The digital collections of the Library of Congress contain federal legislative information such as bills, laws, reports, documents, and roll call votes. The Library's digital collections also contain congressional-related websites that have been archived, both official member websites (2001-present) and campaign websites (2002-present).
The following research guides provide additional guidance on locating congressional publications and images in the Library's digital collections:
- Finding Government Documents (Researcher and Reference Services Division) - This guide brings together both online and print resources that contain documents created by the U.S. federal government along with related research tools.
- Compiling a Federal Legislative History: A Beginner’s Guide (Law Library of Congress) - A comprehensive research guide on finding federal legislative history documents, including congressional committee reports and hearings, presidential signing statements, and the debates of Congress.
- U.S. Congress: Finding Images in the Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division (Prints & Photographs Division) - This overview of collections in the Prints & Photographs Division that feature images of members of U.S. Congress and congressional activity, 1800s to the present, includes sample images, search tips and related resources at the Library and elsewhere.