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Lafayette Escadrille: Topics in Chronicling America

Search Strategies & Selected Articles

The links below provide access to a sampling of articles from historic newspapers that can be found in Chronicling America. You can further explore the topic of "Lafayette Escadrille: American Aviators in World War I" using the following search strategies:

  • Use the following terms in combination, proximity, or as a phrase:
    Lafayette Escadrille, Lafayette Squadron, American aviator, Volunteer
  • It is important to use a specific date range if looking for articles for a particular event in order to narrow your results. To narrow your results for this topic, search: the Lafayette Escadrille (N. 124) was officially active during 1916 and 1917; the names Lafayette Squadron and Lafayette Flying Corps were also used to refer to American flyers throughout the “Great War”; World War I began in August 1914 and ended in November 1918.
  • The names of specific aviators in the Escadrille can locate articles about those individuals (eg., Kiffin Rockwell, Norman Prince, William Thaw, William Wellman, Ronald Hoskier, James Norman Hall, etc.)

Selected Articles from Chronicling America