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Doing Company Research: A Resource Guide

Searching for the News

This was a poster for a show at The Coliseum on March 17 to 24 and features a red-headed woman with a quill in one and and a book and an open book that says - All modern time-saving business appliances and systems on Exhibition - and she is floating in front of a water front scene with building in the background and a ship and sailboats
National Business Show 1906. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

There are many times when people are looking for information that may be more nebulous, or where filings and websites only provide some information - like biographies of the executives, information on intellectual property, marketing/advertising information, corporate strategy, and clients. Using information found in filings, web pages, and other published sources along with searching current news and trade publications can provide a more detailed picture. Search on:

  • Executive names. Executive names are used in article and search on them will provide more information on an executive, but there may be interviews that reveal what is going on at the executive level like strategy and how they see the company as well as more general ;articles looking at the company.
  • Product names. Searching on product names is a good way to find out more about a specific product.
  • Product lines/divisions. Since some companies may have a full product line or division that dominate, focusing a search on that is good for finding more about that and if that is a more niche industry or a subsector, it is a good way to find out about that area and the company's position in it.
  • Company name along with its top competitor(s). Adding other company names to a search on a company's name because it might provide insight on how the target company and its competitors feel about that target company and the industry landscape.

There are databases for searching news and trade publication and both can be helpful for those researching both public and private companies; the Library of Congress subscribes to many of them. However, check to see what your local public library subscribes to for access. The subscription resources marked with a padlock are available to researchers on-site at the Library of Congress. If you are unable to visit the Library, you may be able to access these resources through your local public or academic library.