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Chronicling America: A Guide for Researchers

Chronicling America Data Reports and Views

This page lists a number of report views or shortcuts to the content available in Chronicling America. These reports provide context for understanding what types of newspapers are available in Chronicling America and can be helpful in tracking data as well. More information about each report is found in each section.

Also see: Recent Additions to Chronicling America and Chronicling America Maps and Visualizations

Newspaper content in is refreshed approximately weekly. 

Collection Status

How many newspaper titles, issues, and pages are currently available in Chronicling America?

  1. Visit the Chronicling America Collection Items tab.
  2. Scroll down until you see the "Display Level" facets on the left-hand side of the page.
  3. The Titles, Issues, and Pages (Full Text) numbers are updated every week.

How do I view a list of all newspaper history essays in Chronicling America?

  1. Visit the All Digitized Titles tab.
  2. Refine list by state, ethnicity, or language (if desired).
  3. Increase the number of results per page available by using the drop-down at bottom of page (if desired).
  4. Look for the "Essay Available" column.
  5. Titles with a check mark in this column have an essay available by clicking the title or check mark icon. 
  6. Use the "Download" drop down to save a .csv or .txt file of this data (if desired).

Language Reports

The language reports provide an at-a-glance view of the multiple languages represented in the digitized newspaper full text index.  You can quickly find out how many pages there are in a specific language and follow a link directly to those pages. 

Awardee (Contributor) Reports (by Page count)

Chronicling America is a collection of digitized newspapers contributed by the Library of Congress and awardee institutions located across the country via the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP). The awardee (contributor) reports provide an at-a-glance view of the content digitized and ingested in Chronicling America broken down by awardee institutions.  You can quickly find out how many pages are available from a specific contributor and follow a link directly to those pages. 

Batch Reports

During the course of an award, NDNP awardee institutions deliver valid digital newspaper content to the Library of Congress in regular batches. More info on batches.

All Batches

The "All Batches" reports provide a listing of all batches ingested into Chronicling America.


Batch Reports by Awardee / Contributor 

The batch shortcut links below return dynamic lists of batches ingested into by awardee/contributor. Each list is ordered A-Z and includes the associated page count per batch. 


Contributor (Link to Batches Ingested)

Alabama University of Alabama Libraries, Tuscaloosa, AL
Alaska Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Arizona Arizona Department of Libraries, Archives, and Public Records
Arkansas Arkansas State Archives
California University of California, Riverside
Colorado History Colorado
Connecticut Connecticut State Library
Delaware University of Delaware
District of Columbia Library of Congress
Florida University of Florida, Gainesville
Georgia Digital Library of Georgia (University of Georgia Libraries/GALILEO)
Hawaii University of Hawaii at Manoa
Idaho Idaho State Historical Society
Illinois University of Illinois, Urbana
Indiana Indiana State Library
Iowa State Historical Society of Iowa
Kansas Kansas State Historical Society
Kentucky University of Kentucky, Lexington
Louisiana Louisiana State University
Maine Maine State Library
Maryland University of Maryland, College Park
Massachusetts Boston Public Library
Michigan Central Michigan University
Minnesota Minnesota Historical Society
Mississippi Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Missouri The State Historical Society of Missouri
Montana Montana Historical Society
Nebraska University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
Nevada University of Nevada, Las Vegas
New Hampshire Dartmouth College
New Jersey Rutgers University Libraries, the New Jersey State Archives and the New Jersey State Library
New Mexico University of New Mexico
New York The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation
North Carolina University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
North Dakota State Historical Society of North Dakota
Ohio Ohio History Connection
Oklahoma Oklahoma Historical Society
Oregon University of Oregon
Pennsylvania Penn State University Libraries, University Park
Rhode Island Rhode Island Digital Newspaper Project
Puerto Rico University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
South Carolina University of South Carolina
South Dakota South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Tennessee University of Tennessee
Texas University of North Texas
U.S. Virgin Islands University of the Virgin Islands
Utah University of Utah, Marriott Libraries
Vermont University of Vermont
Virginia Library of Virginia
Washington Washington State Library
West Virginia West Virginia University Libraries
Wisconsin Wisconsin Historical Society
Wyoming University of Wyoming Libraries

Specialized Reports and Queries

Microfilm Reel Query

For newspapers that were digitized from microfilm, it may be useful to search by the microfilm reel's barcode number.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Search the reel barcode number in the Advanced search keyword box to see all items for that reel. 

For example, search this reel number "00517171943":

  • Scroll down to the batch facet to see batches that have this reel.
  • Sort by Date (oldest first) to see the earliest date. Sort by Date to see latest date. 
  • Use the "Display Level" counts to get issue and page counts for that reel 

2. Append "?fa=number_reel:[barcode number] to end of URL on home page of Chronam collection.  e.g.

  • Note that this method will not show page count

LCCN in Batches Query

Are you looking for a list of batches that contain a specific LCCN? Use the following URL pattern: 

  • Note: change the LCCN value at the end.
  • Some results with more than 66 batches will paginate. Click "next" page for more batches.