The U.S. Newspaper Program was successfully completed in 2011. The following information is presented for archival and research purposes relating to the creation of the Directory of U.S. Newspapers in American Libraries and subsequent newspaper programs like the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP). For current NDNP information, view the Library of Congress' National Digital Newspaper Program website.
Consult ANSI/NAPM IT9.11, 1993 for specification regarding microfilm storage. The following excerpts are of particular relevance to the storage of film other than masters and print masters:
See also ANSI/AIIM TR13 - 1998, Preservation of Microforms in an Active Environment.
Collated, prepared, and targeted papers shall be packaged for shipment to the microfilming agency in such a way that the exact contents of each reel, complete with reel-specific targets, are clearly identifiable. Sturdy cardboard, roll "kraft" paper (with a dispenser) and good quality tape are recommended. "Shrink-wrap" is also useful.
Single vendor contracts are often developed using local formats (e.g. state contracts). Every effort should be made to guarantee that the work is done by a qualified microfilming agency. The agency should be required to submit a detailed written response to a Request For Proposal (RFP) or Request For Information (RFI), and should be asked to provide a sample reel of preservation quality newspaper film. If possible, the sample should consist of a master negative, print master, and positive silver service copy including average-sized newspaper pages and both technical and full-frame targets. A silver positive service copy of a reel of recently completed newspaper filming is also acceptable.
It should be mandatory that the agency provide the names of institutions for which it has performed newspaper preservation microfilming, along with a brief indication of the titles filmed, dates filmed, and number of reels.
Additional areas to be addressed in service agreements include:
See also the RLG Preservation Microfilming Handbook (1992) for additional guidance and sample contracts. Also feel free to contact other USNP projects for additional guidance and assistance.