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European Reading Room: Publications, History, Annual Reports

Annual Report of the European Division for 1986

The annual report is reproduced here in its entirety, but with additional images that were not part of the original report. The original report is held in the Manuscript Reading Room.


Image of book cover
Þorsteinn Jósepsson, Steindór Steindórsson. Landið þitt, Ísland. 1980-1984. Acquired in 1986. Library of Congress General Collections.

Submitted by
David H. Kraus, Acting Chief
October 16, 1986


Fiscal 1986 was a year of significant change in the European Division with regard to both physical location and staff. The move to temporary quarters in the Jefferson Building uprooted staff from a location occupied for more than thirty years. Closely following the move, the Division lost five seasoned staff members through retirement, resignation, or other reasons, and due to budgetary constraints was unable to replace an additional two staff members who had left during previous fiscal years. And this from a normal staff of twenty persons. However, the fiscal year ended on a positive note: three of the vacant positions were posted, a new position was created in order to make fuller use of the automation to help offset staff shortages, and a reorganization plan was proposed that holds promise of better use of existing and future staff.

I. Major Development

As part of the renovation of the Adams and Jefferson Buildings, the European Division was moved from quarters it had occupied in the Adams Building (5th floor, SE Curtain) for 34 years and in the Jefferson Building (LJ 147) for 12 years to a new location in the Jefferson Building (North Curtain and NW Pavilion, 2nd floor). The move was made quickly (December 13 and 14) with minimum disruption of service. The new quarters offered a major advantage, that of bringing the Division offices and reading room into immediate proximity of each other. Further, the physical layout of the European Reading Room was much improved in its new location, offering better access to the stacks, more room for the collections, and a better work area for readers. The Division's current serials deck is on the same floor as the Division but on the opposite side of the Thomas Jefferson Building. The disadvantages of the new location are lack of privacy and a great increase in noise and traffic at the worksites. The lack of worksite privacy (an open work area versus previous private offices) is compensated somewhat by a conference room, a convenience the Division had never had. The noise factor remains the greatest problem. Carpeting is not available for the public passageway along the Division's reading room and office area. The noise of trucks (mail, book) in the passageway is so great that all verbal communication must cease while a truck is passing.

The move placed the European Division between the Rare Book and Special Collections Division and the Hispanic Division, neither of which offered Saturday service to its readers. For security reasons, the corridor connecting the three divisions was closed on Saturdays. The European Division attempted to provide Saturday service in the new location by installing a desk in the nearby NE Pavilion, 2nd floor, but the arrangement proved so cumbersome and unsatisfactory that Saturday service was suspended on March 8, 1986 until further notice. Despite the annoyances mentioned above and other, less noteworthy problems such as poor light on dark days and difficulty of concentration due to normal noises in an open worksite area, the staff of the European Division adapted quickly and remarkably well to its new situation.

II. Acquisition of Materials

French/Italian specialist Armbruster's acquisitions trip to Paris and Strasbourg, France, in May of 1986 was the highlight of the Division's acquisitions program. The trip was coordinated with the African/Middle Eastern and Asian Divisions, the specialist devoting a specified number of days to each of the divisions. This joint venture was a first for the European Division and proved very satisfactory to all three divisions. Specialist Armbruster visited libraries, archives, dealers, and sources of ephemeral literature, as well as investigating French advances in electronic printing and automation. In October of 1985, Polish specialist Hoskins also visited Paris in search of Polish solidarity materials and duplicates of older materials in Polish libraries and bookstores.

Budget reductions required the Division's recommending officers to examine periodical subscriptions with the aim of reducing the dollar expenditures for each country by 15-20%. This exercise was painful but constructive, being designed to cause the least damage to the Library's research base. In a similar move, the specialists began examining blanket-order shipments from the large-allotment countries (France, Germany, Italy, the Soviet Union) with special care to help dealers keep within their new allotments. Meanwhile, several new arrangements were made. A mini-blanket order was awarded to Interpress (London) to supply Czech and Slovak publications issued outside Czechoslovakia. Blanket Order dealer Casalini was asked to supply Italian government publications and Rita Panourgas (Athens) was asked to supply Greek government and learned-society publications. The Casalini arrangement was a mixed success, largely due to the lack of bibliographic control of such publications, while the Greek arrangement has been highly successful, solving a long-standing problem. The Division has lacked a Russian/Soviet specialist since August of 1985 and a Finno-Ugrian specialist since December of that year. Three Division specialists have shared the recommending duties for Russian/Soviet materials, but the Finno-Ugrian recommending has had to be turned over to specialists in other divisions (European has no back-up staff with those languages), under the guidance of the European Division and the Collections Development Office. This is a temporary and tenuous arrangement, awaiting the filling of the Finno-Ugrian position (see Section VIII).

With respect to individual recommendations, the French/Italian and Polish specialists concentrated on filling gaps in serial runs and multivolume reference works or supplying key reference works in a particular field. Among this year's significant acquisitions were the more than 100 titles, many of them rare items from the 1920s and 1930s, from the private library of Miloslav Hýsek, a Czech literary historian. La Stirpe (Rome, 1923-40), a leading Fascist monthly, was acquired by transfer from the Department of Labor through the efforts of the French/Italian specialist. The German/Dutch specialist recommended the facsimile edition of the Evangelium of Henry the Lion (1129-95) and the microfiche collection, Reformed Protestantism: Netherlands and Germany. Film of the Czech-American newspaper Slavie (1861-1914), recommended by the Czechoslovak specialist, was received by the Library and proved a fruitful source for that specialist's manuscript, Masaryk and America (see Section V). The Czechoslovak specialist, in cooperation with the Prints and Photographs Division, identified and classified the 611-item glass slide collection on Czech themes (1918-22) received as a gift from the Jan Hus Presbyterian Church in New York City.

III. Organization and Management of Materials

The European Reading Room collections underwent many changes this year. Prior to the December move (see Section I), nearly 1,400 volumes were discharged from the collection to make room for West European materials and office collections of the area specialists. These office collections had been necessary because of the separation of the area specialists (Adams Building) from the European Reading Room (Jefferson Building). The French/Italian and German/Dutch specialists devoted a great deal of effort to building the West European collections, including the addition of periodicals to the European Reading Room shelves. The Automation Liaison abetted the overall effort to update and improve the European Reading Room collections by initiating JANUS inventories of the holdings that resulted in printed catalogs for France, Italy, East and West Germany, Austria, and Liechtenstein for staff use. Recommending for Eastern and Central European collections in the reading room have kept pace with those for Western Europe and the aforementioned 1,400 volumes have been replaced by new or updated volumes. Several reference aids were created for the reading room. The French/Italian specialist prepared handouts citing key reference works and their locations in the Library (European Reading Room, the general reading rooms, the Newspaper and Current Periodicals Reading Room, the Law Library, and the special collections reading rooms). Reference Librarian Harris prepared a list of bookstores and dealers that specialize in European language materials, and the Division's English-language newsletters and reports were organized and boxed for reader convenience.

Three displays were mounted in the European Reading Room: Recent Russian and East European Reference Works (October/November, 1985), Cyprian Norwid, Poet (January/April, 1986), and Joachim Lelewel, Scholar (May/September, 1986). Librarian Harris prepared the first display and Polish specialist Hoskins the latter two. The rapid turnover of staff on the Divison's current serials deck (Deck 13, Thomas Jefferson Building), required the use of overtime to maintain order and service. Through overtime 7,921 issues comprising 821 volumes of periodicals were prepared for binding.

IV. Reference Services

Despite the relocation of the European Reading Room, the discontinuation of Saturday service in the reading room, and the loss of staff during FY 1986, reference performance remained close to that of the previous fiscal year, decreasing by less than 14%. Two international conferences held in Washington shortly before the move brought a heavy influx of readers and researchers to the Division, including visitors from abroad. Several of them spent a month or more taking advantage of the Library's resources. These visitors came not only from West European countries, but from Japan, India, Sri Lanka, Australia, and New Zealand. These conferences were the Fifth International Conference of Europeanists (October 19/20) and the Third World Congress on Soviet and East European Studies (October 30-November 4). Current events that drew a large number of reference requests were the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Soviet Union and the award of the Nobel Prize in Literature to the French author Claude Simon. The Division copy of Soviet Life (Moscow, February, 1986) which described the Chernobyl complex and its safety features was in great demand. Two special studies were made for the Librarian of Congress in connection with his travels abroad: an analysis of cultural exchanges under the Helsinki Accords, and the status of the Library's Italian collections and Italian libraries. Automation Liaison Posey played a considerable role in support of reference work. She executed JANUS runs as background for numerous reference studies (see Appendix C). She also introduced the Division's reference staff to the SCORPIO Send Command and EMAIL, and made arrangements to bring the Book Paging service to the Division. Her tape datasets for many of the geographic regions in the Division's area of responsibility permitted rapid and effective retrieval on subjects of narrower scope.

There was an unusual variety of subjects treated by our reference staff, covering every country in the Division's area and all the social sciences and humanities. No trends were evident, except for a steadily increasing number of inquiries concerning business and commerce in the West European democracies. In the European Reading Room, reference requests for information on the Soviet Union remained dominant, but more and more inquiries were made concerning Western Europe, reflecting improvements in the book collections and the larger number of current periodicals available in the European Reading Room. The majority of clients were from the academic and government communities. The new location of the Reading Room on the second floor drew fewer casual visitors from the public. The visitors included several celebrities: The Honorable Michael Jenkins, Acting Ambassador from Great Britain and specialist in the Russian Decembrist movement, Princess Elizabeth (Oxenberg) of Yugoslavia, who is writing a book on the last days of the Yugoslav monarchy, Dr. Stephen Bryen, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense, Alexander Shkurko, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federated Republic, and Gregory Grechko, former Soviet cosmonaut.

Authors Irmgard Elsner Hunt (German emigre writer), Erling Indreeide (Norwegian poet), Heinz Knobloch (East German writer), and Aqqaluk Lynge (Danish/Greenlandic poet) recorded for the Library's Archive of World Literature on Tape. The Division made an unusually large number of translations for Congress this year (78 versus 44 the previous fiscal year). The increase was due primarily to translations from the Russian following the retirement of the Congressional Research Service's Russian translator. In a variant on the translation theme, the French/Italian specialist acted as liaison between ASO specialists and French engineers who represented a firm that had sold optical disk equipment to the Library.

V. Bibliographies and Other Publications

There were two important general developments affecting the Division's publication program. Automation Liaison Posey provided extensive JANUS bibliographies for all the Division's publications, effecting a great saving in time for the authors. Additionally, the COMPUCORP word processor was used to create coded diskettes for printing by the Central Services Division on its Compugraphic. This gave the European Division specialists control over the foreign-language entries from beginning to end.

The Division's publication program was viable despite the reduced specialist staff, remaining nearly the same as in the previous fiscal year. Specialist Krewson accounted for half of this productivity. Her monograph, The German-Speaking Countries of Europe. A Selective Bibliography served as a model of format for the aforementioned Central Services Division products. Other publications of the Division included The Netherlands. A Selective Bibliography of Reference Works by Margrit B. Krewson, and Joachim Lelewel Scholar 1786-1861. Biobibliographic Sketch by Janina W. Hoskins. Three manuscripts were completed and forwarded to the Publishing Office, Masaryk and America: Testimony of a Relationship by George J. Kovtun, and two works The Economies of the German-Speaking Countries of Europe and Berlin: 750 Years [The Economies of the German-speaking Countries of Europe: a Selective Bibliography] by Margrit B. Krewson. Robert V. Allen's Forty Commisars in Chicago. Imperial Russia Looks at America [Russia Looks at America: the View to 1917], revised, with the addition of an introduction, epilogue, and conclusion was resubmitted to the Publishing Office. Two works by Janina W. Hoskins are nearing completion, Library of Congress Resources for the Study of Poland and Polish Genealogy and Heraldry. The Division's request for the reprinting of two popular publications that are out-of-print, Czech and Slovak Literature in English and the Czechoslovak Declaration of Independence, could not be met for want of funds. French/Italian specialist Armbruster prepared bibliographic guides to resources in the Library of Congress on subjects of frequent reader inquiry, namely, Italian Folklore, Italian Genealogy, Italian Newspapers, French Archives, and French Business. These and other guides by Specialist Armbruster are updated regularly and distributed to the Library's reading rooms. The Library's West European reference resources are divided among various reading rooms and the Armbruster guides lead the reader through this maze. These guides will eventually be combined in book form and proposed for publication.

The co-sponsor of the American Bibliography project, the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, provided the project with equipment to automate the operation, namely, a COMPAQ minicomputer with laser printer as well as word-processing and database-management software. This equipment arrived in time to produce the index of the 1983/1984 volume of the bibliography. The 1985 volume and subsequent volumes will be produced entirely with this equipment. The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies for 1983/1984 appeared in print in late September, 1986. It contains 8,760 main entries and is the largest volume of this annual that has been produced to date. This accomplishment is especially significant because it was achieved with a staff that was reduced by half, for budgetary reasons, midway through the preparation of the volume. About 65% of the entries for the 1985 volume have been selected and classified, and are being entered in the project's data base.

Division specialists contributed three articles to the Library of Congress Information Bulletin. Specialist Kovtun contributed an article on Czech and Slovak literature in English to the USIA's magazine Spektrum.

VI. Special Events

French/Italian specialist Armbruster proposed a Library of Congress symposium on Eighteenth Century French Publishing and Its Influence on America in connection with America's commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution (1989). The symposium concept was approved and planning begun in conjunction with the Center for the Book and with the participation of various divisions of the Library. The Ambassador of the Netherlands, Richard H. Fine, held a luncheon at the Embassy to honor specialist Krewson for her bibliographic work on the Netherlands (see Appendix B).

VII. Activities in Professional and Official Organizations

Division professional staff participated in several major professional events. The Symposium on Book Studies, sponsored by the Center for the Book and held in the Library of Congress on October 29, in connection with the Third World Congress of Soviet and East European Studies, attracted the entire professional staff of the Division. The Congress itself (October 30-November 4) was attended by specialists Hoskins and Kovtun, librarians Graham and Harris, and the Acting Chief, who chaired three panels devoted to library and automation matters. An extension of the Congress was held at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville on November 5-6 to discuss international exchanges. The Acting Chief was invited to participate in that session. Specialists Armbruster and Krewson attended the Fifth International Congress of Europeanists, held in Washington, D.C. on October 19 and 20. The Acting Chief attended a Workshop on Resources for Russian/Soviet and East European Studies held at the University of Pennsylvania on February 26, where he delivered a paper on resources in the Washington, D.C. area. On March 17 he attended the Workshop on Publication, Library Activities, and Conferences for Soviet and East European Studies held at the Library of Congress and sponsored by the Congressional Research Service. He was a panelist on the Library Activities section of that workshop.

Specialist Armbruster attended the Wilson Center seminars on Contemporary Italian Historiography, the Vatican Synod of Bishops, and Historiography of the French Revolution, as well as the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference (Columbus, Ohio, October 24-26), and the West European Studies Section (WESS) of the American Library Association at that association's annual convention in New York City on June 27-30. Specialist Krewson attended the First North American Translators Conference held in Mexico City on February 25-28, a Seminar on the Two Germanies held at the Carnegie Conference Center (June 12), and a Seminar on German-American Relations held at the Fredrich Ebert Foundation (September 17). Specialist Kovtun attended the Twelfth Annual Conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Policy held at Georgetown University (June 26-27).

Invitations were extended to several staff members in recognition of their achievements or specialization. Specialist Hoskins was appointed to the Scholarship Committee of the Kosciuszko Foundation, Specialist Krewson was invited to the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany to participate in a discussion of a new German cultural center proposed for the Washington area. Specialist Armbruster gave a talk on Italy at the Foreign Services Institute, and Librarian Harris was invited to join the Dictionary Society of America. The Acting Chief is a permanent member of the Bibliography and Documentation Committee of the American Association of Slavic and East European Studies, and is a member of the Bibliography, Information Retrieval, and Documentation Subcommittee of the Joint Committee on Soviet Studies of the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Sciences Research Council.

Division staff were also invited to participate in Library activities. Albert Graham, Head of the European Reading Room, is serving as the 1986 Combined Federal Campaign Coordinator for Research Services. He also represents the Division at the Reference Roundtable. Automation Liaison Posey served on the Research Advisory Group (RAG) Subcommittee on Authorities, which completed its work this fiscal year. She represented Research Services on the ASO team that tested the new version of JANUS before it went into production, and she assisted staff from other divisions in the use of JANUS/ROSCOE (Collections Development Office, General Reading Rooms Division, Congressional Research Service). The demand for her time became so great that the Acting Chief had to restrict her JANUS activities to the European Division and the Department. The Acting Chief was a member of the Subcommittee on the Geographic Allocation of Book Funds of the Acquisitions Committee.

VIII. Administration, Staff, and Fiscal Matters

Staff changes vied with the move as the major development of this fiscal year. A division that had been stable for decades suddenly faced a rapid change of personnel. On December 30, Finno-Ugrian specialist Bako retired; on April 14, Processing Assistant Becker's position was abolished; on June 3, Processing and Reference Assistant Fessenko retired; on September 5, Clerk-Typist Williams resigned; on September 25, Processing Assistant Stephenson resigned; the remaining Processing and Reference Assistant, Mykola Kormeluk, announced that he would retire on October 30, 1986. On the positive side, Grant G. Harris was promoted to Senior Reference Librarian, and a new position, Automated Bibliographic Resources Librarian, was approved, posted, and a recommendation for an incumbent forwarded through channels. This position is especially important now, when the reduced professional and management staff has special need for automation assistance in bibliography, reference, and acquisitions work. Further, permission was granted to hire a temporary deck attendant and a work study student to help keep the current serials deck (Deck 13, TJB) current during the staff shortage. Deck Attendant Stephen Adams and Work Study student Linda Gray began work in July. A second Processing Assistant position was created by converting the vacant Clerk-Typist position. In September, two Processing Assistants were selected and should be available for duty early in the next fiscal year. A request for posting has been submitted to fill the part-time Processing Assistant position formerly occupied by Mr. Stephenson.

Although this rapid change of personnel presented major problems for continuation of service, it also provided an opportunity for reorganizing the Division staff. The Acting Chief has proposed that Processing and Reference Assistant Kormeluk's position be converted to a Scandinavian specialist position to complete the Division's West European coverage, and that this processing operation (recording serials) be moved to the Division's current serial deck to be carried out by the new processing assistant staff. The Russian/Soviet specialist position was posted near the end of the fiscal year, and a posting request has been submitted for a Finno-Ugrian specialist.

The Division was fortunate to have an excellent intern and several student volunteers this fiscal year. Melissa Flannery, an LC Intern, worked with specialist Armbruster on French visual materials. Student volunteers Christine Barata (Paris) and Marco Gatti (UCLA) worked under the direction of specialist Armbruster on French and Italian business literature, respectively. Gretchen Hachmeister, Stephan Lindner, and Ann Burnes, all of Georgetown University, worked with specialist Krewson on Berlin, German economics literature, and Germans in the American Revolution, respectively. Katherine Ingmanson (Lewis and Clark University) and Alvin Kapusta (University of Maryland) worked under the direction of the Acting Chief, Ingmason on Bulgaria's deviations from Soviet foreign policy and Kapusta on an analysis of the Yudin collection remaining in the European Division's custody. The work of Hachmeister and Lindner was incorporated into Division publications. Division staff also showed interest in improving its skills and knowledge through formal courses. Grant Harris took four courses at the Catholic University toward a Master of Library Science degree, and Stephen Paczolt took courses in German and Czech at the U.S. Department of Agriculture graduate school. The Acting Chief and the Head, European Reading Room, took supervisory courses through the Staff Training and Development Office.

Appendix A.


I: Reference Activities FY1985 FY1986 % Diff.
A. Reference Services      

1. In Person:


Number of readers (by a count or registration)

13,102 10,943 -16.5

Number of readers given reference assistance (Number of times reader is assisted)

14,804 13,647* -7.8

2. By Telephone:


a. Congressional calls (received direct or through CRS)

361 309 -14.4

b. Government agency calls (from Federal, State or local government agencies, government libraries)

1,863 1,875 +0.6

c. Library of Congress calls (from LC staff members)

8,368 7,689 -8.1

d. Other calls (include calls from individuals, other libraries, institutions, or organizations)

8,543 7,574 -11.3

e. Total

19,135 17,447* -8.8

3. By Correspondence:


a. Congressional letters and memos prepared (received direct or through CRS)

- - – 

b. Government agency letters (Federal, State, local government agencies, government libraries)

19 27 +42.1 1

c. Form letters, prepared material, etc. (standard pattern letters, etc.)

- - -

d. Other letters and memos prepared (to individuals, other libraries, institutions, etc.)

1,351 1,398 +3.5

e. Total

1,370 1,425* +4.0

4. Searches:


a. Number of items searched for interlibrary loan

310 428 +38.1 2

b. Number of items searched for photoduplication

359 129 -64.1 3

c. Special and other searches

3,297 1,436 -56.4 4

d. Total

3,966 1,993* -49.7 5

5. Total Direct Reference Services (add figures marked with asterisk)

39,275 34,512 -12.1
B. Circulation and Service      

1. Volumes and Other Units in LC

67,055 50,767 -24.3

2. Volumes and Other Units on Loan (Items circulated outside the Library):

2,568 201 -92.2 6

3. Call Slips or Requests for Materials Not Found (NOS):

228 140 -38.6 7
C. Bibliographic and Other Publishing Operations:      

1. Number of Bibliographies Completed

8 7 -12.5

2. Number of Bibliographic Entries Completed


a. Annotated entries (substantive descriptions, analytical comments)

1,610 1,191 -26.0

b. Unannotated entries (without substantive descriptions, etc.)

27,010 8,523 -68.4 8

c. Total

28,620 9,714 -66.1 9

3. Pages Edited and Proofread:

1,985 555 -72.0 10

4. Number of Other Reference Aids Completed: (lists, chronologies, calendars)

- - -

a. Number of pages prepared:

- - -

b. Number of cards and entries prepared (for special card files):

- - -

c. Number of items indexed:

- - -

5. Letters Soliciting Bibliographic Information:

12 15 +25.0

D. Number of Special Studies or Projects Completed (including translations for Congressional Offices):


Special Studies or Projects Completed

44 78 +77.3 11

1. Number of Pages

168 219 +30.1 12

E. Total Number of Hours Devoted to Reference Activities

13,450 14,036 +4.4
A. Lists and Offers Scanned (Bibliographies, price lists, catalogs, letters) 2,076 3,087 +48.7 13
B. Number of Items Searched (in catalogs or collections) 55,132 26,916 -51.2 14
C. Number of Items Recommended (via internal memos, lists, etc.) 15,228 16,150 +6.0
D. Letters of Solicitation Prepared - - -
E. Number of Items Reviewed 7,838 8,194 +4.5
F. Visits to Prospective Donors 2 1 ±500 15
H. Items Disposed of - - -

1. From Collections (to Shelflisting, E&G or by other means)

- - -

2. Other Items (to E&G or by other means)

41,846 32,801 -21.6
I. Items Evaluated 78 152 +94.9 16

G. Total Hours Devoted to Acquisitions

3,541 4,439 +25.4
A. Items sorted or arranged 374,332 373,419 -0.2

1. Items Prepared for Processing (priority items)

2,680 313 -88.3 17

B. Items cataloged or Recataloged


1. Number of Catalog Cards Revised

- - -

2. Cards Arranged and Filed

18,052 14,908 -17.4
 Finding Aids Prepared (other than catalog cards) - - -

D. Authorities Established

- - -

E. Items Checked In and Recorded

80,755 69,987 -13.3

F. Items or Containers Labeled, Titled, Captioned, or Lettered mechanically, by hand)

1,888 2,219 +17.5
G. Total Hours Devoted to Processing Activities 3,382 2,981 -11.8
A. Work Sheets Typed - - -
B. Records Edited - - -
C. Records Input - - -
D. Pages of Computer Printout Proofed - - -
E. Total Hours Devoted to Data Processing - - -
A. Items or Containers Shelved 231,485 215,570 -6.8

B. Number of Shelves Read

1,928 627 -67.5 18
C. Total Hours Devoted to Maintenance of Collections 1,252 971 -22.4
A. Volumes or Items Selected for:      

1. Binding

1,350 12,758 ±500 19

2. Rebinding

21 3 -85.7 20

3. Preservation and/or Restoration (includes all types of treatment)

151 - ±500 21

4. Microfilming

25,600 25,435 -0.6
B. Volumes or Items Prepared and Sent for:      

1. Binding

18,005 21,763 +20.9

2. Rebinding

106 56 -47.2 22

3. Preservation and/or Restoration (include all types of treatment)

- - -

4. Microfilming

2,838 1,130 -60.2 23
C. Volumes or Items Completed and Returned From:      

1. Binding

- - -

2. Rebinding

- - -

3. Preservation and/or Restoration, etc.

- - -

4. Microfilming

- - -
D. Total Hours Devoted to Preservation Activities 1,086 752 -30.8 24
A. Administrative Papers and Memos Prepared 198 136 -31.3 25
B. Total Hours Devoted to Administration, Employee Supervision, Training, labor Management Relations, Statistics, etc. 1,460 1,084 -25.7
A. Total Hours Devoted to Conducted Tours, Cultural and Educational Activities (lectures, music, poetry events, visitors) 254 168 -33.8 26

B. Total Hours Devoted to Exhibit Activities (planning, mounting, manning, dismantling)

201 75 -62.7 27
C. Total Hours Devoted to External Relations (attendance at conferences, professional meetings, etc.) 63 97 +53.9 28
D. Total Hours Devoted to Other Activities (include official work, not reported in other categories) 4,837 4,576 -5.4
  1. I.3.b. An unpredictable variable. Back to text
  2. I.4.a. Greater demand for Division custodial material required more searches. Back to text
  3. I.4.b. Demand for Division custodial materials for photoduplication decreased. Back to text
  4. I.4.c. The datatape library (see Section IV) reduced the need for a large number of individual searches. This also reflects reduction of professional staff. Back to text
  5. I.4.d. See items 2, 3, and 4 above. Back to text
  6. I.B.2. FY 1985 demand was abnormally high. The FY 1986 figure is slightly below normal, due in part to the adjustment of readers to the new location. Back to text
  7. I.B.3. Improved receipt of materials reduced NOS reply to requests. Back to text
  8. I.C.2.b. FY 1985 figures represent, primarily, a concentrated effort to complete the 1983/84 volume of the American Bibliography. Back to text
  9. I.C.2.c. See I.C.2.b. above. Back to text
  10. I.C.3. See I.C.2.b. above. Back to text
  11. I.D. The increase reflects assistance given to the Congressional Research Service following the retirement of its Russian translator. Back to text
  12. I.D.1. See I.D. above. Back to text
  13. II.A. Larger number of offers received. Back to text
  14. II.B. Fewer searches made because of shortage of professional staff. Back to text
  15. II.F. No prospective donors identified this fiscal year. Back to text
  16. II.I. Larger number of requests for specialist assistance in evaluating materials received by the Library. Back to text
  17. III.A.1. The need to prepare priority items for processing decreased significantly. Back to text
  18. V.B. Owing to staff shortage, the shelves were read only once this fiscal year. Back to text
  19. VI.A.1. A special effort was made, including overtime, to clear away the backlog for binding. Back to text
  20. VI.A.2. Fewer volumes needed to be recalled for rebinding. Back to text
  21. VI.A.3. No volumes required selection for preservation or restoration. Back to text
  22. VI.B.2. Fewer volumes needed to be rebound than in the previous fiscal year. Back to text
  23. VI.B.4. Newspaper-format materials are sent for microfilming when they accumulate in sufficient quantity to make a microfilm reel. This usually requires four to five years per title. Fewer titles reached that stage this fiscal year than last. Back to text
  24. VI.D. The processing staff was drastically reduced through retirement and other reasons (see Section VIII), resulting in fewer hours devoted to preservation activities. Back to text
  25. VII.A. Fewer hours were required to carry out these duties, owing to reduced demand. Back to text
  26. VIII.A. The smaller figure this fiscal year reflects the reduction of the professional staff. Back to text
  27. VIII.B. Fewer displays were prepared by the professional staff, reflecting the smaller staff. Back to text
  28. VIII.C. Several national and international conferences were held in Washington this fiscal year, permitting more staff members to attend. Back to text

Appendix B.



The German-Speaking Countries of Europe. A Selective Bibliography. 121p. (Margrit B. Krewson)

Joachim Lelewel Scholar 1786-1861. Bio-Bibliographic Sketch. 17p. (Janina W. Hoskins)

The Netherlands. A Selective Bibliography of Reference Works. 42p. (Margrit B. Krewson)

American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies for 1983/1984. 376p. (Staff)

Completed and Distributed in Manuscript Form

Italian Folklore (Carol Armbruster)

Italian Genealogy (Carol Armbruster)

Italian Newspapers (Carol Armbruster)

Italian Archives (Carol Armbruster)

Italian Business (Carol Armbruster)

Drafts Completed

Berlin: 750 Years, 62p. (Margrit B. Krewson)

Forty Commisars in Chicago: Imperial Russia Looks at America. 425p. (Robert V. Allen)

The Economies of the German-Speaking Countries. 98p. (Margrit B. Krewson)

Masaryk and America: Testimony of a Relationship. 160p. (George J. Kovtun)

In Progress

Hungarians in the American War of Independence (Elemer Bako)

Library of Congress Resources for the Study of Poland (Janina W. Hoskins)

Polish Genealogy and Heraldry (Janina W. Hoskins)

The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies for 1985 (Staff)

Appendix C.

Major Special Studies

Bulgarian Economic History (Kraus/Posey)

Czech History in English (Kovtun/Posey)

French Publications Translated into English, 1975-1985 (Armbruster/Posey)

Greek Economic History (Kraus/Posey)

Italian Publications Translated into English, 1975-1985 (Armbruster/Posey)

L.N. Tolstoy in English Translation and English Literary Criticism (Kraus/Posey)

Monographs Pertinent to the American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies for 1985 (Goldblatt/Posey)

Nineteenth-Century Russian Revolutionary Writers (Kraus/Posey)

Ottoman/Balkan Economic History (Kraus/Posey)

Recent Reference Works on Austria, Germany, Lichtenstein, the Netherlands, and Switzerland (Krewson/Posey)

Reference Reference Works on France, Italy, Monaco, and the Vatican City (Armbruster/Posey)

Romanian Economic History (Kraus/Posey)

Russian/Soviet Literature on Libraries, Book Production, and Readership (Kraus/Posey)

Slovenia, and Slovenes in the United States (Kraus/Posey)

Social Sciences Literature on and from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Poland, and Yugoslavia, 1945- (Kraus/Posey)

Appendix D.

Staff Members of the European Division in FY 1986

Kraus, David H. Acting Chief and East European Specialist

Graham, Albert E. Head, European Reading Room, and Subject Specialist (Current Soviet Affairs)

Armbruster, Carol. French/Italian Specialist

Bako, Elemer. Finno-Ugrian Specialist (retired December 30)

Becker, Richard H. Processing Assistant (transferred April 14)

Fessenko, Andrew. Processing and Reference Assistant (retired June 3)

Harris, Grant. Senior Reference Librarian

Hoskins, Janina W. Polish and East European Specialist

Kormeluk, Mykola. Processing and Reference Assistant

Kovtun, George J. Czechoslovak and East European Specialist

Krewson, Margrit B. German/Dutch Specialist

Nadraga, Basil. Senior Searcher

Paczolt, Stephen. Bibliographic Assistant

Posey, Pamela E. Searcher and Automation Liaison

Ricks, Janie M. Secretary and Editorial Assistant

Saunders, Helen E. Assistant Secretary

Stephenson, David. Processing Assistant (resigned September 25)

Williams, Catherine. Clerk-Typist (resigned September 5)

Adams, Stephen. Deck Attendant, temporary (July-September)

Gray, Linda. Work Study student (July-)