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European Reading Room: Publications, History, Annual Reports

Annual Report of the Division of Slavic Literature for 1931

The annual report is reproduced here in its entirety, but with additional images that were not part of the original report. The original report is held in the Manuscript Reading Room.


Image of Stara basn book cover
Józef Ignacy Kraszewski. Stara baśń; powieść z dziewia̜tego wieku. 1879. Acquired in 1931. Library of Congress General Collections.

(From the report of the acting chief, Mr. Rodionoff

Received Aug 4, 1931, Secretary's Office

During the year the United States of America has given a very significant attention to Russian affairs and problems. The main cause of this attention was, of course, the fear of Russia's commercial competition with America, but American interest in Russia became broader in its scope, and now leads from the study of Russia's economic development to the study of other important fields of her culture, such as her belles-lettres, fine arts, and science. As a result of this interest about 30 books on Russia's economic conditions and history have been published in this country by American authors during the last 12 months, and about 25 English translations of modern Russian novels and memoirs by Russian authors have appeared at the same time. Some books in these classes scored a considerable success. The number of articles on Russia which have been printed in American periodicals during the same period is far greater. In the field of fine arts the cultivation of Russian music, dance, and drama by America was continued during the last year with unremitting intensity. Russian selections became almost integral parts of American musical and dancing programs. Russian plays translated into English drew large audiences in New York theaters. Only the study of Russian architecture, painting, and sculpture practically has not as yet attracted much interest in this country, except possibly some interest in Russian icon painting.

All this interest imposes upon the Division of Slavic Literature of a National Library a very difficult task: with a small staff, limited funds, and inadequate shelving space to collect as much of important Russian books as possible, to handle them technically in the quickest and the most practical way, and to have them ready for reference use. The task is a quite difficult one, but, judging by expressions of appreciation of the division's service received from its users, the division seemingly has not failed to serve the public to their satisfaction. For example, on June 5, 1931, one of the foreign diplomatic representatives in this country wrote to the Library's Secretary:

". . . .May I avail myself of this opportunity to express my high appreciation of the admirable work that Mr. Rodionoff has done and is still doing in the Slavonic Department? It is a great pleasure for me to pay to him this deserved homage for his zeal and efficiency."

The recipient of this, and any other, homage feels himself obliged to extend it to the entire staff of the division.

During the year 1930–31 the collections of the Slavic division were increased through purchase, exchange, transfer, and gifts by 2,130 books and 3,033 pamphlets, totaling 5,163 publications.

By the end of January, 1931, the Librarian concurred in the division's request for larger expenditures for Slavic publications in order to secure many valuable out-of-print books offered for sale in Russia as well as outstanding modern and current publications. The Librarian, therefore, authorized a considerable increase of funds available for purchase of books for the division, and since that time over 1,200 volumes of Slavic, mostly Russian out-of-print, books were acquired.

These books as well as about 300 volumes acquired between July 1, 1930, and February 1, 1931, may be divided into the following groups.

Dictionaries and encyclopedias. In this group Russkii biograficheskii slovar' (The Russian biographic dictionary), published in 1896–1918 by the Imperial Russian historical society in St. Petersburg, Russia, stands first in importance. The publication resembles dictionaries of national biography published in various countries. The Slavic division had only 11 of 25 volumes published, and now completed its set by the acquisition of missing parts.

Another very important dictionary acquired during the year is Tolkovyi slovar' zhivogo velikorusskago iazyka (Dictionary of the spoken living Great-Russian language) by V. I. Dal', 4th edition, volumes 1–4, St. Petersburg, 1912. It is the first complete set of the publication acquired by the Library. The dictionary is considered by linguists and philologists as a unique and precious source for every one studying the Russian language.

In this group may be mentioned also S. N. Kondakov's lubileinyi spravochnik Imperatorskoi Akademii Khudozhestv (Jubilee information book of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts), volumes 1–2, St. Petersburg, 1914, which was published in commemoration of the 150th anniversary (1764–1914) of the Academy's existence, and contains in its 2d volume short biographies of all the artists graduated from the Academy.

The division acquired also very valuable encyclopedias, namely: (1) Pol'naia entsiklopediia russkago sel'skago khoziaistva (Complete encyclopedia of Russian agriculture), volumes 1–11, Devrien, St. Petersburg, 1900–1905; (2) Entsiklopediia prakticheskoi meditsyny (Encyclopedia of practical medicine), volumes 1–4, Brockhaus-Efron, St. Petersburg, 1907–1910; (3) Bankovaia entsiklopediia (Encyclopedia of banking), edited by prof. L.N. Iasnopol'skii, volumes 1–2, Kief, 1911–1916; and (4) Dietskaia entsiklopediia (Children's encyclopedia), volumes 1–10, Sytin, Moscow, 1914.

During the year the division succeeded in acquiring considerable stock of wanting, out-of-print, volumes and parts of the following serial publications:

  1. Russkaia istoricheskaia biblioteka, izdavaemaia Arkheograficheskuiu kommissieiu (Russian historical library published by the Archeographic commission), volumes 1–39, St. Petersburg, 1872–1927, (a complete set of published volumes with 18 volumes newly acquired).
  2. Sbornik Imperatorskago russkago istoricheskago obshchestva (Magazine of the Imperial Russian historical society), volumes 1–148, St. Petersburg, 1867–1916, (a complete set with 38 volumes newly acquired).
  3. Serial publications of the Society of history and Russian antiquities at the University of Moscow ("Obshchestvo istorii i drevnostei rossiiskikh, sostoiashchee pri Moskovskom Universitetie"), published in Moscow in 1815–1918 under various titles, the main and the last being Chteniia v Obshchestvie istorii i drevnostei rossiiskikh. . . (Lectures in the Society of history and Russian antiquities . . .); the division acquired 51 wanting parts, and still wants to acquire 8 parts more to complete the set.
  4. Arkhiv kniazia Vorontsova (Archives of prince Vorontsov), volumes 1–40, Moscow, 1875–95, a complete set with two volumes long wanting and now at last acquired.
  5. Russkii bibliofil (Russian bibliophile), St. Petersburg, 1911–1916; the issues for 1911 were acquired during the year, and the Library still wants nos. 7 and 8 of 1916 to complete its set.
  6. Khudozhestvennyia sokrovishcha Rossii (Russia's art treasures), a richly illustrated magazine published in 1901–1907 by the Imperial Society for promotion of arts, St. Petersburg. The division acquired the magazine for 1901, and still wants it for 1906 and 1907.
  7. Artist, zhurnal iziashchnykh iskusstv i literatury (Artist, a journal of fine arts and literature), volumes 1–46, Moscow, 1889–1895; in this set 10 volumes are newly acquired.

The division also acquired during the year the following serial, richly illustrated, publications in sets:

  1. Apollon (Apollo), a monthly journal of fine arts and literature, St. Petersburg, 1909–1917, edited by S. Makovskii.
  2. Ezhegodnik Imperatorskago obshchestva arkhitektorov-khudozhnikov (Year-Book of the Imperial Society of architects and artists), St. Petersburg, 1906–1916.
  3. Sieryi volk (Gray wolf), a satirical weekly magazine, St. Petersburg, 1907–8.
  4. Stolitsa i usad'ba (Capital and country estate), St. Petersburg, 1914–1917.
  5. Zodchii, organ Imperatorskago Sankt-Peterburgskago obshchestva arkhitektorov (Architect, magazine of the Imperial St. Petersburg Society of architects), volumes 29–42, St. Petersburg, 1900–1913.

In the class of bibliography the following publications, acquired by the division during the year, may be mentioned:

  1. Ivask, U. G. Opisanie russkikh knizhnykh znakov (Description of Russian ex-libris), volumes 1–3, Moscow, 1905–1918.
  2. Katalog Biblioteki Gosudarstvennago Sovieta (Catalogue of the State Council's Library), volumes 1–2, Petrograd, 1914.
  3. Katalog izdanii Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk (Catalogue of publications of the Imperial Academy of Sciences), parts 1–2, St. Petersburg- Petrograd, 1912–1915.
  4. Korevo, N. N., Finliandiia v russkoi pechati (Finland in the Russian press), Petrograd, 1915. This publication is a bibliography of Russian books and articles on Finland appearing in the period of 1901–1913.
  5. Obol'ianinov, N. Katalog russkikh illiustrirovannykh izdanii 1725–1860 g.g. (Catalogue of Russian illustrated publications of 1725–1860), volumes 1–2, Moscow, 1914–1915.
  6. Ternovskii, F. Russkaia i inostrannaia bibliografiia po istorii Vizantiiskoi tserkvi IV–IX v.v. (Russian and foreign bibliography of history of Byzantine church from the 4th to the 9th centuries), Kief, 1885.

In the class of philosophy and religion noteworthy acquisitions are the following:

  • Florenskii, P. Stolp i utverzhdenie istiny (The pillar and foundation of truth), Berlin, 1929. This book was reprinted in Berlin from the first edition (Moscow, 1914) only in 99 copies, and, therefore, is very rare.
  • Rozanov, V.V. Angel Iegovy u evreev (The Angel of Jehovah in Judaism), St. Petersburg, 1914.
  • O ponimanii (On understanding), Moscow, 1886.
  • Russkaia tserkov' (The Russian church), St. Petersburg, 1909.
  • Temnyi lik. Metafizika khristianstva. (Dark Face. Metaphysics of Christianity), St. Petersburg, 1914.
  • Solov'ev, V. S. Pis'ma (Letters), volumes 1–3, St. Petersburg, 1908–1911.
  • Trubetskoi, E. N., prof., prince. Mirosozertsanie Solov'eva (Solov'ev's conception of the world), Moscow, 1913.
  • Trubetskoi, S. N., prof., prince. Sobranie sochinenii (Collection of works), volumes 1–6, Moscow, 1907–1912.

In the class of history the division's most remarkable and valuable acquisitions during the year may be mentioned as follows:

  • Beneshevich, V. N., prof., ed. Ocherki po istorii Vizantii (Outlines of history of Byzantium), issues 1–4, St. Petersburg, 1912–1915.
  • Istoriia Rossii v XIX viekie (History of Russia in the 19th century), volumes 1–9, Granat, St. Petersburg, n. d. Both the above-mentioned publications are composite works by several authors.
  • Goriainov, S. M. Bosfor i Dardanelly (The Bosporus and the Dardanelles), St. Petersburg, 1907.
  • Miliukov, P. N., prof. Balkanskii krizis i politika Izvol'skago (The Balkan crisis and Izvol'skii's policies), St. Petersburg, 1910.
  • Moskva v eia proshlom i nastoiashchem (Moscow in her past and present), volumes 1–12, Moscow, n.d. This publication is a composite work by many prominent Russian specialists in history, archeology, etc.
  • Nikolai Mikhailovich, velikii kniaz' (Nicholas, grand duke of Russia, 1859–1919). Diplomaticheskiia snosheniia Rossii i Frantsii, 1808–1812 (Diplomatic relations between Russia and France in 1808–1812), a collection of documents published by the grand duke, volumes 1–7, St. Petersburg, 1905–1914.
  • Doneseniia Avstriiskago poslannika pri russkom dvorie Lebzeltern za 1816–1826 gody (Reports for 1816–1826 of Lebzeltern, the Austrian ambassador at the Russian court), St. Petersburg, 1913.
  • General-ad'iutanty Imperatora Aleksandra I (Adjutant-Generals of Emperor Alexander I), 188 portraits in colors, St. Petersburg, 1913.
  • Imperator Aleksandr I (Emperor Alexander I), volumes 1–2, St. Petersburg, 1914.
  • Imperatritsa Elizaveta Aleksieevna, supruga Imperatora Aleksandra I (Empress Elizabeth Aleksieevna, wife of Emperor Alexander I), volumes 1–3, St. Petersburg, 1908–1909.
  • Legenda o konchinie Imperatora Aleksandra I v Sibiri v obrazie startsa Feodora Koz'micha (Legend about the death of Emperor Alexander I in Siberia in the person of a monk, Feodor Koz'mich), St. Petersburg, 1897.
  • Perepiska Imperatora Aleksandra I s sestroi, velikoi kniaginei Ekaterinoi Pavlovnoi (Correspondence of Emperor Alexander I with his sister, grand duchess Catharine Pavlovna), St. Petersburg, 1910.
  • Pis'ma vysochaishikh osob k grafinie A. S. Protasovoi (Letters of members of the Imperial family to countess A. S. Protasov), St. Petersburg, 1913.
  • Russkie portrety XVIII i XIX stolietii (Russian portraits of the 18th and the 19th centuries), volumes 1–5, St. Petersburg, 1905–1909. In this remarkable publication 1,400 portraits of Russian historical persons are given, beautifully reproduced mostly from paintings and drawings of well-known artists. The division acquired volumes 3–5 and the index to the complete set of 5 volumes. The volumes 1–2 have been in the possession of the division for many years.
  • Nicholas, grand duke of Russia, ("Velikii kniaz' Nikolai Mikhailovich"), former president of the Imperial Historical and Geographical societies, was a prominent historian, whose numerous works and publications of documents and portraits left to the posterity a new historical conception of the epoch of the Russian Emperor Alexander I (i.e. the first quarter of the 19th century). The grand duke used to publish his works with the utmost care, in a lavish fashion, often at his own expense, disregarding any commercial advantage.
  • Platonov, S. F., prof. Moskva i Zapad (Moscow and the Western World), Berlin, 1926.
  • Poniatowski, Stanislas II Augustus, 1732–1798, (the last King of Poland), Memoires du Roi Stanislas-Augustus Poniatowski, volumes 1–2, published by the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 1914–1924.
  • Rostovtsev, M. I., prof. Ocherki istorii drevniago mira (Outlines of history of the ancient world), Berlin, 1924.
  • Rozanov, V. V. Kogda nachal'stvo ushlo (When the authorities were away), St. Petersburg, 1910.
  • Oslabnuvshii fetish (Weakened fetish), St. Petersburg, 1906.
  • Shakmatov, A.A. Razyskaniia o drevnieishikh russkikh lietopisnykh svodakh (Investigations on the oldest Russian chronicles), St. Petersburg, 1908.
  • Shchegolev, P. E., editor. Padenie tsarskogo rezhima po materialam Chrezvychainoi komissii Vremennogo Pravitel'stva (The fall of the regime of Czars, according to materials of the Extraordinary commission of the Provisional Government), volumes 1–7, Leningrad, 1924–1927. The publication contains stenographic records of the commission's examinations of former Imperial high officials.
  • Tatishchev, S. S. Vnieshniaia politika Imperatora Nikolaia Pervago (Foreign policies of Emperor Nicholas I), St. Petersburg, 1887.
  • Valuev, P. A., count. Dnevnik 1877–1884 (Diary for 1877–1884), Petrograd, 1919. Count P.A. Valuev, one of the ablest Russian statesmen of the 19th century, held the positions of Minister of Interior Affairs in 1861–68, Minister of the State Domains in 1872–77, and President of the Committee of Ministers in 1877–84. His Diary is a very valuable historical source.
  • Waliszewski, K. Syn Velikoi Ekateriny — Imperator Pavel I (The son of Catherine the Great, Emperor Paul I), St. Petersburg, 1914.
  • Petr Velikii (Peter the Great), Moscow, 1911.
  • Doch' Petra (The daughter of Peter), Moscow, 1912. These and other studies of Waliszewski on Russian history, originally written and published in French, scored a considerable success in the original as well as in numerous translations into other languages, owing to their brilliant style, interesting presentation of the culture of the described epochs, and vivid characteristics.
  • Zhigarev, S. Russkaia politika v vostochnom voprosie (Russian policies in the Eastern Question), volumes 1–2, Moscow, 1896.

In the group of new acquisitions for this class the official histories of five Russian Government departments also may be mentioned, namely:

  • Gosudarstvennaia Kantseliariia 1810–1910 (The State Chancellery 1810–1910), St. Petersburg, 1911.
  • 200–lietie Kabineta Ego Imperatorskago Velichestva (200 years of His Imperial Majesty's Cabinet), St. Petersburg, 1911.
  • Stolietie Sobstvennoi Ego Imperatorskago Velichestva Kantseliarii (100 years of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery), St. Petersburg, 1912.
  • Istoricheskii obzor dieiatel'nosti Ministerstva Narodnago Prosvieshcheniia. 1802–1902. (Historical review of the work of the Ministry of Public Instruction. 1802–1902.). St. Petersburg, 1902.
  • Istoricheskii obzor razvitiia i dieiatel'nosti Morskogo Ministeretva za 100 liet ego sushchestvovaniia, 1802–1902 . (Historical review of the development and work of the Ministry of Navy for 100 years of its existence, 1802–1902), St. Petersburg, 1902.

In the class of political science the division's noteworthy acquisitions during the year are the following:

  • Kotliarevskii, S. A., prof. Konstitutsionnoe gosudarstvo (A constitutional state), Moscow, 1912.
  • Lazarevskii, N. I., prof. Lektsii po russkomu gosudarstvennomu pravu (Lectures on Russian constitutional law), volumes 1–2, St. Petersburg, 1910. The two above mentioned authors are prominent Russian specialists in constitutional law.
  • Liszt, Franz, von. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo v sistamaticheskom izlozhenii (International law in systematic exposition), 3d edition, Iur'ef, 1912. This publication is a translation from the German (Das Völkerrecht systematisch dargestellt). The author and the book are well known in all civilized countries. Prof. V. E. Grabar', the editor of this Russian translation, inserted in it his very valuable supplements, and professor baron B. E. Nolde added to it his excellent Outline of private international law.
  • Martens, F. F., prof. O konsulakh i konsul'skoi iurisdiktsii na Vostokie (Consuls and their jurisdiction in the Orient), St. Petersburg, 1873.
  • Muromtsev, S. A., prof. Stat'i i riechi (Articles and speeches), Moscow, 1910. This author had the honor to be elected President of the First Russian State Duma in 1906.
  • Waldenberg, V. Drevnerusskiia ucheniia o predielakh tsarskoi vlasti (Ancient Russian teachings on the limits of the Czar's power), Petrograd, 1916.

The division was especially successful during the year in acquiring, at very reasonable prices, many outstanding books in the class of fine arts. The following publications, most of them being de luxe editions, with many plates and illustrations, deserve special mention:

  • Aplaksin, A. Kazanskii Sobor (The Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan), St. Petersburg, 1911.
  • Bartenev, S. P. Moskovskii Kreml' v starinu i teper' (The Kremlin of Moscow in ancient and present times), volumes 1–2, Moscow, 1912–1916. Published by the Ministry of the Imperial Court.
  • Benois, A. N. Istoriia zhivopisi vsiekh vremen i narodov (History of painting of all times and peoples), volumes 1–4, St. Petersburg, 1912–1917.
  • Tsarskoe Selo v tsarstvovanie Imperatritsy Elizavety Petrovny (Tsarskoe Selo in the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna), St. Petersburg, 1910. The author describes artistic achievements in the most extensive and expensive development of Tsarskoe Selo, one of the residences of the Russian Imperial family, by Empress Elizabeth (1741–1762), the daughter of Emperor Peter the Great.
  • Bobrinskii, A. A., count. Rieznoi kamen' v Rossii (Chiseled stone in Russia), Moscow, 1916.
  • Botkin, M. P. Sobranie M. P. Botkina (Collection of M. P. Botkin), St. Petersburg, 1911. Botkin, M. P., (1839–1914), was a painter and a member of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg. He was the owner of a large art collection, and in this publication he beautifully reproduced the most of his holdings. Byzantine enamels, reproduced in colors, are exceptionally well represented in the book.
  • Gagarin, G. G., prince. Sobranie Vizantiiskikh, Gruzinskikh i Drevne-Russkikh ornamentov i pamiatnikov arkhitektury (Collection of Byzantine, Georgian, and Ancient Russian ornaments and samples of architecture), series 1–3, St. Petersburg, 1897. These three atlases, containing 97 plates of fine samples of ornaments and architecture, were published by the order of Emperor Nicholas II, at the expense of the Ministry of the Imperial Court. In 1887 the author published his initial work in the same field, under the title of Sbornik Vizantiiskikh i Drevne-Russkikh ornamentov (Collection of Byzantine and Ancient Russian ornaments), 50 plates, St. Petersburg, 1887. A copy of this publication has been in the possession of the division for many years.
  • Risunki i nabroski a natury Drawings and sketches after nature), 30 plates, St. Petersburg, 1902. The author of the three above mentioned publications held the position of Vice-President of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts in 1859–1872.
  • Georgievskii, V. T. Freski Ferapontova Monastyria (Frescoes of the Saint Ferapont Monastery), St. Petersburg, 1911.
  • Görtz, K. K., prof. Sobranie sochinenii (Collection of works), volumes 1–9, published by the Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 1898–1901. The author was a historian of fine arts and an archeologist.
  • Ivchenko, V. Ia., (V. Ia. Svietlov, pseud.). Sovremennyi balet (Contemporary ballet), St. Petersburg, 1911. A copy of the French translation of this work already has been in the Library for some time. The author is a well known critic of ballet, and in this book (a de luxe edition, with many plates reproducing scenes, costumes, and stage settings of various Russian ballets) he vividly describes the conquest of Paris by the Russian dancers in 1909, which was the beginning of their conquest of the world.
  • Khudekov, S. N. Istoriia tantsev (History of dances), volumes 1–3, St. Petersburg, 1913.
  • Kondakov, N. P., prof. The Russian Icon (two volumes of plates), Prague, 1829–29. Professor N. P. Kondakov, the great Russian Historian of fine arts and archeologist, died in 1925, at the age of 80. His pupils and colleagues founded in his memory a special seminary for the study of fine arts and archeology, under the name of "Seminarium Kondakovianum," with the headquarters in Prague, Czechoslovakia. The Seminarium planned to publish professor Kondakov's hitherto unpublished works on the history of the art of religious painting on wood (icon painting) as well as works of many other historians of fine arts and archeologists. The division acquired during the year all published works of the Seminarium. The monumental work of professor Kondakov, under the title of The Russian Icon, stands, of course, first on the list. The two atlases of plates (201 plates, including 65 colored), reproducing the most remarkable icons, will be followed, in the near future, by the two volumes of the text. Besides The Russian Icon, the list of the Seminarium Kondakovianum contains 12 volumes of published works on various arts and archeology.

Other outstanding works on the art of religious painting on wood, acquired by the division during the year, are the three publications of the well known Russian historian and archeologist, N. P. Likhachev, namely:

  • Likhachev, N. P. Istoricheskoe znachenie Italo-Grecheskoi ikonopisi, izobrazheniia Bogomateri v proizvedeniiakh Italo-Grecheskikh ikonopistsev i ikh vliianie na kompozitsii niekotorykh pravoslavnykh russkikh ikon (Historical meaning of Italo-Greek icon painting, icons of Our Lady in the works of Italo-Greek painters, and their influence on the composition of some orthodox Russian icons), St. Petersburg, 1911.
  • Manera pis'ma Andreia Rubleva (The style of painting of Andrei Rublev), St. Petersburg, 1907.
  • Materialy dlia istorii Russkago ikonopisaniia (The materials for a history of Russian icon-painting), atlas in two parts (containing 419 plates reproducing Russian icons), St. Petersburg, 1906. The author had a remarkable collection of Russian icons which made possible the publication of this album showing the evolution of Byzantine, Italian, and Ancient Russian art of icon painting.

Other noteworthy acquisitions in the group of fine arts are the following:

  • Kurbatov, V. Ia. Sady i parki. Istoriia i teoriia sadovago iskusstva (Gardens and parks. History and theory of landscape gardening art), Petrograd, 1916.
  • Ostroukhov, I. S. and Glagol', S. Moskovskaia Gorodskaia Khudozhestvennaia Galleraia P. i S. Tret'iakovykh (Tret'iakovs Art Gallery of the City of Moscow), one volume of text and two atlases of plates, reproducing the Gallery's best paintings, Moscow, 1909.
  • Obraztsy dekorativnogo i prikladnogo iskusstva iz Imperatorskikh dvortsov, tserkvei i kollektsii v Rossii (Samples of decorative and applied art from the Imperial palaces, churches, and collections in Russia), 65 colored plates, St. Petersburg, 1901–1908.
  • Uspenskii, A. I. Imperatorskie dvortsy (Imperial palaces), volumes 1–2, Moscow, 1913.
  • Wrangel, N. N., baron. Russkii Muzei Imperatora Aleksandra III (The Russian Museum of Emperor Alexander III), volumes 1–2, St. Petersburg, 1904.

Among new acquisitions in this group may be mentioned collections of works of Al'bov, Andreev, Bal'mont, Foeth, Gogol', (beautifully illustrated and bound, edited by A. E. Gruzinskii, in 8 volumes), Gorbunov, (de luxe, folio edition), Ivchenko, (V. Ia. Svietlov, pseud.), Kol'tsov, (published by the Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg), Lermontov, (published by the same Academy), A. N. Maikov, Maksimov, Mei, Mickiewicz, Pisemskii, Przybyszewski, Pushkin, (two wanted volumes of the unfinished edition of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg), Rathaus, Salov, Shapir, Sieroszewski, Sluchevskii, Smidovich, (V. V. Veresaev, pseud.), N. I. Solov'ev, Tiutchev, Uspenskii, and Vilenkin, (N. Minskii, pseud.).

Some separate works of the following authors were acquired during the year in this group: Aldanov, Amfiteatrov, Artsybashev, Bal'mont, Bunin, Erenburg, Fedin, Griboiedov, Il'in, (Osorgin, pseud.), Kraszewski, Krymov, Kuprin, Kuzmin, Leonov, Merezhkovskii, Nabokov, (Sirin, pseud.), Nagrodskaia, Nikitin, Pushkin, "K. R.," ( initials under which Konstantin Romanov, i.e. Constantine, grand duke of Russia, published his works), P. Romanov, (not related to the Imperial family), Sadovskoi, Sholokhov, Shul'gin, A. H. Tolstoi, L. N. Tolstoi, and Zhemchuzhnikov.

The four de luxe, folio, illustrated publications in this group deserve special mention, as follows.

  • Griboiedov, A. S., (1795–1829). Gore ot Uma (Woe from Wit). Illustrated by professor D. N. Kardovskii. St. Petersburg, 1913. The great comedy was first published in 1825. The drawing of characters in it, and the setting of a very elaborate dialogue of conversational Russian (the best spoken Russian of that time) into verse, are achievements perhaps unsurpassed in Russian literature. This edition of the comedy may be considered a masterpiece of the illustrating, printing, and binding arts. Prof. D. N. Kardovskii's illustrations, reproduced mostly in colors, show the highest technique and the perfect understanding of the characters and the epoch presented in the comedy. The comedy's unique and masterful translation into English, by Sir Bernard Pares, professor of Russian in the University of London, was published in London in 1925, under the title of The Mischief of Being Clever.
  • Kraszewski, H. I., (1812–1887). Stara Basn (Old Story). Illustrowar E. M. Andriolli. Warszawa, 1879. The famous Polish historical novel was published in this luxurious edition in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the author's exceedingly prolific literary activity.
  • Pushkin, A. S., (1799–1837). Pikovaia Dama (The Queen of Spades). Illustrated by Alexander Benois. St. Petersburg, 1911. The reviewer of this artistic edition in the journal Russkii bibliofil (Russian Bibliophile), 1911, no. 8, states: The Queen of Spades is one of the summits of Russian artistic prose. . ." And further he states that illustrations in water-colors by a Russian artist, A. N. Benois, are in line with the beautiful style of this story, and the exterior of the book is done with exceptional, rigid artistic and technical, elegance. A good English translation of the story was done by T. Keane, in his book of translations from the Russian, The prose tales of Alexander Pushkin, London, 1914. A well known Russian opera, Pikovaia Dama (The Queen of Spades), was composed on the theme of Pushkin's story by P. I. Chaikovskii.
  • Tolstoi, L. N., count, (1828–1910). Khadzhi Murat (Hajji Murad). Illustrated by academician E. E. Lansers. It is [the] well known masterpiece of the great Russian writer, a story with the Caucasus, as the place, and the war of the Caucasian mountaineers against Russia, as the time. Academician E. E. Lansers illustrated this edition exquisitely.

In the subclass of history of literature noteworthy acquisitions may be mentioned:

  • Batiushkov, F.D., professor, ed. Istoriia Zapadnoi literatury (History of Western literature), volumes 1–3, Moscow, 1912–1914. This is a composite work of Russian specialists, edited by professor F. D. Batiushkov.
  • Biegeleisen, H. Illustrowane dzieje literatury Polskiej (Illustrated history of Polish literature), volumes 1–5, Wieden, (1905).
  • Kotliarevskii, N. A., prof. N.V. Gogol'. 4th edition, Petrograd, 1915.
  • Literaturnyia napravleniia Aleksandrovskoi epokhi (Literary tendencies of the epoch of Alexander I), Petrograd, 1917.
  • Starinnye portrety (Old portraits), St. Petersburg, 1907.
  • Pypin, A. N., prof. Kharakteristiki literaturnykh mnienii (Characteristics of literary opinions), St. Petersburg, 1908.
  • Storozhenko, N. I., prof. Ocherk istorii Zapadno-Evropeiskoi literatury (Outline of the history of Western-European literature), 1908.
  • Zamotin, I. I., prof. Romantism dvadtsatykh godov XIX stol.v russkoi literaturie (The romanticism of the twenties of the 19th century in Russian literature), Warsaw, 1903.
  • Sorokovye i shestidesiatye gody (The forties and the sixties), Petrograd, 1915.
  • Zhirmunskii, V. M. Niemetskii romantizm i sovremennaia mistika (German romanticism and contemporary mysticism), St. Petersburg, 1914.
  • Religioznoe otrechenie v istorii romantizma (Religious renunciation in the history of romanticism), Moscow, 1919.

The following important contributions to the studies of the great Russian poet, A. S. Pushkin (1799–1837), have been acquired during the year:

  • Gershenzon, M. O. Mudrost' Pushkina (The wisdom of Pushkin), Moscow, 1919.
  • Lerner, N. O. Rasskazy o Pushkine (Stories about Pushkin). Leningrad, 1929.
  • Mdash; Trudy i dni Pushkina (Labors and days of Pushkin), 2d corrected and supplemented edition of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 1910.
  • Shchegolev, P. E. Pushkin i muzhiki (Pushkin and peasants), Moscow, 1928.
  • Smidovich, V. V. (V. V. Veresaev, pseud.). Pushkin v zhizni (Pushkin in life), 3d edition, issues 1–4, Moscow, 1928.
  • V dvukh planakh (In two plans), Moscow, 1929.

In the subclass of history of Russian drama noteworthy acquisitions are the following:

  • Nelidov, V. A., (former Manager of the Imperial dramatic theaters in Moscow). Teatral'naia Moskva (Theatrical Moscow), Berlin, 1931.
  • Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vlad. I., (Director of the Moscow Art Theater). 'Gore ot Uma' v postanovke Moskovskogo Khudozhestvennogo teatra ('Woe from Wit" in the production of the Moscow Art Theater), Moscow, 1923.
  • Pogozhev, V. P. Stolietie organizatsii Imperatorskikh Moskovskikh teatrov (One hundred years of organization of the Imperial Moscow theaters), volume 1 in 3 issues, St. Petersburg, 1906–1908.
  • Vsevolodskii, V. N. Istoriia russkogo teatra (History of Russian stage), volumes 1–2, Moscow, 1929.
  • I. A. Dmitrevskoi, Berlin, 1923. I. A. Dmitrevskoi was a famous Russian actor of the 18th century.

The division devoted special attention during the year to the acquisitions of the best Slavic books in the classes of history, fine arts, and belles-lettres, for books of these classes are more in demand by the division's users, than books of other classes. Moreover, historical works, fine arts, and belles-lettres seem to possess an exceptional and lasting power in bringing different nations, even very remote in space and time, to the most humane and sympathetic mutual understanding.

By giving special attention to the acquisition of books of these classes the division also paid homage to its late chief, Mr. A. V. Babine, who demonstrated his special liking for such books. The memory of him, his important role in bringing to the Library the division's basic collection of Russian books from Siberia in 1907 (the Yudin Collection), and his bequest to the Library — all these factors created for Mr. Babine's successors a moral obligation — to develop the above mentioned classes of books, most beloved by him.

Other acquisitions of Slavic publications during the year are reported by the Division of Accessions, the Division of Documents, and the Law Library.

During the year 6,534 new author entries were added to the card catalog of Work. the division, and about 2,500 titles were classified. Considerable work was required of the division in preparation of its order cards for new acquisitions, such as studying dealers' catalogues and price lists, selection of wanting items, elimination of possible duplicates, and typing about 900 order cards. A new permanent function was added to the division the year, namely, the care of the Union Catalogue of Slavic publications.

The division receives from the Curator of the Union Catalogue all Slavic entries and arranges them alphabetically in special card-catalogue cases. This Union Catalogue of Slavic publications in American libraries gives exceptionally useful information to the division as well as to the public looking for the publications not found among the division's holdings. The reference service demanded by the public also became a permanent, very important, function of the division, which takes a considerable portion of official time, in spite of all reasonable limitations of this service, in order to preserve other important functions of the division. A temporary assistance to the Division of Documents in preparation of the Union List of Russian official serial publications has taken from the Slavic division about 120 working hours.