Submitted by
David H. Kraus, Acting Chief
October 17, 1980
"They must upward still and onward, who would keep abreast of Truth" –James Russell Lowell
Lowell's words express the acquisitions mission of our Division. We must keep abreast of the total flow of materials from one of the most productive areas of the world with respect to publication and make appropriate recommendations for the Library's acquisitions program. The problem is to balance the suitability of specific items against cost and space. In the short run it is often difficult to tell how well we have fared, but one measure is the degree to which the Library's holdings are able to meet reader demands, and in this respect the results are very satisfactory. Of course, we do not pretend to do the job alone, but benefit from the recommendations and acquisitions of other divisions, particularly the other area studies divisions and the special format divisions, and we also assist them with acquisitions. For example, we assisted the African and Middle Eastern Division assess a gift offer of nearly 500 Russian-language works on Central Asian linguistics; we participated in negotiations that led to gifts to the Manuscript Division; and we arranged for East Europeans to record for the Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division's files.
An important part of our task is to cooperate with Processing Services to determine the effectiveness of channels of acquisitions and to eliminate undesirable duplication. The Polish, Russian, and Yugoslav specialists evaluated the effectiveness of new blanket-order dealers. The area specialists analyzed acquisitions from all the East European countries for a conference called by the Director for Acquisitions and Overseas Operations that involved other Library divisions engaged in East European acquisitions and Slavic librarians invited from Harvard University. The recommending officers reviewed serial subscriptions and recommended substantial reductions of titles that are received reliably on exchange.
Retrospective materials from Eastern Europe are being obtained more and more in microform or reprint, in part because of increasingly high prices of inkprint copy, in part because inkprint copy from Eastern Europe often has to be converted to film owing to the poor condition of the paper. Some of the more significant acquisitions on film or reprint were the annual reports of the Ober-Prokuror of the Holy Synod of Russia, which supplemented the Library's strong holdings on the Orthodox Church in America and Russia, a multivolume Polish genealogical work in reprint that bolstered our resources for answering the numerous questions of Polish-Americans on their roots, and films of the missing volumes of the pre-1914 Serbian censuses and of Soviet periodicals from the Moslem areas bordering Iran and Afghanistan.
Division staff members also traveled or plans were made for travel to acquire materials for the Library's collections. Preparations were completed for the Soviet specialist's acquisitions trip to the Soviet Union, the first in the history of the Division, culminating months of negotiations which included the intercession of the Librarian and the personal attention of the Soviet ambassador. The Czech specialist visited the libraries of Columbia University, Yale University, Temple University, and the Balch Institute in search of documents not held by LC that relate to Thomas Masaryk's American connections. The Finno-Ugrian specialist travelled to Finland and Sweden to acquire materials to strengthen the Library's holdings of Fennougrica. A five-year (1981-85) acquisitions travel plan, designed to cover all the areas in the Division's sphere of responsibility, was submitted for consideration.
Many volumes were added to the Library's collections as gifts sent to the Division specialists as a result of personal contacts or the scholarly reputation of the specialists. A few examples were volumes of Soviet works on arctic anthropology sent by researchers from the Institute of Ethnography of the Soviet Academy of Sciences who visited the Acting Chief and Acting Assistant Chief, a gift of works on the life and family of Casimir Pulaski from the Pulaski Museum in Poland following the publication of a Pulaski bibliography by the Polish specialist, and bibliographies of Japanese works on Slavic subjects sent by a faculty member of Hokkaido University as a consequence of his visit to the Division.
Several important works were added to the Library's collections as gifts through the initiative of the Czechoslovak specialist, including Nová Evropa (New Europe), the cardinal work of Thomas G. Masaryk, first president of the Czechoslovak Republic. This book was completed and readied for publication by Masaryk during his stay in Washington in 1918. From the same source came the release of restrictions on the scholarly use of Masaryk's first draft of the Czechoslovak declaration of independence (held by the Library), opening the door to comparative studies of the several versions of this document. Manuscripts and papers of the Czech émigré writer Egon Hostovský were presented to the Library by Hostovoský's widow, and Joseph Chada, a prominent figure in the Czech-American community, sent the manuscript of his unpublished work, The Czechs in the United States.
The cultural contacts of Division specialists resulted in additions to the Library's Archive of World Literature on Tape. Recordings were made at the Library or received as gifts from the Soviet poet Andrey Voznesensky, the Czech émigré writer Vladimír Škutina, the East German novelist and playwright Hermann Kant, and the Finnish literary and cultural historian Jaakko Numminen.
Our acquisitions responsibilities included cooperation with various Library offices, for example we reviewed the Five-Year preservation proposal of the Planning Office, and provided the Congressional Liaison Officer and the Director for Acquisitions and Overseas Operations with titles and samples of Soviet materials received exclusively on exchange to demonstrate the value of such an exchange. We proposed to the Collections Development Office priorities for the purchase of library materials from the USSR if exchanges were interrupted, and we reviewed government publications below the national level from several East and West European countries to determine whether they were repetitious of publications at the national level. For the Information Office we translated into eight languages a Library press release soliciting ethnic publications. At times we alerted the Collections Development Office to important publication or microform projects, such as the project to microfilm pre-1917 Russian monographs held by Helsinki University Library but not held by U.S. libraries, or we helped evaluate materials offered to the Library, such as an offer by National Archives of East European materials which we judged were marginal to the Library's needs.
Through all these activities we have striven to keep the Library "abreast of Truth" for our area of responsibility.
The 40,000-item Cyrillic cataloging arrearage in the Division's custody was the object of considerable activity. Contracts were let to gain better bibliographic control over portions of this collection. The pre-Revolutionary Russian government periodicals were identified and details of holdings reported. This information proved extremely valuable to researchers because few other libraries have reported any of these titles. Under another contract a portion of the Russian pamphlet collection is being analyzed. To date all pre-1865 imprints in this collection have been recorded and checked against LC catalogs, as have the pamphlets in classes B and Z. Several rare items have been discovered, including a pamphlet of 1718 by one of Peter the Great's associates, several early railroad pamphlets, a rare pamphlet by a Russian American entrepreneur, and the text of an article by a leading 19th century Russian author that had been censored and all printed copies supposedly destroyed. The only other known copy of the text is in the Soviet archives. The 4,300 volume uncatalogued remnant of the Yudin collection that had been housed in the Shared Cataloging Division since 1974 was returned to the European Division's custody. All the materials discussed above are part of the Cyrillic cataloging arrearage. Many scholars who have made intensive use of these materials have remarked on the rarity of many of the titles, even among the holdings of Soviet libraries.
The European Reading Room has experienced a substantial increase in reference inquiries concerning West European affairs. Owing to space restrictions, it has not been possible to increase substantially the number of West European reference works on the shelves of the European Reading Room and thus it is not always possible to give immediate answers to questions posed by readers concerning that area. However, small core collections for the countries and regions of Western Europe are being built.
The major addition to the Reading Room's reference sources was the microfiche of the Slavic Cyrillic Union Catalog. This catalog comprises nearly half-a-million cards for pre-1956 Cyrillic imprints and their locations. The fiche were made available this year by a commercial firm after many years of effort by this and other divisions of the Library and by the profession to have it published. About 280 cards were added to the European Reading Room's catalogs of holdings, and more than 460 cards were added to the Cyrillic Union Catalog supplement. The Division's files in Room 5146, JAB, were also augmented. Nearly 10,000 cards were added to the East European file, which now comprises some 760,000 entries for works in various languages on the social sciences and humanities in Eastern Europe. The pamphlet collection was increased by about 120 items.
The European Reading Room provided service to other units of the Library and to government agencies and individuals. In this fiscal year, the Division delivered 42,755 items to users in the Reading Room or elsewhere in the Library, predominantly issues of newspapers and serials. A large portion of the loans to other units of the Library went to the Federal Research Division or to the Photoduplication Service. Approximately 550 items were loaned to outside institutions, principally to government agencies.
Reference activities were not only central to the Division's operations, but perhaps had the most tangible and satisfying results for the professional staff. The Division's clients included members of Congress and their staffs, who called on the Division to translate materials from English into foreign languages, or from these languages into English, and drew upon the expertise of staff members, for example, regarding Polish views of U.S. history or the role of Hungarian-Americans in our culture. Representatives of federal, state, and local government agencies and institutions also consulted the Division's specialist on various occasions. Among such agencies were the American Film Institute, the National Library of Medicine, the Smithsonian Institution, the Voice of America, the International Communication Agency, the Department of Justice, the U.S. Air Force Translation Section at the Pentagon, the Bureau of the Census, the Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, and the Quantico Marine Corps Base. The subject matter of these inquiries ranged from Soviet census data to Hungarian films, sources of illustrations of peasant artifacts, and descriptions of current social conditions in a West German city.
Inquiries from scholars and academic libraries in the United States made up the largest portion of the Division's reference requests and simultaneously contained some of the most fascinating and diverse of the inquiries, reflecting the sophistication of research at the Slavic and East European centers of those institutions. Some topics of inquiry were the status of Iranian studies in the USSR, war crime trials in Lithuania, Paderewski's role in Polish foreign policy, East European criticism of American literature, the part played by the Trans-Siberian railroad in the Russo-Japanese War, and the fate of Japanese prisoners of war in the USSR after World War II. Among the more unusual requests for information were inquiries about place and personal names given in German but in the Cyrillic alphabet found in a 19th-century Bible from Poland, records of Hessian soldiers in the British service during the Revolutionary War, the fate of Russian Communist archives captured by the Germans and subsequently the Americans, the names and biographies of the first three commanders of a St. Petersburg fortress (for a joint U.S. - Soviet anthropological team attempting to identify the skeletal remains of these commanders), and means of ascertaining whether certain marginal notes in books from the Yudin collection were in Lenin's handwriting. Questions of this kind came from U.S. universities such as Harvard, Yale, California at Berkeley, Irvine, Stanislaus, and Los Angeles, Purdue, Kansas, Illinois at Urbana and Chicago Circle, Alabama and Alabama State, Memphis State, Idaho, Ohio State, Michigan, Tennessee and Wisconsin.
The foreign academic community also called upon the Division for assistance. Some examples of topics that interested these institutions or individual scholars were Warsaw Pact military exercises, the make-up of the population of pre-World War II Galicia (Poland), resources on Jan Hus in the United States, the travels of the Finnish-born naturalist Peter Kalm in pre-revolutionary America, the Russian population of Alaska, the availability of records of East European parliamentary proceedings, and sources for the study of Lithuanian émigré parishes in the United States. Among these institutions were Helsinki University Library, the universities of Bristol and Exeter in England, Hokuriku and Hokkaido universities in Japan, the Slavisches Seminar (Hamburg) and the Freie Universität Berlin in Germany, and the Instituto de Ciencias de la Communication in Lima, Peru.
Authors formed an interesting contingent of the Division's clientele. For example, the Division's area specialists aided authors who were preparing works on the Polish composers Frédéric Chopin and Karol Szymanowski, a novelist writing on Antonín Dvořák in America, a Hungarian professor writing a history of Hungary for young people, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's research assistant who was doing demographic research on the Soviet Union of the 1920s and 1930s as background for sequels to August 1914.
The Division also received requests for assistance from the business community. A marketing research firm in Tulsa asked for data on traffic patterns, automobile ownership, and population by neighborhood in half a dozen West European cities to plan the location of service stations in those cities. A book dealer in Los Angeles asked us to identify a copy of an early Russian psalter, and the editorial office of the Reader's Digest requested the text of interviews published in a Soviet literary newspaper.
Many of the Division's clients were interested citizens with no particular affiliation, and their questions pertained predominantly to their Central or East European origins – their family name, or the village, town, or country from which their ancestors came. Many inquiries came from persons seeking to establish their roots in order to benefit from the Alaska Native Claims Act. Their hopes lay in the records of the Russian Orthodox Church of Alaska that are held by the Library.
Letters of appreciation from the Division's clients are gratifying indeed. A professor from the University of California at Berkley wrote, "I am grateful to you personally and to our magnificent national institution, the Library of Congress, whose existence permits us to conduct this kind of research without travelling to some far away country." A letter from the Institute of World Politics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences read in part, "I am pleased to receive your letter and the enclosed printout concerning Sino-Soviet relations. It will be of great value to my colleagues and me in our research." An associate professor at El Camino College in California wrote, "If letters like the one I received are indicative of your willingness to aid researchers at all levels, I cannot help but be encouraged about the future of scholars in this country who are in search of the truth." The Division staff, of course, has an unparalleled resource to tap for its reference work, as indicated by this excerpt from a letter received from an appreciative client in Germany, "I learned that you have information about everything written all over the world."
Bibliographic and publication activities played a large role in the Division's programs and included the ongoing American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies, biobibliographies, accounts of collection surveys, and ad hoc bibliographies.
There were several important developments in the American Bibliography project this year. The sponsor of the bibliography, the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS), received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities to support two positions, Editor and Assistant Editor, for a three-year period, beginning in Fiscal Year 1981. The moving of the AAASS headquarters from Columbus, Ohio to Chicago, Illinois contributed to a delay in the publication of the 1977 volume of the bibliography. To help bring the bibliography up-to-date and to reduce expenses, it was decided to combine the 1978 and 1979 volumes. The draft of this combined volume is nearly completed. The 1980 volume is in progress.
The Division's series of bibliographical pamphlets commemorating East or Central Europeans who had an impact on American History was increased by two texts, both in press, namely, Janina W. Hoskins' Tadeusz Kosciuszko: A Selective List of Reading Materials in English, and George J. Kovtun's Tomáš G. Masaryk: A Selective List of Reading Materials in English. Each pamphlet is illustrated, contains a biographical sketch of the person honored, and has about two hundred bibliographic entries, primarily U.S. publications. The first in this series, on Casimir Pulaski, appeared in print this year.
Dr. Hoskins prepared a topical bibliography, "Christmas in Europe," which appeared in the December 7, 1979 issue of the LC Information Bulletin.
he results of several collection surveys are being prepared for publication. Professor Harold Leich's survey of the pre-Revolutionary government periodicals in the Division's custody is being edited for publication. Dr. Joan F. Higbee's survey of French resources in the Library was submitted in draft form, reviewed by the divisions concerned, and is awaiting editing for possible publication. Several articles for the LC Information Bulletin have been prepared concerning discoveries in the Division's uncataloged Russian pamphlet collection. This collection is being surveyed by Mrs. Roberta W. Goldblatt.
In past years the Division prepared short typed or card ad hoc bibliographies in response to client requests. This year we relied almost entirely on the computer terminal and SCORPIO to satisfy ad hoc bibliography requests.
Cooperation with other divisions in the bibliographic field continued. Copies of bibliography cards of probable interest to the other area divisions were sent routinely as a by-product of the American Bibliography project. Staff members of our Division frequently assisted the Catalog Search Unit of the Loan Division with difficult loan requests for East European materials. Two of the area specialists served as contributing editors to the Handbook of Latin American Studies, which is compiled in the Hispanic Division.
Our principal assistance to bibliographic units outside the Library went to the University of Illinois Library's academic search service, although the volume of their requests has decreased since the publication of the Library's Slavic Cyrillic Union Catalog on microfiche.
The salient feature of this fiscal year was the budgetary constraint that affected personnel. The immediate result for the Division was postponement of the filling of the German/Dutch area specialist position and the loss of another unfilled position. The Bibliographic and Editorial Assistant position, filled on a temporary basis by Mr. Stephen Paczolt, was extended until the end of the fiscal year and then cancelled. Mr. Peter Thon was selected to fill the Bibliographical Assistant position on the American Bibliography project. Mr. Alan Hecht, a work study student, resigned at the end of July to attend college and the position was not filled, due to budgetary reasons.
Dr. Joan F. Higbee, a French language cataloger in the Shared Cataloging Division completed her detail to the Division that began in the previous fiscal year. Professor Harold M. Leich concluded his contractual obligations to the Library by submitting a report on the pre-Revolutionary Russian government publications in the Division's custody. Ms. Victoria Miller, a Library intern, spent a two week period in the Division analyzing a sample of the uncataloged Russian pamphlet collection in the Division's custody. A contractual agreement was entered into with Mrs. Roberta W. Goldblatt to analyze a major portion of that pamphlet collection.
Mr. Jurij W. Dobczansky, Bibliographic and Reference Assistant, attended the Washington Summer Institute on Federal Library Resources at Catholic University under the sponsorship of the Area Studies Directorate, and enrolled in the final semester of his MLS program at Catholic University under the Library's tuition support program.
Division staff members attended several courses or workshops offered by the Library. The Acting Chief, in his capacity as editor of the American Bibliography, attended a 10-hour course on changes in cataloging that will occur when AACR-2 is adopted. He also attended a workshop on problems of alcoholism, drug abuse, and mental disorders among personnel. Disturbed or disruptive readers constituted a serious problem for management and staff of the European Reading Room during the first half of this fiscal year. Among other measures taken to cope with this problem, The Acting Chief, Acting Assistant Chief, and all staff members who served in the European Reading Room on a regular or substitute basis attended sessions of a seminar on disturbed and disruptive readers offered by the Training Office. The Acting Assistant Chief attended a two-day seminar on "Managing Personal Growth." The Acting Chief briefed the Library interns on the Division's role in the Library.
The Division administrators continued to serve on Library-wide committees. The Acting Chief was a member of the Advisory Group on the Future of LC Retrieval Systems (RAG) and the Working Group on the Future of the Catalogs. The Acting Assistant Chief was a member of the Ad Hoc Committee on Acquisitions Policy Development.
The Acting Chief and Acting Assistant Chief prepared a detailed commentary for the Labor Management Office on the new contract proposals of the AFSCME locals.
The European Division established and maintained contacts with numerous academic institutions, governmental and other organizations, and individuals, from the United States and abroad, as part of its program to promote knowledge of the Division and the Library's activities and to gain information on related activities elsewhere. A visible sign of these contacts was the influx of visitors to the Division. Many foreign visitors were interested primarily in a briefing on the Division's activities and in the Library's means of obtaining publications from their country. Most visitors came from Eastern Europe, but the number of visitors from Western Europe increased and included representatives from the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, and Ireland. The area specialists gave visitors tours of the Library in their native language. In this past year, tours were given in Serbo-Croatian, Russian, Czech, German, Finnish, Hungarian, and Polish. The visitors also included serious scholars who came to spend a few weeks to several months at the Library and required substantial assistance from the Division's staff. American visitors were principally scholars who came to the Division to inform us of their interests or the interest of their institution in a particular line of research and what they hoped to accomplish at the Library.
Prominent official visitors from abroad included Dr. Jaakko Numminen, General Secretary of the Finnish Ministry of Education, and Dr. Esko Häkli, Chief Librarian of Helsinki University Library which is the national library of Finland.
The Division maintained contact with the diplomatic corps in Washington, briefing or aiding nationals brought by representatives of the diplomatic corps to the Division or assisting the diplomats themselves with research problems. The diplomats, in turn, informed the Division of events on their calendar and often invited Division staff members to attend embassy events. Among these visitors were Dr. Horst Grunert, Ambassador of the German Democratic Republic, Mrs. Petra Teutschbein and Mr. Claus Wolf, successive Cultural Attachés of the German Democratic Republic, Dr. Alexander Yankov, Head of the Bulgarian Mission to the United Nations, Mr. Alexander Phylactopoulos, Cultural and Press Attaché of the Embassy of Greece, Dr. Krassin Himmirsky, Chargé d'affaires of the Bulgarian Embassy, and Mr. Mihajlo Dika, First Secretary of the Embassy of Yugoslavia.
Writers and critics were an interesting component among the visitors and included Vladimír Škutina, a Czech fiction writer, Jarold Zeman, author of a well-known bibliography of the Hussite movement, Yeshayahu Jelinek, author of historical treaties on Eastern Europe, Vladimir Soloukhin, a Russian prose writer, Michał Sprusiński, a Polish author, the Bulgarian writer and literary critic Petar Dinekov, and Mr. Lauri Nummi, author and Chairman of the Finnish Writers Union.
A few examples of visitors from the foreign academic community are cited to indicate the wide territorial range they represent and the diversity of their backgrounds and interests. From the Soviet Union came Mrs. N.G. Smirnova and Dr. A. O. Chubari'an (Institute of World History, Academy of Sciences of the USSR) and Mr. A. M. Grigor'ev (Institute for Scholarly Information in the Academy of Social Sciences of the USSR); from Romania, Dr. Iulian Danescu (Deputy Director of the Institute of World Economy, Bucharest), Ms. Valentina Costake and Mrs. Valeria Matei (Romanian National Archives), and Corneliu Leu (Cinematographie Roumaine, Bucharest); from Bulgaria, Dr. Ivan Ivanov (Institute of Geology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences); from Yugoslavia, Ms. Mirjana Domina (Institute for Migration and Nationalities in Zagreb); from Poland, Professors Emanuel Rostoworowski and Józef Gierowski (Jagiellonian University, Kraków) and Mrs. Irina Stawiska (Catholic University, Lublin); from Austria, Dr. Waltraud Heindl (Österreichisches Ost- und Südosteuropa Institute, Vienna); from Greece, Professor Panayotis Dimakis (Faculty of Political Science and Law, University of Athens) and Mrs. Ioanna Dimaki (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Athens); from Japan, Professor Jun Matsuda (Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University).
Contacts with American academic institutions and libraries were exemplified by the visits of Professor Herbert Marshall (Southern Illinois University) an expert on Soviet film, Professor M.E. Solt (Indiana University), director of a Polish studies center, Dr. Richard M. Haywood (Purdue University), a specialist on Russian railroads, and Professor Rodger Swearingen (UCLA), whose field is Soviet-East Asian relations.
Staff members of the Division were engaged professionally, but unofficially, in a variety of activities as specialists in their fields. These activities, which ranged from participation in conferences or scholarly gatherings and service as officers of professional organizations to publication activities, supplemented their regular professional activities and enhanced their value to the Library. Some examples of these activities are cited below.
Dr. Robert V. Allen served as a section editor of the journal Recently Published Articles. He participated in the Library's Automation Panel at the Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the Society of Federal Linguists held in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Elemer Bako was elected president of the Society of Federal Linguists and continued his duties as editor of the journal, The Federal Linguist, and as the permanent representative of the society at the Interagency Language Roundtable. Dr. Bako was interviewed by the Voice of America for a broadcast to Hungary on the reporting of Hungarian events in American newspapers of the colonial era. His article on Gabriel Bethlen, Prince of Transylvania, was published in Testvériség-Fraternity.
Dr. John P. Balys served on the Bibliography Committee of the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies, and was publisher of Lithuanian Folklore Publications. His book, Childhood and Marriage: Lithuanian Folk Traditions, was issued as No. 8 in the Treasury of Lithuanian Folklore series.
Mr. Jurij W. Dobczansky read a paper "The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies as a Resource for Ukrainian Research" at the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Permanent Conference on Ukrainian Studies at Harvard University. His article, "A Question of Censorship: Lev Lukyanenko's Letter to Literaturna Ukraina," appeared in Nationalities Papers, Spring, 1980.
Dr. Janina W. Hoskins participated in the annual convention of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in Washington, D.C. She presented a paper, "Women in Poland" at the symposium "Women Around the World," which was held at the Library of Congress.
Mr. George J. Kovtun was a member of the editorial board of Svědectví, a Czech-language literary journal published in Paris, and contributed to that journal. His novel, Zpráva z Lisabonu (Report from Lisbon), was published by Konfrontation, Zurich, Switzerland; his Czech translation of a cycle of poems by Osip Mandelstam was published by Index in Cologne, Germany, and his paper "T.G. Masaryk's Road from a Reformer to a Revolutionary," was read at the T.G. Masaryk Conference of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences held in Interlaken, Switzerland.
Mr. David H. Kraus chaired a panel on microforms at the Eleventh National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) in New Haven, Connecticut, and chaired a panel on Library automation at the Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the Society of Federal Linguists in Washington, D.C. His translation of E.V. Siebert's Russian-language article, "Northern Athapaskan Collections of the First Half of the Nineteenth Century" [in the Peter the Great Museum, Moscow] was published in Arctic Anthropology, no. 1, 1980.
Mr. Basil Nadraga, as Treasurer of the Ukrainian Library Association of America, participated in the sessions of that association at the annual meeting of the American Library Association in New York.
Ms. Ruzica Popovitch served on the editorial board of the Serbian language cultural journal, Njegoš, and contributed to that journal. Ms. Popovitch attended the Byzantine Studies Conference held at Dumbarton Oaks. She participated in a panel on Yugoslav literature, speaking on the problems of publishing Yugoslav authors in the United States, at the Eleventh Annual Convention of the AAASS in New Haven.
I: Reference Activities | FY1979 | FY1980 | % Diff. |
A. Reference Services | |||
1. In Person: |
Number of readers (by a count or registration) |
14,413 | 12,306 | -14.5 |
Number of readers given reference assistance (Number of times reader is assisted) |
12,759 | 12,360* | -3.2 |
2. By Telephone: |
a. Congressional calls (received direct or through CRS) |
217 | 286 | +31.8 1 |
b. Government agency calls (from Federal, State or local government agencies, government libraries) |
1,830 | 1,531 | -16.3 |
c. Library of Congress calls (from LC staff members) |
8,242 | 8,482 | +2.9 |
d. Other calls (include calls from individuals, other libraries, institutions, or organizations) |
5,658 | 5,603 | -.1 |
e. Total |
15,947 | 15,902* | -.3 |
3. By Correspondence: |
a. Congressional letters and memos prepared (received direct or through CRS) |
6 | 5 | -16.7 |
b. Government agency letters (Federal, State, local government agencies, government libraries) |
52 | 72 | +38.5 2 |
c. Form letters, prepared material, etc. (standard pattern letters, etc.) |
311 | 310 | -.3 |
d. Other letters and memos prepared (to individuals, other libraries, institutions, etc.) |
1,415 | 1,585 | +12 |
e. Total |
1,784 | 1,972* | +10.5 |
4. Searches: |
a. Number of items searched for interlibrary loan |
1,087 | 1,209 | +11.2 |
b. Number of items searched for photoduplication |
204 | 215 | +5.4 |
c. Special and other searches |
7,026 | 4,389 | -37.5 3 |
d. Total |
8,317 | 5,813 | -30.1 4 |
5. Total Direct Reference Services (add figures marked with asterisk) |
38,807 | 36,048 | -7.0 |
B. Circulation and Service | |||
1. Volumes and Other Units in LC |
39,209 | 42,755 | +9.0 |
2. Volumes and Other Units on Loan (Items circulated outside the Library): |
666 | 535 | -19.7 |
3. Call Slips or Requests for Materials Not Found (NOS): |
793 | 383 | -51.7 5 |
C. Bibliographic and Other Publishing Operations: | |||
1. Number of Bibliographies Completed |
4 | 5 | +25.0 |
2. Number of Bibliographic Entries Completed |
a. Annotated entries (substantive descriptions, analytical comments) |
6,695 | 7,401 | +10.5 |
b. Unannotated entries (without substantive descriptions, etc.) |
36,353 | 17,370 | -52.2 6 |
c. Total |
43,048 | 24,771 | -42.5 7 |
3. Pages Edited and Proofread: |
799 | 792 | -1.0 |
4. Number of Other Reference Aids Completed: (lists, chronologies, calendars) |
- | - | - |
a. Number of pages prepared: |
- | - | - |
b. Number of cards and entries prepared (for special card files): |
- | - | – |
c. Number of items indexed: |
7,551 | - | -100 8 |
5. Letters Soliciting Bibliographic Information: |
4 | - | -100 9 |
D. Number of Special Studies or Projects Completed (including translations for Congressional Offices): |
Special Studies or Projects Completed |
30 | 21 | -30 10 |
1. Number of Pages |
136 | 32 | -76.511 |
E. Total Number of Hours Devoted to Reference Activities |
19,245 | 18,928 | -1.7 |
A. Lists and Offers Scanned (Bibliographies, price lists, catalogs, letters) | 74,863** | 1,603** | -47.9** 12 |
B. Number of Items Searched (in catalogs or collections) | 10,637 | 9,192 | -13.6 |
C. Number of Items Recommended (via internal memos, lists, etc.) | 21,245 | 14,669 | -31 13 |
D. Letters of Solicitation Prepared | - | - | - |
E. Number of Items Reviewed | 8,107 | 8,711 | +7.5 |
F. Visits to Prospective Donors | 3 | 2 | -33.3 14 |
H. Items Disposed of | - | - | - |
1. From Collections (to Shelflisting, E&G or by other means) |
- | - | - |
2. Other Items (to E&G or by other means) |
74,300 | 55,835 | -24.9 |
I. Items Evaluated | 191 | 174 | -8.9 |
G. Total Hours Devoted to Acquisitions |
3,486 | 3,037 | -12.9 |
III. PROCESSING ACTIVITIES: | FY1979 | FY1980 | % Diff. |
A. Items sorted or arranged | 439,425 | 405,302 | -7.8 |
1. Items Prepared for Processing (priority items) |
1,639 | 1,530 | -6.1 |
B. Items cataloged or Recataloged |
1. Number of Catalog Cards Revised |
52 | 825 | +500 15 |
2. Cards Arranged and Filed |
20,122 | 25,143 | +25 |
Finding Aids Prepared (other than catalog cards) | 802 | 415 | -48.3 16 |
D. Authorities Established |
112 | 9 | -92 17 |
E. Items Checked In and Recorded |
4,898 | 20,383 | +316.1 18 |
F. Items or Containers Labeled, Titled, Captioned, or Lettered mechanically, by hand) |
823 | - | -100 19 |
G. Total Hours Devoted to Processing Activities | 3,988 | 4,101 | +2.8 |
A. Work Sheets Typed | - | - | - |
B. Records Edited | - | - | - |
C. Records Input | - | - | - |
D. Pages of Computer Printout Proofed | - | - | - |
E. Total Hours Devoted to Data Processing | - | - | - |
A. Items or Containers Shelved | 186,526 | 205,695 | +10.3 |
B. Number of Shelves Read |
226 | 965 | +327 20 |
C. Total Hours Devoted to Maintenance of Collections | 1,215 | 1,195 | -1.7 |
A. Volumes or Items Selected for: | |||
1. Binding |
6,104 | 13,363 | +118.9 21 |
2. Rebinding |
57 | - | -100 22 |
3. Preservation and/or Restoration (includes all types of treatment) |
15 | 12 | -20 |
4. Microfilming |
3,160 | 2 | -99.9 23 |
B. Volumes or Items Prepared and Sent for: | |||
1. Binding |
22,513 | 32,640 | +45 24 |
2. Rebinding |
341 | 170 | -50.1 25 |
3. Preservation and/or Restoration (include all types of treatment) |
4 | 1 | -100 26 |
4. Microfilming |
4,915 | 3,857 | -21.5 |
C. Volumes or Items Completed and Returned From: | |||
1. Binding |
- | - | — |
2. Rebinding |
- | - | — |
3. Preservation and/or Restoration, etc. |
- | - | — |
4. Microfilming |
- | - | — |
D. Total Hours Devoted to Preservation Activities | 1,505 | 1,813 | +20.5 |
A. Administrative Papers and Memos Prepared | 255 | 183 | -28.2 |
B. Total Hours Devoted to Administration, Employee Supervision, Training, labor Management Relations, Statistics, etc. | 1,369 | 1,529 | +11.7 |
VIII. RELATED ACTIVITIES: | FY1979 | FY1980 | % Diff. |
A. Total Hours Devoted to Conducted Tours, Cultural and Educational Activities (lectures, music, poetry events, visitors) | 194 | 242 | +24.7 |
B. Total Hours Devoted to Exhibit Activities (planning, mounting, manning, dismantling) |
20 | 18 | -10 |
C. Total Hours Devoted to External Relations (attendance at conferences, professional meetings, etc.) | 119 | 257 | +116 27 |
D. Total Hours Devoted to Other Activities (include official work, not reported in other categories) | 1,808 | 1,898 | +5 |