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This subject index presents the categories assigned in the 1940s to make it possible to browse the FSA/OWI photographs by what they depict. The Office of War Information used a decimal number classification scheme to organize the photos. This section of the list is arranged alphabetically by subject words taken from the heading cards in the FSA/OWI photographic print file, with a link that retrieves photos that are filed under the corresponding classification number. The categories and the words used to describe them are products of their era and have not been altered for this presentation.
Click on the tabs below to explore FSA/OWI subject terms.
Topic | Classification Number |
Abandoned Buildings | .2563 |
Abandoned Farms | .1675 |
Abandoned Gold Mines | .57339 |
Abandoned Houses | .4178 |
Abandoned Mines | .1444 |
Accessories, Clothes (Men) | .3296 |
Accessories, Clothes (Women) | .3396 |
Accommodations, Travelers' Hotels | .527 |
Accommodations, Railroad, YMCA | .52187 |
Accounting and Farm Planning | .5486 |
Activities of Children | .37 |
Administration, Meetings | .6834 |
Adobe Houses | .59627 |
Adobes | .417 |
Adult Education | .868 |
Adult Training Projects, Special | .8683 |
Advertising, Stores | .631 |
Advertising, War in, Comics, Etc. | .7661 |
Aerial Views | .59502 |
Agricultural Machinery | .5484 |
Agricultural Migratory Workers | .355 |
Agricultural Training | .5487 |
Agriculture | .53 |
Aid to the Blind | .68486 |
Aid to the Poor | .68478 |
Aid, in Disaster Emergency | .686 |
Air Force, Aircraft Training | .737 |
Air Raid Drill | .761 |
Air Raid Wardens | .7611 |
Air Transportation | .524 |
Air, Civil Patrol | .7603 |
Aircraft Engines | .6275 |
Aircraft Industry | .627 |
Aircraft, Air Force | .737 |
Aircraft Assembling | .6273 |
Aircraft, Testing and Checking | .62745 |
Airfield Activities | .76032 |
Airfields | .7375 |
Airplane Spotting | .7604 |
Airport Control, Communicating | .5262 |
Airport, Buildings | .5261 |
Airport, Ground Crews | .5263 |
Airport, Tickets, Baggage, Etc. | .52615 |
Airport, Training Maintenance and Ground Crews | .52633 |
Airports | .52633 |
Alarms, Fires | .6563 |
Alaska, Aleutian Islands Alcan Highway | .5922 |
Alcoholic Beverages, Wine | .6083 |
Aliquippa, Pa (Industrial town) | .25331 |
Aluminum | .6211 |
America, Exhibit Image of | .964273 |
American Legion | .67921 |
Ampoule Preparations | .616882 |
Amusement Park, Carnival, Midway | .9086 |
Amusement Enterprises, Minor | .90854 |
Animal-Drawn Vehicles | .505 |
Animals | .961 |
Animals, With Children | .368 |
Antiques, Curios | .6427 |
Apartment Houses | .4145 |
Apples | .534 |
Archeology, Caves, Ruins | .1486 |
Architectural Details | .419 |
Architecture | .594 |
Architecture, Landscape | .5984 |
Archives and Museums [includes Libraries] | .87 |
Armed Forces | .72 |
Armed Services | .845 |
Armored Forces, Tanks | .7352 |
Army, Salvation | .8507 |
Art, Science, Education, Records, Press [General category] | .86 |
Art, Folk Art | .884 |
Artillery | .734 |
Arts (Decorative), Arts and Crafts | .886 |
Arts and Crafts, Decorative Art | .886 |
Artwork by Children | .3814 |
Arvin, California | .68332 |
Assemblies, Schools | .3762 |
Assembling Aircraft | .6273 |
Assembly, Youth | .9655 |
Assistance, Private and Government | .68 |
Athena, Oregon | .683322 |
Athletic Sports | .3872 |
Auction, Fur | .55875 |
Auctioning, Tobacco | .537514 |
Auctions | .644 |
Auto Industry | .6254 |
Automobile Salesrooms [and storage] | .64 |
Automobile, Accidents, Wrecks | .5117 |
Automobile, Repairs on the Road | .5116 |
Automobiles | .51 |
Aviation Mechanics | .685226 |
Axles and Wheels | .62076 |
Topic | Classification Number |
B-17 Flying Fortress (see also Bombers) | .73716 [recorded in the list as 73716-47, but only 73716 was ever assigned] |
B-29 Super Fortress (see also Bombers) | .73716 [recorded in the list as 73716-55, but only 73716 was ever assigned] |
Bacteriology | .8627 |
Bad Lands | .149 |
Baggage Service | .52045 |
Bailing Hay | .53708 |
Bakeries | .6377 |
Baking | .6068 |
Ball Bearings | .62223 |
Balloons, Barrage | .7347 |
Bandidos | .32911 |
Bands (Swing), Dance Orchestras | .9166 |
Bands, Brass | .9167 |
Banks, Business, Office, Stockrooms | .585 |
Barbershop | .6488 |
Barclay, President of Liberia, State Visit | .962284 |
Barges | .5233 |
Barges, Coal Loading Operations | .52342 |
Barges, Houseboats | .443 |
Barges, Loading and Unloading | .5234 |
Barges, Ore Loading Operations | .52344 |
Barley | .5351 |
Barns | .157 |
Barns in Disrepair | .15715 |
Barns, Tobacco | .537508 |
Barracks | .7307 |
Barrage Balloons | .7347 |
Bars, Saloons, Night Clubs | .9067 |
Baseball | .933 |
Bathing Beaches | .9085 |
Bayonet Drill | .7335 |
Beaches, Bathing | .9085 |
Beans | .5318 |
Beauty Parlors | .64882 |
Bedding, Mattresses | .61175 |
Bee Keeping | .54817 |
Beef Cattle | .544 |
Bellows | .96232 |
Bells | .9623 |
Berries | .533 |
Beverages, Alcoholic, Wine | .6083 |
Bible Class, Sunday School | .851 |
Bicycling [and motorcycling] | .9237 |
Birdhouse | .9621 |
Blacksmiths | .64632 |
Blasting, Mucking, Drilling | .57303 |
Blind, Aid to the | .68486 |
Blood Donors | .7636 |
Blood Plasma | .616886 |
Boating, Sailing | .9253 |
Boats, Early Stages of | .62662 |
Boats, Ferry | .5237 |
Boats, Fishermen | .561 |
Boats, Flying | .737145 |
Boats, Grain Loading Operations | .52346 |
Boats, Outfitting of | .62673 |
Boats, Prefabrication of | .626615 |
Boats, Small | .6267 |
Boats, Tow | .5232 |
Bomber, B-17 | .62733 |
Bomber, B-19 | .627332 |
Bombers | .73716 |
Bombers, Attack Scout Dive | .73717 |
Bookstores | .6423 |
Boom towns | .2544 |
Booming Operations | .55385 |
Boot Making | .60945 |
Bottling, Packaging, Etc. | .6293 |
Boy Scouts | .3781 |
Boy Scouts | .76263 |
Boys, Older | .364 |
Boys, Underprivileged | .3642 |
Branding Cattle | .5443 |
Branding, Horses and Roundup | .54801 |
Brass Bands | .9167 |
Bread, Flour Mills | .6063 |
Breaking and Cleaning Plants | .5726 |
Breeding | .5413 |
Breeding and Training Farm for Horses | .54804 |
Bridges | .182 |
Bridges | .5933 |
Bridges, Tunnels, Tracks, Etc. | .52158 |
Bridgeton, New Jersey | .68333 |
Brokers, Grain | .630704 |
Brush Fires, Grass Fires | .1685 |
Building Materials | .5945 |
Building Trades | .5971 |
Buildings | .213 |
Buildings | .2182 |
Buildings | .256 |
Buildings | .5431 |
Buildings and Farmyards | .156 |
Buildings, Abandoned | .2563 |
Buildings, Church | .842 |
Buildings, College, University | .866 |
Buildings, Farm and Grounds | .597 |
Buildings, Miscellaneous | .2187 |
Buildings, School | .3751 |
Bunkhouses, Dormitories | .4445 |
Burlesque, Show Business, Theater | .914 |
Burpee and Co., Seed Dealers, Philadelphia | .630723 |
Bus Garages, Repairs | .51537 |
Bus Terminals | .5153 |
Bus and Truck Drivers | .329132 |
Business, Door to Door Selling | .6452 |
Business, Mobile Ice Cream | .64516 |
Business: Banks, Office, Stockrooms | .585 |
Buses | .515 |
Buses, Passengers | .51525 |
Buses, School | .3752 |
Buses, Waiting and Boarding | .51528 |
Butter | .542 |
Butter | .6044 |
Topic | Classification Number |
Cabbages | .53144 |
Cables and Wire | .62153 |
Cafeterias and School Lunches | .37675 |
Caldwell, Idaho, FSA Camp | .68333 |
California, Arvin | .68332 |
California, Calipatria | .68333 |
California, Farmersville | .683337 |
California, Firebaugh | .68334 |
California, Shafter | .683376 |
California, Sonoma | .68338 |
California, Vallejo | .683823 |
California, Visalia | .683385 |
California, Westley | .68339 |
California, Woodville | .682519 |
California, Yuba City | .683394 |
Calipatria, California | .68333 [Note: Same number used for Bridgeton, New Jersey and Caldwell, Idaho] |
Calisthenics, Physical Training | .9348 |
Calves | .54134 |
Camouflage | .73823 |
Camp (FSA), Caldwell, Idaho | .68333[Note: Same number used for Calipatria, CA; Bridgeton, N.J.] |
Camp, Mobile Unit | .68336 |
Camp, Tie Cutting | .555 |
Camps | .446 |
Camps, Arrival | .76474 |
Camps, Evacuation for American-Japanese | .7647 |
Camps, Farm Labor, Migratory | .683 |
Camps, Farm Security Administration | .6833 |
Camps, Induction, Basic Training | .73 |
Camps, Lumber and Lumberjacks | .553 |
Camps, Migratory Workers' | .4407 |
Camps, View of | .7302 |
Campus Life | .8662 |
Canada, except Maritime Canadians, French | .329152 |
Canals, Locks | .183 |
Canning | .6053 |
Canning Centers, Community | .45315 |
Canning and Preserving | .453 |
Canteen, Base | .76038 |
Canyons, Caves | .146 |
Capsule Preparations | .616883 |
Car Barns, Terminals | .5167 |
Car Pooling | .5106 |
Carbon Black | .61783 |
Card Games | .9367 |
Caretakers, Janitors, Etc. | .6586 |
Carnival, Midway, Amusement Park | .9086 |
Carnivals, Fairs, Etc. | .3877 |
Carnivals, Festivals, Pageants | .912 |
Carnivals, Youths | .3186 |
Carpentry | .5974 |
Carpentry, Log Houses | .5963 |
Carriages and Wagons | .6251 |
Carriers, Handling Planes on | .7374 |
Carrots | .53162 |
Cars (Scout). Calvary (Mechanized) | .73515 |
Cars, Migrants' | .5133 |
Casting Steel | .6206 |
Catholic Services | .8436 |
Cats | .9632 |
Cattle, Beef | .544 |
Cattle, Branding | .5443 |
Cattle, Care of Disease | .5447 |
Cattle, Dairy | .5412 |
Cattle, Herding | .5444 |
Cattle, Marketing and Shipping | .5448 |
Cattle, Shipping and Marketing | .5448 |
Cauliflowers | .53145 |
Cavalry (Mechanized), Cars (Scout), Etc. | .73515 |
Calvary, Motorized Troops, Tanks | .735 |
Caves, Canyons | .146 |
Caves, Ruins, Archeology | .1486 |
Celery | .53146 |
Cellars, Storm | .4173 |
Cement, Clay, Glass, Stone | .619 |
Cemeteries | .2315 |
Cemeteries | .278 |
Ceremonies | .901 |
Ceremonies, Processions | .853 |
Ceremonies, Schools, Assemblies | .3762 |
Chandlery, Ship | .64074 |
Cheese | .6045 |
Chemical Industry | .615 |
Chemical Warfare | .7356 |
Chicago Union Station | .520322 |
Chickens, Poultry | .543 |
Child Care and Health | .377 |
Children | .36 |
Children at Home | .371 |
Children Doing Farm Work | .3744 |
Children in the City | .373 |
Children in the Country | .372 |
Children Reading | .3795 |
Children with Adults | .361 |
Children with Animals | .368 |
Children and Infants | .362 |
Children, Activities of | .37 |
Children, at Play | .385 |
Children, Dancing | .383 |
Children, Day Care | .3767 |
Children, Eating | .3715 |
Children, Games | .387 |
Children, Groups | .366 |
Children, in Slums | .3673 |
Children, in Street and Undesirable Places | .3855 |
Children, Making Things | .382 |
Children, Migrant | .3675 |
Children, Miners' | .3676 |
Children, Music | .384 |
Children, Oriental | .36657 |
Children, Spanish-American | .366582 |
Children, Spanish-American | .3614 |
Children (with adults), Underprivileged | .3612 |
Children, Underprivileged | .367 |
Children (young), Underprivileged | .3632 |
Children, Washing, Dressing | .3713 |
Children, with Toys | .386 |
Children, Work, Chores | .374 |
Children, Young | .363 |
Chipping, Cutting, Welding, Riveting | .626626 |
Choppers, Cotton, and Pickers | .537208 |
Chores, Work, for Children | .374 |
Chrome | .57195 |
Chromite | .5731 |
Chromium | .6214 |
Chuckwagons and Covered Wagons | .4423 |
Church Buildings | .842 |
Church Furniture | .8423 |
Church Suppers and Picnics | .9026 |
Church, Going To and Leaving | .846 |
Church, Negro Services | .8438 |
Church, Suppers and Picnics | .9026 |
Churches, Details | .8422 |
Topic | Classification Number |
Cigarette Rolling, Tobacco | .9634 |
Cigars | .62868 |
Circus | .9135 |
Cities [both a general and a specific cateogory. See also names of cities and things that occur in cities, such as Streets, Industrial Sections, Parking, and Traffic. Cities class numbers encompass .2-.23] | .2 |
Cities, Overall Views | .21 |
Citizens' Organizations, Mass Meetings | .67363 |
Citizenship Training, Immigration | .6778 |
Citrus Fruit | .60515 |
Citrus Fruits | .53449 |
City Children Doing Farm Work | .3744 |
City Streets | .5928 |
City, Children | .373 |
Civil Air Patrol | .7603 |
Civil Disturbances | .69 |
Civilian Activities | .7598 |
Civilian Conservation Corps, Etc. | .6826 |
Civilian Defense | .76 |
Class, Sunday Schools, Bible | .851 |
Classes | .8665 |
Clay, Glass, Stone, Cement | .619 |
Cleaning and Breaking Plants | .5726 |
Cleaning, Washing Dishes, Etc. | .456 |
Cleanliness, Personal | .448 |
Clergy | .848 |
Clergy, Parochial Duties of the | .847 |
Clinic | .818 |
Clothes, Accessories | .3296 |
Clothes, Accessories | .3396 |
Clothing Industry | .6114 |
Clothing, Shoes | .638 |
Clouds | .1771 |
Coal | .572 |
Coal Barges, Loading Operations | .52342 |
Coal Yards | .63059 |
Coal, Petroleum Refining | .617 |
Coast Guard | .6747 |
Cock Fighting | .93925 |
Coffee | .5377 |
Coffee-Mill | .96345 |
Coke | .6179 |
Collections, Hobbies | .434 |
College, University Buildings | .866 |
Combines | .53584 |
Comics, War in Advertising, Etc. | .7661 |
Commerce and Industry Exhibits | .9112 |
Commercialized Farms | .155 |
Communication | .655 |
Communication, Signal Corp | .7377 |
Communities, FSA Planned | .682 |
Community Canning Centers | .45315 |
Commuters | .518 |
Company Towns | .254 |
Company and Plantation Housing | .2588 |
Company and Plantation Stores | .6356 |
Competition, Contests | .9029 |
Concretework | .59343 |
Conductors, Motormen | .5165 |
Conference International Labor Office | .96356 |
Conservation | .1738 |
Conservation, Civilian Corps, Etc. | .6826 |
Conservation, Wildlife | .17556 |
Construction | .212 |
Construction Projects | .595 |
Construction of Small Houses | .596 |
Construction, Lock and Dams | .5934 |
Construction, Oil Pipe Line | .5938 |
Construction, Rammed Earth | .59625 |
Construction, Road | .592 |
Consumers, Utah | .25273 |
Container, Paper | .6136 |
Contests | .3873 |
Contests, Competition | .9029 |
Conventions | .9022 |
Cooking and Eating Outdoors | .4528 |
Cooks, Waiters, Etc. | .647 |
Cooperative Stores | .636 |
Cooperatives | .6827 |
Copper [processing and manufacturing] | .6215 |
Copper [mining] | .573 |
Corn | .5353 |
Corn (Kaffir), Grass (Sudan), Etc. | .53718 |
Corn Cribs, Storage | .53539 |
Cotton | .5372 |
Cotton [processing/manufacturing] | .6111 |
Cotton Choppers and Pickers | .537208 |
Cotton Dealers | .63073 |
Cotton, Bringing in from the Field | .537209 |
Cotton, Cultivating | .537202 |
Cotton, Ginning and Processing | .6107 |
Cotton, Picking | .537206 |
Cotton, Planting | .537201 |
Cotton, Storage | .537214 |
Cotton, Transporting to Gin or Market | .537211 |
Cotton, Weighing and Recording | .53721 |
Cottonseed Oil | .60763 |
Country, Children | .372 |
Courtship, Flirtation, Love-Making | .896 |
Cow Hands, Cowboys | .5445 |
Cowboys | .32912 |
Cowboys, Cow Hands | .5445 |
Crabs, Oysters, Etc. | .565 |
Crafts and Arts, Decorative Arts | .886 |
Crafts, Textile, Sewing, Weaving | .4628 |
Cranberries | .5332 |
Cranberry, Migrant Pickers | .37426 |
Cranes | .62606 |
Creative Activity | .38 |
Creosoting, Treating, Etc. | .61255 |
Crime, Prostitution, Prohibitionism, Dissipation | .94 |
Crops | .531 |
Crowds, People | .3 |
Crowds, Refreshments | .9116 |
Cultivating | .53532 |
Cultivating Cotton | .537202 |
Cultivating Tobacco | .537502 |
Curios, Antiques | .6427 |
Customer Conveniences [supposed to occur in D (Northeast), but does not appear there] | .6435 |
Cutting, Welding, Riveting, Chipping | .626626 |
Topic | Classification Number |
Dairy Cattle | .5412 |
Dairy Farms | .541 |
Dairy Products and Eggs | .604 |
Dairy Products, Milk, Other | .6546 |
Dams | .181 |
Dams and Lock Construction | .5934 |
Dams, Bridges | .181-182 |
Dams, Reservoirs, Stock Water | .53075 |
Dams, Stock Water, and Other Water Controls | .59345 |
Dance Orchestras, Swing Bands | .9166 |
Dancing | .905 |
Dancing, Children | .383 |
Dancing, Square | .9054 |
Day Care for Children of War Workers | .3767 |
Dealers, Wholesale | .6307 |
Decorations, Licenses, Details | .5104 |
Decorative Objects, Details | .4255 |
Defense, Civilian | .76 |
Deforestation | .173 |
Dehydration of Food | .6015 |
Demolition, House Wrecking | .5985 |
Demonstration | .67251 |
Dentistry | .82 |
Department Stores | .632 |
Desert | .15 |
Deserted Towns | .264 |
Development and Land Use | .68253 |
Developments, Real Estate | .234 |
Developments, Real Estate | .2576 |
Diners, Lunch Rooms | .9064 |
Dining Rooms, Institutional | .90643 |
Dinner, Today' Storage is Tomorrow's | .45335 |
Diplomatic Corps | .6773 |
Disease, Care of Cattle | .5447 |
Diseases, Protecting Against | .531704 |
Displays, Window | .6312 |
Disturbances, Civil | .69 |
Docks, Waterfronts | .227 |
Dog Kennels | .54815 |
Dogs | .9637 |
Dolls | .96378 |
Domestic Skills and Manual Training | .3763 |
Donkeys, Horses | .5056 |
Donkeys, Horses, Mules | .548 |
Doors, Screen, and Windows | .59687 |
Doors, Windows | .59685 |
Dormitories, Bunkhouses | .4445 |
Dormitories, Hotels, Rooming Houses | .444 |
Downtown Streets | .211 |
Draft Board, Recruiting | .729 |
Dressing, Washing, Children | .3713 |
Drill | .7304 |
Drill, Air Raid | .761 |
Drilling for Oil | .5762 |
Drilling, Blasting, Mucking | .57303 |
Drilling, Well | .59707 |
Drink Bars (Soft), Refreshment Stands | .9065 |
Drinking Water | .90666 |
Drinking and Eating | .37554 |
Divers, Dispatchers, Etc. | .51536 |
Drought Conditions | .166 |
Drug Stores | .634 |
Drug Stores, Pharmacies | .826 |
Dude Ranches | .9075 |
Dugouts | .417 |
Dust Storms | .167 |
Topic | Classification Number |
Early Stages of Boats | .62662 |
Earth Moving, Land Clearing | .5913 |
Eating | .454 |
Eating By Children | .3715 |
Eating Places, Hotels, Restaurants | .906 |
Eating and Cooking Outdoors | .4528 |
Eating and Drinking | .37554 |
Economic Administration | .675 |
Editorial Work | .8798 |
Education | .865 |
Education Opportunities Tour | .8686 |
Education, Adult | .868 |
Education, Health | .37589 |
Education, Records, Press, Art, Science | .86 |
Effigy | .964 |
Egg Shell, Victory in an | .54305 |
Eggs | .5436 |
Eggs and Dairy Products | .604 |
Elections, Voting | .6732 |
Electric Appliances | .6235 |
Electric Machinery | .6227 |
Electrical Work | .6274 |
Electricity | .651 |
Electrification, Rural Administration | .68264 |
Elevated Trains and Subways | .517 |
Elevators, Grain | .6305 |
Elizabeth Kenny Institute | .8169 |
Emergency Aid in Disasters | .686 |
Employment | .666 |
Enemy Exhibit, Nature of the, May 1943 | .766068 |
Engineering | .59 |
Engineering Equipment | .6224 |
Engineers | .738 |
Engines, Aircraft | .6275 |
Engines, Ship | .62265 |
Engines, Studying Ship | .736344 |
Entertainment | .748 [Listed in the alphabetical list, but not in the hierarchical list; probably never used] |
Entertainment, USO, Etc. | .7418 |
Erosion | .165 |
Estates, Suburban | .2337 |
Evacuation Camps, Japanese-Americans | .7647 |
Events, Youth | .318 |
Evictions and Sharecroppers | .4408 |
Exchange | .6456 |
Executives | .5855 |
Exhibit [Today's Storage] | .45335 |
Exhibit Faces of America | .964277 |
Exhibit Image of America | .964273 |
Exhibit Road to Victory | .964276 |
Exhibit San Diego, 1936 | .96422 |
Exhibit and Display Technique | .86983 |
Exhibit on Negroes | .681805 |
Exhibit, American-Soviet War, June 1943 | .76607 |
Exhibit, Nature of the Enemy, May 1943 | .766068 |
Exhibit, United Nations, 1943 | .766065 |
Exhibit: South Louisiana State Fair | .946273 |
Exhibits, Commerce and Industry | .9112 |
Exhibits, FSA | .6818 |
Experimental Panel, Edwin Rosskam | .96764 |
Express Handling | .5209 |
Express and Freight Handling | .521 |