The links below provide access to a sampling of articles from historic newspapers that can be found in Chronicling America. You can further explore the topic of the "Pacific Coast Hockey Association" using the following search strategies:
- Use the following terms in combination, proximity, or as a phrase:
Pacific Coast Hockey Association, PCHA, Pacific Coast Hockey League, Frank Patrick, Lester Patrick, Pete Muldoon, puck chaser, National Hockey Association, NHA, shinney
- It is important to use a specific date range if looking for articles for a particular event in order to narrow your results. To narrow your results for this topic, search between 1912 and 1920.
- Adding team names to your search can yield better results. Eight teams existed in the brief history of the PCHA: Seattle Metropolitans, Portland Rosebuds, New Westminster Royals, Spokane Canaries, Vancouver Millionaires, Vancouver Maroons, Victoria Aristocrats, Victoria Cougars
- Adding notable PCHA players can also help you to find more results. Prominent players include: Eddie Oatman, Bernie Morris, Frank Foyston, Harry Holmes, Newsy Lalonde, Ernie “Moose” Johnson, Cyclone Taylor, Tom Dunderdale