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Civil Rights in America: A Resource Guide

Related Resources

This page includes additional resources on civil rights from the Library's website.

Bibliographies and Guides

Black History Month

The monthly portals highlights the Library's own collections and events, they also represent a collaboration with other federal cultural heritage institutions to feature relevant materials from their institutions. Partners in the past have included the National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.


Historic Newspapers

Chronicling America

Selected newspaper articles that mention events pertaining to African American civil rights:

Topics in Chronicling America Research Guides

This research guide gathers together a collection of topical guides that tell various stories of America through the newspapers available in Chronicling America.

Selected topics in Chronicling America for individuals who were civil rights activists:

Legislative Information is the official website for U.S. federal legislative information. The site provides access to accurate, timely, and complete legislative information for Members of Congress, legislative agencies, and the public. It is presented by the Library of Congress (LOC) using data from the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Office of the Secretary of the Senate, the Government Publishing Office, Congressional Budget Office, and the LOC's Congressional Research Service

Selected highlights:

Library of Congress Blog

Selected blog posts include compelling stories and fascinating facts written by Library of Congress curators and librarians.

Resources for Teachers

The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching. Find Library of Congress lesson plans and more that meet Common Core standards, state content standards, and the standards of national organizations.

Lesson Plans

Primary Source Sets