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Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information (FSA/OWI) Collection: Subject Index Information

Alphabetical Listing: P-T

This subject index presents the categories assigned in the 1940s to make it possible to browse the FSA/OWI photographs by what they depict. The Office of War Information used a decimal number classification scheme to organize the photos. This section of the list is arranged alphabetically by subject words taken from the heading cards in the FSA/OWI photographic print file, with a link that retrieves photos that are filed under the corresponding classification number. The categories and the words used to describe them are products of their era and have not been altered for this presentation.

  • The same classification number may appear multiple times under synonyms, variant words, or inverted headings; for example: .576 is listed under both "Oil Wells" and "Petroleum."
  • Not all numbers retrieve descriptions and images, either because the information has not yet been added to the description, or because the originating agency never applied the number to any photographs.
  • For more information, view the introduction to this list.

Click on the tabs below to explore FSA/OWI subject terms.

Topic Classification Number
PA, Aliquippa .25331
Packaging, Bottling, Etc. .6293
Packing, Grading .531708
Pageants, Carnivals, Festivals .912
Pageants, Historical .9129
Painting .59793
Panoramas .142
Paper .7635
Paper Containers .6136
Paper Mills and Paper Products .613
Parachute Troops .73764
Parachutes .61177
Parachutes .52453
Parades .9125
Parades, Religious .9127
Park, Amusement .9086
Parking .2164
Parking, Parking Lots .5107
Parks .174
Parks .23
Parks .25475
Parties .9047
Parties .3878
Passengers .5205
Passengers .5242
Passengers .5164
Passengers in Busses .51525
Patent Medicine .8263
Patent Medicines, Medical Supplies .61688
Patriotism, Allegiance .6738
Pawnshops, Secondhand Stores .643
Pea Pickers' Camp .531866
Peaches .5344
Peanuts .5378
Peanuts .60597
Pears .5342
Peas .60505
Peas, Pea Vines .53186
Pecan Shelling .608476
Pediatrics .8065
People Going To and From Work .5177
People in Terminals and Stations .305
People at Home .43
People at Terminals .51534
People in Large Stations .52035
People on Platforms .52037
People, Crowds .3
People, Groups .31
People, Sick, Maternity, Cripples .802-806
People, Trucks Transporting .51435
Personal Activities .88689 [not listed in hierarchical index]
Personal Cleanliness .448
Personal Services .648
Personnel .76039
Personnel, Fire .6564
Pests .53853
Petroleum Refining, Coal .617
Petroleum, Oil Wells .576
Pets .435
Pharmacies, Drug Stores .826
Philadelphia, Seed Dealers, Burpee and Co. .630723
Photo Engraving .6147
Photo Murals .61484
Photo Duplication .61485
Photographs .739
Photographs, Uses of .8785
Photography .6148
Photography .874
Photography As a Hobby .894
Photos, Vachon .96928
Physical Examination .7301
Physical Training .73046
Physicians, Nurses [General category] .81 and .811 and .812, (.813?) and .814
Pickers, Cotton and Choppers .537208
Pickets, Strikes .663
Picking Cotton .537506
Picnics .9069
Picnics, Church Suppers .9026
Pictures, Motion .915
Pictures, Rothstein .96765
Pilots, Training Civilian .52445
Pineapples .53486
Pipe .626624
Pipelines, Inter-Regional .67146
Planes .73713
Planes on Carriers, Handling .7374
Planes, Patrol .76031
Planes, Pursuit and Fighter .73719
Planes, Repairs and Maintenance of .73754
Planes, Servicing Patrol .76033
Planes, Transport Utility .7372
Planned Communities, FSA .682
Planned Towns .2515
Plans, Model Houses .258
Plant Quarantine, Inspection .53855
Plant, Fire Equipment .6561
Plant, Industrial .187
Plant, Wool and Mohair .61124
Plantation Stores .6356
Plantation and Company Housing .2588
Plantations .154
Plantations and Mansions .4163
Planting .53531
Planting .531702
Planting Cotton .537201
Planting Tobacco .537501
Planting, Seeding .53273
Planting, Trees, Nurseries .551
Plants .175
Plants, Breaking and Cleaning .5726
Plastics .9667
Platforms, People on .52037
Play, Children .385
Playgrounds .3768
Plowing .5311
Police Department .6744
Police, Military and Shore Patrol .7358
Politics .673
Ponds, Lakes .1835
Poor, Aid to, Etc. .68478
Porches, Yards, Gardens .47
Portuguese Americans .329175
Postage Stamps .61456
Postal Service .6551
Posters .7662
Posters, Publicity Campaign .878
Potatoes .630717
Potatoes .5317
Potatoes, Root Vegetables .6059
Poultry, Chickens .543
Poultry, Turkeys .6027
Power Exhibit, US .65105
Prayers, Family .841
Pre-Assembly, Stockpiles, Pre-Cutting, Pre-Casting, Miscellaneous .5981 .
Pre-Casting, Pre-Assembly, Stockpiles, Pre-Cutting, Miscellaneous .5981
Pre-Cutting, Pre-Casting, Pre-Assembly, Stockpiles, Miscellaneous .5981
Prefabricated Houses .598
Prefabrication of Boats .626615
Preservation Methods .4533
Preserving and Canning .453
Press, Art, Science, Education, Records .86
Press, Moss .96642
Printing .614
Prisons .67442
Privies .59835
Privies, Toilets .449
Processing and Manufacturing Industry .6
Processions, Ceremonies .853
Prohibitionism .9415
Prohibitionism, Crime, Prostitution, Dissipation .94
Project, House Unit .414
Projects, Housing .221
Projects, Housing .2583
Propaganda .766
Propeller .6277
Prospecting for Gold .57332
Prospecting for Iron .5742
Prostitution, Prohibitionism, Crime, Dissipation .94
Publicity Campaign, Posters .878
Pueblos .262
Puerto Rico, San Juan .208
Pulpwood Drive .5538
Topic Classification Number
Quarantine, Plant Inspection .53855
Quarries .578
Quarries, Mines, Oil .57
Quarries, Mines, Rocks [General category] .1440-1516
Topic Classification Number
Rabbits .54812
Racing, Harness .9385
Racing, Horse .938
Radio .917
Radio News .8765
Radio, Listening to .4315
Radios .6397
Rags .7634
Railroad Maintenance .5217
Railroad Men .329177
Railroad Stations .5203
Railroad Tracks .186
Railroad Tracks, Roads [General category] .184-186
Railroad Workers .52186
Railroad YMCA, Accommodations .52187
Railroad Yards .5215
Railroads .52
Rammed Earth Construction .59625
Rammed Earth Houses .4143
Ranch Supplies, Saddles .63889
Ranchers .329178
Ranchers, Sheep .329183
Ranches .154
Ranches, Dude .9075
Rationing .7637
Reading .922
Reading .4317
Reading, Children .3795
Real Estate Developments .234
Real Estate Developments .2576
Records, Press, Art, Science, Education .86
Recreation .92
Recreation .7312
Recruiting, Draft Board .729
Red Cross .76262
Red Cross Meetings .902362 or .902363 [none found in C]
Refining, Petroleum .617
Refining, Sugar .6073
Refreshment Stands, Soft Drink Bars .9065
Refreshments, Crowds .9116
Refrigerator Cars, Icing .52134
Relaxation, Loafing .921
Relief, Grants .6654
Relief, Flood .6863
Relief, Work .6656
Religion .84
Religious Parades .9127
Religious Services, Meetings .843
Religious Signs .855
Research and Science .861
Reservoirs, Stock Water, Dams .53075
Resorts, Tourists, Vacations .907
Restaurants .9063
Restaurants, Eating Places, Hotels .906
Resting .37556
Retail Outlets, Specialities [General category] .637-639
Revival Meetings .85
Rice .5356
Rice Mill .6061
Rides .9087
Riding Horses .5052
Rifle Shooting .7333
Rivers, Streams, Springs .18
Rivers, Weather, Floods [General category] .177-183
Riveting, Chipping Cutting, Welding .626626
Road Conditions, Ferries .5157
Road Construction .592
Road, Railroad Tracks .184-186
Roads .185
Roadside Stands .6447
Rock Formations .148
Rocks, Mines, Quarries .1440-1516
Rodeos .913
Roller Skating Rinks .908
Rolling Hills, Foothills .152
Rooming Houses, Dormitories, Hotels .444
Rooms .42
Rooseveltiana, F.D. (C section) .67162
Rosin and Turpentine .61246
Rosskam (Edwin), Experimental Panel .96764
Rothstein Pictures .96765
Roundhouses .52153
Roundup .5442
Roundup and Branding of Horses .54801
Row Houses .413
Rubber .7632
Rubber .61858
Ruins, Caves, Archeology .1486
Ruins, Fire Damage .6565
Rural Electrification Administration .68264
Topic Classification Number
Saddle Making .6095
Saddles, Ranch Supplies .63889
Safety .835
Safety Equipment .76036
Safety in Industry .8372
Safety on Farms .8366
Safety, Medicine, Health .8
Safety, Mines .57225
Safety, Sanitation, Fire Department .656
Sailing, Boating .9253
Salesroom, Automobile .64
Salmon .60325
Saloons, Night Clubs, Bars .9067
Salvage, Scrap .763
Salvation Army .8507
Sampling, Inspecting .53586
San Diego, Exhibit 1936 .96422
San Juan, Puerto Rico .208
Sand Dunes .1514
Sanitation, Fire Department, Safety .656
Sanitation, Public Health .83
Sausage Chopper .96816
Sawmill, Women Workers .55445
Sawmills .554
Scales .96822
Scandinavian-Americans .32918
Scarecrows .96825
Scavengers .6457
School .375
School Buildings .3751
School Buses .3752
School Lunches and Cafeterias .37675
School Newspaper .37624
School, Faculty Administration .37527
School, Going To and Leaving .37515
Schools, Assemblies, Ceremonies .3762
Schools, Nursery .3755
Schools, Sectarian .376
Schools, Sunday, Bible Class .851
Science and Lab Work .37586
Science and Research .861
Science, Education, Records, Press, Art .86
Scientific Instruments .6237
Scrap Salvage .763
Seamen, Merchant .5225
Seashore and Lakeshore .19
Secondhand Stores, Pawnshops .643
Seed .53102
Seed Dealers .630722
Seed Dealers, Burpee and Co., Philadelphia .630723
Seed and Garden Supplies .6393
Seeding, Planting .53273
Servants .483
Service Stations, Trucks .51476
Service and Gas Stations .5114
Servicemen Around Town .7417
Servicemen At Home .7413
Servicemen In Stations .7411
Servicemen with Girls .7416
Servicemen on Leave .741
Servicemen's Families .759
Services [General category] .646-649
Services for the Armed Services .845
Services, Catholic .8436
Services, Jewish .8437
Services, Mechanical .6463
Services, Meeting, Religious .843
Services, Memorial .9016
Services, Negro Church .8438
Services, Personal .648
Sewage .6574
Sewers .5937
Sewing, Crafts, Textile/Weaving .4628
Shacks and Improvised Homes .441
Shacks, Tents, Etc. .44
Shacktowns and Squatters .4415
Shafter, California .683376
Sharecroppers and Evictions .4408
Shearing .5467
Shearing Goats .5455
Sheep .546
Sheep Herding .5463
Sheep Ranchers .329183
Sheep, Marketing and Shipping .5468
Sheep, Shipping and Marketing .5468
Shelling, Husking .53536
Shingles .61218
Ship Building .626
Ship Building, General Views .62602
Ship Building, Night Scenes .62604
Ship Chandlery .64074
Ship Engines .62265
Ship Engines, Studying .736344
Shipping and Marketing of Cattle .5448
Shipping and Marketing of Sheep .5468
Shipping, Inland .523
Ships, Half Completed .62663
Ships, Nearly Completed .62664
Shipyard Workers .329184
Shoe Repair .6486
Shoes .6094
Shoes, Clothing .638
Shooting and Firearms .9276
Shopping .6313
Shops and Stores, Miscellaneous .6434
Shore Patrol, Military Police .7358
Show Business, Theater, Burlesque .914
Shows, Horse .9118
Shows, Old Time .91154
Shows, Stock .9114
Sideshows .9088
Sign Posts, Toll Gates, Highway Markers .5155
Signal Corps, Communication .7377
Signal Systems .5216
Signs .9684
Signs and Historical Markers .2547
Signs, Religious .855
Singing, Group .91614
Skating .9267
Skating Rinks, Roller .908
Slaughtering Hogs .5478
Sledges, Sleds, Sleighs .5058
Sleds, Sleighs, Sledges .5058
Sleeping .465
Sleighs, Sledges, Sleds .5058
Sluicing Operation .55387
Slums .223
Slums .259
Snow .1773
Soap Making .4568
Social Activities .9
Sod Houses, Log Cabins, Adobe, Dugouts .417
Soil Drifts .1672
Sonoma, California .68338
Sorghum .60748
Sorghum .53715
Sorghum, Grasses, Hay .537
Souvenirs, Novelties .6428
Soviet War Exhibit (American), June 1943 .76607
Soy Beans .53188
Spaghetti, Noodles .6069
Spanish-American Children .366582
Spanish-American Children .3614
Spanish-American and Mexican Women .339185
Spanish-Americans and Mexicans .329185
Speakers, Lectures .9023
Speakers, Voting, Meeting .662
Specialties, Retail Outlets [General category] .637-639
Spinach .53157
Spinning and Weaving .88683
Sports, Athletics .3872
Sports, Gymnastics .93
Sports, Winter .3874
Sports, Winter .926
Spring Thaw .1776
Springs, Rivers, Streams .18
Squatters and Shacktowns .4415
Topic Classification Number
Stamps, Postage .61456
Stands, Roadside .6447
State Department, Foreign Relations .677
State Militia .7234
Station Personnel .5204
Station, Chicago Union .520322
Stations, People .305
Stations, People in Large .52035
Stations, Railroad .5203
Stations, Servicemen .7411
Steel Casting .6206
Steel Mills .62013
Steel and Iron .62
Steel, Sheet .62055
Steelworkers .329186
Stevedores, Longshoremen .329164
Stock Shows .9114
Stock Water Dams and Other Water Controls .59345
Stock Water, Dams, Reservoirs .53075
Stockpiles .62607
Stockpiles, Pre-Cutting, Pre-Casting, Pre-Assembly, Pre-Casting .5981
Stockrooms, Business, Banks, Office .585
Stockyards .6304
Stone, Cement, Clay, Glass .619
Storage .53172
Storage Tanks .6174
Storage, Cold .6303
Storage, Corn Cribs .53539
Storage, Today's is Tomorrow's Dinner .45335
Storage, Warehouse .63
Stores .215
Stores .6319
Stores .2566
Stores and Shops, Miscellaneous .6434
Stores, Advertising .631
Stores, Company and Plantation .6356
Stores, Cooperative .636
Stores, Department .632
Stores, Drug .634
Stores, Drug, Pharmacies .826
Stores, Feed .63936
Stores, Five and Ten .6325
Stores, General .635
Stores, Pawnshops, Secondhand .643
Stores, Selling Possessions .76472
Stores, Vegetable, Food, Groceries .637
Storms, Dust .167
Strawberries .5337
Streams, Springs, Rivers .18
Street Cars .516
Street Vendors .645
Street, Children In .3855
Streetcar, Maintenance, Repairs .5168
Streets .255
Streets, City .5928
Streets, Downtown .211
Streets, Main .218
Streets, Secondary .2185
Streets, Youth .314
Strikes, Pickets .663
Student Government .37623
Students, Groups of .3753
Stump Land .1635
Suburban Estates .2337
Suburban Houses, Substantial .412
Suburbs .233
Subways and Elevated Trains .517
Sugar Beet, Sugar .6074
Sugar Beets .53161
Sugar Cane .5374
Sugar Cane Harvesting .537404
Sugar Laborers .329187
Sugar Refining .6073
Sugar, Sugar Beet .6074
Sulphur .57541
Sunday Schools, Bible Class .851
Supper, Church .9026
Supplies .73226
Surveying .591
Swamps, Marshes .1838
Swedish Journalists .96883
Sweet Potatoes, Yams .53174
Swimming .9256
Swimming .38736
Topic Classification Number
Tank Cars .52137
Tank Cars and Trucks, Transporting .61744
Tanks .6257
Tanks, Armored Forces .7352
Tanks, Cavalry, Motorized Troops .735
Tanks, Gas and Oil .63062
Tanks, Storage .6174
Taxicabs .512
Technical Research .58
Telegraph and Telephone .6554
Telephone and Telegraph .6554
Tenement Houses .4148
Tennessee Valley Authority, TVA .68198
Tents, Shacks, Etc. .44
Tepees .4405
Terminals, Bus .5153
Terminals, Car Barns .5167
Terminals, People in .305
Terminals, People at .51534
Terminals, Truck .5144
Testing and Checking Aircraft .62745
Test, Aptitude .73731
Textile Crafts, Sewing, Weaving .4628
Textile Industry .61
Textile, Four Freedoms .966458
Theater, Burlesque, Show Business .914
Tie Cutting Camp .555
Tin .62188
Tin Plate .6207
Tipples .57258
Tire Retreading .61874
Tobacco .5375
Tobacco, Auctioning, Marketing .537514
Tobacco, Barns, Curing, Stripping .537508
Tobacco, Cigarette Rolling .9634
Tobacco, Cultivating .537502
Tobacco, Harvesting .537506
Tobacco, Luxuries, Flowers, Liquors .641
Tobacco, Planting .537501
Tobacco, Transporting to Market .537512
Toilets, Privies .449
Toll Gates .51555
Toll Gates, Highway Markers, Sign Posts .5155
Tomatoes .5326
Tools, Homemade Equipment .54854
Tourist Cabins, Trailer Camps, Houseboats .4424
Tourists, Vacations, Resorts .907
Tow Boats .5232
Town Meetings .6736
Towns .25
Towns, Boom .2544
Towns, Company .254
Towns, Deserted .264
Towns, Fishing .2524
Towns, Industrial .2533
Towns, Mill .2535
Towns, Mining .2527
Towns, Overall Views .251
Towns, Planned .2515
Toys .6368
Toy, Children with .386
Track, Repairs at the Rip .52452
Tracks, Bridges, Tunnels, Etc. .52158
Trades, Building .5971
Trades, Miscellaneous .5989
Traffic .216
Trailer Camps, Tourists Cabins, Houseboats .4424
Trailers .442
Trailers on Display .44203
Trailers, Life in .4421
Train Crews .5207
Train Crews, Operations .52131
Train, Catching a Ride .52188
Train, Repair Shops .52155
Train, Yard Offices .52157
Trainers .73714
Training (Aircraft), Air Force .737
Training (Physical) Calisthenics .9348
Training for Industrial Skills .5995
Training for Other Specialities [General category] .737-739
Training for Special Branches [General category] .733-738
Training, Basic and Induction Camps .73
Training, Fire Drills .6562
Training, General Flight Classes .7373
Training, Home Demonstration, Home Economics .6854
Training, Officer .7325-6
Training, Physical .73046
Training, Special Adult Problems .8683
Training, Vocational .6852
Trains, Freight and Cars .5213
Transients, Vagrants .32919
Transport, War Vehicles .6255
Transportation [General category] .742-745
Transportation .5
Transportation and Equipment .625
Transportation to Centers .76473
Transportation, Air .524
Transporting, Tank Cars and Trucks .61744
Trappers and Fur Trapping .5587
Treasury Department .6755
Treating, Creosoting, Etc. .61255
Trees .1723
Trees, Nurseries, Planting .551
Tresca (Carlo) Funeral .90148
Trial of the Nationalists .6725
Troops, Motorcycle .7351
Truck Drivers .51485
Truck Repairs at Garages .5148
Truck Terminals .5144
Truck and Bus Drivers .329132
Trucking, Loading and Unloading .5145
Trucks .514
Trucks Transporting People .51435
Trucks and Tank Cars, Transporting .6174
Trucks, At Service Stations .51476
Trucks, On The Road .5147
Tuna .60326
Tungsten .62189
Tungsten .57543
Tunnels .1846
Tunnels, Tracks, Bridges, Etc. .52158
Turkeys .5437
Turkeys, Poultry .6027
Turkish, Journalists .96916
Turpentine .5576
Turpentine and Rosin .61246