The 45+ items listed below are pamphlets and brochures from or about countries in Eastern Europe held in the European Reading Room Pamphlet Collection. This page has citations for materials on the region in general, plus items from countries for which the collection has a relatively small number of pamphlets related. Most of the titles were published during the Cold War era.
The materials may be used onsite only in the European Reading Room. Ask for help at the reference desk. The items are arranged in alphabetical order by author or title beginning with items having numerical titles.
The Baltic nations. All we want is freedom. Los Angeles, CA: Baltic American Freedom League, 1985. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 007}.
Basket two compliance: East European economic statistical quality. Washington, DC: Coordinated by the Congressional Research Service, 1982. 114p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 018}.
Biblia Slavica. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh. 10p. In several languages. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 010}.
Dissertations in progess in Slavic and East European studies. Washington, DC: Slavic Bibliographic and Documentation Center, ARL, 1972. 60p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 016}.
Ehret, Joseph. Baltisches Schicksal. Basel: 1970. 39p. In German. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 008}.
Ehret, Joseph. Die vergessenen Balten. Basel: 1973. 25p. In German. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 006}.
The European Community and its eastern neighbours. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1990. [Series: European Documentation series]. 34p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 015}.
Gumpert, Ute. Useful translations of East European statutes in French and German. Chicago: University of Chicago Law School Library, 1969. [Series: University of Chicago Law School Library Publications, Bibliographies and Guides to Research, Number 6]. 43p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 003}.
Halasz, Peter. Crossroads at Vienna. East and West meet at the World Youth Festival. New Delhi: The Services Press, 1960. 75p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 013}.
Kapusta, Alvin. East Slavic genealogy. Bibliography, 1987. 7 typed sheets. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 022}.
Kephart, Calvin I. Lithuanians, Latvians, and Borussians. Their origin and migration. Shady Side, MD: 8p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 005}.
Koch, Fred C. A business man looks at communism. Second edition. Wichita, Kansas: [the author], 1960. 39p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 012}.
Literatura tserkovnago prava. 82p. In several languages. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 019}.
Miller, Donald Lane. The propaganda spotter's guide. Washington, DC: All American Conference, 1972. 20p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 009}.
National Captive Nations Committee. Washington, DC: 12p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 017}.
Nations in transit. Civil society, democracy and markets in East Central Europe and the Newly Independent States. Washington, DC: Freedom House, 1995. 150p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 021}.
The other side of the story. Radio Liberty Committee 1966. New York: Radio Liberty. 16p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 020}.
Political orientation and listening to western radio in East Europe. Radio Free Europe, July 1977. 19p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 023}.
Prpic, George J. The nations of modern East Central Europe. A selected bibliography. Cleveland, OH: Institute for Soviet and East European Studies, 1972. 54p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 002}.
Roberts, Henry L. Four queens & several knaves. New York: Institute on East Central Europe and Russian Institute, Columbia University. 21p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 014}.
Schwarzenberg, Karel. Slovanstí apoštolové Cyril a Metoděj. Opus Bonum, 1981. 15p. In Czech. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 011}.
Soviet Baltic republics. Intourist. 32p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 004}.
Thomas, John R. US-East European relations: strategic aspects. McLean, VA: Research Analysis Corporation, 1968. 16p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 001}.
Anagrafy, November 1977, no.1. Anagraphs. Gainesville, FL: Byelorussian Charitable Educational Fund, 1977. 20p. In Belarusian, English. {Belarus 010}.
Denisov, V. N. Ploshchad' svobody v Minske. Minsk: Polymia, 1985. [Series: Po rodnomu kraiu]. 76p. In Russian. {Belarus 006}.
Gosudarstvennaia ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni biblioteka BSSR imeni V.I. Lenina. Minsk: Polymia, 1982. 19p. In Russian. {Belarus 005}.
Gromadzki, Grzegorz, Wojciech Konończuk, and Luboš Veselý. Belarus after the "election": What future for the Lukashenka regime? Warsaw: Stefan Batory Foundation, 2006. 40p. In English. {Belarus 014}.
Minsk. Minsk: Mensk, 1993. 31p. In Belarusian. {Belarus 001}.
Novik, Uladzimir. Belarus: A New Country in Eastern Europe. Minsk: Technalohija, 1994. 66p. In English. {Belarus 013}.
Piatrouski, Ian. Slova da usikh, kamu sprava belaruskae kultury liazhyts' na sertsy. Gainesville, FL: Byelorussian Charitable Educational Fund, 1986. 8p. In Belarusian. {Belarus 009}.
Polotsk State University. Novopolotsk. 40p. In Belarusian and English. {Belarus 012}.
Sazanovych, Uladzimir. Z kahorty muzhnykh. Minsk: Holas Radzimy. 60p. In Belarusian. {Belarus 008}.
Tsarkouny s'vetach. Orhan Belaruskaga Pravaslaunaga Tsarkounaga Kamitetu u Amerytsy. Hod II, no.2. South River, NJ: Carkouny Svietac, 1952. 15p. In Belarusian. {Belarus 003}.
Tsarkouny s'vetach. Orhan Belaruskaga Pravaslaunaga Tsarkounaga Kamitetu u Amerytsy. Hod II. no.2 (3). South River, NJ: Carkouny Svietac, 1952. 15p. In Belarusian. {Belarus 004}.
Tsarkouny s'vetach. Orhan Belaruskaga Pravaslaunaga Tsarkounaga Kamitetu u Amerytsy. No.1. South River, NJ: Carkouny Svietac, 1951. 22p. In Belarusian. {Belarus 002}.
Voitsik, Halina. Barys Kit. Vil'nia: Run', Vydavetstva Belarusau Litvy. (2001) [Series: Partrety Vilenchukou]. 26p. In Belarusian. {Belarus 011}.
Z' histor'ii rusyfikatsy Vialikalitvy. On the history of russification of Great Litvania (Bielarus). New York: Francis Skoryna Kryvian (Whiteruthenian) Society of Arts and Sciences in the US, 1967. 44p. In several languages. {Belarus 007}.
Acta persecutionis. A document from Czechoslovakia. Presented to the XIVth International Congress of Historical Sciences . San Francisco: 1975. 36p. In English. {Czech and Slovak 016}.
Beckova, Marta. Referát Komenian. Praha: Specialni oddělení, Statní pedagogické knihovny Komenského v Praze, 1966. 15p. In Czech. {Czech and Slovak 008}.
Bidlas, Miroslav. 500 let mírových návrhu Jiřího z Poděbrad. Praha: Státní knihovna CSR, 1964. [Series: Leták Slovanské knihovny, 6]. 15p. In Czech. {Czech and Slovak 017}.
Bor, Ján E. Edicia Duch a Svet. Buenos Aires: DORREGO, 1980. 27p. In Slovak. {Czech and Slovak 007}.
Březnice. Pardubice: Středisko státní památkové péče a ochrany přírody Středočeského kraje, 1985. 12p. In Czech. {Czech and Slovak 012}.
Dolné Kysuce. Kysucké Nové Mesto: Obecný úrad Rudinka, 1998. 48p. In Slovak. {Czech and Slovak 015}.
Facts on travel in Czechoslovakia. Fourth edition. New York: Institute for International Youth Affairs, 1962. 36p. In English. {Czech and Slovak 006}.
Figures on social security in Czechoslovakia. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Czech and Slovak 011}.
Hints to exporters - Czechoslovakia. London: British Overseas Trade Board, 1979-1980. 52p. In English. {Czech and Slovak 010}.
Informatsionnyi biulleten' Bratislavskogo ekonomicheskogo instituta. Information bulletin on the Bratislava School of Economics. Martin: Matica slovenská, 1973. 24p. In several languages. {Czech and Slovak 004}.
Jaké bylo oblékání od kolébky k dospívání. Tradiční oděv dětí na Moravě. Brno: Moravské zemské muzeum, Etnografický ústav, 1996. 12p. In Czech. {Czech and Slovak 005}.
Slovenské národné muzeum, Etnograficky ustav. Slovenská kamenina. Martin: Slovenské národné muzeum, 1983. 60p. In Slovak. {Czech and Slovak 002}.
Social policy in Czechoslovakia, no.1. Prague: National Social Security Office, 1966. 37p. In English. {Czech and Slovak 009}.
Sprievodca po expozíciách. Martin: Slovenské národné muzeum, Etnografický ústav. 28 + 12p. In Slovak and English. {Czech and Slovak 003}.
Tibetské umění. Praha: Orbis, 1960. Postcards (12) + booklet. In Czech. {Czech and Slovak 013}.
Unikáty Národního technického muzea. Praha: CTK-Pressfoto. Postcards (12) + booklet. In several languages. {Czech and Slovak 014}.
Vrchotka, Jaroslav. Schätze der alten Sternkunde. Prag: Nationalmuseum im Prag, 1981. 9p. In German. {Czech and Slovak 001}.
Tsentral'naia Nauchnaia Biblioteka Akademii nauk Moldavskoi SSR. Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian SSR. Kishinev: Shtiintsa, 1985. 18p. In Russian. {Moldova 001}.
50+20 Colecție de Artă Grafică 1973. Colecția Muzeului de Artă Metropolitan, New York City. Biblioreta Americană, București. 20p. In Romanian. {Romania 028}.
Berciu, Dumitru. Fallacious theses on the making of the Romanian people and language. Bucharest: Agerpres/Romanian News Agency, 1987. 22p. In English. {Romania 002}.
Catalog. Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România. 1948-1968. București: Editura ARSR. 257p. In Romanian. {Romania 015}.
Ceaușescu, Nicolae. Exposition by Comrade Nicolae Ceaușescu on the current stage of socialist construction in Romania, on theoretical, ideological problems and the Party's political, educational activity. Bucharest: Agerpres, the Romanian News Agency. 23p. In English. {Romania 011}.
Ceaușescu, Nicolae. Cuvîntare la Convocarea-bilanț a activului si cadrelor de bază ale armatei, 10 octombrie 1980. Bucuresti: Editura Politica, 1980. 22p. In Romanian. {Romania 008}.
Ceaușescu, Nicolae. Cuvîntare la reuniunea solemnă consacrată împlinirii a 15 ani de la Congresul al IX-lea al Partidului Comunist Român. 19 iulie 1980. Bucuresti: Editura Politica, 1980. 20p. In Romanian. {Romania 009}.
Ceaușescu, Nicolae. Cuvîntare la marea adunare populară din municipiul Iași 15 septembrie 1980. București: Editura Politica, 1980. 15p. In Romanian. {Romania 010}.
Ceaușescu, Nicolae. Cuvîntare la Consfătuirea de lucru de la Comitetul Central al Partidului Comunist Român 29-30 mai 1980. București: Editura Politica, 1980. 44p. In Romanian. {Romania 012}.
Ceaușescu, Nicolae. Speech at the Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party, April 14, 1989. Bucharest: Agerpres/Romanian News Agency, 1989. 31p. In English. {Romania 001}.
Ciolan, Ioan. Official Magyar and foreign documents confirm that Transylvania has always been Romanian land. Europa Publisher, 1982. 71p. In English. {Romania 004}.
Party preferences of Romanian respondents in hypothetical free elections in their country. RFE-RL. (1982) [Series: East European Area Audience and Opinion Research]. 11p. In English. {Romania 014}.
Popovici, Titus. Deliberate falsification of history: method and style. Bucharest: Romanian News Agency, 1987. 28p. In English. {Romania 005}.
Romania: an activist of Europe. Upminster: Plaistow Press, 1981. 11p. In English. {Romania 006}.
Romanian report. Bucharest: Society for the Study of Religion and Communism, 1979 . 48p. In English. {Romania 003}.
The Student's Guide to Romanian Studies. 1996. edited by Alexandru Grigorescu & Grant G. Harris. The Romanian Cultural Center. New York. (Contents: Introduction; Romanian Collections in American Libraries; Electronic resources from and about Romania; Romania at the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States; Romanian Contacts; Doing Research on Romania; Romania: a Short Guide to Locating Resources.) 46p. In English. {Romania 017}.
Toma, Radu. Emigrația română din America între cele douâ râzboaie mondiale. Rezumatul tezei de doctorat. Bucuresti: Universitatea din București, 1980. 24p. In Romanian. {Romania 013}.
Transylvania - The Facts : Text version of the documentary video Transylvania - The Facts. by Lajos Kazár. ISBN 0731655370. Canberra, 1989. 20p. In English. {Romania 016}.
Transylvania. Reprinted from the New Hungarian Quarterly, Budapest 1988. Vol. XXIX. No. 110. (Contents:The dignity of the particular - András Sütő; Hungarian Historiography and the History of Transylvania - András Gerő; The Theory of Daco-Rumanian continuity - Gábor Vékony; Hungarians in Rumania: 1945-1987 - Ildikó Lipcsey; A Journey to Transylvania in Early 1988 - Ferenc L. Gazsó) 39p. In English. {Romania 019}.
Zaharia, Gheorghe. Romania's contribution to the defeat of Nazi Germany. Bucharest: Editura științifică și enciclopedică, 1975. 52p. In English. {Romania 007}.