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Chronicling America: A Guide for Researchers

Finding Citations and Linking to Images and Highlighted Text

Understanding how to create citations and properly format links allows researchers to share their findings. Below are tips on how to cite and link resources and images from Chronicling America.


On the bottom of every About this Newspaper or About this Item page, there will be a Cite This Item button. Select it to see the citation of the title in three formats: Chicago citation style, APA citation style, and MLA citation style.

Regarding newspaper issue citations, the link to the issue (with the front page showing) will be provided.

Link to Specific Newspaper Page (Image)

If you wish to cite a specific newspaper page instead, you can either go to the image page you want and copy the URL or modify the citation URL by changing item to resource and including ?sp=PageNumber after the URL provided in the citation


Highlight Text found on Images

To highlight text found on images, add &q=WordToBeHighlighted to the end of the image URL.

Highlight additional words by adding +WordToBeHighlighted to the URL.

Note: the word will only successfully highlight if the OCR of the text matches and if applied to an image URL.
