The Library of Congress holds over 100 newspapers published in Croatia or by the Croatian diaspora. Many of the titles in the collection are from the capital, Zagreb, but a significant number also originated in Dalmatia. The majority of the titles are from the 20th and 21st centuries, with only a handful from the 19th century. The communist era is represented by long runs on microfilm of several important titles, such as Vjesnik, Slobodna Dalmacija, Privredni vjesnik, and the Zagreb edition of Borba. The post-communist era is poorly covered, but in 2014 the Library of Congress started new subscriptions to several major Croatian newspapers. Examples of currently received titles include Glas Slavonije, Jutarnji list, and Glas Istre, among others.
A notable feature of the Croatian press is the large number of titles that have appeared in German or Italian, representing special concentrations of populations and the changes in governments over the centuries. The Library of Congress holds a number of German-language newspapers from the interwar period and World War II, many from the former German minority stronghold of Osijek, as well as from Zagreb. The Library also holds several Italian newspapers from various cities in Dalmatia, such as a long run of La Voce del Popolo from Rijeka/Fiume.
Croatian diaspora titles comprise over one-quarter of the Library's Croatian newspaper collection, with titles predominantly from Argentina, Canada, and the United States. Although the Croats began publishing newspapers in the United States in the 1880s, the Library does not have any Croatian-American newspaper holdings earlier than 1940. The collection does contain a long run from the 1950s-2000s of Zajedničar (Fraternalist), published in Pennsylvania by the Croatian Fraternal Union of America, as well as many issues from the 1960s-2000s of Naša nada (Our Hope) published by the Croatian Catholic Union in Illinois and Indiana. No current Croatian diaspora newspapers are being received.
The titles in the holdings list below are arranged by place of publication, and then alphabetically by title. Most newspapers from Croatia were published in the Roman alphabet, but there were also some in the Cyrillic alphabet, in the language now called Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (B/C/S) by western scholars. In the holdings list, the language is designated as B/C/S and the alphabet is indicated by "Cyrillic" or "Roman." Microfilm holdings are available for interlibrary loan, but loose paper issues and bound volumes are not. This list does not include Library of Congress holdings of official legal gazettes or other titles held in the Law Library of Congress.
Newspapers in this guide are held in various divisions of the Library of Congress. The following abbreviations have been used: