This page provides an index of companies (names beginning with G-L) to their corporate annual reports available at the Library of Congress covering the period from 1975 to 1983. Occasional notes address issues of availability, name changes, merger information, etc.
Company Name | Dates | Notes |
GAF Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
GATX Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
GCA Corporation | 1975-1982 | FY 1982 ends 1/2/1983 |
GF Business Equipment, Inc. | 1975-1981 | |
GI Export Corporation | 1977-1981 | see also: Geon Industries, Inc. |
GK Technologies, Inc. | 1979-1980 | |
GMR Properties | 1978-1980 | see also: Gulf Mortgage & Realty Investments |
GRI Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
GSC Enterprises, Inc. | 1974-1976 | |
GTE Corporation | 1982 | |
GTI Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Gable Industries, Inc. | 1975-1977 | |
Gabriel Industries, Inc. | 1975-1977 | |
Galazy Carpet Mills, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Galveston-Houston Company | 1979-1982 | |
Gamble-Skogmo, Inc. | 1976-1980 | |
Gannett Co., Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Gap Stores, Inc. (The) | 1977-1983 | |
Garan, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Garcia Corporation (The) | 1975-1977 | see also: TGC Inc. |
Gardner-Denver Company | 1975-1977 | see also: Cooper Industries, Inc. |
Garfinkel, Brooks Bros., Miller & Rhodes, Inc. | 1974-1980 | FY 1980 ends 1/31/1981 |
Garland Corporation | 1975-1979 | |
Gas Service Company (The) | 1975-1982 | |
Gates Learjet Corporation | 1976-1982 | |
Gateway Industries, Inc. | 1975-1980 | |
Gateway Sporting Goods Company | 1975-1976 | |
Gaylord's National Corp. | 1976-1982 | |
Gaynor-Stafford Industries, Inc. | 1974-1975 | |
Gearhart Industries, Inc. | 1981-1983 | see also: Gearhart-Owen Industries, Inc. |
Gearhart-Owen Industries, Inc. | 1976-1980 | see also: Gearhart Industries, Inc. |
Gelco Corporation | 1977-1981 | |
Geico Corp. | 1981-1982 | |
Gelman Sciences, Inc. | 1979-1982 | |
Gemco National, Inc. | 1982 | |
Gemini Fund | 1978-1981 | |
General American Investors Co, Inc. | 1974-1982 | |
General American Oil Co. of Texas | 1975-1982 | |
General Bancshares Corporation | 1975-1981 | |
General Cable Corporation | 1975-1978 | |
General Cigar Company, Inc. | 1975 | see also: Culbro Corp. |
General Cinema Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
General DataComm Industries, Inc. | 1981-1982 | |
General Development Corp. | 1975 | |
General Dynamics Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
General Educational Services Corp. | 1976 | see also: Devon Group, Inc. |
General Electric Company | 1975-1982 | |
General Employment Enterprises, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
General Exploration Company | 1977-1981 | |
General Foods Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
General Growth Properties | 1974-1977 | |
General Host Corporation | 1974-1982 | |
General Housewares Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
General Instrument Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
General Medical Corporation | 1975-1979 | |
General Mills, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
General Motors Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
General Nutrition, Inc. | 1982 | |
General Portland, Inc. | 1975-1981 | |
General Public Utilities Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
General Re Corp. | 1982 | |
General Recreation Inc. | 1975-1977 | |
General Refractories Company | 1975-1982 | |
General Research Corp. | 1975-1976 | |
General Signal Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
General Steel Industries, Inc. | 1974-1978, 1980 | |
General Telephone & Electronics Corp. | 1974-1979, 1981 | |
General Tire & Rubber co. (The) | 1975-1982 | |
Genesco, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Genisco Technology Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
Genge, Inc. | 1975-1977 | see also: Systems Planning Corp. |
Genovese Drug Stores, Inc. | 1978-1979, 1982-1983 | |
GenRad, Inc. | 1981-1983 | |
Genstar Corporation | 1981-1982 | |
Genstar Limited | 1975-1980 | |
Genuine Parts Company | 1975-1982 | |
Geon Industries, Inc. | 1975 | see also: GI Export Corp. |
Georgia-Pacific Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Georgia Power Company | 1975-1982 | |
Geosource Inc. | 1977-1981 | |
Gerber Products Company | 1975-1976, 1979-1982 | |
Gerber Scientific, Inc. | 1979-1982 | |
Gerber Scientific Instrument Co. | 1975-1978 | |
Getty Oil Company | 1975-1982 | |
Giant Food, Inc. | 1976-1981 | |
Giant Portland & Masonry Cement Co. | 1977-1982 | see also: Giant Portland Cement Co. |
Giant Portland Cement Co. | 1975-1976 | see also: Giant Portland & Masonry Cement Co. |
Giant Yellowknife Mines, Ltd. | 1975-1982 | |
Gibraltar Financial Corp. of California | 1975-1982 | |
Giddings & Lewis, Inc. | 1975-1981 | |
Gifford-Hill & Co., Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Gilbert Companies (The) | 1975 | |
Gilette Company (The) | 1975-1982 | |
Gino's, Inc. | 1975-1980 | |
Gladding Corporation | 1975 | |
Glasrock Products, Inc. | 1976-1980 | |
Glasrock Medical Services Corp. | 1981-1982 | |
Glatfelter (P.H.) Company | 1975-1982 | |
Gleason Works (The) | 1975-1982 | |
Glen-Gery Corporation | 1975-1977 | |
Glenmore Distilleries Co. | 1975-1982 | |
Global Marine, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Globe-Union, Inc. | 1975-1977 | see also: Johnson Controls, Inc. |
Glosser Brothers, Inc. | 1976-1983 | |
Gloucester Engineering Co., Inc. | 1975-1977 | see also: Battenfeld Mass., Inc. |
Glover, Inc. | 1975-1979 | |
Goldblatt Bros., Inc. | 1976-1980 | |
Golden Cycle Corp. | 1975-1977, 1978 | |
Golden Nugget, Inc. | 1980-1982 | |
Golden West Financial Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Golden West Homes | 1978-1982 | see also: Golden West Mobile Homes, Inc. |
Golden West Mobile Homes, Inc. | 1976-1977 | see also: Golden West Homes |
Goldfield Corporation (The) | 1975-1982 | |
Good (L.S.) & Co. | 1976-1979 | |
Goodrich (B.F.) Company | 1975-1982 | |
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. | 1975-1982 | |
Gordon Jewelry Corporation | 1974-1982 | |
Gorin Stores, Inc. | 1975-1976 | |
Gorman-Rupp Company (The) | 1975-1982 | |
Gould, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Gould Investors Trust | 1976-1982 | |
Grace (W.R.) & Co. | 1975-1982 | |
Graham Manufacturing Co., Inc. | 1978-1982 | |
Grainger (W.W.), Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Grand Auto, Inc. | 1976-1983 | |
Grand Central, Inc. | 1980-1982 | |
Grand Union Company (The) | 1976, 1978 | |
Granger Associates | 1977-1982 | |
Graniteville Company | 1974-1982 | |
Gray Drug Stores, Inc. | 1975-1981 | |
Great American Industries, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Inc. | 1975-1981 | |
Great Basins Petroleum Co. | 1975-1981 | |
Great Lakes Chemicals Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. | 1975-1978 | see also: Great Lakes International, Inc. |
Great Lakes International, Inc. | 1979-1982 | see also: Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. |
Great Lakes Recreation Company | 1975-1977 | |
Great Northern Iron Ore Properties | 1976-1982 | |
Great Northern Nekoosa Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
Great Scott Super Markets, Inc. | 1975 | see also: Allied Supermarkets, Inc. |
Great Western Financial Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
Great Western United Corporation | 1975-1976 | see also: Hunt International Resources Corp. |
Green Giant Company | 1976-1978 | |
Greenman Brothers, Inc. | 1976-1983 | |
Greit Realty Trust | 1975-1980 | see also: Unicorp American Corp. |
Greyhound Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Grolier, Inc. | 1975-1976, 1982 | |
Gross Telecasting, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Grow Chemical Corp. | 1975-1978 | see also: Grow Group, Inc. |
Grow Group, Inc. | 1979-1981 | see also: Grow Chemical Corp. |
Gruen Industries, Inc. | 1975-1976 | |
Grumman Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Guarantee Bancorp, Inc. | 1981-1982 | see also: Guarantee Bank |
Guarantee Bank | 1980 | see also: Guarantee Bancorp, Inc. |
Guardian Industries Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
Guardian Mortgage Investors | 1975-1977 | |
Guardsman Chemicals, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Guilford Mills, Inc. | 1975, 1978-1981 | |
Gulf & Western Industries, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Gulf Canada Ltd. | 1978-1979, 1981-1982 | |
Gulf Mortgage & Realty Investments | 1975-1977 | see also: GMR Properties |
Gulf Oil Canada Ltd. | 1975-1981 | |
Gulf Oil Corporation | 1975-1976, 1982 | |
Gulf Republic Financial Corp. | 1975-1977 | |
Gulf Resources & Chemicals Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
Gulf States Utilities Co. | 1975-1982 | |
Gulf United Corp. | 1982 | |
Gulfstream Land & Development Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
Gulton Industries, Inc. | 1975-1980, 1982 |
Company Name | Dates | Notes |
H & R Block, Inc. | 1976 | |
HMW Industries, Inc. | 1976-1983 | |
HRT Industries, Inc. | 1982 | |
Hackensack Water Company | 1975-1982 | |
Hajoca Corporation | 1978-1980 | |
Halco Corporation | 1975, 1978 | |
Hall (Frank) & Co., Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Hall (W.F.) Printing Company | 1975-1978 | |
Hall's Motor Transit Co. | 1975-1978 | |
Hallcraft Homes, Inc. | 1975, 1977 | see also: Nu-West Development Corp of Arizona, Nu-West Arizona, Inc., Nu-West, Inc. |
Halliburton Company | 1975-1982 | |
Hammermill Paper Co. | 1975-1982 | FY 1982 ends 1/2/1983 |
Hammond Corp. | 1976 | see also: Cerro-Marmon Corp. |
Hampshire-Designers, Inc. | 1975 | see also: HDI Investment Corp. |
Hampton Industries, Inc. | 1974-1982 | |
Handleman Company | 1975-1982 | |
Handy & Harman | 1975-1982 | |
Hanes Corporation | 1974-1977 | |
Hanna Mining Company | 1975-1982 | |
Hannaford Bros. Co. | 1981-1983 | |
Hanover Shoe, Inc. | 1975, 1977 | see also: Shepmyers Investment Co. |
Hanover Square Realty Investors | 1976-1980 | |
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Hardee's Food Systems, Inc. | 1975-1979 | |
Harland (John H.) Company | 1975-1982 | |
Harman International Industries, Inc. | 1975-1976 | see also: Beatrice Foods Co. |
Harnischfeger Corp. | 1975-1981 | |
Harrahs | 1975-1979 | see also: Holiday Inns, Inc. |
Harris Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Harris Bankcorp | 1976-1982 | |
Harsco Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Hart, Schaffner & Marx | 1975-1982 | |
Harte-Hanks Communications, Inc. | 1977-1982 | see also: Harte-Hanks Newspapers, Inc. |
Harte-Hanks Newspapers, Inc. | 1975-1976 | see also: Harte-Hanks Communications, Inc. |
Hartfield-Zodys, Inc. | 1975-1980 | |
Hartz Mountain Corp.(The) | 1975-1977 | |
Harvey Group, Inc. (The) | 1976-1982 | |
Hasbro Industries, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Hastings Manufacturing Company | 1978, 1981-1982 | |
Hatteras Income Securities, Inc. | 1980, 1982 | |
Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. | 1978-1981 | |
Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Hayes-Albion Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Hazeltine Corporation | 1974-1982 | |
Health-Chem Corporation | 1974-1975, 1980-1982 | |
Health-Mor, Inc. | 1975-1979, 1981-1982 | |
Heath Tecna Corp. | 1980 | |
Heck's, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Hecla Mining Company | 1975-1982 | |
Heileman (G.) Brewing Company, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Heinicke Instruments Company | 1974-1982 | |
Hein-Warner Corporation | 1979-1982 | |
Heinz (H.J.) Company | 1975, 1977-1982 | |
Heizer Corporation | 1985 | |
Heldor Industries, Inc. | 1982 | |
Helene Curtis Industries, Inc. | 1975-1979, 1981-1982 | |
Heller (Walter E.) International Corp. | 1974-1982 | |
Helmerich & Payne, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Hemdale Enterprises, Inc. | 1975 | see also: Redlaw Enterprises, Inc., Redlaw, Inc. |
Hemisphere Fund, Inc. | 1981 | |
Her Majesty Industries, Inc. | 1975 | see also: Gulf & Western Industries, Inc. |
Hercules, Inc. | 1975 | |
Heritage Communications, Inc. | 1982 | |
Hershey Foods Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Hershey Oil Corporation | 1982 | |
Hesston Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Heublein, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Hewlett-Packard Company | 1975-1982 | |
Hexcel Corporation | 1979-1982 | |
Hi-G Incorporated | 1975-1978, 1981-1982 | |
High Voltage Engineering Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
Highland Capital Corporation | 1978-1982 | |
Hillenbrand Industries, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Hiller Aviation, Inc. | 1980-1982 | |
Hillhaven, Inc. | 1975-1977 | |
Hilton Hotels Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Hipotronics, Inc. | 1975-1981 | |
Hi-Shear Industries, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Hobart Corporation | 1975-1979 | |
Hoerner Waldorf Corporation | 1975-1976 | |
Hoffman Electronics Corp. | 1975-1976 | |
Hofmann Industries, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Holiday Inns, Inc. | 1975-1977, 1979-1982 | |
Hollinger Argus Limited | 1979-1981 | |
Hollinger Mines Ltd. | 1975-1978 | |
Holly Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Holly Sugar Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Home Oil Company Ltd. | 1975-1978 | |
Homestake Mining Company | 1975-1982 | |
Honeywell Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Hoover Ball & Bearing Company | 1975-1977 | see also: Hoover Universal, Inc. |
Hoover Universal, Inc. | 1978-1982 | see also: Hoover Ball & Bearing Company |
Horizon Bancorp | 1979-1982 | |
Horizon Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Hormel (Geo A.) & Co. | 1975-1982 | |
Horn & Hardart Co. | 1975-1976, 1978-1982 | |
Hospital Affiliates International, Inc. | 1975-1976 | see also: INA Corp. |
Hospital Corporation of America | 1975-1982 | |
Hospitality Motor Inns, Inc. | 1975-1977 | |
Host International, Inc. | 1975-1980 | |
Hotel Investors (The) | 1978-1979 | see also: Hotel Investors Trust |
Hotel Investors Trust | 1980-1982 | see also: Hotel Investors (The) |
Houdaille Industries, Inc. | 1975-1977 | see also: Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Co. |
Houghton Mifflin Company | 1975-1982 | |
House of Fabrics, Inc. | 1976-1980, 1982-1983 | |
House of Ronnie, Inc. | 1975, 1977-1980 | |
House of Vision, Inc. (The) | 1975-1980 | |
Household Finance Corp. | 1975-1980 | |
Household International, Inc. | 1981-1982 | |
Houston Industries, Inc. | 1976-1982 | see also: Houston Lighting & Power Co. |
Houston Lighting & Power Co. | 1975 | see also: Houston Industries, Inc. |
Houston Natural Gas Corporation | 1976-1982 | |
Houston Oil & Minerals Corp. | 1975-1980 | |
Howard Johnson Company | 1976-1979 | |
Howell Corporation | 1978, 1980 | |
Howell Industries, Inc. | 1975-1981 | |
Howell Petroleum Corporation | 1980 | |
Hubbard Real Estate Investments | 1975-1982 | |
Hubbell (Harvey), Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Huck Manufacturing Company | 1977-1978 | |
Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd. | 1975-1982 | |
Hudson General Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Hudson's Bay Oil & Gas Co., Ltd. | 1975-1980 | |
Huffman Manufacturing Co. | 1975-1977 | see also: Huffy Corporation |
Huffy Corporation | 1978-1982 | see also: Huffman Manufacturing Co. |
Hughes & Hatcher, Inc. | 1976-1977 | see also: Widener Place Fund, Inc. |
Hughes Tool Company | 1975-1982 | |
Humana, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Hunt International Resources Corp. | 1977 | |
Hunt (Philip A.) Chemical Corp. | 1975-1982 | FY 1982 ends 1/1/1983 |
Huntington Health Services, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Husky Oil Ltd. | 1975-1982 | |
Hutton (E.F.) Group, Inc.(The) | 1976-1978, 1980-1982 | |
Huyck Corporation | 1975-1979 | see also: BTR Ltd. |
Hycel, Inc. | 1976-1977 | see also: Boehringer Manheim Corp. |
Hydraulic Company (The) | 1981-1982 | |
Hydrometals, Inc. | 1975-1976 | see also: Wallace-Murray Corp. |
Hygrade Food Products Corp. | 1975 |
Company Name | Dates | Notes |
IC Industries, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
I.C.H. Corporation | 1975-1976, 1979-1982 | |
ICM Realty | 1975-1982 | |
ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 1974-1976, 1979-1982 | |
IFS Industries, Inc. | 1978-1981 | see also: International Funeral Services, Inc. |
IMC Magnetics Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
INA Corporation | 1975-1981 | |
IPCO Hospital Supply Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
IPM Technology, Inc. | 1982 | |
IRT Property Company | 1979-1982 | see also: Investors Realty Trust |
ISC Financial Corporation | 1975 | |
ISS International Service System, Inc. | 1982 | |
ITE Imperial Corp. | 1975 | see also: Gould, Inc. |
ITI Corporation | 1975, 1977-1981 | |
IU International Corp. | 1974-1982 | |
Idaho Power Company | 1975-1982 | |
Ideal Basic Industries, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Ideal Toy Corporation | 1976-1979, 1981-1982 | |
Illinois Power Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Illinois Tool Works, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. | 1975-1981 | |
Imperial Corporation | 1981 | |
Imperial Corporation of America | 1974-1980, 1982 | |
Imperial Group Ltd. | 1975, 1978 | |
Imperial Industries, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Imperial Oil Ltd. | 1975-1981 | |
Inarco Corporation | 1974-1976 | |
Inco Ltd. | 1976-1981 | see also: International Nickel Co. of Canada Ltd. |
Income and Capital Shares, Inc. | 1976 | |
Indian Head, Inc. | 1974, 1976 | see also: Thyssen-Boremisza Holdings, Ltd. |
Indiana Gas Company, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Indiana & Michigan Electric Co. | 1975-1978, 1982 | |
Indiana Standard Oil Company | 1975 | |
Indianapolis Power & Light Co. | 1975-1982 | |
Industrial National Corp. | 1975-1981 | |
Inexco Oil Company | 1974-1982 | |
Inflight Services, Inc. | 1975-1978, 1980-1982 | |
Ingersoll-Rand Company | 1975-1982 | |
Ingredient Technology Corp. | 1977-1982 | |
Inland Container Corp. | 1975-1977 | |
Inland Steel Company | 1975-1981 | |
Inmont Corporation | 1974-1976 | see also: Carrier Corp. |
Inolex Corporation | 1976-1978 | see also: American Can Co. |
Insilco Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Inspiration Consolidated Copper Co. | 1975-1979 | |
Institutional Investors Trust | 1980-1983, 1975-1977 | |
Instron Corporation | 1979-1982 | |
Instrument Systems Corp. | 1975, 1977-1978, 1981 | |
Integon Corp. | 1974-1979 | see also: Ashland Oil, Inc. |
Integrated Resources , Inc. | 1975, 1977, 1980-1982 | |
Inter-City Gas Ltd. | 1979-1982 | |
Interco Incorporated | 1975-1982 | |
Intercole Inc. | 1981 | |
InterFirst Corp. | 1981-1982 | |
Interlake, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Intermark, Inc. | 1979-1982 | |
Intermedco, Inc. | 1975 | see also: Tilling (Thomas) Ltd. |
International Aluminum Corp. | 1976-1980, 1982 | |
International Banknote Co., Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
International Business Machines Corp. | 1974, 1980-1981 | |
International Controls Corp. | 1981-1982 | |
International Couriers Corp. | 1975-1976 | |
International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
International Foodservice Corp. | 1976-1978 | see also: Acton Corp. |
International Funeral Services, Inc. | 1975-1977 | see also: IFS Industries, Inc. |
International Harvester Company | 1975-1982 | |
International Minerals & Chemicals Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
International Mining Corp. | 1975 | see also: Pacific Holding Corp. |
International Multifoods Corp. | 1975-1979, 1981-1982 | |
International Nickel Co. of Canada Ltd. | 1975 | see also: Inco Ltd. |
International Paper Company | 1975-1982 | |
International Proteins Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
International Rectifier Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
International Seaway Trading Corp. | 1975-1978 | |
International Stretch Products, Inc. | 1975-1980 | |
International Systems & Controls Corp. | 1976, 1978 | |
International Telephone & Telegraph Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
InterNorth, Inc. | 1980-1982 | |
Interpace Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Interpool Ltd. | 1975-1977 | |
Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc. (The) | 1975-1982 | |
Interstate Bakeries Corp. | 1982 | |
Interstate Brands Corp. | 1975, 1977 | see also: DPF, Inc. |
Interstate Power Company | 1975-1982 | |
Interstate United Corp. | 1975-1977 | see also: Hanson Industries Inc. |
Interway Corp. | 1975-1978 | see also: Transamerica Corp. |
Investment Corp. of Florida | 1975-1980 | see also: Rebus, Inc. |
Investors Diversified Services, Inc. | 1975 | see also: Alleghany Corp. |
Investors Realty Trust | 1975-1978 | see also: IRT Property Company |
Ionics, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Iowa Beef Processors, Inc. | 1975-1978, 1980 | |
Iowa Electric Light & Power Co. | 1975-1982 | |
Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric Co. | 1975-1982 | |
Iowa Power & Light Company | 1975-1978 | |
Iowa Public Service Company | 1975-1979, 1981-1982 | |
Iowa Resources, Inc. | 1979-1982 | |
Iroquois Brands Ltd. | 1975-1976, 1978-1982 | |
Irvin Industries, Inc. | 1975, 1977-1978 | |
Irving Bank Corp. | 1979-1982 | |
Itek Corporation | 1975-1978, 1980-1981 | |
Itel Corporation | 1975-1980 |
Company Name | Dates | Notes |
JWT Group, Inc. | 1981-1982 | |
Jaclyn Incorporated | 1975-1982 | |
Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
James (Fred S.) & Co., Inc. | 1974-1981 | |
James River Corporation of Virginia | 1980-1982 | |
Jamesway Corporation | 1976-1979, 1981-1983 | |
Jantzen, Inc. | 1975-1979 | see also: Blue Bell, Inc. |
Japan Fund, Inc. (The) | 1975-1978, 1980-1982 | |
Jeannette Corporation | 1975-1977 | |
Jefferson-Pilot Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
Jensen Industries | 1977-1982 | |
Jersey-Central Power & Light Co. | 1975-1982 | |
Jetero Corporation | 1977-1981 | |
Jetronic Industries, Inc. | 1975, 1977-1978, 1980-1983 | |
Jewel Companies, Inc. | 1976-1979, 1981-1983 | |
Jewelcor Incorporated | 1976-1983 | |
John Hancock Income Securities Corp. | 1974, 1976, 1979-1980 | |
John Hancock Investors, Inc. | 1974-1980 | |
Johns-Manville Corporation | 1975-1980 | |
Johnson & Johnson | 1975-1981 | FY 1981 ends 1/3/1982 |
Johnson (E.F.) Company | 1977-1981 | |
Johnson Controls, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Johnson Products Co., Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Jonathon Logan, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Jorgensen (Earle M.) Company | 1975-1982 | |
Jostens, Inc. | 1974-1982 | |
Joy Manufacturing Company | 1975-1982 | |
Juniper Petroleum Corporation | 1979-1981 | |
Jupiter Industries, Inc. | 1975-1982 |
Company Name | Dates | Notes |
KDI Corporation | 1982 | |
KDT Industries, Inc. | 1982 | |
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines | 1975-1982 | |
K Mart Corporation | 1978-1983 | see also: Kresge (S.S.) Company |
K-Tel International, Inc. | 1975 | |
Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
Kaiser Cement Corporation | 1979-1982 | |
Kaiser Cement & Gypsum Corporation | 1975-1978 | |
Kaiser Industries Corp. | 1975-1976, 1978 | |
Kaiser Steel Corporation | 1977-1982 | |
Kallestad Laboratories, Inc. | 1980 | |
Kane-Miller Corp. | 1974-1982 | |
Kaneb Services, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Kansas City Power & Light Co. | 1975-1982 | |
Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc. | 1975-1980, 1981-1982 | |
Kansas Gas & Electric Co. | 1975-1982 | |
Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Co. | 1975-1982 | |
Kansas Power & Light Co.(The) | 1975, 1978, 1980, 1982 | |
Kapok Tree Inns Corporation | 1976-1981 | |
Katy Industries, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Kaufman & Broad, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Kavanau Real Estate Trust | 1975-1976 | |
Kawecki Berylco Industries, Inc. | 1975-1977 | see also: Cabot Corp. |
Kay Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Keene Corporation | 1975-1980 | see also: Bairnco Corp. |
Keller Industries, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Kellogg Company | 1974-1982 | |
Kellwood Company | 1975-1982 | |
Kenai Corp. | 1980-1983 | |
Kennametal, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Kennecott Copper Corp. | 1975-1980 | |
Kentucky Utilities Company | 1975-1982 | |
Kenwin Shops, Inc. | 1975-1982 | FY 1982 ends 1/2/1983 |
Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corp. | 1977-1982 | |
Kerr-McGee Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Ketchum & Co., Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Kewanee Industries, Inc. | 1975-1976 | see also: Gulf Oil Corp. |
Key Company (The) | 1975-1982 | |
Keystone Consolidated Industries, Inc. | 1974-1982 | |
Keystone Foods Corporation | 1981 | see also: Northern Foods |
Keystone Industries, Inc. | 1975-1976 | see also: Le Chantecler, Inc. |
Keystone International, Inc. | 1978-1980, 1982 | |
Kidde (Walter) & Company, Inc. | 1975-1979 | see also: Kidde, Inc. |
Kidde, Inc. | 1980-1982 | see also: Kidde (Walter) & Company, Inc. |
Kilembe Copper Cobalt Ltd. | 1974 | see also: Renabie Mines Ltd. |
Killearn Properties, Inc. | 1975-1976, 1979, 1982 | |
Kimberly-Clark Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Kin-Ark Corporation | 1975-1976 | see also: Kinark Corporation |
Kinark Corporation | 1977-1978, 1980-1982 | see also: Kin-Ark Corporation |
King Optical Corporation | 1975-1979 | |
King Radio Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
King's Department Stores, Inc. | 1976-1981 | |
Kingstip, Inc. | 1975 | see also: Justin Industries, Inc. |
Kirby Exploration Company | 1978-1982 | |
Kirby Industries, Inc. | 1975 | |
Kirsch Company | 1975-1980 | see also: Cooper Industries, Inc. |
Kit Manufacturing Company | 1975-1982 | |
Kleer-Vu Industries, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Kleinert's, Inc. | 1975-1978 | |
Knickerbocker Toy Co., Inc. | 1974-1975 | see also: Warner Communications, Inc. |
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Knogo Corporation | 1980-1982 | |
Koehring Company | 1975-1979 | see also: AMCA International Corp. |
Koger Company (The) | 1982 | |
Koger Properties, Inc. | 1980-1982 | |
Kollmorgen Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
Koppers Company, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Koracorp Industries, Inc. | 1974-1978 | see also: Levi Strauss & Co. |
Kraft, Inc. | 1976-1979 | see also: Kraftco Corporation |
Kraftco Corporation | 1975 | see also: Kraft, Inc. |
Kresge (S.S.) Company | 1976-1977 | see also: K Mart Corporation |
Kroehler Manufacturing Co. | 1975-1979, 1981 | |
Kroger Co. (The) | 1975-1980, 1982 | FY 1982 ends 1/1/1983 |
Kuhlman Corporation | 1977-1978, 1980-1982 | |
Kuhn's-Big K Stores Corp. | 1974-1976, 1978-1979 | |
Kysor Industrial Corporation | 1975-1982 |
Company Name | Dates | Notes |
LFE Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
LLC Corporation | 1980-1982 | see also: Liberty Loan Corporation |
LSB Corporation | 1975-1981 | |
LTV Corporation (The) | 1975-1976 | |
LaBarge, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Laclede Gas Company | 1975-1982 | |
Lafayette Radio Electronics Corp. | 1975-1979 | |
Lake Shore Mines, Ltd. | 1978, 1981 | |
LaMaur, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Lamson & Sessions co. (The) | 1975-1982 | |
Landmark Land Company, Inc. | 1975-1977, 1979-1982 | |
Lane Bryant, Inc. | 1975-1979, 1982 | |
Lane Wood, Inc. | 1975 | |
Laneco, Inc. | 1975, 1979 | |
Lanier Business Products, Inc. | 1978-1982 | |
LaPointe Industries, Inc. | 1976, 1978-1980 | |
LaQuinta Motor Inns, Inc. | 1976-1982 | |
LaTouraine-Bickfords Foods, Inc. | 1976-1977 | see also: Bickford Corp. |
Lawter Chemicals, Inc. | 1976-1982 | |
Lea-Ronal, Inc. | 1975-1980, 1982 | |
Lear Petroleum Corporation | 1980-1982 | |
Lear Siegler, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Leaseway Transportation Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
Leath and Company | 1974-1975 | see also: Gamble-Skogmo, Inc. |
Lee Enterprises, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Lee Pharmaceuticals | 1974-1982 | |
Leeds & Northrup Company | 1975-1978 | see also: General Signal Corp. |
Leesona Corporation | 1975-1977 | see also: Brown (John) & Co. Ltd. |
Leggett & Platt, Inc. | 1979-1982 | |
Lehigh Portland Cement Co. | 1975-1976 | see also: Heidelberg Cement of Pennsylvania, Inc. |
Lehigh Press, Inc. (The) | 1975-1982 | |
Lehigh Valley Industries, Inc. | 1980-1982 | |
Lehman Corporation (The) | 1975-1982 | |
Leigh Products, Inc. | 1975-1978 | see also: Harrow Corp. |
Leisure Technology Corp. | 1975-1980 | |
Lennar Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Lenox, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Leslie Fay, Inc. | 1975, 1977-1980 | |
Leucadia National Corporation | 1982 | |
Leverage Fund of Boston, Inc. | 1976-1978, 1980 | |
Levi Strauss & Co. | 1976-1982 | |
Levitt Industries, Inc. | 1976-1977 | see also: Optel Corp. |
Levitz Furniture Corporation | 1976-1983 | |
Lewis Business Forms, Inc. | 1975-1976 | |
Libbey-Owens-Ford Company | 1976-1982 | |
Libby, McNeill & Libby | 1975 | see also: Nestle Alimentana S.A. |
Liberty Corporation (The) | 1976-1977, 1979-1982 | |
Liberty Fabrics of New York, Inc. | 1976-1982 | FY 1982 ends 1/1/1983 |
Liberty Loan Corporation | 1975-1979 | see also: LLC Corporation |
Liberty National Insurance Holding Co. | 1980-1981 | |
Lifemark Corporation | 1979-1982 | |
Liggett & Myers, Inc. | 1975 | see also: Liggett Group, Inc. |
Liggett Group, Inc. | 1976-1979 | see also: Liggett & Myers, Inc. |
Lightolier, Inc. | 1979-1980 | see also: Bairnco Corp. |
Lilli-Ann Corporation | 1975-1978 | |
Lilly (Eli) & Co. | 1975-1982 | |
Lily-Lynn, Inc. | 1975 | see also: Lynnwear Corporation |
Lincoln American Corporation | 1975-1978 | see also: American General Corp. |
Lincoln National Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
Lincoln National Direct Placement Fund, Inc. | 1978-1981 | |
Lionel Corporation (The) | 1975-1980 | |
Litco Corp. of New York | 1977-1981 | |
Litton Industries, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Lloyd's Electronics, Inc. | 1975-1979, 1981-1982 | |
Lockheed Aircraft Corp. | 1975-1982 | |
Loctite Corporation | 1976-1982 | |
Lodge & Shipley Company (The) | 1975-1982 | |
Loehmann's, Inc. | 1975-1979 | |
Loews Corporation | 1974-1978, 1980 | |
Logicon, Inc. | 1978-1981 | |
Logistics Industries Corporation | 1975 | see also: Lydall, Inc. |
Lomas & Nettleton Financial Corp. | 1974-1982 | |
Lomas & Nettleton Mtge. Investors | 1974-1976, 1979-1980 | |
Lone Star Industries, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Long Island Lighting Company | 1975-1982 | |
Longs Drug Stores, Inc. | 1976-1983 | |
Loral Corporation | 1976-1980, 1982 | |
Louisiana General Services, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Louisiana Land & Exploration Co. (The) | 1975-1982 | |
Louisiana-Pacific Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Louisville Cement Company | 1975-1978, 1980-1981 | |
Louisville Gas and Electric Co. | 1975-1982 | |
Lowenstein (M.) & Sons, Inc. | 1974-1978 | see also: Lowenstein (M.) Corporation |
Lowenstein (M.) Corporation | 1979-1982 | see also: Lowenstein (M.) & Sons, Inc. |
Lowe's Companies, Inc. | 1980-1983 | |
Lubrizol Corporation (The) | 1975-1982 | |
Luby's Cafeterias, Inc. | 1982 | |
Lucky Stores, Inc. | 1975-1982 | FY 1982 ends 1/30/1983 |
Ludlow Corporation | 1976-1981 | |
Lukens, Inc. | 1982 | see also: Lukens Steel Company |
Lukens Steel Company | 1975-1981 | see also: Lukens, Inc. |
Lumex, Inc. | 1982 | |
Lundy Electronics & Systems, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Lydall, Inc. | 1977-1982 | see also: Logistics Industries Corporation |
Lykes Corporation | 1976-1977 | see also: Lykes-Youngstown Corp. |
Lykes-Youngstown Corp. | 1975 | see also: Lykes Corporation |
Lynch Communications Systems, Inc. | 1975-1982 | |
Lynch Corporation | 1975-1982 | |
Lynnwear Corporation | 1976-1979 | see also: Lily-Lynn, Inc. |