Sources in this section cover the specific colonies in what we consider New England or cover New England generally. To research early history of British interest in the Americas and trade it may also be helpful to research the Royal Africa Company (Company of Royal Adventurers Trading into Africa). In 1660 they were issued a charter that granted them a monopoly over English trade along the west coast of Africa to search for gold and again they were issued a new charter in 1663 that included the trade in slaves (it was dissolved by the African Company Act 1750 and its assets being transferred to the African Company of Merchants). Books that cover the history of the state will provide a broader perspective but also include discussions that are trade, industry, and economic in nature. It might be important to also search on the names of prominent men and families, particularly if they played and outsized role in the economy and history of the city or state. The following materials link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to digital content are provided when available.