, predpriiatii i organizatsii g. Tbilisi. | Org. | The Library's volume is a photocopy. | MRR/GC |
Tbilisi | 1982 | Spisok kvartirnykh telefonov Tbilisi. | Res. | The Library of Congress has 2 copies. | MRR/GC |