The links below provide access to a sampling of articles from historic newspapers that can be found in Chronicling America. You can further explore the topic of "Lafayette Escadrille: American Aviators in World War I" using the following search strategies:
- Use the following terms in combination, proximity, or as a phrase:
Lafayette Escadrille, Lafayette Squadron, American aviator, Volunteer
- It is important to use a specific date range if looking for articles for a particular event in order to narrow your results. To narrow your results for this topic, search: the Lafayette Escadrille (N. 124) was officially active during 1916 and 1917; the names Lafayette Squadron and Lafayette Flying Corps were also used to refer to American flyers throughout the “Great War”; World War I began in August 1914 and ended in November 1918.
- The names of specific aviators in the Escadrille can locate articles about those individuals (eg., Kiffin Rockwell, Norman Prince, William Thaw, William Wellman, Ronald Hoskier, James Norman Hall, etc.)