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Engineering Resources for Students and Educators


Howard Liberman, photographer. The National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel. The National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel (under the joint administration of the Civil Service Commission and the National Resources Planning Board) employs this horizontal sorting machine as an aid in the exacting task of picking just the right combination of specifications. This machine selects from the prepared index cards the men who have the required specifications such as a definite specialization in one of the engineering fields, familiarity with certain languages, locations, marital status, ethnicity, age group, extent of education, etc. [between 1940 and 1946]. Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division.

The purpose of this section is to provide engineering resources for educators of all grade levels. It is not meant to be a comprehensive bibliography, but a tool to help educators get started in their research. Additional works on engineering may be identified by browsing the Library of Congress Online Catalog using the appropriate subject headings. Choose the topics you wish to search from the recommended lists of Library of Congress subject headings to link directly to the catalog and automatically execute a search for the subject selected. For assistance in locating other subject headings which relate to engineering, please use our Ask a Librarian service.