Almanac of Business and Industrial Financial Ratios by Leo TroyCall Number: HF5681.R25 A45
Published/Created: Annual
50 comparative performance indicators, covering the U.S., Canada, and Mexico using NAICS data. The Almanac provides financial information that is calculated and derived from the latest available IRS data on nearly 5 million U.S. and international companies.
- Accurate performance data for 50 operating and financial factors in 199 industries.
- Data for each industry divided into 13 categories based on company size, so you'll find a precise benchmark against which to measure any company's performance.
- Competitive norms in actual dollar amounts for revenue and capital factors (receivables, net property, inventories, total assets, portfolio income, etc.)
- Average operating costs in percent of net sales, including cost of operations, pensions and benefits, interest, and more.
- Ratios for industry-wide results for inventory turnover, current assets to working capital, quick ratio, asset turnover, and others.
- Various financial factors in percentages, including debt ratio, return on assets, and return on equity, and profit margin.