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European Reading Room Pamphlet Collection

Former Yugoslavia

Image of pamphlet on Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia...Rocky Road towards a Freer Economy. 1966. Library of Congress European Reading Room.

The 100+ items listed below are pamphlets and postcard sets from or about former Yugoslavia or one of the present day countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia or Slovenia in the European Reading Room Pamphlet Collection. Most of the titles were published during the Yugoslav era or pertain to the Yugoslav era, thus we decided not to create individual sections for each possible country.

The materials may be used onsite only in the European Reading Room. Ask for help at the reference desk. The items are arranged in alphabetical order by author or title beginning with items having numerical titles.

40 godina delatnosti Arheoloskog muzeja Istre (1947-1987): izložba. Pula: Arheološki muzej Istre, 1987. [Series: Katalog, Thirty-three]. 4p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 002}.

100 Estampes Yougoslaves Modernes 1953. Beograd, 1953. 36p. In French. {Former Yugoslavia 114}.

140th Anniversary of the Serbian-American Diplomatic Relations. Beograd: Pošta, undated. 1 card with commemorative stamps and first day cover. In English, Serbian. {Former Yugoslavia 115}.

M.P.O. Annual Report. 66th Annual M.P.O. Convention, Cincinnati, Ohio September 4-7, 1987. M.P.O, 1987. 20p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 009}.

Antičko staklo Argyruntuma: izložba. Pula: Arheološki muzej Istre, 1987. [Series: Katalog, Number Twenty-Nine]. 16p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 004}.

Les Archives de Yougoslavie. Belgrade: Kultura. 33p. In French. {Former Yugoslavia 041}.

Les Archives de Yougoslavie. Belgrade: Kultura. 33p. In French. {Former Yugoslavia 041}.

Aux manière. Fin de siècle - ovo je današnjica. Zagreb: Galerija grada Zagreba, 1985. 1 folded sheet. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 105}.

Bata Knežević. Tomaž Kržišnik. Primenjena grafika vizualne komunikacije. Ljubljana, 1976. 50p. In Slovenian, English. {Former Yugoslavia 094}.

Bitola municipality. Bitola opština. Bitola:, no date. 16p. In English and Macedonian. {Former Yugoslavia 087}.

Brezje. Kratka zgodovina in opis božje poti. Ljubljana: Delo, 1977. 48p. In Slovenian. {Former Yugoslavia 017}.

Brodarstvo i pomorstvo Istre u antici. Izložba. Shipping and seamanship in Istria in classical times. Pula: Arheoloski muzej Istre, 1986. [Series: Katalog, Number Twenty-Three]. 16p. In several languages. {Former Yugoslavia 029}.

Bulajić, Milan. Desecrated Jasenovac. [Belgrade?], no date. 12p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 122}.

The Case of the Yugoslav war criminal before the United States commissioner. New York: Yugoslav Information Center, 1960. [Series: Facts & Views, Number One Hundred Seventeen]. 18p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 010}.

Cohen, Robert S. Yugoslav Notes, 8 - October 1980 and 9, January 13, 1981. Boston: 1980-1981. 48 + 4p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 073}.

Contemporary Prints from Yugoslavia. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, undated. 1 folded brochure. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 099}.

Contemporary Prints from Yugoslavia II. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, undated. 1 folded brochure. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 097}.

Contemporary Prints from Yugoslavia III. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, undated. 1 folded brochure. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 098}.

Contemporary Prints from Yugoslavia IV. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, undated. 1 folded brochure. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 100}.

Contemporary Yugoslav Prints. Ljubljana: Modern Gallery, 1976. 20p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 104}.

Contemporary Yugoslav Prints. Narberth, PA: Zodiac Galleries, 1980. 20p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 101}.

Crna Gora, Montenegro. Titograd: Turistički savez Crne gore, 1985. 28p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 033}.

Croatia's parliamentary elections, January 3, 2000. Washington, DC: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 2000. 9p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 072}.

Dange, S. A. Yugoslavia. Problems & perspectives. New Delhi: People's Publishing House, 1973. 27p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 055}.

Desanka Maksimović (1898-1993). Katalog izložbe. Novi Sad: Biblioteka Matice srpske, 1998. [Series: Katalozi izložbi, Number Twenty-Six]. 15p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 019}.

Dokumenti. Beograd: Jugoslovenska levica, 1995. 15p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 024}.

Dva veka novije srpske prevodne književnosti 1776-1976. Odabrana bibliografija sa registrom prevodilaca. Katalog izložbe 2-13. XII 1976. Beograd: Udruženja književnih prevodilaca Srbije, 197?. 31p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 056}.

Eterovich, Francis H. The Declaration of Independence and the Croatian struggle for independence. Arcadia, CA: Croatian Information Service, 1978. [Series: Croatian Information Series, no.6]. 28p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 042}.

Etnološka podoba Šentjerneja. Etnološka topografija slovenskega etničnega ozemlja 20. stoletje. Katalog razstave. Novo mesto: Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto, 1989. 12p. In Slovenian. {Former Yugoslavia 066}.

Exposicao gravura contemporanea da Iugoslavia. Ljubljana: Museu de Arte Moderna, undated. 16p. In Portuguese. {Former Yugoslavia 108}.

Fabjančić, Marija. Bibliografija publikacij Slovenske Akademije Znanosti in Umetnosti v letih 1972-1980. Ljubljana: SAZU, 1982. [Series: Biblioteka, 7]. 101p. In Slovenian. {Former Yugoslavia 074}.

Facts about the Socialist Republic of Montenegro. Novi Sad: Republican Committee for Information - Montenegro, 1980. 32p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 054}.

Federiko Garsija Lorka (1898-1936). Katalog izložbe. Novi Sad: Biblioteka Matice srpske, 1998. [Series: Katalozi izložbi, Number Twenty-Seven]. 15p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 020}.

Fotografija kao medij. Zagreb: Galerija grad Zagreba, 1981. 24 p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 095}.

Fotografija u Hrvatskoj 3. Zagreb: Galerija primitivne umjetnosti, 1982. 24p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 090}.

Fotografia u Hrvatskoj 2. Zagreb: Centar za fotografiju, film i televiziju, 1978. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 089}.

From where comes the most contemporary weapons in the hands of Albanian terrorists. Belgrade: Ministry of Interior Affairs, 1998?. 1 folded card. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 079}.

Grafički dizajn. Beograd: Galerija grafičkog kolektiva, 1971. 1 folded poster. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 111}.

Grafika dobitnika velikog pečata Grafičkog kolektiva. Beograd: Grafički kolektiv, 1970. 16p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 096}.

Grafika iz Avstrije v Ljubljani. Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, 1962. 30p. In Slovenian. {Former Yugoslavia 092}.

Imamo plan za Beograd. Stranka slobode i pravde. Undated. 1 flyer. In Serbian. {Former Yugoslavia 125}.

Injac, Vesna. Digital collections of the National Library of Serbia. Belgrade: National Library of Serbia, 2007. 56p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 075}.

Issa. Otok Vis u helenističko doba. Izložba Arheološkog muzeja u Splitu. Split: Slobodna Dalmacija, 1982. 25p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 059}.

Issa. Otok Vis u helenizmu. Izložba. Pula: Arheološki muzej Istre, 1986. [Series: Katalog, Number Twenty-One]. 16p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 068}.

Izdavaštvo Arheološkog muzeja Istre u Puli: izložba. Pula: Arheološki muzej Istre, 1987. [Series: Katalog, Number Thirty-Two]. 32p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 001}.

Izdavači dela Slobodana Nešovića. Povodom 75-godina. Beograd: Prosveta, 1983. 64p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 014}.

Izetbegović, Alija. The Islamic Declaration. A Programme for the Islamization of Muslims and the Muslim Peoples. Sarajevo, 1990. 78p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 121}.

Izetbegović and the War. Statements by Izetbegović in the period 28 April 1992-25 May 1994. 13p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 119}.

Izložba grafika mladih jugoslovenskih stvaralaca. Beograd: Galerija doma omladine, 1972. 1 folded poster. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 110}.

Izložba Pisana reč o Jugoslaviji. Beograd: Muzej istorije Jugoslavije, 1998. 15p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 053}.

Izraelska grafika in risba. Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, 1962. 24p. In Slovenian. {Former Yugoslavia 113}.

Izveštaj o radu opštinske organizacije SPS Stari grad za period septembar 1992.-decembar 1995. Predlog. Beograd: Socijalisticka partija Srbije, 1996. 11p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 025}.

Izveštaj o radu Socijalističke partije Srbije u Zemunu između druge i treće konferencije. Zemun: Opštinska organizacija SPS u Zemunu, 1996. 16p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 049}.

Jovanović, Pavle Paja. Coronation of Emperor Dušan. Beograd: National Museum, undated. 1 folded poster. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 116}.

Jozef Tihi. Beograd: Narodni muzej, 1998. 1 card. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 026}.

Kosovo. 12p. In several languages. {Former Yugoslavia 021}.

Krneta, Sava. Aplauz za moju smrt. Applause for my death. Translated by Milica Krneta. Toronto: Telemark Enterprises, 1983. 31p. In Serbo-Croatian, English. {Former Yugoslavia 065}.

Ljudsko življenje v Sloveniji. Volksleben in Slowenien. Ljubljana: Gospodarska zbornica za SR Slovenijo, 1970. 16p. In several languages. {Former Yugoslavia 007}.

Maleševa zbirka. Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, 1980. 24p. In Slovenian. {Former Yugoslavia 093}.

McAdams, C. Michael. White paper on Dr. Andrija Artuković. Arcadia, CA: Croatian Information Service, 1975. [Series: Croatian Information Series, no.4]. 54p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 044}.

Milenković, Milislav. Požarevac 2000. Korak u novi vek. Požarevac: Opštinska organizacija Socijalistička partije Srbije Požarevac, 1996. 26p. In Serbian. {Former Yugoslavia 080}.

Miljus N. Branko. Photos of works. Undated. 25 photographs. {Former Yugoslavia 102}.

Mošin, Vladimir. O psaltiru Crnojevića. Cetinje: Centralna Narodna biblioteka SR Crne Gore "Đurde Crnojević", 1986. 20p. In Serbo-Croatian, English. {Former Yugoslavia 005}.

Nakit, vez i gradske nošnje Bosne i Hercegovina: izložba. Schmuck, Stickerei und Städtische Trachten von Bosnien und Herzegowina: Ausstellung. Pula: Arheološki muzej Istre, 1987. [Series: Katalog, Number Twenty-Eight]. 24p. In Serbo-Croatian, German. {Former Yugoslavia 003}.

Nash, Edmund. Impressions of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, An edited version of a talk given by Edmund Nash at the Labor Department on November 9, 1960., 1960. 14p. Unbound paper. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 070}.

The National Library of Serbia 1832-1982. Guide. Belgrade: National Library of Serbia. 32p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 022}.

Novak, Bogdan. Stranci medu braćom. Roman. Knjiga u novinam. s.l.: s.n, 1989. [Series: Tužna je nedelja, 2. Dodatak "Jezu"]. 36-64p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 035}.

Novi izrazi u Američkoj grafičkoj umjetnosti. BeogradČ Galerija doma omladine, 1969. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 109}.

Ob 100-letnici mladinskega lista Vrtec. Ivan Lapajne in njegov pedagoški časopis Slovenski učitelj 1872-1877. Razstava v Slovenskem sšolskem muzeju. Ljubljana: Učne delavnice, 1971. 19p. In Slovenian. {Former Yugoslavia 061}.

Obaveštenje ucesnicima Trećeg kongresa Socijalističke partije Srbije. Korak u novi vek. Beograd: SPS, 1996. 1 folded card. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 046}.

Ohrid - Macedonia. No date pr place of publication. 12p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 085}.

Okoliš. Volume 2, broj 12/13, Svibanj/Lipanj 1992. 16p. In Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 123}.

Opština Stari grad 2000. Korak u novi vek. Predlog. Beograd: Socijalistička partija Srbije, Opštinski odbor SPS Stari grad, 1996. 23p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 048}.

Pajić, Predrag. Roma-Gypsy in paintings. Vojislav Stamenic Artist. Takoma Park, MD: Community Secretarial Service, no date. 7p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 084}.

Partizan sam tim se dičim. Izložba povodom 55 godina Ustanka naroda Srbije 1941-1996. Požarevac: Okružni odbor subnora braničevskog okruga istorijski arhiv - Požarevac, 1996. 12p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 013}.

Partizanska risba. Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, 1978. 28p. In Slovenian. {Former Yugoslavia 103}.

Pavle-Paja Jovanovic. Povratak čete crnogoraca iz boja. Beograd: Narodni muzej, 1997. 1 folded brochure. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 027}.

Pavle-Paja Jovanović. Seoba srba. Beograd: Narodni muzej, 1998. 1 folded brochure. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 028}.

Pobačaj zaustavlja kucanje srca. Zagreb: Obiteljski centar. Undated. 1 poster. In Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 126}.

Portreti historijskih ličnosti. (Iz grafičke zbirke Arhiva Hrvatske). Izložba. Zagreb: Arhiv Hrvatske u Zagrebu, 1968. 32p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 091}.

Posvetitev obnovljene cerkve Sv. Henrika na Arehu. Areh na Pohorju: Zveza kulturnih organizacij Slovenska Bistrica, Odbor za obnovo cerkve Sv. Henrika na Arehu, 1991. 28p. In Slovenian. {Former Yugoslavia 058}.

Požarevac 2000. Korak u novi vek. Požarevac: Opštinski odbor SPS Požarevac, 1996. 26p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 047}.

Presidency of the Republic of Croatia. Presidency of the Republic of Slovenia. Joint Professional Team. A confederate model among the South Slavic States. Zagreb and Ljubljana, Oct 4, 1990. 17p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 120}.

Promemoria. Repudiation of the Tripartite Pact by the Serbian people 27 March 1941. Västeras, Sweden: Jugosloven ; Jugoslav Socialist Party, 1981. 15p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 067}.

Prpić, George J. Ireland, Croatia and Bangladesh. Arcadia, CA: American Croat, 1973. 38p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 008}.

Refugees in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Belgrade: Federal Secretariat of Information, 1997. 24p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 076}.

Republic of Macedonia. Skopje: ATAM - Association of Travel Agencies of Macedonia, 2000. 48p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 086}.

Republic of Macedonia. Cradle of Culture, Land of Nature. Skopje: Ministry of Economy, 2000. 24p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 088}.

Savremena grafika umetnika iz halle. Beograd: Kulturni centar Beograda, 1969. 12p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 117}.

Savremena italijanska grafika, Galerija Marlborough'Rim. Beograd: Kultura, 1970. 28p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 107}.

Šercer, Marija. Iz prošlosti zagrebačkih postolara. Zagreb: Nacionalna i sveučilišna biblioteka, 1989. 40p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 040}.

Šešelj, Vojislav. Otvoreno pismo Dobrici Ćosiću. New York: Srpski narodni pokret slobode, 1990. 19p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 011}.

Sofransky, Octavian. Montenegro and the Russian Policy in the Balkans. Chişinău, 2000. 36p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 118}.

Socijalistička partija Srbije 1990-1996. Osnovne informacije. Korak u novi vek. Beograd: SPS, 1996. 1 folded card. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 045}.

Sodobna nemška grafika. Ljubljana: Moderna galerija, 1968. 28p. In Slovenian. {Former Yugoslavia 112}.

Sporer, Charles Drago. The nationality census in pre-war and post-war Yugoslavia. Ethnic complexity and nationality struggle. Enfield, Middlesex, England: Pika Print Ltd, 1977. 15p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 069}.

Srbija u brojkama '98. Serbia in figures '98. Beograd: Republika Srbija, Republički zavod za statistiku, 1998. 19 + 19p. In Serbo-Croatian, English. {Former Yugoslavia 050}.

Staro-katoliska cerkev. Maribor: Škofijski urad slovenske staro-katoliške cerkve, 1949. 48p. In Slovenian. {Former Yugoslavia 062}.

Sterijino pozorje. Novi Sad: Sterijno pozorje, 1979. 32p. In several languages. {Former Yugoslavia 006}.

Sto remek-djela pisana riječ u Hrvatskoj. Izložba. Pula: Arheološki muzej Istre, 1986. [Series: Katalog, Twenty-five]. 11p. In several languages. {Former Yugoslavia 030}.

Strana umetnost. Iz poklon zbirke Arsa i Vojke Milatović (1988-1998). Beograd: Narodni muzej, 1998. 1 folded card. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 037}.

Socijalistička partija Srbije, Gradski odbor SPS Niš. Strategija razvoja grada Niša do 2000. godine. Korak ispred svih u XXI vek. Niš: Socijalistička partija Srbije, Gradski odbor SPS Niš, 1996. 8p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 036}.

Šuljak, N. Dinko. Yugoslavia in crisis. A background for understanding the instability of Yugoslavia. Arcadia, CA: Croatian American Congress of California, 1973. 52p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 016}.

The sunny Adriatic. Beograd: Tourist Association of Yugoslavia. 34p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 034}.

Synagogue. Subotica, Yugoslavia. Subotica: Panonija. 21p. In several languages. {Former Yugoslavia 012}.

Taufer, Veno. Poetry presented by Veno Taufer at the Folger Shakespeare Library under the co-sponsorship of the Folger Shakespeare Library and the Embassy of Yugoslavia, May 17, 1982, 1982. 28p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 064}.

Terrorism in Kosovo and Metohija. Belgrade: Ministry of Interior Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, 1999. 16p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 083}.

Trta in vino skozi čas. Katalog k razstavi, Mednarodni radgonski sejem Gornja Radgona 17.8-25.8. 1991. Ptuj: Zgodovinski arhiv Ptuj, 1991. 23p. In Slovenian. {Former Yugoslavia 039}.

University of Maribor. Maribor: University of Maribor, 1993. 27p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 060}.

Uradili smo zajedno. Srpska napredna stranka, February, 2022. 30p. In Serbian. {Former Yugoslavia 124}.

Ustaša, Hrvatski oslobodilački pokret 1929-1979. 50th anniversary of "Ustaša" Croatian Liberation Movement. Arcadia, CA: Croatian Information Service, 1979. [Series: Croatian Information Series, no.7]. 28p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 043}.

V počastitev nove Dravljiske cerkve Marka Mušića. 13.11.1986-4.1.1987. In honour of the new church in Dravlje by Marko Mušić. Ljubljana: Moderna galerija v Ljubljani, 1987. 16p. In several languages. {Former Yugoslavia 031}.

Vladimir, Natalija. Alisa u krugu. Beograd: Sava Mihić, 1983. 28p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 071}.

Vukov i Dositejev muzej. Beograd: Radiša Timotić, 1976. 32p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 015}.

What is the real goal of the Albanian terrorist in Kosovo and Metohija. Belgrade: Ministry of Interior Affairs, 1998?. 1 folded card. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 077}.

Why do the Albanian terrorists kill their countrymen. Belgrade: Ministry of Interior Affairs, 1998?. 1 folded card. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 078}.

Yugoslavia and the World Bank. Washington, DC: World Bank, 1979. 53p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 063}.

Yugoslavia in figures. Belgrade: Federal Statistical Office, 1996. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 051}.

Yugoslavia. Rocky road towards a freer economy. New York: First National City Bank, 1966. 16p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 032}.

Yugoslavia's role in the Second World War. Belgrade: Federal Committee for Information, 1975. 45p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 023}.

Yugoslavia's struggle for proper relations between socialist countries. London: Cosmo Publications, 1949. 47p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 057}.

Yugoslavia. The church and the state. London: Information Office, Embassy of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, 1953. 92p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 018}.

Zbirka Marie'Luise Betlheim. Zagreb: Galerija grad Zagreba, 1984. 1 folded sheet. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 106}.

Zemun 2000. Korak u novi vek. Treća redovna konferencija SPS u Zemunu. Zemun: SPS, 1996. 23p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 052}.