The following Census Bureau data tools are the best way to find demographic, socio-economic and business data by congressional districts.
The following resources provide additional information on the Census Bureau's data collection by congressional districts.
The following titles are series of Congressional district data books published as supplements to Statistical Abstract of the United States after the 1960 Decennial Census through the 1980 Census. They provide state maps by congressional districts, votes cast as well as population and housing, banking, agriculture, business, manufactures, minerals and governments data by congressional district.
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) provides online access to the data for Congressional District Data Books, 1961-65 External. Please note that data are available only to users at ICPSR member institutions. In addition to the voting data by major parties this project provided data "for population and housing characteristics, including total population by household, group quarters, institutions, age group, gender, marital status, race, nationality, and urban and rural residency. Additional demographic variables describe the congressional districts in terms of education, income, employment status and occupation, veteran status, births, deaths, and marriages."
The following materials link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to additional online content are provided when available.
The following works are not published by the Census Bureau but they do use Census data.