The links below provide access to a sampling of articles from historic newspapers that can be found in Chronicling America. You can further explore the topic of "Bicycle Fashion" using the following search strategies:
- Use the following terms in combination, proximity, or as a phrase:
wheelwoman, female cyclists, women’s bicycling costume, leg-o’-mutton sleeve, bloomer, knickerbocker, split skirt, divided skirt
- Before 1861, a bicycle is known as a boneshaker or high-mount bicycle. After 1870, the bicycle is called a velocipede or Ordinary. The safety bicycle, the most like representation of today’s concept of bicycle, is introduced in 1876.
- It is important to use a specific date range if looking for articles for a particular event in order to narrow your results. To narrow your results for this topic, search between 1890 and 1922.