When looking for listings of smaller towns in the countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, keep in mind that most telephone directories from these countries feature a main city, but also include listings for other towns in the telephone district. Therefore, a researcher should consult a map to locate a large city nearest to the desired town, and then use the directories for the larger city.
Telephone directories for Central Asia are located on Deck 5S of the closed stacks in the Adams Building, in the section for uncataloged international telephone directories. Researchers must request the items in the Main Reading Room by completing a call slip or asking in person in the European Reading Room. The finding aid designates the location as MRR/GC. All volumes held on Deck 5S are filed under the names of each country. There are no directories for Central Asia in the section for the Former Soviet Union.
City (or Region) | Year | Title | Type | Notes | Location |
2003 | Dve stolitsy: telefonnyi spravochnik. | Org. | This directory covers the current capital Nur-Sultan (Astana) and the former capital Almaty. It is 287 pages. | MRR/GC | |
2003 | Dve stolitsy: telefonnyi spravochnik. | Org. | This directory covers the current capital Nur-Sultan (Astana) and the former capital Almaty. It is 327 pages. | MRR/GC | |
2003 | Rizvi's Yellow Pages of Kazakhstan = Zheltye stranitsy Kazakhstana. | Org. | "8-e izdanie." | MRR/GC | |
2003 | Business Spectrum of Kazakhstan: Industrial Commercial Directory. | Org. | MRR/GC | ||
2006 | Qazaqstan biznes-kitaby: qarzhy = Biznes-kniga Kazakhstana: finansy. | Org. | In both Kazakh and Russian. | MRR/GC | |
2011 | Biznes spektr Kazakhstana: Industrial'no- kommercheskii reklamno-informatsionnyi spravochnik. | Org. | MRR/GC | ||
2011 | Obuchenie: spravochnik obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdenii g. Almaty, Kazakhstana, Rossii, Dal'nego zarubezh'ia. | Org. | MRR/GC | ||
2012/13 | Zheltye stranitsy Kazakhstana. Rizvi's tematicheskoe prilozhenie (Yellow Pages). Transportation, Logistics, & Transit. | Org. | MRR/GC | ||
Almaty | 1956 | Spravochnik Alma-Atinskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | The Library of Congress holds two copies of this title. Both are photostats. | MRR/GC |
Almaty | 1959 | Spravochnik Alma-Atinskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | The Library of Congress holds 2 copies of this title. Both are photostats. | MRR/GC |
Almaty | 1964 | Spravochnik Alma-Atinskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | The Library of Congress holds two copies of this title. | MRR/GC |
Almaty | 1967 | Telefonnyi spravochnik. | Both | MRR/GC | |
Almaty | 1973 | Spisok abonentov Alma-Atinskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | MRR/GC | |
Almaty | 1989 | Telefonnyi spravochnik Alma-Atinskoi oblasti. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Almaty | 1991 | Spravochnik telefony Alma-Aty: spisok sluzhebnykh telefonov. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Almaty | 1991 | Telefonnyi spravochnik g. Alma-Aty. | Res. | This is a two-volume set. No addresses are provided, only names and telephone numbers. | MRR/GC |
Almaty | 1991 | Spisok sluzhebnykh telefonov. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Almaty | 1993 | Ekspress-spravochnik dlia zhitelei i gostei stolitsy Almaty-93 (na 1 ianvaria 1993 goda). | Org. | Vypusk 1. | MRR/GC |
Almaty | 1994/95 | Zolotye stranitsy: telefonnyi spravochnik g. Almaty. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Almaty | 1995 | Spravochnik Almaty. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Almaty | 1996 | A-Biznes: spravochnik dlia delovogo cheloveka. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Almaty | 1997 | Telefonnyi spravochnik. | Org. | The cover mentions both 1996 and 1997. | MRR/GC |
Almaty | 1999 | Ves' Almaty: telefonnyi spravochnik. | Org. | "Po sostoianiiu na sentiabr' 1999 goda." | MRR/GC |
Almaty | 2003 | Allo, Almaty!: Gorodskoi telefonnyi spravochnik. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Almaty | 2008 | Nash gorod Almaty: spravochnik tovarov i uslug. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Almaty | 2011 | Almaty: Nash gorod: spravochnik tovarov i uslug. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Almaty | 2011 | Almaty: Zheltye stranitsy: gorodskoi informatsionnyi spravochnik. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Almaty | 2012 | Almaty: Nash gorod: spravochnik tovarov i uslug. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Atyrau | 1990 | Spravochnik abonentov gorodskoi telefonnoi seti goroda Gur'eva. | Both | Gur'ev = Atyrau. | MRR/GC |
Nur-Sultan (Astana) | 2003 | Biznes kniga Astana: delovoi spravochnik. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Nur-Sultan (Astana) | 2003 | Vsia Astana: telefonnyi spravochnik iuridicheskikh i fizicheskikh lits. | Res. | Although this is mainly a residential directory, there is a small business section at the beginning. | MRR/GC |
Qostanay | 1993 | Telefonnyi spravochnik goroda Kustania. | Both | "Po sostoianiiu na 1 fevralia 1993 goda." Kustanai = Kostanai = Qostanay. | MRR/GC |
Shymkent | 1993 | Telefonnyi spravochnik: gorod Shymkent. | Both | MRR/GC | |
Ust'-Kamenogorsk | 1994 | Telefonnyi spravochnik g. Ust'-Kamenogorska. | Both | Located in Vostochno-Kazakhstanskaia oblast'. | MRR/GC |
City (or Region) | Year | Title | Type | Notes | Location |
1996 | Spravochnik predpriiatii i kompanii: telefony, forma sobstvennosti, vid deiatel'nosti, adresa. | Org. | "AKI Yellow Pages." | MRR/GC | |
1998 | Kyrgyzstan: spravochnik predpriiatii i kompanii: telefony, forma sobstvennosti, vid deiatel'nosti. | Org. | "AKI Yellow Pages." | MRR/GC | |
2000 | AKI spravochnik po predpriiatiiam i kompaniiam Kyrgyzstana. | Org. | "Shestoi god izdaniia. Bolee 6000 predpriiatii." | MRR/GC | |
2002 | AKI spravochnik po predpriiatiiam i kompaniiam Kyrgyzstana. | Org. | "Bolee 10,000 predpriiatii. Vos'moi god izdaniia." | MRR/GC | |
2005? | Delovoi mir Kyrgyzstana: Informatsiia o kompaniiakh: tovary i uslugi. | Org. | "Company information, products & services." | MRR/GC | |
2006 | AKI Kyrgyzstan: spravochnik po predpriiatiiam i kompaniiam. | Org. | "Bolee 10,000 kompanii." | MRR/GC | |
2006/07 | Rizvi's Yellow Pages of Kyrgyzstan = Zheltye stranitsy Kyrgyzstana | Org. | In Russian and English. | MRR/GC | |
2007 | AKI Kyrgyzstan: spravochnik po predpriiatiiam i kompaniiam. | Org. | "Bolee 10,000 kompanii." | MRR/GC | |
2007 | Rizvi's Yellow Pages: Food Industry and Medicine = Zheltye stranitsy Kyrgyzstana: biznes prilozhenie: Pishchevaia promyshlennost' i Meditsina. | Org. | In Russian and English. | MRR/GC | |
2008 | AKI Kyrgyzstan: spravochnik po predpriiatiiam i kompaniiam. | Org. | "Bolee 10,000 kompanii." | MRR/GC | |
2008 | Rizvi's Yellow Pages of Kyrgyzstan = Zheltye stranitsy Kyrgyzstana. | Org. | In Russian and English. | MRR/GC | |
2009 | AKI Kyrgyzstan: spravochnik po predpriiatiiam i kompaniiam. | Org. | MRR/GC | ||
2010 | Zolotye stranitsy Kyrgyzstana = Golden Pages of Kyrgyzstan. | Org. | In English and Russian. | MRR/GC | |
2011 | Zolotye stranitsy Kyrgyzstana = Golden pages of Kyrgyzstan. | Org. | In English and Russian. | MRR/GC | |
Bishkek | 1956 | Spisok abonentov Frunzenskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | "Mai 1956 goda." The Library of Congress holds two copies of this title. Both are photostats. | MRR/GC |
Bishkek | 1972 | Telefonnyi spravochnik. | Both | "Spravochnik sostavlen po dannym Frunzenskoi G T S na 1 aprelia 1972 goda." The Library of Congress holds two copies of this title. | MRR/GC |
Bishkek | 1990 | Kratkii telefonnyi spravochnik. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Bishkek | 1992 | Gorodskoi abonentnyi telefonnyi spravochnik. | Res. | The Library of Congress holds two copies of this title. | MRR/GC |
Bishkek | 1996 | Telefonnyi spravochnik: Meriia g. Bishkek. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Bishkek | 1996 | Yellow Pages 95-96: Spravochnik po predpriiatiiam Kyrgyzstana. | Org. | "AKI." | MRR/GC |
Bishkek | 1997 | Telefonnyi spravochnik. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Bishkek | 2008 | Bishkek sovremennyi: telefonnyi biznes-spravochnik. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Bishkek | 2009 | Bishkek sovremennyi: telefonnyi biznes-spravochnik. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Bishkek | 2010 | Obuchenie: Spravochnik obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdenii g. Bishkeka. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Bishkek | 2010/11 | Bishkek sovremennyi: telefonnyi spravochnik. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Bishkek | 2011/12 | Bishkek sovremennyi: telefonnyi spravochnik. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Bishkek | 2014/15 | Bishkek sovremennyi: telefonnyi spravochnik. | Org. | MRR/GC |
City (or Region) | Year | Title | Type | Notes | Location |
1999 | Tadzhikistan 2000: telefonnyi spravochnik. | Org. | The cover says 2000, but the title page is dated 1999. | MRR/GC | |
Dushanbe | 1956 | Spisok abonentov Stalinabadskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | The Library's copy is a photostat. | MRR/GC |
Dushanbe | 1960 | Spisok abonentov Stalinabadskoi gorodskoi avtomaticheskoi telefonnoi stantsii. | Both | MRR/GC | |
Dushanbe | 1971 | Spisok abonentov Dushanbinskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | The Library of Congress has two copies of this title. | MRR/GC |
Dushanbe | 1976 | Spisok abonentov Dushanbinskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | The Library of Congress has 3 copies of this title. | MRR/GC |
Dushanbe | 1981 | Spisok abonentov Dushanbinskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | The Library's copy is a photostat. | MRR/GC |
Dushanbe | 1983 | Dopolnitel'nyi spisok abonentov Dushanbinskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | This volume includes additions to the 1981 Dushanbe telephone book. | MRR/GC |
Dushanbe | 2003 | Spravochnik telefonnyi. | Both | MRR/GC |
City (or Region) | Year | Title | Type | Notes | Location |
Archabil | 1990 | Telefonnyi spravochnik poselkov Firiuza i Chuli. | Both | MRR/GC | |
Ashgabat | 1964 | Spisok abonentov. | Both | MRR/GC | |
Ashgabat | 1993 | Telefonnyi spravochnik g. Ashgabata. Tom 1. Uchrezhdeniia, predpriiatiia i organizatsii. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Ashgabat | 1993 | Telefonnyi spravochnik g. Ashgabata. Tom 2. Kvartirnyi sektor. | Res. | MRR/GC | |
Boldumsaz | 1990 | Telefonnyi spravochnik Kalininskogo raiona Tashauzskoi oblasti. | Both | "Sostoianie telefonnoi seti na 1 iiulia 1989 goda." | MRR/GC |
Turkmenabat | 1978 | Spisok abonentov Chardzhouskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | The Library's copy is a photostat. | MRR/GC |
City (or Region) | Year | Title | Type | Notes | Location |
1992 | Delovoi Uzbekistan: Spravochnik. Chast' III. Prepriiatiia i organizatsii stroitel'nogo kompleksa. | MRR/GC | |||
2003 | Spravochnaia sluzhba = Yellow Pages. | Org. | MRR/GC | ||
2004 | Uzbekistan Yellow Pages. | Org. | MRR/GC | ||
2004/05 | Spravochnik: Golden Pages. | Org. | MRR/GC | ||
2005/06 | Golden Pages: Spravochnik. | Org. | "3-i vypusk." | MRR/GC | |
2007/08 | Spravochnik = Golden Pages. | Org. | 5-i vypusk. | MRR/GC | |
2007/08 | Yellow Pages Uzbekistan. | Org. | MRR/GC | ||
2008/09 | Spravochnik Golden Pages. | Org. | MRR/GC | ||
2008/09 | Yellow Pages Uzbekistan. | Org. | MRR/GC | ||
2009/10 | Golden Pages: Spravochnik. | Org. | "7-i vypusk." | MRR/GC | |
2010/11 | Yellow Pages Uzbekistan. | Org. | MRR/GC | ||
Buxoro | 1961 | Spisok abonentov Bukharskoi gorodskoi avtomaticheskoi telefonnoi stantsii. | Both | The Library of Congress holds two copies of this title. Both are photostats. | MRR/GC |
Nukus | 1964 | Spisok abonentov Nukusskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | MRR/GC | |
Samarqand | 1959 | [title page not included]. | Org. | This item is a photostat of very poor quality. | MRR/GC |
Tashkent | 1955 | Spisok abonentov Tashkentskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | MRR/GC | |
Tashkent | 1966 | Spravochnik Tashkentskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | Includes a 4-page insert with corrections and additions. | MRR/GC |
Tashkent | 1972 | Spisok abonentov Tashkentskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | The Library of Congress holds 2 copies of this title. | MRR/GC |
Tashkent | 1992 | Telefonnyi spravochnik dlia delovogo cheloveka. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Tashkent | 1995 | Spravochnik Tashkentskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti: telefony organizatsii, uchrezhdenii i predpriiatii. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Tashkent | 2003/04 | Telefonnaia kniga. | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Tashkent | 2007 | Telefonnaia kniga Tashkent = Yellow Pages Uzbekistan. | Org. | The Library of Congress has two copies of this title. | MRR/GC |
Tashkent | 2008/09 | Yellow Pages "Tashkent." | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Tashkent | 2009/10 | Yellow Pages "Tashkent." | Org. | MRR/GC | |
Urganch | 1982 | Spisok abonentov Urgenchskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | The introduction is in both Uzbek and Russian. | MRR/GC |
Xiva | 1978 | Spisok abonentov Khivinskoi gorodskoi i raionnoi telefonnoi seti. | Both | The introduction is in both Uzbek and Russian. The Library's copy is a photostat. | MRR/GC |