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European Reading Room: Publications, History, Annual Reports

Annual Report of the Slavic Section for 1922

The annual report is reproduced here in its entirety, but with additional images that were not part of the original report. The original report is held in the Manuscript Reading Room.


Image of Itä-Karjala book cover
Viktor Theodor Homén.Itä-Karjala ja Kuollan Lappi, suomalaisten luonnonja kielentutkijain kuvaamina. 1918. Acquired in 1922. Library of Congress General Collections.

Report for the year ending June 30, 1922.

Accessions. The Library has acquired about 1600 Slavic publications, including the publications of the Russian boundary states and autonomous provinces, through purchase, gift, and official channels, during the last year.

Among the publications purchased, the most noteworthy are two shipments of the scientific literature published by the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Universities of Petrograd and Moscow during the war and revolution up to the present time. Especially valuable is a series of volumes on the Russian natural resources, containing material collected by the Russian scientific investigators and explorers during the war and revolutions. This serial is in demand in the Library. Most of the Russian literature published abroad by the Russian emigrants of various parties, including the Bolshevists and Monarchists, has been acquired by the Library during the last year.

The repeated efforts to secure literature from the West and South European Slavic countries have had a meager result so far, though an exchange of the documentary publications with those countries has been established and orders for private informative publications have been placed some time ago.

The exchange of the official publications has been established with the Baltic and Far Eastern Republics. The exchange of the Library publications for the publications of the Esthonian University of Tartu has been established. The latter has sent to the Library all its recent publications and book copies published during the Russian regime. The same exchange has been established with the Latvian University at Riga.

A considerable order for the Russian Soviet literature has been placed with an agent in Riga, Latvia.

Gifts. The Finnish Legation has presented 9 publications on geography, ethnography, history, education, natural resources and present economic conditions of the Carelian people and their country. The Theodor Homen's work entitled Itä-Karjala ja Kuollan Lappi, Helsinki, 1918, contains the results of a scientific investigation of the conditions in the Eastern Carelia.

The Special Delegation of the Far Eastern Republic to the United States has presented to the Library 12 publications on the history of the Far Eastern Republic, — its population, natural resources, political conditions, and relations to China and Japan. Among those of special interest are two publications, one on the contemporary Mongolia, a report by the expedition sent to Mongolia by the Central Committee of the Siberian Cooperative associations, and the other on the international relations of China, by A.K. Khodorov. [probably A.E. Khodorov, Ed].

The Press Bureau of the Russian Soviet Representative to Latvia, at Riga, has presented to the Library a number of the Soviet publications. Among these the most important are: Izviestia, official daily of the Soviet Government; Pravda, official daily of the Russian Communist Party, Reports of the Third (Communist) International, and publications of the Red (Communist) Labor Unions. These periodical publications issued at Moscow during the last two years do not represent complete sets.

Demands upon the Section. In connection with the Washington Conference on the Limitation of Armaments considerable research assistance was rendered to various government departments and also to foreign delegations. The Soviet publications have been in constant demand especially by writers on the present conditions in Russia.