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European Reading Room Pamphlet Collection

Europe (General)

Image of pamphlet on technological change
Roads to Participation in Technological Change. 1990. Library of Congress European Reading Room.

The handful of items listed below are pamphlets and brochures from or about Western Europe in general, plus a few from France, held in the European Reading Room Pamphlet Collection. Most of the titles were published during the 1980s and 1990s.

The materials may be used onsite only in the European Reading Room. Ask for help at the reference desk. The items are arranged in alphabetical order by author or title beginning with items having numerical titles.

Anderson, A. Gerald. American indexing sources for periodical literature on Nordic humanities and social sciences. University of Washington Libraries, 1989. 8p. In English. {Europe(General) 002}.

International Commission to Investigate Human Rights Violations. Appeal to the delegates of the CSCE gathered in Copenhagen June 1990. 7p. In English. {Europe(General) 012}.

Currency in Malta. A brief history (second edition.. Valletta: Central Bank of Malta, 1988. 70p. In English. {Europe(General) 015}.

Currency in Malta. Central Bank of Malta, XXth anniversary commemorative exhibition, 19th-29th April 1988. (1988. 32p. In English. {Europe(General) 014}.

The European Community Delegation in the United States. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Europe(General) 011}.

European Investment Bank. Financing facilities under the Fourt Lome Convention. Luxembourg: EIB, 1991. 19p. In English. {Europe(General) 008}.

Howe, Sir Geoffrey. East-West relations. Realism, vigilance and an open mind. Four speeches by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, the Right Honourable Sir Geoffrey Howe QC MP. Central Office of Information, 1987. 43p. In English. {Europe(General) 004}.

Jones, Hywel Ceri. Education in a changing Europe. Charles Gittins memorial lecture. Delivered at the College on 16 March 1992. University College of Swansea, 1992. 22p. In English. {Europe(General) 010}.

Kjellberg, Francesco. Is the Scandinavian welfare state in crisis? The Professor C.A. Perumal Endowment Lecture 1988-89. Anna Centre for Public Affairs, University of Madras, 1989. 18p. In English. {Europe(General) 005}.

Late medieval herbals. An exhibit at the John Hay Library. Providence, RI: Committee on Medieval Studies, Brown University, 1983-1984. 16p. In English. {Europe(General) 006}.

Pitschmann, Louis A. Scandinavian studies: is it on the (inter.national preservation agenda? A status report. University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1990. 5p. In English. {Europe(General) 003}.

Roads to participation in technological change. Attitudes and experiences. Dublin: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 1990 . 17p. In English. {Europe(General) 009}.

SCANNET today, July 1990, Vol.12, no.1. Esbo, Finland: Scannet, 1990. 11p. In English. {Europe(General) 001}.

Sekido, Yataro. The homeland of Professor Hess, 18th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Bangalore, India, August 1983. Bombay: R.R. Daniel, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 1984. 17p. In English. {Europe(General) 013}.

European Investment Bank. Statute and other provisions. Luxembourg: Information Division, EIB, 1991. 39p. In English. {Europe(General) 007}.


Connaître Paris est votre rêve... 1 folded sheet. In French. {France 004}.

Hilbert, Lothar. Le concept de l'État-nation en Allemagne. Actes du Séminaire organisé à Nancy au mois de novembre 1997, Faculté de droit, Université de Nancy. Strasbourg: Editions du Conseil de l'Europe, 1998 . 9p. In French. {France 001}.

Lepolard, Jean-Pierre. Notice historique pour servir à l'histoire de notre pays. Margival près Soissons et les infrastructures militaires allemandes construites de juin 1940 à juin 1944. Soissons: 1985. 12p. In French. {France 003}.

Pourquoi l'Inspection du Travail? Minvoul: 19p. In French. {France 002}.