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Early Business Periodicals at the Library of Congress

Coal, Iron, and Steel

Coal powered the steam engines that propelled the Industrial Revolution, and the use of steam power increased the demand for metals and minerals.  Because coal had become readily available, iron production expanded substantially and gave rise to new industries.  Process improvements in the manufacture of iron and steel made them more economical, and increased the quality and variety of iron and steel available for use in industrial machinery, ships, buildings, bridges, railroads, and more. 

The following titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to additional online content are included when available.

Colliery Guardian

LC Call Number: TN1.C77

Begun in 1858, this weekly publication covers the coal and iron trade in Great Britain and around the world. It includes coal and iron production and trade data; price lists for different types of iron; freight market reports; mine and blast furnace data; stock price and dividend information for coal, iron and engineering companies; editorial articles, and classified and equipment advertisements. This publication contains an impressive amount of data useful to any scholar researching the trade during that time. Some issues are available through the HaithiTrust Digital Library. External

The Coal Trade

[New York]
LC Call Number: HD9542.C75

This annual publication contains narrative reports and extensive data on coal output, prices, freight rates, exports, and trade conditions. Much of the content is related to the United States, but there is also a wealth of information on world coal production, especially in Mexico, Russia, Japan, and Great Britain. Statistical tables include previous years to allow for comparison. There is limited online access through the HaithiTrust Digital Library. External

Annual Statistical Report of the American Iron & Steel Institute

Philadelphia, 1868-1912
NewYork, 1913-
LC Call Number: HD9514.A5

The American Iron and Steel Association formed in 1855 to collect and disseminate statistics and other information about the iron and steel industries. It also became a forum for discussing problems and advancing the industries' interests. Its statistical reports contain detailed data on American production and shipments of different iron and steel types, imports and exports, prices, and foreign iron production and trade. There are regular reports on coal and coke; plants and furnaces built and rebuilt; iron and steel shipbuilding; railroad tracks, cars, and locomotives; and immigration by country of origin. Later issues also include Canadian statistics. Some issues are available online at HaithiTrust Digital Library. External

Steel and Metal Digest

New York
LC Call Number: HD9506.U6A7

This publication provides extensive information on contemporary iron and steel production and trade, including industrial practices and training; production and car loadings; corporate earnings and commercial failures; tin plate imports and exports, data on the production and prices of zinc, copper and other relevant metals and commodities. It also covers the impact of World War I on the metals industry.

Journal. Iron and Steel Institute

LC Call Number: TS300.I7

The Iron and Steel Institute's Journal was a monthly publication providing detailed coverage of iron and steel production and trade, as well as their chemical and physical properties; foundries, furnaces, forging, and milling; technological developments; and developments in related industries such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum. It includes comparative tables of the world's production of coal, iron and steel; railway trade information; and analysis of the trade, especially in Great Britain. Clear tables of contents in each issue and separate index volumes facilitate research. Many volumes are available online at HathiTrust Digital Library.

The Coal Trade Bulletin

LC Call Number: TN1.C73

Published bimonthly, the Bulletin contains information on the American coal industry, including supply and demand; company and industry news; coal transport; mining equipment; related law and regulation; labor conditions and pay; strikes; mining equipment; imports and exports; and market conditions in places such as Mexico, Germany, and Great Britain. Some issues are available online at HaithiTrust Digital Library. External

The Iron & Coal Trades Review

LC Call Number: TN1.I7

Each weekly issue of this English periodical is divided into a technology section reporting the latest technological advances in the field, and an industrial and economic section. It includes international trade notes; general coal trade news; share prices; articles about production equipment and methods; and reports about major iron and coal consumer industries. Some issues are available online at HaithiTrust Digital Library. External

Iron Trade Circular (Rylands') and Hardware Weekly Messenger

Birmingham, London
LC call number: TS300.I744

The Circular contains market reports, articles on patents and inventions, American rail output, and inquiries on the port of London, among other topics. Its detailed coverage makes it useful for researchers studying the growth of the iron trade. It was absorbed by the Iron and Steel Trades Journal in 1915.

Iron and Steel Trades Journal

LC call number: TS300.I74

The Iron and Steel Trades Journal was a weekly paper covering the main news about iron and steel markets. It includes lists of manufacturing brands, prices of different types of iron and steel, notes about national markets such as Belgium, France and Sweden, and much more. It absorbed Iron Trade Circular in July1915.