Telephone and address directories are used by genealogists and historians to identify people and businesses from a particular place and era. This guide lists uncataloged directories from Cyprus in the Library of Congress collection.
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Nevila Pahumi, Reference Specialist, Modern Greek and Albanian, Latin American, Caribbean and European Division
Note: This guide is adapted from an earlier version, which first appeared on the European Reading Room website in 2017.
Created: November 09, 2021
Last Updated: November 22, 2021
The Library of Congress maintains a large collection of foreign and domestic directories. Most of the foreign telephone directories held by the Library of Congress are uncataloged, we have therefore compiled this list of Cypriot directories as a finding aid for our staff and researchers. These directories cover Cyprus between the years 1943-1991. In addition to the uncataloged directories listed below, the Library also holds a handful that are cataloged and may be requested using the Library of Congress Online Catalog. To locate these directories, search the online catalog using subject keywords such as "Cypriot" and "directories," or the name of a city plus "directories." In addition to telephone directories, this kind of search also yields business/address directories from Cyprus.
The communication sector in Cyprus is managed by the state-run agency, the Cyprus Telecommunication Authority, CYTA, established right after independence from the United Kingdom in 1960. Ethnic tensions between the Greek and Turkish-speaking populations in the 1970s disrupted its operations by a 25% drop in fixed telephone-line subscriptions. Over time, the communication industry has gradually recovered and today includes DSL, broadband, and more recently, fiber optics. The CIA World Factbook notes that Cyprus has one of the highest broadband rates in the world. Cellular phone usage is very widespread and accounts for 99.24% of the population.
The U.S. government does not recognize the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus, established in 1974. Therefore, this list does not contain directories from North Cyprus, although some of the country-wide directories issued in the Republic of Cyprus after 1974 do include listings, almost exclusively of Greek names, of cities and towns in North Cyprus such as Famagusta (Ammochostos; Gazi Magusa) and Cyrenia (Kerynia; Girne).
Besides using printed telephone directories, a reader may find it helpful to use online directories available for free on the Internet such as the one described below enabled by the Cyprus Telecommunication Authority, referenced above.