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European Reading Room: Publications, History, Annual Reports

Annual Reports of the Slavic Section 1919-1929

The Slavic Section was formed in 1907 to deal with the processing of the Yudin Collection which had been acquired by the Library of Congress in 1906. After World War I, the Slavic Section evolved, taking on more all-encompassing work akin a full administrative division, by providing reference services, cataloging and other processing tasks. The first annual report of the Section was submitted in 1919. The supervisors of the Slavic Section during this first decade of existence were Peter A. Speek (1917–1927) and Alexis Babine (1927–1930).

Below are images of selected items acquired by the Slavic Section during 1919-1929.


Spiridion Brusina. Gragja za neogensku malakološku faunu Dalmacije, Hrvatske i Slavonije uz neke vrste iz Bosne, Hercegovine i Srbije. 1897-1902. Acquired via exchange in 1927. Library of Congress General Collections.

Rūdolfs Blaumanis. Rudolfa Blaumana kopotee rakfti. 1910. Acquired by purchase in 1920. Library of Congress General Collections.

Anuarul "Socec" al României-mari. 1925. Acquired in 1928. Library of Congress General Collections.

Plate "Okhota pomieshchika" from volume 1 of Velikaia reforma. 1911. Acquired in 1925. Library of Congress General Collections.