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European Reading Room: Publications, History, Annual Reports

Annual Report of the Slavic and Central European Division for 1977

The annual report is reproduced here in its entirety, but with additional images that were not part of the original report. The original report is held in the Manuscript Reading Room.


Image of issue cover
Cyprus. Tmēma Statistikēs kai Ereunōn. Shipping statistics. Volume for 1975 acquired in 1977. Library of Congress General Collections.

Submitted by
Paul L. Horecky, Chief
October 21, 1977

It is gratifying to report at the outset that there has been a marked increase in the level and volume of the Division's activities and services this fiscal year. This is the first marked upward trend since the relocation of portions of the Division in the Library of Congress Building in 1974. Increases this fiscal year as compared with the preceding fiscal year were notable in all essential sectors of our activities. In quantitative terms, the total direct reference services increased 24.5%, circulation 43%, bibliography and publishing activities 57%, recommendations for additions to the collections 21%, and processing activities 24.5%.


An acquisition librarian always seems to work under the shadow of Ecclesiastes' statement, "Of the making of many books there is no end." This is indeed true of the Division's area of responsibility, which produces about one-third of the world's total of books. It is our task to recommend from this mass of material the items most suited to the Library's mission. The success of this effort may be judged both quantitatively and qualitatively.

In FY 1977, of the 173,000 Library proof cards we surveyed, 39,300 – or about 23% – were for works in the languages of the Division's area. There were many items about our area in other languages as well. Statistics for such items are harder to come by but we noted about 1,100 monographs in English from the United States and Canada alone.

A qualitative indication of success is the sufficiency of the Library's collections for answering reference inquiries of any degree of complexity. With few exceptions, the user can approach the Library's holdings in our area with confidence that, with proper guidance, he will find the material or information he needs.

During FY 1977, we cooperated closely with Library efforts to maintain and improve the level and quantity of acquisitions in our field. In October the Division's specialists prepared a series of commentaries on the collections for several East European nations as background information for the Librarian's visit to that region, a visit designed to open new channels of procurement. On several occasions, the Chief, Assistant Chief, and Soviet specialist briefed the Assistant Director for Overseas Operations on Soviet bibliographic and publishing practices and the Library's needs for Soviet publications. This information helped to further and implement in part a more effective NPAC-type agreement with the Soviet Union. The Finno-Ugrian specialist carefully monitored receipts from the NPAC agreement with Hungary, concluded in 1976, to ensure that the new arrangement would be responsive to our needs.

One of the problems we continue to face is the procurement of rare or brittle Central and East European materials. We try to secure reprints, photocopies, or microforms of such publications, rather than the original, so that they may be readily available to the researcher. This year we initiated the purchase of several major microform editions, including official statistical publications of the Russian Empire, microfiche dealing with the Futurist artistic movement in Russia of the 1910–1925 era, and a filmed run of the Russian émigré newspaper Posliedniia novosti, published in Paris. On the recommendation of the Soviet specialist, the Library arranged to acquire, from the Library of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, films of abstracts of Soviet dissertations on American history, culture, or economics. A reprint of particular interest is the 16-volume Słownik geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i innych krajów słowiańskich (1880–1914), which was recommended by the Polish specialist. This gazetteer of Polish and other Slavic lands is especially valuable for answering questions from persons wishing to learn about their ancestral homes. In the related field of ethnic studies, the Division's specialists provided the Newspaper Microfilming Coordinator of the Serial Division information on American newspapers in languages of the Division's area.

On the recommendation of the Polish and Soviet specialists, the Library acquired the 44-volume photo-reproduced second edition of the New York Public Library's Dictionary Catalog of the Slavonic Collection. This major reference work has been assigned to the Slavic Room where it is intensively used. Microfiche of an official Finnish statistical serial for 1886–1915, obtained on the recommendation of the Finno-Ugrian specialist, has bolstered the Library's resources on that important era of Finland's history.

Our responsibility extends to cooperation with other units of the Library. For example, the Soviet specialist helped the Manuscript Division acquire a group of papers dealing with the history of Florida and southern California and with Russian-American cultural relations, while the Czechoslovak specialist's initiative opened the way for the Recorded Sound Section of the Music Division to obtain tapes of Czech broadcasts during the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia by troops of the Warsaw Pact Nations. The Polish specialist secured for the Music Division a copy of a polonaise composed by General Tadeusz Kościuszko of Revolutionary War fame. The Orientalia Division drew on the Division's area and bibliographic knowledge to determine whether it should acquire an early publication of the Communist movement that dealt with trade unions in the Far East.

A good part of our acquisitions activities can be carried out at our desks, but at times negotiations with other institutions or on-the-spot investigations of possible sources become necessary. Examples are the acquisitions trips made by members of our staff. In January the Chief visited Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Yugoslavia, conferring with representatives of libraries, learned societies, and publishing agencies with subsequent benefits to the Library; e.g., the Hungarian Academy of Sciences offered a wide selection of retrospective materials, and the Chief's experience in Bulgaria helped the Assistant Director for Overseas Operations expand exchanges with that country. The Polish specialist's recent visit to Poland opened new sources of procurement of university publications and library duplicates although the visit was not primarily an acquisitions trip. Acquisition survey trips also have long-range effects. For example, in 1973 the Soviet specialist visited the New York University Library to view and evaluate materials in its collections, and in 1977 the opportunity arose to acquire one of those collections, a group of Russian-language works on children's literature, published largely in the 1930s and 1940s, a period poorly represented in libraries outside the Soviet Union. The Chief's visit to Czechoslovakia in 1975 set up contacts through which the Library was able to acquire microfilms of rare Russian serials in the Czechoslovak Slavonic Library.

Our acquisitions efforts are also shaped by our readers. Inquiries from a university project to study Germans from Russia alerted us to weak spots in the collections. The recent upsurge of interest in America's Slavic ethnic heritage has helped to focus our efforts on obtaining appropriate publications. A reader's remark that his work was hampered by delays in the Library's receipt of Czech newspapers spurred us to find ways to procure this material more rapidly and consistently.

In summary, the Division's human resources and collections are quite adequate to fulfill its mission.


The refurbishing of the Slavic Room was completed with the installation of carpeting in the reading area, new desks and bookshelves for the staff, and new tables and chairs for readers. The room was repainted and color-coordinated with the furniture and wall decorations. The effect is most pleasing and has transformed the Slavic Room into one of the more attractive reading rooms in the Library.

Microfilming of the Library's collection of Russian provincial gazettes was completed and copies of the microfilm will be offered for sale by the Library. These materials present an unparalleled view of local government in 19th and early 20th century imperial Russia and appear to be a unique collection in the Western world. The originals are being boxed and labeled and will be returned to the Division's custody as part of the old Slavic serials collection in the Northwest Attic.

Approximately 700 cards were added to the Slavic Room catalogs with the removal of about the same number of cards for lightly used or outdated materials. The area specialists, in cooperation with the reference librarians, regularly recommend new titles, read the Slavic Room shelves, and screen Library duplicates to keep the Slavic Room collections current.

Some 4,000 new entries were added to the card-file supplement of the Cyrillic Union Catalog, which is maintained in the Slavic Room as a handy reference aid for staff and readers who consult the microcard Cyrillic Union Catalog kept there. The Division's East European area file of current publications on the social, cultural, political, and economic life of Eastern Europe was augmented by about 6,000 cards and now totals 150,000 cards.

New work stations had to be created on decks 18 and 35 to accommodate the Deck 18 staff, which was displaced from the Octagon area when Stack and Reader offices were relocated there. The new arrangement has worked well thus far, despite the loss of some stack space on Deck 18.

The New York Times clippings file on Eastern Europe, the Division's brochure collection, and the East European telephone directory collections were maintained and updated. The gaps in the Division's collection of Radio Liberty samizdat materials (writings without official sanction) were filled through a gift from the new Samizdat Archive Association in Munich; in addition, first efforts were made to obtain Czechoslovak samizdat materials available in Germany, and East European Jewish samizdat materials available in Israel, to bolster this unusual collection in the Division's custody. The Greek Area Specialist developed an author/subject file on the Republic of Cyprus. The Soviet Specialist assigned priorities to books in the Cyrillic 4 collection in the Northwest Attic for full cataloging by the Shared Cataloging Division.

The demand for Slavic and East European materials continues to be high, as indicated by the 4,100 items loaned by the Division to other units of the Library or to outside agencies, and the 63,000 items requested for use in the Slavic Room. These figures double those of FY 1976 in both categories and reflect, in part, the increased use of the Slavic Room following its refurbishing.


a. Reference

The feeling that the Library of Congress has a book to answer any question is practically an article of faith of not only the American but the world public, for incoming inquiries deal with the gamut of knowledge. They range from intricate questions – almost as difficult to answer as Pilate's "Quid est veritas?" – for example, "What is the meaning of the basic rights enunciated in the Soviet Constitution?" to "What do you have about the American missionary who was kidnapped by Macedonian bandits in 1901?" The Slavic and Central European Division might have difficulty in answering Pilate's question, but for the second order of problems we can draw on a repository of knowledge that is unequaled in recorded history. The multinational, multilingual, and sociopolitical structure of the area assigned to the Division is a complex one, replete with controversial intra- and interrelationships which frequently make our task exacting. For example, we may receive a seemingly simple request for information about a village from which the writer's father emigrated in 1893 and which changed its political subordination several times, or a sophisticated inquiry on the linguistic links between neighboring groups over the last millennium. Handling either of these topics requires focusing both on particular elements and on the larger gamut of questions that sometimes are still unresolved or in contention. On such occasions, we find our information resources serviceable to reply in some manner, usually extensively, to the inquiries received.

We have served Congress in many ways, including translations relating to the thorny topic of relationships between the Romanian state and its inhabitants of Hungarian ethnic background, on more routine topics in other languages of East Central Europe, and we also answered a variety of inquiries from the Congressional Research Service. Among the lighter requests was a request from a member of Congress for toasts in Polish for the wedding of a constituent of Polish descent.

Many of the executive agencies have been assisted, including the U.S. Navy, the Department of State, the Office of Education, the Department of Defense, the USIA, the American Embassies in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Poland, the Bureau of Mines, the Atomic Energy Commission, and the Miami Office of Immigration and Naturalization Service. At other levels of government, the Division has dealt with problems presented by the Department of Parks and Recreation of California, the City Council of Memphis, and the Bureau of Vital Statistics of Alaska.

From the academic world which has produced eleven hundred American and Canadian monographs and dissertations in our field every year during the past decade – we have had inquiries concerning such topics as the first account of the discovery of America in 16th-century Polish literature, the British Foreign Office documents dealing with Ukrainian affairs, crime statistics in Germany, Czechoslovak censuses, the agrarian situation in Russia, and partisan activities in Yugoslavia during World War II. The universities submitting such questions included Yale University; Harvard University; the John Hopkins University; the Central Connecticut State College in New Britain; Princeton University; and George Washington University, Washington D.C. The Division's clientele numbered many foreign scholars, primarily from European academic spheres, although other continents were also represented.

Sometimes the Division's efforts to help its readers require that we cooperate with other units of the Library to complete the picture. For example, three historians from Romania interested in various aspects of Romanian- American relations were helped to locate pertinent American writings, and put in touch with members of the Manuscript and General Reference and Bibliography Divisions. Further, they were informed that the National Archives, the historical societies of several states, and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University might have additional information.

But the Division's outreach is not limited to American government agencies and to university-level institutions. Inquiries came from a hospital medical library in North Carolina; the city archives of Mannheim, Germany; the Instituto de Estudios Islámicos in Lima, Peru; the International Council of Jews from Czechoslovakia in London; the Canadian Department of Indian Affairs; the Dukhobor Village Museum of Castlegar, British Colombia; and the National Geographic Society in Washington, D.C., for which we reviewed and corrected galleys of an article on the Danube River.

We also responded to questions submitted by individuals, from that perhaps mythical creature, the "general reader," who is moved by private curiosity about a single topic and from the scholar with a long-term research program covering a broad field of knowledge. To cite but one month's experience, we responded to inquiries concerning Polish and Russian genealogy, Lithuanian musicians living in the United States, Bulgarian research in "suggestology," Greek Cypriot icons, Hungarian economic developments, Slavic migration to the United States, the Library's holdings on Polish philosophers, German works about Old Testament chronology, and Russian coal miners.

We also deal with people who visit the Division's Slavic Room or whoconsult the Division's area specialists. Often these visitors are persons of distinction, such as Dr. P. J. Scott of the School of Medicine, University of Auckland, New Zealand; Professor Stefan Kieniewicz of Warsaw University, Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences; Dr. Zoltán Kovács , Director of the Central Library of the University of Chemical Engineering in Veszprém, Hungary; Dr. Valerii Tishkov, Secretary of the Division of History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; Ms. Ilse Cohnen of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany; and Dr. Olimpiu Matichescu of the Institute of Historical and Social-Political Sciences in Bucharest, Romania. Among our readers may be a graduate student from Princeton looking for material for a dissertation on Soviet sport policy, a physician from Buffalo who wants to write about Erazm Jerzmanowski, a Polish political immigrant who pioneered in the American gas industry, or a retired engineer of Russian origin who wants to reread some of the books of his youth. In any event each person and each question draws upon our ability to respond effectively and to the point. In this mosaic of reference activities, the Division's staff has made increasing and beneficial use of the Library's automated data bases.

We cannot say whether we fulfill the requirements of all our clients, but from time to time we are heartened by a direct expression of satisfaction. The director of the State Library of the Kirghiz SSR in Frunze wrote: "We are very grateful to you for the valuable information you provided us on our request." An American novelist currently residing in France and interested in the World War II events in Poland wrote: "As a taxpayer I feel I've truly gotten my money's worth this year through the wonderful and efficient response" from a member of the staff. Information provided a retired soldier at the Soldier's Home in Washington brought the remark: "without such help my . . . research would have been impossible." A United Nations specialist in Geneva wrote: "This is a most interesting piece of information and I much appreciate your kind and prompt response to my inquiry." And, from Halifax, Nova Scotia: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff for the many kind services and considerations shown me during my stay in Washington for the month of May 1977. My research on Alexander II . . . was greatly facilitated by the advice and erudition of two members of the Division's staff." In the vein of Cicero's dictum Incundi acti Labores (Accomplished labors are pleasant), such recognition conveys a sense of satisfaction to the staff.


Through a joint effort of the Information Office and the Division, a catalog of the Division's exhibit on Czechs and Slovaks in the United States (displayed in summer 1976) was issued in 2,000 copies. It has been very well received and may be considered a model for future guides to such exhibits.

Two exhibits were displayed in the Slavic Room: "Kościuszko and Pułaski in America," featuring contemporary documents pertaining to these two heroes of the American revolution, including copies of letters by Benjamin Franklin and George Washington; and "Illustrations of Baltic Folk Costumes," a colorful display showing typical examples of Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian costumes as well as actual pieces of amber adornments for such costumes.

A major exhibit, "Overview of Western Research on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe," was prepared for display in the West Lobby, Fifth Floor, of the Thomas Jefferson Building in conjunction with the annual convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, to be held in Washington in October, 1977.

b. Bibliography and Publications

The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies again dominated the Division's bibliographic work, involving the professional staff members in varying degree. The 1975 volume — the third compiled by this Division – approximates the size of the previous volumes, despite considerable changes in scope of sources screened, which would seem to indicate that the bibliography captures the literary production within its constraints – works of reference or informational value by U.S. or Canadian authors on the social sciences and humanities in Slavic and Eastern European countries. The present size of the bibliography is a 50% increase over the annual volumes prepared by previous compilers. Work is well under way on the 1976 and 1977 volumes.

The second, extensively revised and enlarged edition of The Federal Republic of Germany, a Selected Bibliography of English-Language Publications is in the galley stage and is scheduled to appear in print early in FY 1978. The draft of the fourth, revised edition of The USSR and Eastern Europe; Periodicals in Western Languages is nearly complete. The scheduled completion date (summer, 1977) of the draft of Finland: A Selective Reference Bibliography had to be advanced to late fall 1977, because of the exceptionally large number of new Finnish reference works issued in late 1976 and the first half of 1977, which had to be reviewed for possible inclusion. A brochure on the Division's activities, facilities, and collections is also in progress.

Retrieval criteria worked out by the Bibliographic Systems Office and the Assistant Chief were used to retrieve a large number of citations (with updating provisions) from the MARC data base for the country files maintained by the area specialists for reference work and for future "books in English" publications similar to Polish Books in English, 1945–1971. These same retrieval criteria were used on several occasions to supply bibliography cards to the State Department in connection with its cultural exchange programs. The Department of Defense data base, which can be accessed through a terminal in the Science and Technology Division, is now being used as a monitoring device for the American Bibliography project and for reference work.

Surveys of the Library's collections for Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia appeared in East Central and Southeast Europe: A Handbook of Library and Archival Resources in North America (Santa Barbara: Clio Press, 1976), editors Paul L. Horecky and David H. Kraus. Four of the surveys were prepared by Division area specialists and the remaining five by outside experts with the assistance of Division staff. This volume provides an excellent profile of the Library's holdings and their place on the national scene and is an invaluable tool for research planning. A major survey of the Library's Ukrainian collections is being complied by Professor Emeritus Jaroslav B. Rudnyckyj, an eminent bibliographer and academic expert on Ukrainian affairs. The Library has leading strength in the Western Hemisphere in Ukrainica, and this survey will create a sorely needed research and reference tool and serve as a guide for recommending means of further strengthening the Library's collections.

Robert V. Allen, Russian and Soviet specialist, prepared an article for the Quarterly Journal (July issue) on Peter A. Demens, a Russian-American entrepreneur and author of more than 50 articles on America written for the Russian reading public. Among other things, Mr. Demens gave St. Petersburg, Florida its name. Janina W. Hoskins' article, "Thomas Jefferson and Poland," which appeared last year in the Quarterly Journal (January, 1976 issue) was translated into Polish and appeared in the October, 1976 issue of a href="" target="_blank">Wiez, a scholarly Catholic journal published in Warsaw.

Ad hoc bibliographies by Division staff members were prepared on a variety of subjects: recent journal articles on Soviet-East German relations, 1945–1949; recent books published in the United States on the social sciences in Russia and the USSR; American publications on the Yugoslav author Ivo Andrić; the history of Christianity in Hungary; the Library's reference works on Nazi Germany; women-oriented journals published in the USSR, and others.

The Division's cooperation with outside bibliographic programs may be exemplified by its periodic contributions to the Association of Research Libraries' (ARL) Foreign Acquisitions Newsletter and its cooperation with the bibliographic search unit at the University of Illinois Library in Urbana-Champaign, which acts as an academic clearing house for locations of Cyrillic imprints, particularly pre-1956 items.


There was an unusual number of personnel changes this fiscal year in a Division characterized by slow turnover. Mr. Peter Thon joined the Division staff in November as Bibliographical Assistant on the American Bibliography project. He replaced Mr. Douglas N. Cruickshank, who left the Division several months earlier. Mr. Jurij W. Dobczansky began duties as Bibliographic and Reference Assistant in January, transferring from the Prints and Photographs Division. Ms. Anita R. Navon resigned as Czechoslovak and East European Specialist in April and was succeeded to that position in the same month by Mr. George J. Kovtun. Mr. David H. Kraus was promoted from Assistant to the Chief to Assistant Chief in May. In July, Mr. George E. Perry, by decision of the Library Administration, was separated for cause from his position as Greek Area Specialist. The Division is contemplating replacing the Greek Area Specialist position with a broader-based one, inasmuch as experience over the past several years has indicated that a full-time Greek Area Specialist position is not warranted. The status of the Finno-Ugrian Area Specialist was charged from indefinite to permanent in August. In September, Mr. Basil Nadraga was granted an additional within-grade increase in recognition of the high quality of his performance as Senior Searcher and Reference Assistant. Mr. Dobczansky is taking courses at Catholic University toward a Master of Library Science degree under the Library's tuition support program.

The Division was on both the giving and receiving ending of the Library's Training Office program. The Soviet specialist briefed several groups of new employees on the responsibilities and activities of the Division and the Assistant Chief briefed the Library's interns on the same subject. In turn, the Division's new employees attended the Training Office orientation program. Additionally, the Division arranged a series of interviews with various Library officials for its new professional staff member, Mr. Kovtun.

The Assistant Chief served as a member of the Working Group on Non-Roman Alphabets in MARC and of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Archive of World Literature on Tape, and participated in an all-day interlibrary conference held at the Library on cooperation among U.S. libraries in preserving current and retrospective "ethnic" newspapers published in the United States.


A significant element of the Division's activities is its relationship with institutions and individuals interested in the area for which the division is responsible. Such collaboration is essential for maintaining an awareness of the state-of-the-art in our field of interest, for providing effective assistance to those outside the Library, and for providing support for the Library's activities as a whole.

Our efforts along these lines take many forms: for example, during his recent East European visit, which was sponsored in part by the State Department, the Division Chief discussed with East European cultural officials and U.S. embassy officers the possibility of an exchange of library personnel. Subsequently, and evidently as a sequel to some of these talks, a proposal for such an exchange has been included in the draft of an agreement between the United States and Hungary for 1978 and 1979.

In December, the Polish specialist visited five cities in Poland, under the sponsorship of the Department of State's Educational and Cultural Exchange Program, speaking on the Library of Congress and on Polish studies in America.

The Division has its form of cultural interchange in the United States as well. In October several staff members participated in the national conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Studies in St. Louis, and the Division selected Mr. Basil Nadraga, its Senior Searcher and Reference Assistant in Ukrainian Affairs, to participate in the spring workshop of the Canadian Institute of International Studies. Several staff members attended conventions held in Washington — those of the American Historical Association, the American Association of Archivists, and The Midwinter Meeting of the American Library Association. Others from the Division attended Washington meetings on a local basis, such as those of the Society of Federal Linguists and the George Washington University's conference on innovation in Communist systems.

The Division's ties with other institutions and persons include stable, long-term involvement, on bases build up over the years. We have, for example, given on-going assistance to the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, in Washington. There are several universities which we might call our "steady customers," since we maintain a kind of dialog with them, with a mutually beneficial exchange of information, ideas, and assistance. Among such, we might mention George Washington University, the University of Colorado at Fort Collins, and the Harvard Ukrainian Research Center.

One of the important continuing relationships of the Division is that with the embassies of the countries for which we have responsibility. We often provide them reference service, by telephone, in person, and by mail. Embassy staff members who visited the Division include the newly appointed Hungarian Cultural Attaché, the Yugoslav Assistant Military Attaché, the Bulgarian Minister Counselor, a group of 18 members of the Soviet Embassy staff and others of their families, as well as diplomats from Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Finland, the German Federal Republic, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the U.S.S.R. and Yugoslavia. Visits from distinguished foreign personalities in public life or scholarship are arranged not only by their embassies, but by the State Department or by representatives of other government or private bodies. The institutions these visitors represent are generally prestigious ones, deeply involved in scholarly research on topics of interest to the Library. For example, the universities of Warsaw, Ponzan, Moscow, Tel Aviv, Budapest, the Institute of Scholarly Information in the Social Sciences of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, the Polish Institute of Polish-Western Relations, the Hungarian Ministry of Construction and Urban Development, and the Serbian Academy of Sciences of Belgrade, among many others.

Through our contacts with these visitors we are often able to assist other units of the Library; for example, the Chief participated in hospitality arrangements in connection with the visit to the Library of Mme. Liudmila Zhivkova, President of the Bulgarian Committee of Art and Culture, and her party. The Division received, and arranged a luncheon for a group of four leading Yugoslav poets and worked closely with the Recorded Sound Section of the Music Division to have these poets record readings of their poetry for the Library's collections.


Division staff members are actively engaged in professional activities outside of their official duties.

Dr. Robert V. Allen is a section editor of the American Historical Association's (AHA's) "Recently Published Articles," reporting articles, Soviet and Western, on Russian history.

Dr. Elemer Bako is president of the Society of Federal Linguists and chairman of its Editorial Committee. In this capacity he organized, or participated in, several public events and contributed to the Society's journal The Federal Linguist. He also published two articles on Hungarian participation in the American Revolution in the Hungarian Catholic Sunday (Youngstown, Ohio).

Dr. John P. Balys saw the results of many years of field work throughout the United States published as Lithuanian Folksongs in America (Silver Spring, Md., Lithuanian Folklore Publishers, 1977). He also contributed articles on folklore to major encyclopedias in that field.

Mr. Albert E. Graham wrote several articles on Russian generals and prepared an extensive bibliography on historical Russian biography for the Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History. He contributed an article on the Soviet cadet naval school to the Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute (April, 1977 issue).

Dr. Paul L. Horecky was the chief editor of East Central and Southeast Europe: A Handbook of Library and Archival Resources in North America (Santa Barbara: Clio Press, 1976); he presented a paper on research activities and resources on Bulgaria in the United States at the Second Congress of the Bulgarian Historical Society in Sofia in October, and was elected to the Advisory Library Council of CIBAL (Centre d'Information International sur les Sources de l'Historie Balkanique). He is also a member of the ARL Foreign Acquisitions Committee on Eastern Europe and of the Editorial Board of Historical Abstracts.

Dr. Janina W. Hoskins' paper "Thomas Jefferson Views Poland" was read at the October, 1976 Southern Conference on Slavic Studies held at Charlottesville, Virginia.

Mr. George J. Kovtun serves on the editorial board of the journal Svĕdectví (Paris), and is the author of "John Lascaris and the Byzantine Connection," which appeared in the Spring, 1977 issue of The Journal of Library History.

Mr. David H. Kraus is ex-officio member of the Bibliography and Documentation Committee of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies and a member of the Local Arrangements Committee for the Ninth Annual Convention of that Association to be held in Washington in October, 1977. He is the author of "The Slavic and Central European Division and the Slavic Collections of the Library of Congress," which appeared in vol. 7, nos. 1–4 of The Federal Linguist, and the translator of A. F. Kashevarov's Coastal Explorations in Northwest Alaska, 1838, published by the Field Museum of Natural History, as Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol. 69 (Chicago, 1977), James Van Stone, editor.

Mr. Basil Nadraga is treasurer of the Ukrainian Library Association of America.

Ms. Ruzica Popovitch received her Master of Library Science degree from Catholic University and was coopted to the Editorial Board of the Serbian-language journal Njegoš (Chicago), contributing two articles to that quarterly.

Dr. Arnold H. Price organized and chaired the December, 1976 session on Quantification in German Studies in Washington, D.C., served as section editor of AHA's "Recently Published Articles," covering modern German, Austrian, and Swiss history, and served on two committees of the Conference Group on Central European History.

Appendix I.


[The printed reports show a discrepancy between the 1976 and 1977 statistics with no explanation given. The numbers are transcribed as shown in the printed 1977 report. - Ed.]

I: Reference Activities FY1976 FY1977 % Diff.
A. Reference Services      

1. In Person:


a. Estimated number of readers

11,757 14,979 +27.4

No. of readers given reference assistance

11,289 14,247* +26.2

2. By Telephone:


Congressional calls

155 153 –1.3

Government calls

1,559 1,887 +21.0

Library of Congress calls

6,914 8,615 +24.6

Other calls

5,274 6,537 +23.8


13,902 17,192* +23.7

3. By Correspondence:


a. Letters & memos prepared:

1,305 1,591 +21.9

b. Form letters, prepared material, etc.

285 335 +17.5

c. Total

1,590 1,926* +21.1

4. Total Direct Reference Services (add figures marked with asterisk)

26,781 33,365 +24.6
B. Circulation and Service      

1. Volumes and Other Units in LC

32,915 63,837 +93.9 1

2. Volumes and Other Units on Loan

1,955 4,105 +110.0 2

3. Items or Containers Shelved

183,291 261,746 +42.8 3
C. Bibliographic and Other Publishing Operations:      

1. Number of Bibliographies Completed

1 1 -

2. Number of Bibliographies in Progress

33 33

3. Number of Bibliographic Entries Completed


a. Annotated entries

6,100 9,808 +60.8

b. Unannotated entries

7,540 11,640 +54.4

c. Total

13,640 21,448 +57.2 4

4. Number of Other Reference Aids Completed

- - -

a. Pages of reference aids prepared

- - -

b. Number of cards and entries prepared

- - – 

D. Number of Special Studies or Projects Completed

26 81 +211.5 5

1. Number of Pages

135 209 +54.7

E. Total Number of Hours Devoted to Reference Activities

13,653 16,486 +20.8
A. Lists and Offers Scanned 46,407 80,236 +72.9 6

B. Items Searched

12,852 20,183 +57.0 7

C. Items Recommended for Acquisition

32,824 39,675 +20.9

D. Letters of Solicitation Prepared

- - -

E. Items Accessioned

- - -

F. Items Disposed of:


1. From Collections

351 - -

2. Other Items

55,707 66,505 +19.4

G. Total Hours Devoted to Acquisitions

2,936 4,644 +58.2 8
A. Items sorted or arranged 373,019 484,752 +30.0 9

B. Items cataloged or Recataloged

- - -
C. Entries Prepared for Other Finding Aids 1,091 705 –35.4

D. Authorities Established

- - -

E. Items or Containers Labeled, Titled, Captioned, or Lettered

295 637 +115.9

F. Volumes, Items, or Issues Prepared for:


1. Binding

31,810 31,164 –2.0

2. Microfilming

1,612 794 –50.7

G. Volumes, Items, or Issues Selected for:



129 185 +43.4


3 - -

3. Microfilming

224 - -

4. Repair

- - -

H. Cards Arranged and Filed

8,070 18,329 +127.1 10

I. Total Hours Devoted to Processing Activities

3,952 5,019 +27.0
A. Total Hours Devoted to External Relations 506 252 –50.2 11

B. Total Hours Devoted to Cultural and Exhibit Activities

242 206 –14.9

C. Total Hours Devoted to Other Activities

2,955 3,881 +31.3 12
  1. Increase in number of journal and newspaper issues requested for use in the Slavic Room. Back to text
  2. Increased demand for Slavic and Baltic serials. Back to text
  3. Increase in number of journal and newspaper issues received, or requested by readers. Back to text
  4. Broadened bibliographic activities of the Division. Back to text
  5. Increase in number of translations made for Congress. Back to text
  6. Increase in number of lists and offers received. Back to text
  7. Increased number of lists and offers received required increased searching. Back to text
  8. The significant increases in all aspects of acquisition activities required an increase in time devoted to such activities. Back to text
  9. The numerical increase in receipts resulted in additional processing. Back to text
  10. The increase in filing resulted from the increase in bibliographic activities. Back to text
  11. Apparently fewer participants in foreign cultural exchange programs called on the Division for assistance or service. Back to text
  12. More time was spent on activities related to automation, personnel management, and the Task Force. Back to text

Appendix II.



  • The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies for 1975 (Staff)
  • The Federal Republic of Germany: A Selected Bibliography of English-Language Publications. 2d rev. ed. (Arnold H. Price)
  • Nine topical bibliographies (Area Specialists)
  • Eleven bibliographies for the ARL Newsletter (Area Specialists)

In Process

  • The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies for 1976 and 1977, consisting of 3 card files (Staff)
  • Finland: A Selective Reference Bibliography (Elemer Bako)
  • The Slavic and Central European Division's Services, Facilities, and Resources (Robert V. Allen and David H. Kraus)
  • Ukrainica in the Library of Congress — A survey (J.B. Rudnyckyj)
  • The USSR and Eastern Europe: Periodicals in Western Languages. 4th rev. ed. (Janina W. Hoskins)


  • Twenty-five bibliographic card files organized by area (for reference purposes)
  • Card File of Slavic and Baltic Serials
  • Master List of Soviet Serials
  • Statistical Handbooks Published in the USSR
  • Index of Festschriften in the field of Slavic Studies


  • Greek Incunabula in the Library of Congress
  • Guide to the Library of Congress Holdings on the Republic of Cyprus
  • Guide to Russian Collections in the Library of Congress
  • Hungarian Abbreviations: A Selective List

Appendix III.


For Congress

  • Seventy-six translations from or into East European languages (Staff)


  • Translations of Red Cross letters
  • Biography of current East European rulers and leaders for White House Project (Staff)
  • Political figures of Mannheim, Germany (Arnold H. Price)
  • Native peoples of Soviet Central Asia (Albert E. Graham)