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Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information (FSA/OWI) Collection: Subject Index Information

Alphabetical Listing: F-J

This subject index presents the categories assigned in the 1940s to make it possible to browse the FSA/OWI photographs by what they depict. The Office of War Information used a decimal number classification scheme to organize the photos. This section of the list is arranged alphabetically by subject words taken from the heading cards in the FSA/OWI photographic print file, with a link that retrieves photos that are filed under the corresponding classification number. The categories and the words used to describe them are products of their era and have not been altered for this presentation.

  • The same classification number may appear multiple times under synonyms, variant words, or inverted headings; for example: .576 is listed under both "Oil Wells" and "Petroleum."
  • Not all numbers retrieve descriptions and images, either because the information has not yet been added to the description, or because the originating agency never applied the number to any photographs.
  • For more information, view the introduction to this list.

Click on the tabs below to explore FSA/OWI subject terms.

Topic Classification Number
FSA Camps see also locations of specific camps .6833 and .68333
FSA Planned Communities .682
FSA Representative, Meetings .6816
FSA, Exhibits .6818
FSA, Farm Security Administration .6805
FSA, Published Layout .68056
Faces of America, Exhibit .964277
Faculty, School Administration .37527
Fair, South Louisiana State Exhibit .946273
Fairs .91
Fairs, Carnivals, Etc. .3877
Fairs, Youths .3186
Families .35
Families, Farm .354
Families, Miners' .356
Families, Servicemen's .759
Family Prayers .841
Family, Elmer Thomas Leaving Home .35525
Farm Buildings and Grounds .597
Farm Bureau .6787
Farm Chores .3742
Farm Communities, Part-Time Farms .68251
Farm Families .354
Farm Houses .416
Farm Labor Camps, Workers, Migratory .683
Farm Machinery, Furniture, Hardware .639
Farm Machinery, Maintaining .5485
Farm Planning and Accounting .5486
Farm Security Administration, Camps .6833
Farm Security Administration, FSA .6805
Farm Women .339142
Farm Work, City Children Doing .3744
Farm Work, Miscellaneous .5488
Farm, Horses .54804
Farm, Migratory Workers .339168
Farmers' Figures .329144
Farmers Markets .6446
Farmers and Farmer's Head .329142
Farmers in Groups .329147
Farmers with Equipment .329146
Farmersville, California .683337
Farmhands, Hired .329148
Farmlands and Fields .16
Farms for Sale .1589
Farms, Abandoned .1675
Farms, Commercialized .155
Farms, Dairy .541
Farms, Mountain .1545
Farms, Ranches, Plantations .154
Farms, Safety on .8366
Farmyards and Buildings .156
Fats and Grease .7633
Feed .6085
Feed .539
Feed .63052
Feed Stores .63936
Feet, Hands, Etc. .3293
Fences .1587
Fences, Building and Repairing .54825
Ferries .51576
Ferries, Road Conditions .51576
Ferry Boats .5237
Fertilizing .5312
Festivals, Pageants, Carnivals .912
Fields and Farmlands .16
Figures of Women .3345
Fire Damage, Ruins .6565
Fire Department, Sanitation, Safety .656
Fire Prevention see also Conservation (.1738) .1737
Fire, Personnel .6564
Fire, Plant and Equipment .6561
Fire, Training Drills .6562
Firearms and Shooting .9276
Firebough, California .68334
Fires, Alarms .6563
Fires, Brush .1685
Fires, Forest and Prevention .1736
Firewood .556
First Aid .807
First Aid Instruction .8075
Fish .603
Fish Markets (Fulton, New York City) [also, Washington, D.C.] .630714
Fishermen .329151
Fishermen in the Boats .561
Fishes, Meat .6375
Fishing .56
Fishing .9285
Fishing Boat, Life on Board .562
Fishing Boat, Maintenance of .563
Fishing Boats, Unloading and Dock Scenes .564
Fishing Towns .2524
Fishing and Hunting .928
Fishing, Hauling in the Catch .5607
Five and Ten Stores .6325
Flags .96452
Flags .611747
Flight Training .3765
Flood Relief .6863
Floods .1777
Floods, Rivers, Weather [General category] .177-.183
Flour Mills, Bread .6063
Flower Vendors .6451
Flowers, Liquors, Tobacco, Luxuries .641
Flying Boats .737145
Folk Art, Art .884
Food .6828
Food for Victory Campaign .7628
Food Markets, Wholesale .63071
Food Preparation .451
Food Preparation .6474
Food Products .6011
Food Shoppe, Drive In .90645
Food Stores, Groceries and Vegetables .637
Food, Dehydration of .6015
Food, Garden Plots .236
Food, Frozen .6013
Football .9304
Foothills, Rolling Country .152
Foreign Groups and Soldiers of Foreign Extraction .7231
Foreign Relations, State Department .677
Foreigners and Americans of Foreign Extraction .3291
Forest Fires and Prevention .1736
Forest Products, Lumbering .55
Forests .17
Foundations .59617
Four H Clubs .3784
Fourth of July .90184
Fowl, Other .5439
Freight Trains and Cars .5213
Freight and Express Handling .521
French Canadians .329152
French, fighting .72314
Fruit and Vegetable Packing .6051
Fruit, Citrus .60515
Fruit, Drying .60585
Fuel Supply .4622
Fulton Fish Market, New York City [also Washington, D.C.] .630714
Funeral, Carlo Tresca .90148
Funerals .9014
Funerals .8548
Fur Auction .55875
Fur Goods .6091
Fur Trapping and Trappers .5587
Furnaces .62014
Furniture .425
Furniture, Church .8423
Furniture, Wood Products, Millwork .612
Topic Classification Number
Gags .96471
Gambling .937
Games, Card .9367
Games, Children with .387
Games, Indoor .936
Games, Outdoor .929
Garages .511
Garages, Bus Repairs .51537
Garages, Storage and Repair .5112
Garages, Truck Repairs .5148
Garbage Disposal .6572
Garden Plots, Good .236
Garden Supplies and Seed .6393
Garden, Porches, Yards .47
Gardeners, Victory .53285
Gardening, Commercial Flower .538
Gardens .4722
Gardens, Small Vegetable .5327
Gardens, Victory .5328
Gas Masks .6244
Gas and Oil Fields .1518
Gas and Oil Tanks .63062
Gas and Service Stations .5114
Gatherings, Informal .904
General Stores .635
Geological Features .145 see also: numbers beginning with 146-151
Ginning and Processing, Cotton .6107
Girls, Older .365
Glass .6196
Glass, Stone, Cement, Clay .619
Gliders .73712
Goats .545
Goats, Shearing .5455
Going To and Leaving School .37515
Gold .5733
Gold Mines, Abandoned .57339
Gourd Like Fruits .5319
Government .67
Government Office Workers .5865
Government and Private Assistance .68
Government, Military .7393
Government, Student .37623
Grade Schools .3756
Grading, Packing .531708
Grain .535
Grain Boats, Loading Operations .52346
Grain Brokers .630704
Grain Elevators .6305
Granaries, Ever Normal .63051
Grants, Relief .6654
Grapefruit .5345
Grapes .5324
Grass (Sudan), Corn (Kaffir), Etc. .53718
Grass Fires, Brush Fires .1685
Grasses: Hay, Sorghum .537
Gravel .5788
Grazing Land .153
Grease and Fats .7633
Greenbelt, Maryland .596054
Greenbelt, Maryland .6822
Greenbelt, Maryland .25868
Greendale, Wisconsin .596055 [Note: Same number used for Greenhills, Ohio]
Greenhills, Ohio .596055 [Note: Same number used for Greendale, Wisconsin]
Greenhouses .5313
Grist Mill .6062
Groceries, Vegetables, Food Stores .637
Ground Crews .73753
Ground Crews, Airport Maintenance and Training .52633
Grounds and Farm Buildings .597
Groups of Women .339
Guard, Coast .6747
Guards .6746
Guayule .53725
Guayule .61854
Guns .9648
Gymnastics and Sports .93
Topic Classification Number
Handicrafts .463
Hands, Feet, Etc. .3293
Hardware, Farm Machinery, Furniture .639
Hardware, Furniture, Farm Machinery .639
Hardware, Machinery, Devices .622
Harness Racing .9385
Harnesses .63888
Harvesting .53535
Harvesting .531706
Harvesting Tobacco .537506
Harvesting, Sugar Cane .537404
Hats, Millinery .61165
Hay, Sorghum, Grasses .537
Headquarters .7303
Health Education .37589
Health and child Care .377
Health, Public, Sanitation .83
Health, Safety, Medicine .8
Herding Cattle .5444
Herding Sheep .5463
High Schools .3758
Highway Approaches to City .2166
Highway Markers, Sign Posts, Toll Gates .5155
Highway, Alcan .5922
Highways .184
Hired Farmhands .329148
Historic Landmarks .1488
Historical Markers and Signs .2547
Historical Pageants .9129
Hitchhiking .503
Hitching Post .965
Hobbies .893
Hobbies, Collections .434
Hobby, Photography .894
Hobo Jungles .447
Hogans, Wickiups, Indian Tepees .4405
Hogs .547
Hogs, Slaughtering .5478
Home Demonstration, Home Economics Training .6854
Home Skills .6855
Home, Arriving and Leaving .433
Home, Living Conditions .4
Home, People .43
Homemade Tools and Equipment .54854
Homes, Improvised and Shacks .441
Homesteads .68426
Honor Rolls, Etc. .75852
Hop Kiln .60828
Hops .53727
Horse Breeding .54802
Horse Racing .938
Horse Shows .9118
Horse and Mule Dealers .63998
Horse and Mule Dealers, Itinerant .64557
Horses, Breeding and Training Farm .54804
Horses, Donkeys .5056
Horses, Mules, Donkeys .548
Horses, Pack .5054
Horses, Riding .5052
Horses, Roundup and Branding .54801
Hospitals .816
Hotels, Restaurants, Eating Places .906
Hotels, Rooming House, Dormitories .444
Hotels, Travelers' Accommodations .527
House Project, Unit .414
House Wrecking, Demolition .5985
Houseboats, Barges .443
Houseboats, Trailer Camps, Tourist Cabins .4424
Household Equipment .6236
Household, Moving Goods .5138
Houses .41
Houses .257
Houses, Abandoned .4178
Houses, Adobe .59627
Houses, Apartment .4145
Houses, Construction of Small .596
Houses, Delivery, Erection .5982
Houses, Farm .416
Houses, Log, Carpentry .5963
Houses, New England .4153
Houses, Prefabricated .598
Houses, Rammed Earth .4143
Houses, Rooming, Dormitories, Hotels .444
Houses, Row .413
Houses, Sod .417
Houses, Substandard .4166
Houses, Suburban Substantial .412
Houses, Tenement .4148
Houses, Victorian .4157
Houses, Workers' .222
Housework .3741
Housework .45
Housing Projects .2583
Housing, Company and Plantation .2588
Housing, Moving .5987
Housing, War .68382
Housing Projects .221
Hunting and Fishing .928
Hurricanes .1775
Husband and Wife .351
Husking, Shelling .53536
Topic Classification Number
Ice .654
Ice Cream, Mobile Business .64516
Idaho, Caldwell, FSA Camp .68333
Idaho, Wilder and California, Westlen .68339
Immigration, Citizenship Training .6778
In Slums, Children .3673
Indian Tepees, Hogans, Wickiups .4405
Indians .329156
Indians, Celilo Falls, Oregon .5647
Individuals .7203
Individuals by Name .721
Induction Camps, Basic Training .73
Industrial Plant in the Country .187
Industrial Sections .224
Industrial Skills, Training for .5995
Industrial Towns .2533
Industrial Workers, Mechanics .329157
Industry and Commerce Exhibits .9112
Industry, Aircraft .627
Industry, Auto .6254
Industry, Chemical .615
Industry, Clothing .6114
Industry, Manufacturing and Processing .6
Industry, Textile .61
Industry, Women In .339157
Infantry .733
Infants and Children .362
Information .875
Insane Asylum .823
Inspection, Sampling .53586
Inspection .76035
Instruments, Scientific .6237
Interior Details .445
Interiors in Bad Condition .424
International Youth Assembly .9655
Iron .574
Iron and Steel .62
Ironing, Laundry .457
Irrigation .5307
Irrigation .5935
Italian Americans .329158
Itinerant Missionizing .8508
Topic Classification Number
Janitors, Caretakers, Etc. .6586
Japanese-American, Evacuation Camps For .7647
Japanese-Americans .68325
Japanese-Americans .329159
Jewish Americans .32916
Jewish Services .8437
Journalists, Swedish .96883
Journalists, Turkish .96916
Jungles, Hobo .447
Junk Business .64345